The 100-Lydia Kane

By vizenya

23.9K 605 116

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot been seen or touched - they must be felt with the hear... More



375 12 19
By vizenya

|star gazed eyes|


Alina Baraz, Galimantias

I only miss you when the sun goes down
Oh, your voice is my favorite sound
Swaying like the palm trees
You and me we're poetry
Painting stories with our lips

You're like a wave washing over me
Pulling me underneath
Sinking slowly
You're like a wave washing over me
I'll stay underneath
Drifting slowly

Hey Hey
Oh Hey

Foreign feelings that I can't ignore
Oh I never felt like this before
What's a king without a queen
You could be my everything
Can't you see?


"All I'm saying is that I think they should of used younger parents for Harry Potter. I mean they died when they were like 21! Do people age in the after life? No! So they should of stayed 21." Lucas said as I leaned back in the chair as a soft breeze blew through the camp as the moon was high above our heads as I tried counting the stars as the sound of cicadas rang through the woods.

"But it would of been confusing to the audience." Leo argued

"Not if they read the book." Lucas said

"Well its about 50/50." Leo said

"Then that's their problem. Why did I have to suffer because they couldn't just read the book or...I don't I mean I just thought it was common knowledge. Its just that part that bugs me." Lucas said clearly disturbed that Harry Potter's parents weren't 21.

"Hey what are we talking about?" Bellamy asked as he pulled up a chair and sat next to me as I perked up

"About how Harry Potters parents should of been young instead of middle aged." I said as he nodded

"Yeah they should of been younger. Unless they age in the after life." He said as Lucas clapped as I jumped at the sudden noise

"Exactly thank you." Lucas said smiling as I felt stares boring into the back of my head.

While everyone else was talking about any kind of differences they could find in the Harry Potter movies I played with my red hair.

"Has anyone noticed that Issac is a dick?" Murphy said as he brought up chair to sit with us.

"Really? I always thought he was nice." I said

"That's why." He said

"So he's a dick because he's nice?" I asked as he nodded

"Yeah someone can't actually be that nice." He said

"Believe or not its a rarity but people like Isaac do exist." Leo said as I smiled as someone tapped my shoulder as I looked up to see an unknown face.

"They told me to give this to you." He said as he handed me a sealed note. I took it and before I could thank him he ran off.

"Weird." Leo said as she swiveled her drink as I unsealed the note.

Lydia you may think that your secret is safe and held by a few people, most of which are dead already. But I know the truth and I won't hesitate to expose you.

I know the truth about you. And the truth about Scott Daniels murder

I read the note over and over again before I got up.

"What happened?" Bellamy asked me

"I..forgot to do something." I said as I pushed in my chair and ran into the direction of where the boy ran in the first place. I clutched the note tightly in my hand but it was of no use.

The boy was nowhere to be found. I spun in a circle in a feeble attempt to see if I could spot him. I looked down at the note and read it again and I clutched it again and breathed hard.

How could anyone know what happened that night? Its true that almost half of the people that knew what happened that night are dead.

I felt a ball hit my feet as I looked down and picked it up and turned towards the kid that threw it my way. I smiled and walked over to give it to him.

"Here you go." I said as I handed him the ball

"Thanks." He said smiling as he grabbed the ball but who I was guessing was his mother came from behind him and grabbed him from the shoulders and dragged him away.

"I've told you before Caleb you don't speak to her. She's a bad person." She told her son as he tried looking back at me but his mother held his head. I shook my head and turned around and walked back towards where I had came from.

I saw the table up ahead of some teenager stood in front of me.

"My friend says that if you stare into your eyes for too long you die." The kid said as I rolled my eyes

"Get the hell out of way you little crap." I said as I tried to move around him.

"Don't do it Pax!" His friend yelled as Pax turned to look at his friend.

