Memory (Harry Styles)

By bookwormDS

40.8K 1.3K 335

He was almost at the end of the hill about to turn onto the sidewalk when time stood still. The loud screechi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 28

710 27 9
By bookwormDS

Hey all! I'm sooo sooo sorry I haven't updated till now. I have been so busy lately and I honestly got a bit stumped on what was gonna happen next. But I'm back and I will try to get back to my regularly scheduled updates! To all you still reading, thank you for continuing to support and read Memory! It really means a lot to me and I can't thank you enough. That being said, enjoy this chapter! Let me know your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote! I love you all <3 Happy Reading! Xx


The sky gradually fades to outstandingly vibrant shades of bright orange and purple hues as the car is finally brought to a halt and the engine is cut. We are a large lot in the middle of what looks to be like a vast flatland park. I can see a strip of the wide ocean on the far side of the field behind the scattered amount of lively green trees. There are few other cars parked in the lot but not a single person besides us is in sight. Well, at least there is more evidence of human presence here than the last place.

I didn't bother pressing Harry for information and details on our destination this time. I knew that he would probably just snap at me to shut up again. Besides, the last place he took me to absolutely blew me away, so I'm sure that whatever he's got planned next will be just as great.

"Wait here, I'll be right back," he mutters before stepping out of the car and stalking off across the parking lot. Where is he going?

Well, this isn't exactly how I pictured his next surprise, but I'm not really complaining. It could be worse. He could be taking me to the Four Seasons for drinks to get me drunk before taking me to some fancy hotel room and forcing me to have sex with him, which I doubt he would do, unless he wanted to get doggie punched in the throat. I'd glad take sitting in a classic convertible alone over any of those fancy places any day. The view is pretty amazing anyways. The way the sunset seems to bounce off of the glistening water in the distance is just mesmerizing.

As I sit there staring as the sun disappears behind the horizon line, I think about the surprisingly wonderful time I've had today with none other than Harry Styles. My mind wanders the way his muscles flexed as I gripped his arm to steady myself from falling. How his hot breath had spread over my nose, lips and neck as he drew in closer; his pupils dilating as I whispered breathlessly into his ear. The air seemed to get muggier and the temperature hotter in that moment as my palms clammed up and my skin was tinted in perspiration.

I can't help but think about what could've happened if I hadn't ruined that perfectly blissful heated moment. What his lips would've felt like pressed against mine. What they would've tasted like and how the kiss would've made me feel. Well, I guess we'll just never know.

A resounding ping pulls me out of my thoughts and I fish through my bag for my phone. Who could be texting me? Harry?

I click on the home screen button and the screen lights up. The message icon banner is displayed along with the name of the sender. My heart both swells and aches at the same time, upon witnessing it.


New Text Message

I reread what is written in the small banner, soaking in the words before I swipe my thumb across it to open up the message. My eyes behold the the long passage written by my father.

He's not a man too fond of writing soliloquies or writing anything deep and personal for that matter, but I guess this is an exception. I brace myself for a whirlwind of emotions as I begin to scroll through his message.

From: Dad

Happy 18th Birthday my little Honey Bee!

I can't believe my little girl is all grown up!

I guess you're not my little girl anymore, but my little woman.

Time just goes by so fast and I can't believe how much you've grown!

You have truly blossomed into a smart beautiful young lady

And your mother and I are so proud to call you our daughter.

I just wanted to wish you all the best on your big day

And though I couldn't be there to share it with you,

I want you to know that I'll always be there supporting you

if you need me and that I miss you every single day.

I know we both wish I was there with you today

But I'm hoping that my birthday gift will make up for my absence.

I sent it in the mail a couple of days ago so it should be there soon.

I can't wait to see you again, pumpkin!

I hope your making the best of your college experience down there

I'm sure you are studying hard and having fun

Not too much fun, though! Haha!

Anyways, have a great day and a great time.

