Reverse Karma (Camren)

By royalityxyz

102K 3.3K 3.7K

Summary: Camila is a rich high school student. She has everything you would expect... a mansion, limo, privat... More

CHAPTER 1 ★ Burger King
CHAPTER 2 ★ Green Eyed Beauty
CHAPTER 3 ★ These Feelings
CHAPTER 4 ★ Confrontation
CHAPTER 5 ★ Bad Reputation
CHAPTER 6 ★ Her or Them?
CHAPTER 7 ★ Truth Hurts
CHAPTER 8 ★ Work For It
CHAPTER 9 ★ What's Good?
CHAPTER 10 ★ No Lie
CHAPTER 11 ★ Hit Me Up
CHAPTER 12 ★ Last Minute Duet
CHAPTER 13 ★ Who's Shawn Mendes?
CHAPTER 14 ★ Limitless
CHAPTER 16 ★ Jealousy Sucks
CHAPTER 17 ★ Stranger Danger
CHAPTER 18 ★ Change of Plans

CHAPTER 15 ★ Double Trouble

3.6K 112 56
By royalityxyz

A/N: OMG SO CLOSE TO 30k reads !!  Thank you so much!!🎉🎉❤❤

Here's a new chapter to celebrate!


P.S. I know I disappeared for awhile, but I'm back! Hope you enjoy.

== ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ ==

"What?!" Dinah, Normani, and Ally screamed out.

"Keep it down!! Camila whisper yelled. All the girls were huddled close at a table in the school cafeteria.

"So are you gonna tell us everything or not?" Dinah asked.

"I will, I will!" The small brunette took a deep breath in and out. "So, what happened yesterday..."

"Slow down Camila!" Lauren watched as the other girl munched down the fries and onion rings at the same time.

"Mmm, it's so good!" Camila grabbed her large soda on top of the table and drank from it. She wasn't playing around about being hungry. The brunette literally ordered large everything.

The green eyed beauty just continued to stare at Camila. She so often ate a few fries here and there on her tray, but nothing more.

"Sorry if I look like a beast eating right now," The small Latina took a bite from her whopper.

"Oh, no. Eat to your heart's content. It's my treat remember," Lauren smiled.

"I feel bad. You barely touched you're hamburger..."

The older girl looked down at her food."I was just thinking how funny it is..."

Camila, who was still chewing her food, looked at Lauren confused. She waited for clarification.

"...When we first met at the alley, I was the one that gobbled down the food you bought me. It's like we reversed roles or something."

"Now that I think about it, you're right." Camila chuckled.

"You think it means something?" Lauren locked eyes with the younger girl.

"Who really knows right?" After that Camila continued eating her food. Slowly this time. Lauren's green eyes was still fixated on her. "Is there something on my face?"

"What no. Why do you ask?"

"You've been staring at me for a long time now." The brunette dropped the last bit of hamburger in her mouth.

"Well, I can't help it if I like looking at you're beautiful face." Lauren bit her bottom lip playfully.

Camila covered her mouth as she started choking.

The porcelain beauty instantly grabbed the other girl's drink and handed it her. "Sorry, was that a little too much?"

The other girl gladly drank until her coughing fit ceased. "That took me by surprise, but it was cute. Thanks."

A major blush invaded the green eyed beauty's cheeks. "Y-yeah, anytime."

Finished eating, both of them walked back to the stage. This is where Lauren got yelled at by her manager for running off with Camila, but thankfully that was all.

When it was time for the green eyed singer to perform, Camila wished her good luck. She watched the performance from a small t.v. backstage, the younger brunette had one thing on her mind. Whether to tell Lauren about her feelings or not. Yeah last time it didn't really go as planned, but like they said, it's a fresh start for both of them now.

"That was amazing you guys! Thank you so much for coming out today and letting me sing for you!" Lauren bowed one last time and ran backstage as the audience and fans screamed and clapped.

The crew and everyone else also clapped as she got backstage.

"Lauren!! You aced it out there!" Zayn suddenly showed up and ruffled the girl's hair.

"Hey!" The green eyed beauty playfully pushed him aside.

Camila looked at them from a few distances back. She was still next to the television when Lauren caught her eyes. Whispering to Zayn, he left quickly and the older girl proceeded to walk towards the smaller brunette.

"Hey, there," Lauren smiled kindly as she stopped in front of Camila. "Did you like my performance?"

"Yeah, it was amazing. You looked great out there."

"Thanks. Was it great enough to be your girlfriend?"

"What?! I mean, well, y-you see-" Camila stumbled with her words. She thought about it, she really did. But when the moment arrived for her to give an answer, everything quickly drained out of her brain.

