Reverse Karma (Camren)

By royalityxyz

102K 3.3K 3.7K

Summary: Camila is a rich high school student. She has everything you would expect... a mansion, limo, privat... More

CHAPTER 1 ★ Burger King
CHAPTER 2 ★ Green Eyed Beauty
CHAPTER 3 ★ These Feelings
CHAPTER 4 ★ Confrontation
CHAPTER 5 ★ Bad Reputation
CHAPTER 6 ★ Her or Them?
CHAPTER 7 ★ Truth Hurts
CHAPTER 8 ★ Work For It
CHAPTER 9 ★ What's Good?
CHAPTER 11 ★ Hit Me Up
CHAPTER 12 ★ Last Minute Duet
CHAPTER 13 ★ Who's Shawn Mendes?
CHAPTER 14 ★ Limitless
CHAPTER 15 ★ Double Trouble
CHAPTER 16 ★ Jealousy Sucks
CHAPTER 17 ★ Stranger Danger
CHAPTER 18 ★ Change of Plans

CHAPTER 10 ★ No Lie

5.5K 202 301
By royalityxyz

A/N: Hiii, so sorry for the late update writer's block sucks mangos!!

But the gif above hehe 👀👀👀

I decided to make this chapter third person for a change enjoyyy

== ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶) ==

Camila was so stunned. She didn't expect Lauren to do such a thing.

Before the small Latina realized it, their lips were connected into a kiss.

Their lips fit so perfectly together. Lauren began deepening the kiss and Camila just went with it.

The green eyed beauty was basically hovering on top of the brunette now. For some reason, Camila didn't stop her. It just felt amazing.

The green eyed beauty had her hands on both sides of Camila's body trapping her. Lauren's knee was in between the smaller girl's legs too.

When the older girl slid her knee upwards to make contact with the brunette's center, Camila let out a moan.

"Damn you, Camila..." Lauren let out breathlessly after breaking the kiss. They were still close to each other's faces. "I-I hate how you make me feel."

The brunette just stared up at Lauren. She almost forgot the green eyed girl still had shades on to mask her tears. Either way, Camila can clearly see them falling onto the lenses from looking down at her.

Without hesitation, the Latin beauty slowly took off the shades.

Camila became heartbroken at what she saw...

Lauren's green eyes were puffy and red from all the tears. A clear description of hurt, anger, and sadness were present on her face.

Dropping the shades on the floor, Camila used the pads of her thumbs to wipe the lingering tears in Lauren's eyes.

"It wasn't my intention to hurt you badly." Camila let out as a whisper.

Clenching her jaw, Lauren looked away. "...B-but you did." Fresh tears started falling down her pale complexion. "Camila, y-you really did hurt m-me."

The brunette closed her eyes now hearing and listening to every word Lauren uttered.

Every stutter, every tremble, everything.

Camila couldn't bear to see the green eyed beauty in so much pain. Especially when she was the one who caused it.

So with that, the brunette gently pushed Lauren off of her and now straddled the older girl instead.

This took Lauren by surprise. "W-what are you d-doing?" Wiping tears from her eyes and face, she now looked up at Camila.

"Don't ask. Just watch."

"Get off me..."

"No." Camila countered.

"I said get off me." The green eyed girl commanded trying to move from underneath her.

"Not until you hear me out and accept my apology first."

"I don't have to..."

"But you want to."

"No I don't!"

"Yes you do."

"Can you stop saying the opposite of what I'm saying?!" Lauren's tears were gone and was replaced with anger. She forcefully pushed Camila off making the brunette fall back on the leather couch now.

"I said I was sorry okay!!" Camila shouted back. "I'm running out of ideas and patience to make you believe that I truly am sorry!"

Lauren and Camila made intense eye contact.

"I went looking for you today. It took me forever to get to this stupid building. And it took me even more to get up here!" The small Latina was reaching her limit. "Can't you see that I'm doing whatever I can to show you that I feel bad for what I did!?! Stop being stubborn Lauren!!"

"I'm the stubborn one??" The green eyed beauty couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Did you forget what you accused me of? That I stole those bitches wallets? How stereotypical. You would believe them, but not me."

Camila looked away now. Guilt and also anger were spewing up inside her.

"You must've hit your head or something. Oh wait, that was me. I forgot you were just watching those fake ass wanna be's bully me like you did."

That's when the brunette snapped. Camila lunged towards Lauren and grabbed the collar of her leather jacket.

"Listen Jauregui, you should be glad I actually came here to apologize."