Happy Birthday Bree!

Love Always, Dad.

I let out a loud ugly sniffle as I try to hold back the dew forming in my eyes. God, I miss him so much! The home sickness just washes over me once again as I stare at his rare heartfelt words on the small screen. This has been the longest I have gone without seeing him. It's always been him and I against well, the world basically, and now I have to face it all without him. I feel sort of, empty inside knowing that he's all the way on the other side of the continent. He's not here to care me, fight my battles, take care of me when I'm sick or hold me when I cry. I have to do it all on my own now, and this fact is quite scary.

My eye catches a word in the first sentence of his message. He called me Honey Bee.

It's nothing new of course. He's often been calling me that since I was a little girl, but it only struck me now. He calls me Bee too.

I never minded it when he said it, so why do I mind when Harry does? I don't know why I do, really. Maybe it's because of the way he says it or maybe it's just something reserved for people I love and care about, not some guy who's friends with my roommate. I mean, Harry definitely doesn't fall under that category, does he?

"Hey! What's wrong?!" A familiar voice calls out from behind, startling me and causing me to jump up in my seat. Harry's concerned face comes into view and I quickly compose myself.

"W-What? Oh, it's nothing I-I'm fine." I wipe my nose with my sleeve, letting out yet another sniffle and turn my head away from him. My eyes probably look all red and puffy right now, like it usually does when I am on the verge of tears.

"Liar," he remarks as I hear him get into the driver's seat beside me. A strong hand grips my chin and turns it to face him. "Tell me," he persists, but I jerk my head out of his firm grasp. After a short moment, the weight on my lap disappears and I realize that he has taken my phone. I immediately turn to see his eyes on the small illuminated screen.

"You miss him don't you?" he asks in hushed tone. His large jade orbs meet mine and all I could manage to do is nod slowly. A look of sympathy crosses over his perfectly angular face before he carefully rests his hand on top of my own, causing my stomach to knot up even more.

"Well, at least you know that he still thinks about you, and has the decency to tell you," he says as he gently strokes the skin of my hand with the pad of his thumb; a gesture that was carried out in reverse only a couple of short days ago. It calms me down, as I'm sure it did for him when I did it.

"I can't say the same about my parents. I don't think they've said anything like that to me ever. For my 18th birthday they just asked the butler to get me this car. They didn't even bother showing up or sending me a card or anything," he admits.

"Really?" I gasp, not being able to imagine how it must feel to be so neglected by your own parents. My parents were always the overbearing type who always reassured you of their love and support. Even my mother who was absent for most of my life, never failed to show how much I meant to her. Mind you, I didn't always show the same affection back, but now listening to how Harry's upbringing had been much different from my own, I can't help but feel a bit more appreciative of both of them.

"Yeah." He looks at me straight on and I can detect the sadness behind his liquid green eyes. It breaks my heart really. You can't help but feel sorry for the handsome curly haired boy, no matter how rude and arrogant he might be.

"But hey, you're not suppose to be sad today. C'mon, I bet this would cheer you up." He gets out of the small convertible and motions for me to follow him out. I oblige and hop out to join him down the grassy field. His hand reaches down and catches hold of mine as we walk parallel to each other. I think about batting it away, but for some reason, I decide against it. This moment is just too perfect to ruin with my constant cynicism.

He stops when we reach the water. The grassy ground changes into light coloured stone concrete before it stops abruptly and forms a shallow pond where the ocean water rests and sloshes peacefully. He sits down on the edge and pulls off his brown boots before wading his feet into the aquamarine water. He reaches out his hand for me to join him and I take it.

I bunch up my skirt behind me before sitting down and removing my shoes before dunking my feet into the warm water. Harry's eyes go to my exposed thighs for a second before looking up to give me a tight smile.

"I got us some food. Thought you might be a little hungry." He places the large paper bag he's been holding in between our bodies and pulls out the contents. I'm actually starving.