"I'm kidding!" Lauren laughed lightly.


"It's okay, I get it. I really do," The green eyed beauty slowly grabbed the other girl's hands and held them in her own. "Either way, I actually can't date anyone for business reasons... But, I would've broken those rules if it meant I could be with you." Lauren rubbed one side of Camila's cheek with the pad of her thumb before kissing her on the forehead.

The latina beauty stood there frozen not realizing the other girl walked off. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest. Every thumping noise resonated throughout her small body. There's something in Lauren's words. The way she says things that made Camila go crazy.

Before her mind could catch up to her body, the small brunette quickly followed Lauren. When she was right behind her, Camila grabbed the other girl's arm and dragged her into the singer's tent.

"Camila?" Lauren was surprised at the sudden turn of events.



"Yes, you can be my girlfriend. And yes I want to try it with you."

Lauren had an eyebrow raised.

"I'm serious Lauren. You make me want to try. I can't stand it. There's something of you that keeps captivating me... Especially what you said back there. It just hit me like a train."

The green eyed beauty grinned. "I meant every word I said. I would've-"

Before Lauren could finish, Camila's lips were on hers. Soft, magical, and ever so gentle. How the green eyed girl would want to stay like this forever.

When oxygen became a problem, that was the only time they broke the kiss.

"Wow, that was... Unexpectedly amazing." Lauren let out a light chuckle.

"Sorry, I really wanted to do that." Camila looked down shyly.

"Well, I'm glad you did..." The older girl slowly stepped closer to the small brunette. She then gently grabbed Camila's chin so they both got lost in each others eyes. Lauren leaned in so their foreheads were touching and grabbed ahold of both the other girl's hands like before. "This day started off on the wrong foot. And who would have thought? I would've found my girlfriend in the heap of the mess."

Camila blushed. "Well, I... oh forget it!" Instead of trying to find an actual sentence to say, she hugged Lauren instead.

End of flashback

After Camila finished explaining, the three girls listening had their mouths wide open.

"You two kissed!!" Ally clapped happily.

"Can't believe it went well," Normani added, "Seems too good to be true."

"Wait, so let me get things straight," Dinah started. "All this happened and I wasn't there to witness it!"

"Of course that would be the first thing you think about DJ," Camila shook her head.

"Well, yeah! I'm your best friend. Wherever you go, I come too. No questions asked!"

Camila laughed. "Dinah-"

"Okay, okay. Maybe not everywhere you go, but you know what I mean," The Polynesian beauty folded her arms. "But seriously why didn't you invite me?"

"I couldn't. I actually didn't start off with Lauren. I was with this guy named Shawn Mendes. He invited me to hang at first."

Normani looked at Dinah, then Dinah looked at Ally. They all seemed to feel uncomfortable hearing the artist's name.

"Why are you guys doing that?" Camila sensed their uneasiness.

"Well we didnt expect you to say that..." Ally looked at Normani. "It's just we've heard some rumors online about that guy. Some really surprising ones..."

"They weren't good at all," Normani continued. "This one article said he-"

Instantly, Dinah covered the girl's mouth from speaking more. "Mani, I think that's enough. Chancho doesn't need this info in her system right now."

Camila looked at her best friend quizzically. "Are you hiding something from me DJ?"

Shoving the Polynesian's hand away, Normani straighted herself out. "She deserves to know. With the internet now a days, she could easily look it up for herself anyway."

Dinah sighed in defeat.

"This Shawn guy you mentioned... reliable resources say he's been in jail before." Normani continued.

"Jail? For doing what?" Camila was even more confused now.

"You know... One of the typical crimes..." The chocolate skinned beauty looked away avoiding any means of eye contact.

"Mani, just spill it already," The brunette urged. "It can't be that bad."

Still, the other girl wouldn't say a word.

"Oh for goodness sakes, he almost killed someone!" Ally suddenly broke in.

Camila was taken aback. Shawn would actually do that?

"He was kept in jail for only a month or so they say. But we really advise you not to get near him again. For your own safety."

The latina moved a strand of hair back. "That's why he had the audacity to fight Laur-" Camila quickly covered her own mouth.

"He fought with Lauser?!" Dinah stood up immediately grabbing her backpack.

"Where do you think you're going?" Normani looked up at the girl.

"This is unacceptable. I'm heading to Lauren's place!"

"Dinah we're still in school."

"And you don't even know where her place is," Camila added.

The Polynesian girl stopped in her tracks. Many students throughout the cafeteria had their eyes on her now. Quietly and slowly, she sat herself back down.

"Is there anything we can do for her?" Normani asks as the other students went back to there conversations.

