Finding Love (Vegeta x Goku)

Od Wolfrider14

243K 6.5K 2.1K

Goku and Vegeta mated one afternoon only for the prince to storm off. When the heartbroken saiyan came home... Více

How Did This Happen?
Unexpected Help
Meeting The King
Vegeta's Punishment
Chi-Chi's Stupidity
Goku Finds Out
More Horrors
Fur Flying
Family Moment
The Ranting
Goten and Trunks
Slight Scare
Turles Plotting
The Vegetas Face Off
New Pet
Picnic Blues
Pregnant Wrath
New Cub
First Night
Father Son Talk
Kalious Festival
Bad News
Tense Wait
Scary Dream
Late Night Visit
Good Dream
Almost There
Finally Here
Bardock's Battle
Vegeta Joins In
Planet Fall
Shiveria's End
Cubs Calling
Misunderstandings Between Mates
Back Home
Doctors and Dreams
Not So Good News
Back On Earth
Dashed Hopes
One Last Option
Last Minute Worries
Finally Talking
Surprise Gifts
Time Together
Going Home
Keeping Love Preview

Escape Attempt

1.5K 63 18
Od Wolfrider14

"No one here but us, pet. Shall we have some fun?" Orange eyes glinted lustfully down at the man underneath him. The terrified look made Chirb grin, and he licked his lips at the sight of the submissive spread out before him.

That pale form had shadows covering him like a sheet, and his skin contrasted with the darkness of the room and the black of the cushion and pants he wore. The white haired man could feel his uniform tightening below the waist.

Goku snapped out of his horrified trance, and he immediately started to fight to get the larger man off of him. Chirb intercepted his punch effortlessly, and the reptilian wrestled his arms to pin them on either side of the beta's head. He pulled hard against the grip on his wrists, but his arms wouldn't budge.

Kicking proved to be as useless as well when the reptilian moved both arms over Goku's head and held them there with one hand. His free arm forced black clad legs apart so Chirb could rest his hips between them.

The saiyan's paled as he twisted under the muscular form of his rapist, but Chirb had him completely pinned to the cushion. A soft whine came from his throat once he realized that he was trapped.

The white haired male smirked down at Goku, and he leaned down to graze his teeth over the beta's neck. The action made the smaller man cringe away, but he wasn't allowed to go to far. Chirb's free hand came up to grip the saiyan's chin to keep his head still.

"If you fight me, it's only going to be worse." The larger male growled out. "Stop struggling, and you might even enjoy it."

Goku whined loudly with his eyes clenched shut and shook his head as much as he could against the larger's grip.

"That's right...I'm supposed to get your consent, aren't I?" Chirb chuckled. "I'm pretty sure you'll say yes." He said forcing Goku to nod. The beta whimpered as the grip on his jaw tightened before he could shake his head no again.

"That was a yes, wasn't it?" Chirb mocked making the beta nod again. "Excellent."

Goku's feet scrambled against the silky material of the cushion trying to get enough of a grip to push himself away from his rapist. He twisted and jerked under Chirb when the man fastened his lips on the junction of his neck and right shoulder. He could feel Chirb smirking as he fought to get away when the lizard began to scrap his teeth over the spot. Relief shot through the beta when his bare foot reached the cold floor of the dinning room and then pushed against it towards where his chain was anchored.

Goku slid a few inches back away from his rapist and pulled him off balance with the firm grip on his wrists. With a growl the blue man rose onto his knees to pull himself after the half pinned beta when Goku saw his chance.

Chirb screamed and released Goku's wrists as the beta kicked him squarely in the groin as hard as he could. The beta found his legs pinned under Chirb's weight as the man dropped in pain, but used his freedom to grope almost blindly for his chain so he could loosen it enough to get free. A snarl from his rapist made him freeze.

"You little slut." He sat up enraged as one hand held his wounded pride. Dark eyes widened as Chirb straitened up balling his free hand into a fist. "I'll teach you to kick me, you stupid monkey!"

Goku threw his arms between his head and Chirb's blow. If that hit his head, it was over. Chirb would do whatever he wanted to him until either Shiveria returned or he finished.

As the blow smashed into his wrists Goku felt it before he heard the cracking of metal. His rapist must have heard it too as he paused. The beta's eyes widened as he felt his ki for the first time since his kidnapping.