"So will I die?" He asked quietly to me

"You will if you don't get the hell out of my way." I said as he shoved him to the side and continued walking

"Guessing you're dying tonight Pax." His friend said as I walked away and sat down in my original seat

"What was that kid telling you?" Bellamy asked since he was sitting next to me

"That if he stared into my eyes for too long he would die." I said leaning back in my chair

"I haven't died yet." Bellamy said as I smiled

"Hey Leo I need to talk to you." I said to her as she kept smiling

"What's up?" She asked turning her body a bit towards me as I stood up and nodded my head over to the ark

"Oh, okay." Leo said as she stood up as well

"Are you coming back?" Bellamy said as I was walking away but he grabbed my hand stopping me.

"Maybe." I said as I retook my hand and walked inside the ark with Leo. I still had the note clutched in my hand as we walked down the hallway that led to our place.

When we stopped in front of our door I took out my keys and unlocked the door and walked inside as Leo closes the door behind her.

"Okay what's so important?" She asked as we walked into our room as she plopped down on her bed as I shoved the note into her hands

"Okay." She said dragging out the y before she read the note. I saw as her expression changed as her eyes skimmed over the inked writing on the paper.

"This doesn't mean anything. It could mean anything." She said as I stopped pacing and stared at her

"No you're right. It could mean anything. It could be talking about any of the other Scott Daniels." I said

"Listen don't give me sass." She said as I rolled my eyes.

"The point is there is someone in this camp that knows the truth." I said to her

"Who cares if they find out I killed Scott Daniels." Leo said

"So who cares if they find out I was rap-" I started to say but I couldn't finish the sentence as I got quiet.

"Hey I didn't mean that." Leo said as she reached over to hug me.

"I just don't want people to know." I cried. As she rubbed my back

"And they won't." She said as she held me at arms length.

"We are going to find this kid." I said as I wiped away my tears

"And then I'm going to kill him." I said in a very final matter

"Not everything has to end in death you know." Leo said

"Well how do you make things final?" I asked as she stared at me before sighing.

"Come on. Let's go back outside." Leo said as I walked out of the room and out of the house as I waited for her to catch up.

"Should we tell dad?" Leo asked as she came out the door and locked it behind her as we stood in the hallway as she took something off my face.

"No, we need to keep this isolated." I said to her as we started to walk down the hallway.

"Man, and I thought we were done with drama." Leo said

"There's drama on every corner here." I said to her. We stayed silent for a bit as we walked down another hallway as people bustled about and a guard was seen every once in a while keeping order.

"So how's Lexa?" Leo asked as I looked to her

"I don't know. I haven't seen her since the day at the mountain." I answered

"Oh" she said

"I thought you were with her this whole time." She said as I shook my head

"No, I was living a mostly solitary life." I said to her as I flicked my hair over my shoulder as we went out the door and came into open air. The night sky was above us as the stars shined bright.

"Where?" She asked

"About a two and a half days walk south from here." I said to her

"Woah, that's a long walk" she said as I nodded

"You must've gotten lonely." She said as I nodded

"I did." I said as I saw the group. But I stopped walking when I saw a girl sitting on my chair.

"Who is that?" I asked Leo as she followed my eyes

"That's Gina." Leo said as I took a step back

"I I'm just gonna go back home." I said pointing back as she rolled her eyes

"Come on." Leo said as she grabbed my hand

"Get your fine ass over here Lydia!" I heard Clarke yell as I looked over Leo's shoulder and smiled giving her a small wave

"They saw you. You can't leave now." Leo said with a triumphant smile.

"Fine." I said as we walked towards the table. I grabbed my empty cup from the table and walked away to get more alcohol.

I stood in line as there was three people standing in front of me. They quickly refilled their cups as I stepped up to the metal barrel and untapped it as the clear alcohol poured out from the tap into my cup.

I filled it to the brim before tapping it again. I got out of line and walked back to the table slowly as I sipped from my cup making sure that the clear liquid won't spill over.

"Kane this is Gina." Bellamy said aloud as I stood. I looked up at her and have an unamused smile

"Hey." I said as I turned away from her and took a gulp of my drink.