"You should let go Cabello before I do something about it." Lauren challenged back.

"Or what? You're just bluffing. You're actually too weak and scared to do anything to me." Camila pulled on Lauren's collar even tighter and got closer to her. Their faces merely centimeters apart now.

Lauren's eyes faltered emitting a sense of fear in them. She didn't want the same thing to happen like in the alley...

"C-Camila... this needs to stop."

"If you want me to stop, do something about it Lauren."

"You know what? I wi-mph!"

Before the green eyes beauty could finish her sentence, she was met with the brunette's soft lips once more.

Lauren couldn't help but respond back to the kiss. She was supposed to hate Camila, but every part of her body is telling her not to.

When Lauren opened her mouth, the small Latina took the opportunity to stick her tongue inside.

Surprisingly, the pale skinned girl complied. She even let her tongue wrestle with Camila's for dominance.

When they needed to part for breath, both of them looked into one another's eyes.

In that moment, they knew what they felt. Sparks flowed within their bodies.

It just felt so right.

Catching the Latin beauty off guard, Lauren switched their positions again.

Green eyes were looking back down on brown ones.

"You get me feeling some type of way..." Lauren lowered her head towards the brunette's neck. "You're making me crazy within every passing second."

Camila tried moving her neck away, but of course to no prevail. She was getting turned on.

"What makes you think that an apology is good enough, huh? I want more." The green eyed beauty purposely breathed on Camila's neck. Feeling her fidget underneath, Lauren smirked. "You like that don't you?"

"L-Lauren, stop..." The small brunette was feeling uncomfortable now trying to push the green eyed beauty away, but Lauren was too strong for her.

"Not a chance." The older girl responded in a raspy voice now. Lauren started using her hand to roam southwards on Camila's body.

Downwards to her clothed stomach and even further down...

The brunette had a feeling where the green eyed girl's hand was travelling to, but Lauren wouldn't take advantage of her like that.

She wouldn't.

But in that instance, when Camila felt the hand cup her private area, she couldn't stop the reaction that came afterwards.

** SLAP **

Lauren instantly held the cheek that was slapped in shock.

"H-how dare you." Camila said seriously with tears filling her eyes. "Th-there's a line and y-you've crossed it." Pushing the pale skinned beauty off, she grabbed her backpack next to the couch.

"Camila wait!! I didn't mean it! It was just at the heat of the moment..." Lauren snapped out of her shock and tried to reason with the girl in front of her.

"I came here to apologize not get molested by you." The Latina beauty walked towards the door now. "If you don't want to accept my apology, I don't care anymore."

Quickly, Lauren got in front of Camila blocking her way.

"I accept it!! Just don't go!"

"There's no reason for me to stay here anyway. Now move Lauren."

The brunette stepped to the left so the green eyed beauty did the same. Camila now stepped right, but the same thing happened too.

"Will you quit it!"

"Not until we both talk about what happened a few minutes ago!" Lauren looked at Camila pleadingly. "I felt a spark when we kissed... And I know you felt something too. We both did."

"What are you talking about?"

"You can't lie that you felt something between us Camila."

"I didn't feel anything." The small brunette argued. "You must be delusional or something..."

Lauren looked down disappointed.

Camila saw the change of disposition in the older girl. But she didn't care to say anything about it.

"It's getting late. Can you please move so I can go home?"

Keeping her head low, Lauren didn't say anything and just side stepped to let the brunette pass.

Camila made the motion to open the door and leave, but stopped when she heard the green eyed beauty's voice again.

"If you leave now... Don't expect me to let you come back in again."

Standing her ground, the small Latina opened the door even wider.

"I wasn't planning on coming back anyway." With that Camila walked off, slamming the door behind her.

Hearing the loud noise of the door closing, tears began falling down Lauren's face once more. Her legs became weak making her fall onto the floor in sobs.

Why does everyone always leave me?...


Camila was speed walking through the hallways to find the elevator.

Why did it have to end like that! Why did I slap Lauren... I knew this was gonna end badly.

Surprisingly, the brunette whizzed through each hall. In a matter of minutes, she was standing in front of the elevator. She couldn't be happier to see it again.

As Camila waited, the thought of Lauren still wouldn't leave her mind. Seeing the green eyed beauty crying and heartbroken. She shook her head trying to get rid of the images and thoughts. Thankfully, the ding of the elevator saved her.

Camila quickly got in and sighed. This was making her crazy.

I can't just leave this situation as it is... I have to be the bigger person! The small Latina's subconsciousness was contradicting with what she actually wanted to do.

