My Female Frankenstein || Chr...

By skzluvr45

12.8K 635 109

Chris decides to visit colleges and his first stop is NYU. There, he meets 22-year-old Victoria Simon and the... More

Chapter One: Starting A New Life
Chapter Two: And Then I Met Her....
Chapter Three: Party Gone Wrong
Chapter Four: You're Safe With Me
Chapter Five: A Game Changer
Chapter Six: A Hospital and A Date
Chapter Seven: Drunken Mistakes
Chapter Eight: The Accident
Chapter Nine: Death Turns Into An Idea
Chapter Ten: Plan Revival
Chapter Eleven: The Revival
Chapter Twelve: A Minor Setback
Chapter Thirteen: Questions Worth Saving
Chapter Fourteen: Changes
Chapter Fifteen: They Took Him Pt. 1
Chapter Sixteen: They Took Him Pt. 2
I'm Back!!!!
Chapter Seventeen: Behind Bars and Exposed Scars
Chapter Nineteen: She's Back?
Chapter Twenty: What Did You Do?!
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-One: A New Nightmare
Chapter Twenty-Two: It Took A Turn
Chapter Twenty-Three: Help Me
Chapter Twenty-Four: No Escape
Chapter Twenty-Five: Captured Together
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Six: Bitter Escape

Chapter Eighteen: The Reveal

287 20 2
By skzluvr45


It was my mission to help Chris out even if that meant exposing myself to the world. Chris meant so much to me and for him to suffer is clearly unacceptable.

I exit the house with a pair of car keys and took Chris's Bentley truck. It was a two hour drive, considering what time it was. It was about 1:30 in the morning when Chris was arrested and it was about 3:30 now. The drive was very tiring and I nearly fell asleep at the wheel, but I pulled it together for Chris.

I stop at the jailhouse and I could already see that it was going to be a problem since the front yard was very heavily guarded. I take in a breath and walk to the front gates of the prison. Two burly men step in front of me, demanding my business at the prison.

"Excuse me, ma'am. State your presence. This is a highly secure facility. We keep a close eye on all of the prisoners." One guard explains.

"I'm here to see a friend of mine. Christopher Brown. Now if you would excuse me, I would like to visit him. Please." I plead.

The guards look among themselves and then back at me. They nod and let me through. I slowly enter and I was stunned.

There were cells on all three floors of the prison and all of the inmates looked like they were ready to escape right then and there. I walk on the dirty tiled floors and searched the cells to see if I could find Chris. A guard noticed my searching and pulled me aside.

"Are you looking for someone, miss?" She asked.

"Yes, actually. I'm looking for Christopher Brown. He's a friend of mine. Could I talk to him, please?" I ask.

"How about you go in the visiting room and we will bring him out?" The guard offers. I accept and she leads me upstairs to the visiting room.

I sit down and take in my surroundings and I notice something different.

The family members of the prisoners just looked so somber. Some of these people looked like they haven't seen their children in years.

I can relate. My dad, even though I don't talk about him much, has been in jail since I was two. It's been twenty years since I've seen my dad. He is serving a 45-year sentence for battery, domestic abuse, and burglary.
My father had been on a nonstop crime spree for a while. He started very early in his life. He was thirteen when he joined the neighborhood gang back home.

My mom never let me associate with him while he was in jail. He did have visiting days and my mom did let me see him but that was very often.

To take my mind off of my dad, I started to think about my mom and how she feels about my "passing". She probably feels awful. Not having the only two family members in her life. If I told her that I was still alive, that would kill her. I don't know what to think.

During my reminiscing, the female guard brings Chris out and he comes to the table. I looked at Chris in worry as even though he was in the prison for a couple of hours, he looked like he was in there for a couple of years. His body looked slimmer and his eyes had bags like he hasn't slept in days. His wrists were handcuffed as he was brought into the room.

He sits down and the guard goes back to patrolling the doorway. His face cracked a small smile and he grabbed my hands. Chris's hands were ice cold as I slid my finger down the veins of his wrists.

Chris eyed my fingers and chuckled. I respond with a small smile. I peek out the corner of my eye and see the guard looking at us strangely since we hadn't talked in a good five minutes. I decide to break the silence.

"Baby, I'm so sorry this happened. I'll figure this out, I promise." I say.