"Damn Kane leave some for the fishies." Murphy said as I put the cup down

"Tastes like water." I said not feeling a burn.

"Your tastes buds are fucked up." Clarke said as I winked at her as she smiled widely and looked down.

I brought my cup up to my lips again and drank the rest of the drink before leaving the cup on the table.

"That's my sister. Did you know that?" Lucas said to Clarke proudly

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said

"You're leaving?" Bellamy asked

"Leaving to go sleep." I answered as I walked away. I didn't look back. I tried to keep my anger in check. Why the hell was Gina in my seat.

"Kane." Someone said aloud as I turned around and saw a guard walking towards me. I groaned and raised my hands up into the air

"Not here to arrest you." He said as I put my hands down.

"I'm here to tell you that you're leading a supply run tomorrow. Here's the list." He said as he handed over a piece of paper before walking away.

I walked inside the ark and down the many winding hallways until I ended up in front of my door. I unlocked the door and went inside and closed the door after me. I headed over to my room and plopped down on my bed and took my shoes off. I laid back and stared at the ceiling.


The next morning I got up early and went to the restroom. I stumbled inside and turned on the bathroom light as it shined brightly. I looked at the empty hair dye bottle that I left in the sink the night before. I picked it up and threw it in the trash bin.

I grabbed my toothbrush and put the paste on it and brushed my teeth groggily. I rinsed my mouth out and washed my face.

I shut the water off and patted my face dry. I grabbed my hairbrush and brushed the knots out of my hair. I separated my hair and started braiding my hair.

I would stop every few minutes because my arms would get tired. But I finished after fifteen minutes.

I finally exited the bathroom and heard someone stumbling out of their room. I opened my bedroom door and saw Lucas rubbing his eyes and stumbling into the restroom.

I closed my door and saw Leo stretching in her bed.

"Good morning." She said in a low voice.

"Good morning." I said as I opened the closet doors.

"Another day another supply run." She said

"You're coming?" I asked her not turning around.

"Yeah me, Lucas, Bellamy, Octavia, Lincoln, Murphy, Monty, Clarke, and Miller. Raven sometimes goes too but she said she hasn't been feeling well." Leo said as she sat up on her bed.

"So....why did you leave last night?" She asked as I picked out the clothes I wanted to wear.

"Because I wanted to sleep." I said as I unchanged in front of her and changed into the new clothes. Black jeans, navy blue shirt, black combat boots, and my long leather jacket.

"Sure. You wanted to sleep." She said

"And I wanted to dye my hair." I said pointing to the newly blonde hair on my head.

"So it didn't have anything to do with Gina?" She asked as I scrunched up my eyebrows

"Who?" I asked as I got my sword belt and tied it around my waist. I took out both of the newly sharpened swords as I examined them in they early morning light as the glistened before I sheathed them once again. I grabbed the two handguns on my nightstand and put them in my waistband.

I grabbed my knife garters from the drawer and strapped them to my leg as I filled them with knives.

"You're not jealous.. Are you?" She asked as I snorted

"Pshh why would I be jealous?" I asked

"I mean how long have you been dating Bellamy?"she asked as I stopped putting knives in my garter

"What?" I gasped out

"I would never." I stumbled out

"That's disgusting. And wrong. I don't even get-why would- I've never dated anyone, anywhere. Its none of your- you have- the nerve, the audacity. Blake is my partner, technically. My co- leader. And he is terrible, face-wise. And how- how do I know, frankly that you aren't dating him? Maybe you are. Maybe you're trying to throw me off. Hm, check and mate." I said to her as she shook her head.

"Whatever you say." She said as I picked my bow and arrows and strapped them to my back

"Just hurry up." I told her as she climbed off of the bed as I went over to mines and fixed my bed.

"Me and Blake. That's ridiculous." I said to myself as I smoothed the blankets down and fluffed up my pillows. I threw them towards the head of the bed as Leo came out the bathroom.

