Loved by the Marauders

By musical_riley

271K 6.1K 3K

Casandra Potter, or Cassie as she likes to be called, would never have imagined that one day her life would b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Deleted Scenes

Chapter 13

7.8K 184 51
By musical_riley

HAZANAZ!!! That means hi. So HI!!! yeah I am updating now and I have no idea what to write hear BUT you know I feel like doing something BUT you have to wait till the end authors note to see what so yeah READ THE LAST AUTHORS NOTE PLEASE!!!! Thanks! :D OH OH OH OH OH I KNOW!!

I dedicate this to SabrinaRoberts because her book is really good and she loves my book! ALSO she came up with part of this chapter because I was stuck so THANK YOU TO HER!!!

Xox Mandy <3's Sirius Black!!!

Chapter 13

“Where's Snowy?” I heard as I woke up. I knew Moony was awake too but not moving like me. I knew Prongs said that and I know that i'm awesome. I felt Timmy moving from Moony's head to my head.

“Look over here.” A voice near us said. It sounded like Padfoot and the next voice sounded like Wormy. It could have been a lemur named Hammy. I heard footsteps and I thought Timmy was talking but I am half asleep.

“Why is there a fork in her hair?” I heard Wormy ask. I think I imagined that because it would be cool to have a fork in my hair. Then Prongs said or screamed, either way it scared me.

“WHAT IN THE NAME OF MERLIN!” He said. He said something else but I'm not going to repeat it. I screamed from scardom and fell off the bed. Moony sat up and laughed at me from the bed. I glared at him and he stopped laughing. He helped me up with Timmy on my head. We stood up together and looked at the other marauders. Wormy was sitting on his bed having just woken up. I guess I did imagine that. At least I have a good imagination. Prongs walked over to me and grabbed me. He dragged me out of there while I waved to the scared looking Moony and the smiling Padfoot. I let him drag me all the way to the great hall where he set me down at the empty table. I was still in my pj's which is okay with me and only a few Ravenclaws were in there. I started eating and Prongs sat down across from me.

“Cassie, what happened?” he said trying to control his anger. He is way too protective. I can take care of my self. I am a grown up butterfly now. I looked up at him decided to take this somewhat seriously because he used my real name. Or at least the real name I like. I shrugged.

“Nothing, I discovered that Timmy has a very unatural fear of thunderstorms and he wouldn't stop whimpering. I brought him to Moony and he comforted Timmy and me while I sang. I sang this: Hush little Timmy don't say a word Snowy's going to but you a mockingbird and if that mockingbird don't sing Moony's going to buy you a diamond ring. Then Timmy fell asleep on Moonys head and Moony didn't want me to leave so I slept in his bed.” I said out of breath. He still looked a little angry but shrugged and continued eating. The marauders joined us about fifteen minutes later.

“Hey Prongs, you look happier.” Prongs said sitting down next to me. I laughed as Moony sat on the other side of me and Wormy sat next to Prongs. Prongs nodded.

“Yep.” He said. I stood up quickly for no reason just had the urge too. They all looked at me as I put my hands to my head in pain. I fell to the ground in pain. The strange pain was only in my head but it was horrible. I felt like someone had injected a duck with lava nad then put it on my head and it was pecking at me like a llama with a mustache. Something like that. Moony and the other marauders got up and crowded around me. As fast as the pain ended it stopped. I could hear a faint laughter and it grew louder and louder. It sounded distant but here at the same time. I heard the laughter stop and I slowly stood up sitting back down on the bench.


I heard a voice say. It more like hissed it. It was weird. I screamed in frustration and the marauders looked at me. They were still freaked out by my fit and were complately confused.

“I hate that name.” I grumbled. Moony sat down next to me and I leaned into him. I felt emotional so me being the rash person I am started crying. Haha rash..The maruders continued to eat and give me weird looks while I cried into Moony. Moony stroked my hair and hummed trying to make me feel better. He's such a good boyfriend. I cried for about two minutes before the marauders stood up and left leaving me alone with Moony. I stopped crying and sat up. I could tell my face was all red and puffy. I probably looked horrible. Then again I haven't gotten ready yet so I probably looked horrible before. MOONY DONT LOOK AT ME! I sighed and leaned on him again. I didn't start crying just thinking.