The cuffs exploded as the dam holding back Goku's ki broke.

'Now's your chance! Shoot him!' The familiar voice of his mate snarled in his ear.

The sudden rush of energy left the saiyan feeling lightheaded, but he was able to think clearly enough to gather a large ball of ki and shot Chirb in the chest. The orb blasted the white haired reptilian through the wall.

Goku blinked at the fuzziness of his vision as he sat up. The chain hooked to the floor broke effortlessly as he shook his head. He could see that the amount of energy that he packed into that blast destroyed the room and part of the hallway past the door. He looked around unseeingly as he tried to adjust to the fluctuating ki surging in his body.

'Karo! Get out of there! Try to escape!' Vegeta's voice shocked some awareness back into the saiyan's head. 'Come on, Karo! You need to move!'

The beta managed to stumble to his feet. He hurried over to the hole Chirb made as he flew out of the room, and he rushed past a pile of rubble that Goku was positive the scaly man was under. He gave one last snarl feeling satisfied that he managed to stop his rapist from doing anything that time.

Alarms were sounding out, but the submissive felt like he was hearing everything underwater. He ducked around a corner as five aliens ran past him towards the direction he came from. The floor looked like it was moving under Goku's feet, so he had to keep a hand on the wall to keep his balance as he ran.

'Good. Keep going!' Hearing the encouragement from Vegeta was the only thing keeping him moving. How the voice knew where he needed to go, Goku had no idea, but he followed it regardless. 'Go left. That's it! Just get down to the cargo hold, and you can escape!'

The beta came to the lift only to have his path blocked by a fuchsia skinned female alien that looked like pig with sea foam green hair. She had an arm full of papers that she dropped when she saw Goku. They started at each other before the woman opened her mouth to alert the rest of the ship.

The saiyan shot a low powered blast that knocked the woman out, and he fell into the lift. The door shut with a snick, and Goku had to shut his eyes as he felt the tube drop. He panted as his ki heated under his skin uncomfortably. He felt like he was overflowing with energy that was pulling him apart at the seams.

When the lift stopped and opened, Goku stared blankly out the open doors as he lay in the floor. The desperate need to get further away from Chirb and Shiveria drove him as he pushed himself up on his hands and knees.

'You have to keep going, Karo, you're almost there.' Goku whined feeling sick but he followed his mate's voice. He was moving slower as the ground started spinning under his feet and slowed to a walk as he clutched at the wall to keep himself up as he started to stumble.

'Don't stop.' Goku nodded and kept moving.

As he rounded a corner several guards stood before him with blasters. They screamed something before they fired on him. The beta raised his arms with a whine to keep his head safe before he glared and fired a wave of energy that made their weapons explode with panicked shouts. Goku whined as his skin burned hotter. It felt like his energy was trying to burn its way through his skin.

'Geta, it hurts.'

'Let it out, Karo, you need to use it.'

With a silent scream Goku unleashed a shockwave that ripped through the walls of the ship and fried several electrical systems nearby. The guards in the hall with him were blown back and knocked unconscious or killed; he wasn't sure which, as they slammed into the steel walls of the corridor.

The saiyan landed heavily on his hands and knees as he panted. Sweat was stinging his eyes, and Goku tried to wipe it away. He lifted his head and spotted a large door that looked reinforced with a thicker metal.

'That's it, Karo. There's the door. You can do it, just a little further.' The beta gritted his teeth at the effort it took to get back on his feet. His hand dented a warped piece of metal that he used to get his balance.

His ki still churned under his skin, but it felt a little calmer after that shockwave he let out. He still felt like he was going to be ill at any second. The saiyan's eyes caught light blue sparks of energy that ran over what he could see of his arms and chest. Some of the sparks actually caused him pain as the danced over his form.

Goku couldn't remember walking over to the door or how he managed to open it. His eyes landed on a spherical pod, and he could feel elation as he staggered over to the ship. He slumped against the control console beside it, and he strained to make sense of the letters on the panel.

It took a few tries, but the hatch on the pod hissed as the door lowered. Goku nearly cried when he saw that. He was about to stumble over to the ship and collapse on the seat, but Vegeta's voice stopped him.

'Look out, Karo!'