"Don't apologize. I needed this. I should've been there to save you. I shouldn't have hurt your on our date and none of this would have happened. You wouldn't have died and we wouldn't be going through this. I'm so sorry, Victoria." Chris says through teary eyes.

A single tear rolls down my cheek as Chris is called for time. He kisses my hands and the female guard escorts him back to his cell.

Another male guard escorts me out of the visiting room and a loud noise startled the guard and me.
We both rush downstairs and what we see horrifies us.

Mijo was in the middle of the prison, shooting up the place. I told him not to do this. There were already two guards injured and one inmate dead. The guard leaves me to go handle the situation. I rush to find Chris as I try to avoid any bullets or ricocheting fire.

A hand grabs on my wrist and my immediate reaction was to scream, but another hand covers my mouth.

"Babe, it's me. It's okay. What's going on?" Chris shouts over the gunfire.

"It's Mijo. He thought he could get you out of here. I told him not to do this, but he made me feel awful about not helping you." I yell.

"Good god, Mijo! Don't listen to nothin'!" Chris sneers angrily.

As we talk amongst ourselves about the situation, the shooting continued. I look back to see Mijo crouched behind a fallen card table and police officers shooting at him.

"This could all be over if you surrender, sir!" The police try to negotiate with Mijo.

"Never in a million years! You'll have to kill me first! I'm getting my friend, even if I have to kill everyone in this place!" Mijo yells.

As I heard those words, I began to panic. Mijo might actually start killing people to get to Chris. Oh my god, I have to end this.
I started this, so it's my job to finish it.

I ran downstairs right into the line of fire and stood in the middle of the shootout. I got shot in the arm and legs. The sudden pain made me collapse onto the floor. That was enough to stop the gunfight.

Mijo saw what happened and ran out to my aid.
The police ceased fire and grabbed Mijo forcefully but carefully, so nurses could tend to my injuries.

When the nurses came to help me, what they saw shocked them. They immediately recognized me from the grave digger case and searched me for any evidence that might drive their curiosity further.

They started to examine my body and noticed the scars from the accident. Then they realized that I wasn't dead. It horrified them to the point where they literally ran away screaming.

The craziness had died down and the screams had attracted people's attention. Everyone in the room was staring at me, including Chris.

He looked at me in concern, but he knew this was going to happen. He nodded in my direction and I nodded back.

"Attention, everyone! I have a confession to make! I am the corpse that Christopher Maurice Brown dug up!" I announce.

Everyone gasped in awe in my direction. Some of them couldn't believe what they heard and some people backed away in utter confusion or complete horror.

I just revealed my true identity. A corpse risen from the dead. And it was all for love.

"Chris did this for one thing. Love. If any of you lost your one thing that you love, wouldn't you try to do everything in your power to bring it back?" I began to preach.

People decided to have second thoughts as I waited for them to let the words sink in and process.

Some of the people started to agree with me and began to clap. Some of the prisoners began to cry, including Chris.

But one police officer came out the crowd of people and started to protest against me. He was very tall and he had a shady image. He looked very untrusting.

"Are you really gonna let this FREAK convince us that what that criminal did was ethical?" The officer went on.

"She's not a freak! She's my girlfriend and I love her!" Chris defends me.

The other prisoners began to agree aggressively.
The officer tried to defend his statement, but failed.

Love won. Chris and I knew love was gonna win even in our doubts.

The prison guards decided to release Chris and the moment that happened, he came running into my arms.
I hugged him tight and kissed his whole face. He returned the favor and we indulged in a two minute kiss. Yes, I counted.

As we kissed, cheers and clapping could be heard from the background.

Chris and I caught our breath and smiled at the supportive crowd.
We exited the prison hand in hand, without any thought about Mijo. We drove back home and don't worry, I called to make sure he was alright.

Mijo had been arrested and charged with multiple counts of breaking and entering, resisting arrest and possession of deadly weapons.

Karma got him good. I told him it was a bad idea, but he never listened to me or Chris.

Anyway, Chris and I celebrated his freedom with glasses of wine and a dip in the pool. Ahh, freedom never felt so good. We shared a kiss and just treaded water for hours, holding each other until our hands and feet got pruney.

It feels good to know that my story is revealed. No one is against me and I'm free to be as new me. Nothing could ever ruin this moment. Nothing.

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