“What happened?” Moony asked me stroking my hair. I huffed.

“Well I had this weird pain just in my head and when it stopped I heard a voice in my head. It said my real name and it sounded really weird. And I cried because I like lamps.” I said. He nodded and chuckled. He stopped stroking my hair and just hugged me.

“Well I have no idea what that is but I'm glad you're okay.” He said standing up. I followed him and we walked out of the great hall. I told Moony to go ahead and that I was going to the bathroom so he did. I went to the bathroom and walked out. I ran into someone and we both fell to the floor. All of our books spilled and we both bent down.

“Sorry!” We said at the same time. I picked up my books chuckling and looked up. The girl that I bumped into had blonde hair with a few brown streaks in it. Her hair was in two braids with some whispys in her face. She was wearing glasses. Overall she was really pretty but she acted shy. I smiled at her and she smiled back shyly. She reminds me of a lemur. They allways remind me of koals so therfore she reminds me of a banana. I reached my hand out to her.

“HI, i'm Cassie Potter.” I said nicley. She shook my hand.

“Nice to meet you, I'm Shelby Kintsin.” She said. I shrugged.

“Well, i'm sorry I bumped into you. I'm kind of lost in my own little world. Hey you look really familiar, do I know you from somewhere?” I asked realized she wasn't new and she had Gryffindor robes on so I must know her.

“Well, i'm a 3rd year so I guess. I know you but everyone knows you.” She said shyly. I looked at her confused and she laughed.

“Everyone knows you because they find you annoying and weird.” she said. I smiled.

“Good I'm doing my job. We should hang out sometime you seem nice.” I said. She smiled and nodded.

“Cool.” Was all she said. I laughed and patted her head. She was about the same height as me. She looked at me weirdly and I just shrugged and skipped away.


Over the next week I spent a lot of time with Shelby. I learned that she is nice, she plays guitar and the piano, she the color blue, and that her favorite subject is Herbology. Oh, and her birthday is December 16th . She learned that I like the color yellow, I can play the banjo and sing, my faveorite subject is Transfiguration, and of course that I am BESTIES with the marauders. She also learned that my birthday is September 15th. Well Moony is my boyfriend so besties with part of the marauders and girlfriend to the other. Right now the marauders and I were just messing around in the common room. Prongs was playing exploding snap with Padfoot while Wormy watched. I was laying on the couch with my head in Moony's lap reading while he played with my hair. It was 8:00 and we were all getting tired. I was reading Romeo & Juliet. I love that muggle book. It's like my faveorite muggle book of all time. Well the only muggle book i've read of all time. I just confused my self a lot. Well, it's a really good and sad book. Right now I was at the part where Juliet kills herself and I was silently crying. Who knew I was so emotinal. Moony saw me crying and then saw what book I was reading and laughed. He easily lifted me up into his lap and read along with me as the tragic story happened. In the end of the book I was crying into Moony and I knew he had shed a few tears. It's a really sad book. I LOVE IT! It was now 10:00 and I knew I had to get to bed. Tommorow is birthday after all. YAY I AM TURNING 14! I think, maybe I should ask Prongs if I am. I looked over at where he used to be but he wasn't there. They had all gone up to bed while we were reading. DITCHERS! That sounds wrong. It rhymes with.... I'm not finishing that. I sighed and stood up Moony following.

“Thanks for reading that epic story with me.” I said to him as we went up to bed. He laughed tiredly.

“That book is so sad.” He said rubbing his eyes. I nodded in agreement.

“I know, I love that book.” I sad fist bumping in the air. We were now in the dorm. He pulled me towards him and I looked up at him as he looked down on me.

“You confuse me sometimes.” He said. I smiled toothily at him.

“But that's why you love me.” I said poking his nose. He poked mine and leaned in.

“Yes I do.” he said before kissing me passionetly. It reminded me of Romeo and Juliet how they love each other and would die for the other. That's how I felt about Moony and I knew he felt the same way. We broke away smiligna t each other. Luckily the other marauders were already asleep. He kissed my head one more time before walking over to his bed. I smiled and walked dreamily over to mine. I knew Moony wouldn't watch, and I really didn't care if he did, while I changed so I did. I changed and climbed into bed in a daze and fell asleep dreaming about Romeo and Juliet but instead of them a frog, Moony, a goat, me, and macoroni and cheese.