A tight grip encircled his neck and pulled him off balance so he landed on his back. The pain from landing on his broken tail had him trying to let out a scream, but he couldn't get enough air to do so.

His hands came up to pry at whatever was squeezing his throat, and he felt his blood freeze when he felt the familiar texture. He pulled at the tail and kicked his legs as he was dragged away from his only shot at freedom.

His eyes watered as his hopes shattered and his energy surged outward against his control. The grip on his throat tightened to the point Goku felt himself blacking out from lack of oxygen.

"Shoot him, you idiots!" Shiveria shouted. Goku jerked as he felt multiple sharp stings hit him in his chest, and his ki drained away like water down a drain. The tail loosened and Goku coughed clutching at his throat sucking in as much air as he could laying on his side.

"How did this happen!" Shiveria snapped at the nearby soldiers. "Explain to me just how he managed to get this far away from my quarters and break his restraints! Someone has ten seconds to tell me before heads roll!"

"Mistress, Chirb was the last person to enter your quarters. He was bringing you a report on the status of the engine repairs." One of the soldiers offered quickly. Shiveria's eyes narrowed and she examined the now trembling saiyan. Red marks like fingerprints littered his chin as bruises began to form, and an unmistakable hickey was an angry red against the beta's neck. The ice demon harshly grabbed Goku's tail and fisted it making Goku squirm as he whimpered.

"Oh, I'm not done with you, pet. I know you couldn't have broken free by yourself, but you tried to escape. I told you, you belong to me now. Don't you!" She hissed squeezing the black limb harder. Goku whined and nodded desperate to make her stop.

"Then why did you try to run!" She snapped. "Why did you destroy half my ship?!" Goku screamed silently as she twisted his tail again and shook his head with tears in his eyes. Oaklio and singed Chirb entered the cargo hold with a few more guards as she made the saiyan writhe in pain.

Her eyes landed on the white haired male, and Shiveria released the beta's tail as she stormed up to the massive reptilian. He backed away a bit once Chirb saw just how angry the petite woman was at that moment.

"Chirb, can you explain just how my pet got loose?" Her words were spoken with a deadly calm that made everyone around her shiver. "When I left him last, my pet was asleep, chained in the dinning room while I left to check on a report the gamma squad sent about sector eight. Now half my ship is in shambles, and several of my crew are either injured or dead."

The ice blue haired frost demon crossed her arm over her chest and tapped a finger impatiently on the bend of one elbow. Her steely purple eyes narrowed at the man she had cornered as he stammered for an explanation.

"Ahem...I might have accidentally broken his cuffs after he kicked me." Chirb was surprised he managed to say that without stuttering, but a blow to his cheek ruined that for him. Just as he regained his balance, another blow struck him on the other side of his face.

Shiveria brought her tail back around after she used it to slap him making the white haired male slump to the floor. The teal length coiled around Chirb's throat to pull him up to look the woman in the eye.

"I have told you time and time again to stop thinking with your libido. Now...because of you, my ship is more damaged than before. I should skin you and make you into a matching handbag and belt set." She sneered at the choking man.

Shiveria uncrossed her arms and lifted a finger with a disturbingly familiar small glowing red ball forming at the tip of it. Orange eyes widened as he clawed at the tail around his neck, but the limb just tightened even more.

Just as she was about to kill Chirb, Shiveria caught Oaklio pulling the darts out of her pet's chest. Goku glared at the goat under his bangs, and an idea struck her so suddenly, that she let the ki fade that more she thought over it.

That saiyan would never stop trying to get away she realized. He might play tame now, but he would never stop watching for when someone made a mistake. His spirit was bent, but it was not broken yet. Killing his mate and family would only make him fight harder she realized. He would be even more dangerous with nothing to lose. No, this one would bend as much as he had to until he could strike back, and sooner or later it was inevitable he would find an opportunity.

That had to change, she needed to shatter his spirit to the point he wouldn't even think about trying to get away and there was only one way that could happen as, distasteful as she personally found it.

Chirb gasped as Shiveria released him absently and remained on his knees before her.

"It seems I have a use for your...distasteful habit after all, Chirb." Shiveria said looking at the beta with a twisted grin on her face. "Since your libido is causing all of these problems, I'm going to let you get it out of your system." She said watching Goku pale and look up at her with pleading eyes. "You can have my pet for the evening. Do what you want with him. I forbid you from permanently damaging or marking him but you will get this nonsense out of your system. Am I understood?"