Thinking for a moment, Camila sighed. "Agh, fuck it!!" The elevator door was about to close, but she swiftly got out. "I hope I'm doing the right thing..."

Quickly walking through the hallways again, Camila was going back to Lauren's penthouse to set everything straight once and for all.

She basically slapped the green eyed beauty, so Camila doesn't know what Lauren's reaction will be when she walks back in through the door.

Standing in front of the same platinum door she just slammed, Camila busted through it.

The brunette froze in her spot when she saw Lauren on the floor. The pale skinned girl was huddled into a ball, with her knees close to her chest. Lauren's sobs could be heard clearly.


Hearing her name, the green eyed beauty slowly turned her head. When Lauren saw that it was Camila, she instantly looked away.

"G-go away." Lauren's voice was raspy due to all the crying.

"I can't leave you when you're like this..." Camila responded gently.

The green eyed girl didn't say anything back. So, the small brunette approached her.

In one quick motion, Camila turned Lauren so her back was on the floor. She began straddling the green eyed beauty again.

"I d-dont want to deal with this anymore... Just l-leave me alone." Lauren could barely utter.

The brunette didn't now what to say back, so she just leaned in. Lauren thought that Camila was going to kiss her lips again, so she turned away trying to resist.

Surprisingly she felt the brunette cup her cheeks and kiss her forehead instead.

"Please stop crying Lauren... I'm already guilty as it is." The brunette whispered wiping the pale skinned girl's tears like before.

Lauren slowly opened her eyelids to look up to kind and gentle brown eyes.

Camila looked down at the green eyed beauty.

"W-why did you do that?" Lauren was now very confused.

Camila just sighed. "Cuz I slapped you."

"And I touched you in an inappropriate way... I'm sorry."

"If I accept you're apology, will you accept mine?"

Lauren was still taken aback with the brunette on top of her. At one moment, she would hate her with a passion and at moments like these, it felt like it was love.

"I already did... Didn't I?"

Camila gave a small smile now. "I know, but it was rushed. I won't be able to sleep at night if you don't say it again..."

With all the tears gone, it was replaced with butterflies in Lauren's stomach.

The green eyed beauty knows there's no way she could ever really hate Camila.

Returning the smile as best she could, Lauren said, "Okay, whatever makes you sleep at night... I accept you're apology Camila Cabello."

"Thanks and I wholeheartedly except yours Lern Jergi."

The older girl raised an eyebrow with the nickname.

This made Camila laugh lightly. "I meant to say Lauren Jauregui."

"You're cute..." The older girl unconsciously blurted out. "Wai- uh I mean what you said was cute. Not the oth-"

"Lauren chill... I gladly take you're compliment."

"That's great then."

Camila and Lauren fell into a comfortable silence. Just staring into each other's eyes. Falling deeper for one another.

"Hey... Can I do something?" Camila suddenly says.


"Can I kiss you again..."

"Again??" Lauren asked. "Well..."

"Please? I feel really aweful for slapping you."

The green eyed girl can hear the sincerity in Camila's voice, so Lauren preceded to knod in agreement.

When the brunette saw it, she smiled again. Camila leaned closer to Lauren's face. She could feel that the older girl was tense under her.

To ease her tension Camila kissed the scar on Lauren's temple now. Then she did the same on the bandage on her left cheek.

"There. That's the least I could do." Camila then started rubbing the reddened cheek from the slap earlier and gave it multiple pecks.

With every kiss Lauren got, it made her fall deeper in love with the girl on top of her.

Yeah, Camila made mistakes that left marks and scars on her, but all of it seemed to fade away from her mind. All Lauren could see now was the beautiful girl that makes her heart race.

"So... What does this mean?"

Camila thought for a second before replying. "Well, it's kinda obvious that I like you..."

"I know." Lauren laughed. "No hard feelings then."

"Yeah." Camila slowly got off Lauren and stood up fixing her clothes. "I don't wanna end this moment, but I really need to get home."

Lauren quickly got up after. "Want me to take you?"

"Oh, no! It's okay I'll just call my butler Egypt. He'll give me a lift."

"Wouldn't his shift be over by now? It's past 9 o'clock already."

"What?!! That late??" Camila quickly checked her phone.

"C'mon I don't mind. I'll gladly take you." Lauren insisted.

Hesitating to agree, the small Latina soon nodded with no other choice but to accept the offer.


After they both got down to the first floor, Lauren and Camila headed to the parking lot.