I woke up the next day to laughing. I sat up smiling from my dream. I had another dream where I owned a zoo of exotic animals and they all loved me and then Moony came and kissed me while the animals sand a song about obese elephants. Even the elephants sand. The boys were all laughing but thye all stopped when they saw me. They exchanged a look and ran out of the room. I frowned and began to get dressed thinking why they would do that. It is my birthday after all. You don't ignore the birthday girl. It's just a law. After I changed I walked into the common room where only Shelby sat reading in the corner. The clock said it was 8:30 which meant I only had thirty minutes to eat and get to my first class. Oh well I'll be late. I skipped over to Shelby who looked up and smiled at me. I sat down on her arm chair and looked at her book. She was reading Romeo and Juliet. Wow coincidence much.

“Weird, I just read that book last night with Moony. In the end I was crying and then Moony and I....” I said trailing off. She knew I had nicknames for the marauders but she didn't know why. She just thought they were weird. I guess they kind of get that from me. She smirked at me.

“Moony and you what?” She asked setting down her book. I shrugged and stood up.

“Nothing, hey what are you doing today?” I asked changing the subject. I wanted to know if thye had anything planned for my birthday but since the marauders were ignoring me I figured I would enjoy my birthday with Shelby. She is my best girl friend after all. Unless you count Wormy as a girl. No, just Shelby. She shook her head.

“Nothing, maybe go to the library.” She said standing up. I frowned and shrugged. She always likes to have good grades. We walked down to the great hall together and sat down next to the marauders. They all looked at me and then at each other and moved farther down the table. Luckily Shelby stayed with me. Those ducks! I shall get revenge.

“Shelby, why are they ignoring me? Even Moony hasn't said one word to me.” I said slightly hurt. She shrugged and saw how sad I was. She hugged me from the side.

“I'm sure they have a reason.” she said grabbing a muffin. I grabbed one too and stared at it.

“What if that reason is they are secret spy ducks and they are just using me because I am awesome but really they want to turn me into the duck agencey of england. The DAE. That would be AWESOME!” I said smiling. It would because then I could kick some duck but. Hehe I rhymed. Shelby shook her head at me as she got up to go to class. We have most of our classes together but not all of them so in those I had to sit all alone because the marauders didn't save me a seat like usual and someone took mine. They are ducks. Right now I am writing in potions. I am supposed to be writing about love potions or something but I was doodling. Who can resist a good doodle. I am drawing a picture of ninja ducks and me kicking them. Yeah they were awesome. I'm not that good at drawing but not horrible. I looked up at the clock and saw it was 4:03. YAY! SCHOOLS OUT!! I got out of my seat and grabbed my bag and doodle paper. I put my paper on the front deska nd walked to the door.

“Mrs. Potter where are you going?” Proffesor Cosner said to me. He was obliviously annoyed. I turned around and faced him.

“I'm leaving. Class is over.” I sad. I turned around left. I walked up to the common room by my self. Why on earth would they be ignoring me? Did I do something wrong? I wish I knew. I sat down in the very corner of the room on the floor. One tear fell down my face but I quickly wiped it away. Maybe if I try to talk to them they will talk to me. Speak of the ducks and they shall turn into cucumbers. The marauders just walked in laughing at something. I stood up and they stopped laughing when they saw me. I guess it's now or never.

“Hey Prongs.” I said walking closer. He didn't respond just walked with the rest of the marauders up to the dorm. STUPID DUCKS!! This is why they are evil. I sat down back in the corner and stared at my hands. I sat there staring at them for like three hours before someone said my name.

“Cassie, are you okay?” Shelby asked from above me. I looked up at her and smiled gald that she was talking to me. I nodded and stood up.

“Yeah, im fine. You want to go do something?” I asked. She nodded and took my hand. She led me out of the portrait and down some halls. It looked like we were going to either the library or the lake. Either one. Maybe we're going to the moon! Maybe. Finally we made it to the lake and not the moon. Awww! Well, she led me down to our tree and befoe we even got there something happened.