"Yes, mistress." Chirb said with a grin as he licked his lips looking at the trembling beta. "I'll take good care of him for you." Goku whined and looked back up at Shiveria pleading with his eyes and shaking his head. He flinched as her tail trailed down his back, and she knelt in front of him.

"Oh, don't be scared, pet. He'll bring you back to me in the morning." She cooed. "I think its high time you two worked out your differences and got over this problem between the two of you." Her hand fisted his hair and pulled him close dragging the beta onto his stomach. "You won't ever think of escape again after this, pet. I promise you, after tonight I will finally break that irritating spirit of yours."

"I own you." She hissed twisting his hair a bit. "I was gracious and didn't allow you to be violated but I grow tired of your ungrateful behavior. Maybe this will finally make it sink into that thick skull of yours, you belong to me and nothing will ever change that. You don't eat, sleep, or breathe without my say so. And if I want to allow my soldiers to use you for their amusement there isn't one thing you can do to stop me."

Goku looked at her with wide eyes as he sluggishly tried to back away once she released his hair, but Chirb came up and grabbed him. The reptilian tucked the beta under his arm with the saiyan's arms pinned to his sides.

Goku weakly twisted and kicked at the larger man holding him, but whatever they shot him with and the disorientation from his ki had completely sapped his strength. His blows didn't affect the white haired man at all, but he continued to struggle unwilling to just let his rapist win. The blue arm tightened painfully around his arms and chest forcing him to be still for a moment.

"I humbly thank you for this gift, mistress, you are most generous." Chirb spoke as he bowed a bit. "Your pet will be at your rooms first thing in the morning."

"Just make sure he's clean, Chirb, I don't want to smell the aftermath of your sex all day. And take him by Oaklio's lab in the morning for a new pair of cuffs. You should have a temporary set by then shouldn't you?"

"Of course, mistress." Oaklio said. Chirb looked down at the struggling beta in utter glee.

"I'll gladly see to it he's clean when I return him, mistress. By your leave, my mistress?" The blue alien groveled impatient to get started.

"Just go." She waived uncaring as she began figuring out damage control with her engineers. With that said, the man turned on his heel and walked out of the room with his struggling prize under his arm.


Vegeta searched relentlessly for the spark of ki that belonged to his mate after it suddenly disappeared. Unfortunately, he couldn't find a single trace of it.

"Well?" Bardock's voice made the prince open his eyes. The older man was anxiously waiting for the other full blooded saiyan to give him news on what was happening on the other ship. He was the only one that couldn't feel ki, and he resolved to learn as soon as he could.

"It's gone. He must've been captured again." Vegeta growled out. "He was so close too." His tail lashed behind him as he looked off to the side.

Gohan let out a frustrated sound as he also opened his eyes. Both younger alphas had closed their eyes to keep track of Goku's progress once his ki exploded into existence a few minutes ago. Whatever happened caused his mate's ki to flare out of nowhere strong enough to pull even Bardock from his sleep initially.

"Dad's ki felt very unstable. I'm worried, Vegeta." The teen folded in on himself for a moment with his tail curling around him. "It was almost out of control. I've never felt his ki act like that, not even when he first went super saiyan."

Looking over at his eldest, Vegeta realized that Gohan was still a cub in some ways, and he came over and placed a hand on his shoulder. Almost immediately, the younger saiyan gripped it with one of his own, seeking reassurance.

"Karo will be fine. He's strong, and we'll get him out of there." The alpha purred lightly to help sooth the teen's frazzled emotions. "I'd guess his ki his so wild because he was cut off from it for so long. He's going to be ok, Gohan."

"At least that stunt of his damaged a lot of the ship." Bardock pulled up the schematic of Shiveria's vessel drawing the other's attention. "He's knocked the alarms out, and out of pure luck he completely destroyed their weapons systems. I should have no trouble opening the cargo bay doors now that they can't blast us."

Bardock typed on the keypad before he rushed over to the pilot's seat. He took the throttle in hand and looked at the other two with a feral grin.

"Get ready, we're going in!"

Hey, I know I haven't said anything about this before, but I've noticed a lack of reviews from this  site. Please let me know what you guys think of this story! I'll love to hear from you!

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