"Macho Taco King?" I chuckle lightly as I read the logo repeatedly printed on the food wrappers.

"Hey, don't knock before you try it. They have the best tacos like ever, besides the homemade kind. Hard or soft taco?"

"Soft," I reply and he gives me a satisfied smile before handing me the warm wrapped roll and taking a hard taco for himself.

"So, who makes you tacos?" I ask him as I peel off the wrapper and take a large greedy bite. A medley of spices and tastes enter my mouth before falling into my famished stomach. Oh my God! I take another large bite, savouring the taste before swallowing.

"Oh, um me."

"W-What? You cook?" I stutter out, my mouth full and spilling at the sides. He lets out a raspy chuckle and my cheeks flush as I try to swallow and cover up the mess on my face.

"Don't act surprised, I'm a great cook." He reaches over with a napkin in hand and wipes off the sauce dripping from the corner of my lips.

"You're quite the messy eater," he remarks causing my cheeks to redden further.

"Sorry," I mumble under my breath, looking down at the ocean waves stirring around my calves.

"Don't be, it's cute." he murmurs. Shit, I probably look like a freaking tomato right now. Stop smiling Bree!

"Can you cook?" he questions as I finish off my first taco and grab my second.

"Huh? Oh, no. I mean I can do the basics like, grilled cheese and eggs but that's about it," I answer.

"Hmm, well maybe I'll teach you someday," he offers as he also grabs his second round.

"Yeah, maybe," I say as we finish off the rest of the bag in silence. By this time, the sun is out of sight and a dark hue covers the vast sky above.

"Ugh, I'm stuffed," Harry announces after his third and final taco. He runs his eyes before resting his head on my bare legs.

"Hey, get off me!" I move my legs slightly but he doesn't budge. I ruffle his brown shaggy locks in attempt to get his attention but still nothing. Then, I get an idea.

I dip my hand into the deep blue water before swooping it up in a swift motion. A wave of clear liquid is brought up and splashes over my legs and Harry's face. His head shoots up immediately, the shock and mock-fury evident in his darkened green eyes. Water drips from his hair and chin, his wet curls a darker brown than usual.

"What the hell?!" He raises his voice as he wipes his face with his sleeve.

"Well you weren't moving," I state simply, trying to assess just how angry he really is.

"I'm up now." He gives me a wide smirk before dunking his hand in the water. Oh shit. I jump up and grab my shoes, the water only managing to splash my already wet legs.

I sprint down the concrete path not daring to look back at the obviously more athletic man after me. My long wavy hair flies around wildly behind me as the wind whips across my pink cheeks. The feeling is freeing, refreshing; like nothing can touch me.

My feet carry me into a new setting. The trees and grassland are replaced with a wider concrete path. A bright glow appears in front of me. As I near, it spreads into a rectangular pattern with sticks. I slow down in front of the beautiful display of rows and rows of lamp posts, each row with a different lamp head design. I walk through looking up at the illuminated bulbs above me. I lean against one of the tall wide stumps; feeling the cool smooth metal surface as I trail my fingertips down the pole.

My wrists are suddenly bound behind me and I let out an instinctive yelp that is quickly muffled by a large hand cupped over my mouth.

"Shh! Don't worry it's just me." Harry raises his hands up in defence as his figure steps in front of me. He leans against the pole across from mine, smiling slyly.

"You almost gave me a freaking heart attack!" I shove him back with as much force as I can but he barely budges.

"You deserved it," he reminds as his still wet curls are pushed back away from his face. I roll my eyes and fix my gaze back to the lights above.

"Looks like you found it all on your own," he says .

"You were gonna take me here?" I meet his gaze. His eyes seem to sparkle under the bright white lights.

"Yeah, it's where I wanted to give you this." He steps in front of me once again, reaching into his pocket before taking my left hand in his. My heartbeat quickens to loud thumps in my chest. What the hell is he doing?!