“SUPRISE!” Someone or somethings screamed. I screamed and fell backwards since they appeared from the front. Someone caught me and they all laughed. The person who caught me was Moony. The people who screamed were the marauders and Shelby. They. Are. Ducks. Moony put me back on my feet and they were all still laughing.

“You should have seen your face.” Prongs said laughing along with Padfoot. I growled and jumped on him tackling him to the ground. He screamed and before I could do anything Moony pulled me off of him and inot his arms. I redfused to look at them. They were mean to me.

“You people are all ducks.” I said crossing my arms over my chest. Shelby pretended to look hurt.

“Me?” She said acting surprised. I shook my head and jumped out of Moony's arms. I ran over and gave her a hug.

“No you are nice because you didn't ignore me.” I said. She laughed and hugged me back. The marauders all looked at each other and back at me. I thought they were going to run away again but thye did the opposite. They ran up and hugged me. The all hugged me at the same time so Shelby and I managed to get trapped inside of them. I feel awkward.

“Oh come on Snowy. We were just trying to supirse you.” Padfoot said. I ignored him and sa on the ground. They were surronding Shelby and I so we couldn't leave. Moony sat next to me and Padfoot sat next to Shelby. Prongs stood above us and Wormy was sitting a little ways away.

“Snowy, we just wanted to suprise you for your birthday.” Moony said next to me. I continued to ignore him.

“The best way to do that is to make me think that I did something wrong and ignore me all day.” I said angrily. These people have messed up brains. They made me cry and then they suprise me.

“Well, no but we were afraid we would let something slip.” Prongs said. I looked up at him then at Moony and then at Padfoot. He was currently looking at me but occasionly he would glance at Shelby next to him. OOHHHHH! No stop. I got up and grabbed Padfoot. I dragged him far away signaling for everybody else to stay. Once we got there I started jumping up and down while he gave me weird look.

“Padfoot, do you like anyone?” I asked after I calmed down. His face went a bit pink as he lied.

“No.” He said. I snorted.

“Yeah right I know who.” I said excitedly. He shrugged.

“Really how?” He asked surprised. I gave him a look and he laughed.

“Well, because I'm awesome and you like Shelby.” I said and then squealed jumping around again. He shook his head.

“Wow, you are good.” He said.

“So i'm right.” I said eagerly. He nodded blushing. I squealed and hugged him.

“That is so cute. Are you going to ask her out?” I asked as we started to walk back. He shook his head and then nodded. That confused me so I slapped him.

“OW!” He screamed. Apparently I slap hard. I gigled and sat down next to Shelby. She looked at me and I gave a her a look saying I would tell her later. She nodded and turned back to Prongs who she was talking to. Padfoot sat down rubbing his cheek and grumbling. Moony laughed and looked at me.

“What happened?” He asked. I shrugged haing forgiven them now.

“I slapped him because he confused me.” I said. He laughed and then I realized Timmy wasn't here. I stood up and started screaming.

“TIMMY, TIMMY WHERE ARE YOU?!” I screamed. I was about to screame again when I heard a popping noise. I screamed from scaredom and fell dwon on Moony's lap. Timmy was now on my head. I went crossed eyed trying to look at him but couldn't do it. Moony laughed and lifted me up so I was facing him. He kissed me and then we were interupted by a puking llama. No but we were interupted.

“Crashing the party are we?” A slimy voice said. Stupid grease monster. I rolled my eyes and broke away. I stood up along with everyone else. The exact same group of Slytherins were pestering us again. Stupid pester. I held Timmy in my hand just in case. It was like everyone had battle stations. Moony stayed by my side with his arm around me. Prongs stood on the other side of me. Wormy was next to him and Shelby stood next to Moony with Padfoot next to her. I gave him a knowing look and he rolled his eyes at me. I looked back at the Slytherins who were all looking at me. Why do they always look at me. Shelby knew the Slytherins always pestered us because I told her one time when I was bored.

“Maybe.” Prongs replied to them. They laughed.

“Is little Cassandra celebrating her birthday?” Brad said in a baby voice. It was weird the way he said Cassandra. It reminded me of the voice I heard in my head a week ago. I glared at him

“How did you know it was my birthday?” I sneered at him. His face didn't look so confident for a second but he put it back up.

“I have my sources.” He said glancing at something. I chuckled.