Getting there, many exclusive and expensive cars were parked everywhere.

"Theres a lot of cars here..." Camila started.

"Yep, aren't they beautiful?" Taking out her car keys, Lauren approached a light blue Lamborghini.

"Nice car you got here."

"Thanks, this was my first ever car."

"So, who else owns all these cars?" The small Latina asked. "Like does every person in the whole building own one?"

The green eyed beauty laughed at that. "I guess... I mean I just own 7 of all the cars here so its not a lot."

"SEVEN?!!" Camila shouted.

"Is it really that shocking?"

"Ah, yeahhh!!! It's crazy for a person to own seven cars! Especially when all of them are expensive as hell!"

"I have my uncle to thank for." Lauren replied. "He helped me so much throughout the years..." She sighed afterwards.

Camila was curious as to why Lauren looked sad after saying that, but didn't push it.

"Let's get going so your parents don't get worried."

With that, the brunette got in the car and Lauren started the ignition.

Camila gave the older girl directions to her mansion. It'll take about an hour to get there.

When they were a few minutes into the ride, Lauren surprised Camila with her question.

"You said that you liked me back at my penthouse... What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, well before I left, you asked me whether or not I felt a spark... And to be honest I did." The brunette said while looking out the car window.

Lauren smiled keeping her eyes on the rode ahead. "I felt something for you too."

When Camila heard this she turned her head to look at the green eyed beauty's side profile. "Really?"

"Yeah, no lie. Since the beginning of when we started hanging out in the alley."

The small Latina recalled all the fun memories they had over the span of three weeks.

"It's hard to keep myself in check when the person I wanted to tell my feelings to is sitting right next to me..."
Lauren slowly revealed.

As the passing lights hit Lauren's face, she glowed so amazingly. Camila was so surprised at how breathtaking the older girl really is that she didn't respond back.

"You know, you can take a picture. It'll last longer." Lauren joked seeing how the brunette was staring from her peripheral vision.

Camila blushed at that. Thankfully the dim lights hid her embarrassment from view. "Sorry."

"Don't be."

When they were almost at Camila's mansion, the brunette wanted to say one last thought.

"Hey, Lauren. I forgot to tell you that Zayn showed me one of your songs."

Lauren raised an eyebrow in fascination. "Did he now?"

"Yeah, if I remember it correctly its called 'Be Alright.'"

"Ahhh, that one. Love singing that song."

"And I loved the first time your voice came on.." Camila complimented.

"Whoaa, there Cabello. Tryna flirt with me already?"


"Well, it's gonna be you're fault if we swerve off the road cuz you're distracting me." Lauren teased.

Camila's eyes widened. She hit the green eyed girl's arm playfully. "Don't say that!! You'll jinx us both!!"

"Sorry, sorry." Lauren laughed. "You're really cute when you're worried."

"Who says you can flirt back Jauregui?"

"Is that a challenge?"

"Sure is."

"Well too bad. We'll have to save it for some other time. We're here." Just as Lauren said that, she parked in front of the closed gate. "If you don't mind, I want to drop you off on your front door."

Camila shook her head. "If you don't stop being a gentlewoman I might have the urge to date you."

"Nothing's stopping you."

As they got inside and Lauren drove onto the driveway to the mansion, they finally came to a stop next to the stairs.

"Well today was one hell of a day." The green eyed beauty commented.

"It definitely was. I think it was faith that today happened..." Camila continued.

"Turning cheesy now Cabello. Careful there."

"Shhh, I'm nacho girl yet."

"Dork." Lauren laughed lightly.

"Oh well, I'm a dork in New York. Hold on where's my fork? Oh right, its on my pork." Camila rapped suddenly.

This caused the both of them to laugh hysterically.

"Where did that come from? We're not even in New York." The green eyed beauty said.

"That's now I roll Jauregui. Expect the unexpected from me."

"Sure will, but its time for me to roll on outta here."

"Aww, I forgot about that part."

"Same..." Lauren pushed a strand of hair back from her face. "Well, I'll see you around then."

"Yeah... I'd like that." Camila smiled.

As both of them said their goodbyes, the brunette got out of the car and waited until Lauren drove off out of seen.

Walking up the stairs, she kept a huge smile on her face.

"I guess this went even better than I expected."

== ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ ==

A/N: I kinda liked how I ended this chapter. Did you??

Lol don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts plzz I'd like to know if I'm reaching you're expectation for this fic.

Thanks for sticking with me on this!! Love youuu💖💖💖

Be Unique. Always.

~ Lorraine :)

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