He pulls a band out of his jacket pocket and clasps on my wrist. My pulse steadies as I let out a breath I was unaware I was holding in. I examine the new addition to my arm.

A thin dark brown leather band is wrapped around my small wrist; contrasting the ivory colour of my skin. The sides are braided off to the ends of the clasp while the middle lays flat with a short engraving. There, in very visible scripted golden lettering is the word 'Bee'.

"It's not as grand as a new laptop or designer earrings or anything, but I didn't really think those were your style so I got you that. I know you hate it when I call you Bee, but I was hoping that whenever you looked at it, that maybe you'd think of me. I know it's stupid and you probably don't li-"

"No." I interrupt his rambling, placing my index finger to his lips to silence him. "It's perfect, I love it," I tell him. He smiles and I feel his soft lips lift under my touch.

"You're welcome," he hums as he lifts my hand away from his face and rubs his thumb across the bracelet. He looks at me expectingly, waiting for the repeated reply. I lean in closer and murmur another seductive 'thank you'.

When I pull back, his free goes to spot on the pole directly beside my head as he shift his weight on this hand and leans down. Our noses touch and I can hear both of our short antsy breaths filling the air before a sensation rushes through my insides. It's a feeling I've never quite felt before and probably will never fully be able to explain. It's like the sound of loud music at a concert. The way the vibrations bounce off the ground and engulf your entire body in waves of beats and pulses. It electrifies you with the rhythm and feeling of the moment.

In this exact moment, as my lips move in sync with the boy I was supposed to hate, I feel completely and irrevocably loved.

The power that sparks through me is too inset de for my body to hold in. I latch my arms around his neck for support as he pushes me up against the pole even more. His hands go to my waist as an involuntary moan escapes from my mouth and into his. My mouth parts slightly, allowing him entrance immediately as his expert tongue explores my own.

My knees feel like jelly as I try my best to regain feeling and control in my limbs. If he hadn't pinned me to post I'd probably be a big pile of mush on the floor right about now. I have no control of my body. All my bones, my organs,my flesh and my senses only seem to be aware and crave this one man in front of me. All I can see, think, hear, feel, and taste is Harry.

He hums something into my mouth but I can't make out the meaning. My name perhaps? His hand moves to my neck as he deepens the kiss and my mind swirls in a lustful daze.

We pull away for a second, both our breathing now ragged as we try to catch our breaths. My eyes open and meet his now fully dilated ones. His irises only thin rings of emerald.

"Finally," he whispers quite breathlessly as his already swollen lips lean down towards mine once again.

A sharp ringing interrupts his action and he groans in frustration, as he rests his hot sweaty forehead on mine. He pulls out his phone and swipes his thumb across the screen before bringing it up to his ear.

"What?" he barks in a clearly annoyed tone into the receiver, causing a small giggle to escape from me. I hear a faint high-pitched voice coming from the other end and I immediately know who it is.

He replies with a few 'yeahs' and 'okays' before hanging up and placing his phone back in his jeans pocket.

He places a small careful kiss on my nose before releasing his firm hold on me.

"We should probably get going," he says as he pulls me to follow him out of my now favourite place in all of LA.

"Yeah we should, wouldn't want to miss my own surprise party."

He comes to a halt causing me to bump into him as he looks down at me questioningly.

"W-What? H-How did you-" he stammers before I interject.

"Y0u all are horrible at keeping it a secret, plus I know Allie." I smile and he looks at me with a cute pouty frown.

"Yeah well, still act surprised. Allie would kill me if she knew you found out."

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to tell her you told me so she can release her claws on you later," I joke, but a worried look crosses over his face and I immediately tell him I'm kidding.

"Don't mess with me, baby." He pulls me closer to him an grips my waist as we walk back to the car.

My heart flutters upon hearing him call me baby, but at the same time, the logical part of my brain questions what just happened back there. Why am I feeling this way? And how do I make it stop?

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