“What are you stalking me now?” I asked surprised. I felt Moony chuckle besdie me. Brad glared at us and before he could respond Regulus stepped forward. He looked at Shelby and the Padfoot next to her and he smirked. I knew that he knew about what Padfoot knew. Or in other word he knew Padfoot liked Shelby. He's pretty smart for a Slytherin. Although llamas are pretty smart and thye spit on people. I knew regulus was going to try and make Padfoot angry by flirting with Shelby or something so I quickly walked over to Shelby and whispered in her ear.

“He's going to flirt with you don't play along.” I said. She knew not to ask questions and just nodded while I walked back over to a confused Moony. He put his arm back around me and gave me a look. I gave him a “tell you later” look and he nodded. We have physic powers.

“Who's this ;little cutie?” Regulus said doing exacly what I thought he was going to do. Shelby rolled her eyes and glared at him. She knew exactly what to do. GOOD SHELBY!

“This little cutie, has a boyfriend.” She sneered at him. She was lying but it made him back off. Regulus stepped back glaring at me for some reason. Bellatrix stepped forward and she was attached to someones arm. He loooked familiar but I didn't know his name. My guess is their dating. DING DING DING!! I'm a winner. She smirked at Padfoot who looked slightly angry at what Shelby said. I should have told him she was lying. Oh well he'll find out later.

“Hello baby cousin.” She said to Padfoot. He rooled his eyes and glared at her.

“Who's your friend?” She said pointing to Shelby. Padfoot looked sadly at Shelby and then looked back at Bellatrix.

“No one.” He sneered. I could tell Shelby was hurt by this but she put on a strong face. I glared at Padfoot but he paid no attention. I was to buisy glaring at Padfoot to realize Moony trying to pull me away. He couldn't get me to move so instead he bent down and kissed me. They Slytherins were still there and so was my stalker, Brad. This obviously made him angry especially since I kissed back. He pulled out his wand and shot a spell at Moony. I broke away and jumped in front of it. It blasted me back and since we were unfortunatley in front of the lake it blasted me into the water. I screamed right before I fell into the freezing cold water. I heard Shelby screamed and I saw some lights before I was too deep to see or hear anything. The water was freezing and my whole body was numb making me unable to swim to the top. If only a koala could save me then I could say a koala saved my life. My vision blured but I fought against it hoping someone would come and save me. My prayers were answered as someone grabbed me and swam to the top. We both broke the surface out of breath and freezing. I was shivering like crazy and the person dragged me up to the shore. It was mmony and I could tell because I could see his face as he set me down. I heard someone run over and then I saw Shelby's face. It had a few tears on it.

“Oh Cassie, are you okay?” She asked worridley. I nodded but I was shivering like crazy. She laughed lightly at me and walked a little ways away. Moony put his dry shirt over me but I shakily handed it back to him.

“Put y-your s-shirt on. Y-your c-cold t-too.” I said my teeth chattering. He tried to refuse but I held up my hand and he reluctantly put his shirt on. I could tell it made him warmer so I was glad. They Slytherins were gone and Prongs, Padfoot, Wormy, and Shelby were all there worried about me. I have nice friends. Moony picked me up and started to walk back to the castle with the marauders and Shelby following. He held me close to his chect to keep me warm which helped but I was still shaking.

“Not exactly the best birthday party ever huh?” He said chuckling. I laughed quietly and nodded.

“Y-yeah.” Was all I said. We walked in silence all the way to the hospital wing where Madam Pomfrey was. When we came in she shook her head.

“Cassie, you really should stop coming in here.” She said as she gave me a potion to warm me up. It worked instatnly and she said I had to come back and get one more in the morning.

“Thanks Madam Pomfrye.” I said as I left with everyone else. She just waved. I let the marauders walk ahead so I could talk to Shelby.

“You okay?” I asked her. She looked sad or hurt. Either one she still likes raisins. I think.

“What? Oh um well kind of?” She said knowing if she said yes I would say no and then she would say yes again. I've only known her for a week and we already have a physcic connection.

“Tell Cassie.” I said. She sighed.