"Well, this is a bit off topic, but Lauren did say she wanted us to come on tour with her," Camila explained.

"I'm definitely in!" Dinah instantly shouted.

"Stop shouting!" Normani hit the Polynesian beauty's arm lightly.

"You're doing it too!"

"Just so you'll stop!"

"When is it?" Ally interrupted the argument.

"Oh, I didn't ask that yet." Camila answered truthfully.

"Great, we can go to her building after school today," Dinah pinched Normani's cheek.

"Ow Dinah!" The chocolate skinned beauty poked the Polynesian girl's side.

Dinah jumped at the contact. "H-hey! Stop that!"

"Let go of my cheek then!" Normani kept poking at the girl's side.

"S-stooop that tickles!"

"Oh, does it now..."

Dinah started laughing while trying to get away from Normani's finger.

"Careful guys," Ally saw how close Dinah was at the edge of the seat. She grew worried of what might happen. "Seriously stop before you-"



Just like Ally predicted, Dinah slipped off her seat. When she made a move to grab onto Normani, it just dragged the girl down with her.

Camila bursted out laughing, "And they say I'm the clumsy one!"

"Why'd you latch on to me!" Normani looked directly at Dinah.

"Hey, I needed some type of support for my fall." Dinah countered back.

The bell rang for dismissal.

Ally and Camila got up. They casually got in front of the two who were still on the floor.

"Gosh DJ, I never knew you were a bottom," Camila teased.

"They're growing up so fast," Ally added with sigh.

"What are you talking about?" Dinah questioned. "And since when do you know what a top or bottom is Chancho?"

"Just look at your position," The brunette innocently said with a grin on her face.

Both Normani and Dinah looked down.

Normani screamed as she pushed Dinah back and got up. "Oh my god! I swear I had no idea!!"

The Polynesian girl laughed. "Mani, if you wanted me, you could've asked." She then winked.

"Dinah no! I don't like you like that!"

The tall girl instantly frowned.

Camila noticed her best friend's reaction immediately. It made her curious somehow. The typical Dinah would have an amazing comeback ready, but this time she had nothing.

The brunette was about to say something, but the five minute bell beat her to it.

"We should head to class. We'll be late," Dinah said getting up from the floor and grabbing her stuff.

"I'll come with you," Normani was about to link arms with the other girl, but Dinah moved away.

"Sorry, I'm making a quick stop to my locker first. I'll see you guys later," The Polynesian girl quickly walked off.

"What happened just now?" Ally asked worriedly when Dinah was out of sight.

"I'm as clueless as you are Ally," Normani said.

Camila didn't say anything, but she had a hunch of what it might be.

"Mila.. Mila!" The chocolate skinned beauty waved her hand in front of the Latina.

"Huh, what?"

"We need to head to our class. See you in P.E.!" Ally waved as her and Normani started walking away.

Camila waved at them. The small Latina had no place to make assumptions, but she had a feeling it was correct.

[ << $$$ >>]

Once school ended, the four girls waited for each other at the parking lot. They were next to Normani's car.

"Where's Dinah?" The chocolate skinned beauty kept her eyes out for the girl as student after student walked past them.

Camila didn't know either. In every class after lunch she was silent throughout each period. This was very odd. Usually Dinah was the class clown.

"Dinah hasn't been herself since lunch," Ally concluded. "Especially in gym."

The brunette pulled out her phone to call the Polynesian girl. "C'mon pick up DJ."

This is Dinah Jane! If you're tryna reach me, too bad I'm busy! Call again and wait until I pick up! Byeeeee.

"Ughh, she's not answering her phone!" Camila then tried a different approach.

Milanator: Hey why aren't you answering my call?? We're waiting for you at the parking lot. Plz text back.

"Did you get any response from her yet?" Normani leaned against her car now.

"No, I don't know where she could be," Camila said.

"Wait there she is!!" Ally pointed out excitedly. She was right, Dinah was just getting out of the building. The tall beauty had her head down and an unreadable expression on her face.

Instantly, Normani bolted up and raced to her. "Dinah! Where the heck were you!"

The Polynesian beauty looked up, "I had to do something after P.E." She answered walking passed Normani.

"I was worried about you, you know... Like really worried," The chocolate skinned girl turned around to catch up to Dinah.

The other girl said nothing.

"Why aren't you hyped up? You're so quiet now."

Dinah stopped walking and faced Normani. "I can be silent whenever I want to." She said sternly starting to walk quicker to the car.

Normani was bewildered at the response. "What is with you all of a sudden?"

"None of you're concern."