“Well, it's just you know how Sirius said I was nobody. Well I was starting to think maybe your friend liked me since they asked me to help with your party but apparently I'm a nobody.” Hse said sadly. I knew it wasn't just my friends and I knew she felt the same way about Padfoot the same way I fell about Moony. That confused me. OH MY GOSH, if she starts dating Padfoot then we can go on double dates! Not the time. I knew he was hurt about her having a “boyfriend” but I couldn't tell her that or she'd get suspicious.

“Do you want me to talk to him?” I asked. She shook her head no but I smiled.

“Okay I will.” I said and skipped ahead while she growled at me. I think I am slowly corrupting her. I skipped up to Padfoot and luckily we just made it to the common room. I dragged him up to the dorm knowing everyone else would stay down there. I walked in and shut the door behind me. He glared at me and tried to get out. I slapped him again.

“No, you can't leave.” I said. He groaned.

“Snowy let me leave.” He growled angrily. I shook my head.

“No, I promised Shelby I would talk to you.” I said. When I said Shelby he got angry and pushed me out of the way making me land on the floor. I groaned and sat up rubbing my neck.

“Well, just on a leaving note she likes raisins and dosen't have a boyfriend.” I said as he left out the door. He slolwy walked back in and shut the door. He helped me off the floor before asking.

“She dosen't?” He asked slowly. I shook my head nad pinched his nose.

“Nope, she only said that because I knew your brother was going to flirt with her so I told her not to play along so she said that to make him you know leave.” I said sitting dwon on my bed. He nodded and sat down on the floor.

“Really?” He asked. I nodded.

“Yep, and she likes raisins. You love raisins.” I said happily. He gave me a weird look.

“Snowy, I hate raisins.” He said slowly. I gave him a mysterious look and waggled my fingers in his face.

“Or do you. The point is she's really sad that you called her a nobody because she said she thought you guys were excepting her because you asked her to help with the party but I know that she likes you too.” I said confuisng my self. Somehow he managed to hear it all and smiled. He stood up and went for the door.

“Wait, are yo going to ask her out?” I said before he left. He stuck his head back in and smiled. I laughed and shooed him out. I followed shortly after him and sat dwon on the couch between Shleby and Moony. I looked at them both and smirked. I then laughed evily and they both just looked away slowly. I picked up a random book and began to read it. Padfoot was figeding in his seat and finally it got so annoying I put down the book and walked over to him. I flicked him in the forehead and whispered in his ear.

“Ask her out already before I tell Prongs to.” I said angrily. He got the message and stood up as I sat down leaning on Moony. Padfoot walked over to Shelby and looked down on her. She looked up at him with a strong face.

“Shelby, can I talk to you?” He asked nervously. She nodded and gave me a look. I smiled at her and pointed to him. They walked out into the hallway and I smiled. The marauders all looked at me and I rolled my eyes like it wasn't obvious.

“Padfoot likes Shelby. Shelby likes Padfoot.” I said summorizing it. They all nodded and waited anxiously for them to come back. They finally came back both smilign broadly. I jumped up and ran over to Shelby. She smiled at me and before I could even ask she said it quietly to me as Padfoot talked to the boys.

“He asked me out.” She said excitedly. We both squealed and I hugged her.

“Yay, now we can both go on double dates and get a monkey for and a monkey for me and then they can date and then we can go on triple dates.” I said happily. She rolled her eyes at me and hugged me again.

“I'm going to sleep. Night.” Hse said and tehn walked up the stairs to the girls dormitory waving to the boys as she went. I smiled and sat dwon next to Moony leaning on him. I hadn't realized how tired I was unitl I sat down. My eyes began to droop and before I could even say goodnight I was asleep on Moony.

YAY!!!!! I know it's good irght!! I hope you all like it!! Thanks to SabrinaRoberts for the inspiration!!! now I want to do a contest because I feel like doing one. Here it goos

CONTEST: nevermind! I fogot but maybe on the next chapter!!! READ MY OTHER BOOKS!! please also I have some RECOMNDATIONS for awesome books!!

1 A Touch of Black by: HayChubs!! IT's really good!!

2 Memories of The Heart The Story of Annie Black by SallyRose REALLY GOOD!!!!

3 Safe In Your Arms by: SabrinaRoberts!! GO check it out it's new and needs some support!!

Sorry about spelling on the book titals if they don't work they should be in my library and just search the author!! VOTE COMMENT FAN!!! <3

Xox Mandy <3 X)

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