Camila and Ally didn't hear their exchange of words. But they clearly caught on once the two were next to the car.

The Latin beauty was about to sit in the back with Ally, but Dinah beat her to it.

"I want to sit with Ally today." She confessed.

Camila slowly nodded looking at Normani who just turned away starting the engine.

"Okay..." With that the brunette sat in front with Normani.

The small brunette showed Normani the way to Lauren's building. After that, the drive was silent. No one dared question it though.

Upon arriving, Normani got out and gave the valet her keys to park her car.

Everyone followed Camila inside.

"Hello again. I'm Camila Cabello and would like to see Lauren Jauregui please." The brunette said professionally.

The secretary nodded grabbing the telephone and dialed. "Yes, Ms. Cabello is here to see you. Alright, I'll tell her. She's with friends ma'am... Okay." She then hung up. "Go right ahead to the elevator. She will be waiting for you at the hundredth floor."

"You're kidding," Normani said as Ally looked at Camila.

"Yeah, forgot to mention that..." The Latina beauty scratched the back of her neck.

As they were about to head towards the elevator, the secretary called out to Camila again. "Ms. Cabello, this time I assure you no pranks are involved."

The brunette's eyes widened as the secretary laughed lightly. "Um, thanks, I guess," Camila sped walked to her friends.

In the elevator, the awkwardness was back. Well, mostly between Dinah and Normani. They would look anywhere, but each other and had a huge space between them. Ally and Camila shrugged it off.

A few minutes passed when they reached floor fifty. Surprisingly, no one else got inside to join them.

They spoke too soon.

Reaching floor seventy-two, the elevator came to a stop and opened. A beautiful girl with long luscious hair walked in. She smiled at the girls and stayed on the left side. This made Dinah and Normani move closer to each other, but still kept the space between them.

Camila observed the girl in front of her. She was very curious as to who she was. There is this aura coming off her that makes you want to know more. Her hazel-looking eyes are full of mystery and her posture so confident. The girl must be famous too.

So there they were just wanting to get out of the elevator already. They had ten floors to go by then. The mysterious girl was on her phone, Normani and Dinah still wouldn't look at each other. Ally was dazing off in her own world. Camila, well, she's just excited to see Lauren.

Finally stopping on the hundreth floor, they all got out. Including the other girl, which got Camila thinking. This floor was reserved for only Lauren. What would she be doing here too?

Fortunately, the mystery girl walked the other way. That was to Camila's relief. The girl wasn't going to Lauren. Not that she was jealous or anything.

Camila was the one who knocked on Lauren's door.

"Hey! Come in guys!" The green eyed beauty opened the door wider for all of them to enter. "Glad you survived the trip up here." She joked.

"Tell me about it Lauser! Why did you pick you're penthouse to be this freaking high!" Dinah started.

"Actually I was planning to move down a few floors. Like sometime next week or so."

"Great, I can live here then!"

Lauren laughed. "Nice try DJ."

Camila was surprised by her best friend's quick change of demeanor when they walked in. Something's totally going on between her and Normani.

Speaking of the chocolate skinned beauty, she was looking from the enormous windows and out at the city buildings. "This is such an amazing view Lauren. I'm in awe."

The porcelain girl walked towards Normani, leaving a pouting Dinah behind. "This was the reason why I picked it. When the sky is clear, all of this can be seen."

"Hey Lauser! Come and give me a tour." Dinah grabbed Lauren's arm and was about to take her away, until Normani did the same with her other arm.

"We were admiring the view Dinah! Something you can't do. So let us be for a minute!" The older girl countered.

The two girls were pulling Lauren left and right. But thankfully, a knock at the door interrupted the feud.

"I-I'll get it," Lauren wobbled her way to the door due to the affects of being shaken up. When she did so, Camila took a peek. It was the girl from the elevator!

Camila continued looking at the door as the two both laughed at something. This got the bruntte a but frustrated.

"I'm sorry to intrude Lauren. I didn't know you had company," the mysterious girl smiled as she walked in.

"No worries, you'll always be welcome here." Lauren closed the door again.

You'll always be welcome here... Always be welcome here... Those words sunk into Camila's head. Who is this girl! So she's someone important to Lauren then!

"Oh hello, we've all been at the elevator." The confident girl said.

"Yeah, stating the obvious," Camila shrewdly answered.

Lauren clapped her hands not noticing the double meaning.

"Everyone, this is Lucy Vives."

== ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ ==

A/N: There you have it! Lucy makes an entrance to my fanfic. Wonder who she is to Lauren? Wait for the next chapter lol

Don't forget to vote and comment to your heart's desire.

Thanks for reading everyone!

~ Lorraine

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