She quickly grabbed clothes from the closet and dressed up. She wore all black as she ran a hand through her short hair as she picked up her weapons and secured them on her person.

"Let's go." She said as we exited our room. We walked into the living room and found Lucas reading a book on the couch with his gun beside him.

"Took you guys long enough." He said looking up and closing the book before returning it in its place.

"Let's head out." He said grabbing his gun as he followed us out. We walked down the many hallways and out the ark.

"We'll wait here." Lucas said as we picked a spot near the gates.

"So you're first time going on a supply run." Lucas said as he sat down on a chair as I leaned on him.

"Shouldn't be too hard." I said with a small shrug.

"So are we not going to eat?" I asked as we waited for the group members

"You can go if you want." Leo said as she tossed one of her arrows into the air and snatched midair.

"I'll be back." I said leaving quickly before I witnessed and arrow going through Leo's palm.

I left the front gate and walked towards the right side of the ark. The tables were mostly empty as I walked up to where the food was being served.

I grabbed a bowl and grabbed the ladle and filled my bowl with soup. I grabbed a cup filled with water and a spoon before going to go sit down at an empty.

"Hey." I heard someone say as they walked up behind me.

"Hey." I said turning around to see a girl around my age with her brown curly hair in a bun as she wore an apron.

"Did you want bread?" She asked as I scrunched up my eyebrows

"Its just that the bread wasn't ready when you came to get food. I just took the bread out the oven" she said as she pointed behind her with her thumb.

"Um yeah that'll be great." I said standing up.

"No I'll get it." She said

"I was going to get some for my siblings as well though." I said to her as she smiled widely

"No problem. I'll be right back." She said as I sat back down as she jogged away and into the kitchens. I stirred my hot soup as I saw the vapor rise into the air.

"Here." I heard a minute later as she came up to me with three slices of warm bread wrapped up in white linen

"Thank you." I said taking the bread from her hands.

"I'm Lydia by the way." I said to her as she smiled at the floor

"Nice to meet you Lydia by the way. I'm Helena." She said as it was now my turn to smile at the floor.

"Well I'll let you eat your food." She said as she took a few steps back

"Thank you Helena." I said as she smiled

"Anytime." She said with a wink before she turned around and walked away. I raised an eyebrow and smiled before turning to my food. I uncovered the bread and saw three slices stacked on top of each other.

I took the slice on top and covered the rest up. I broke the bread into pieces and dipped it into the soup and ate away.

Finishing my soup I drank all of my water and wiped my mouth. I stood up and picked up my things as I went to go leave my dirty dishes to it's designated area.

Holding the two extra slices of bread I headed over to the main gate and saw most of the group there as I saw both Lucas and Leo trying to balance arrows on their palms.

No one saw me join the group since they were all too focused on seeing who would keep the balance longer. I walked up to the front and snatched both arrows away from their palms.

I threw both arrows in the sky as I saw them flip in the arrow.

"See ya." Leo said as she ran away from the group not trying to get hurt. Everyone else backed up as well as I saw the arrows come down. I snatched both arrows with my left hand in midair and stretched my hand out to Leo.

"Let's go." I said as I raised my right hand up and handed the bread to Lucas.

"For you and Leo." I said as he took the bread.

"Thanks sis." He said with a smile as he grabbed his gun and shouldered it before he handed a slice over to Leo.

"Lydia why haven't you put on face paint?" Octavia asked

"I don't need it." I said to her

"Trust me you do. You're too recognizable." She said as she dug into her coat pocket and took out the black paint.

"Here. I'll put it on for you." She said as I closed my eyes and I felt her cool fingers move swiftly across my eyes.

"There." She said as she used a bit of water to clean off the paint.

"You didn't draw a penis on my face did you?" I asked as she laughed and shook her head

"I should've but sadly no." She said as I smiled

"Thanks." I said to her as I turned around towards the gate

"Supply run?" One of the guards asked as I approached the gate.

"Yeah." I said simply as he nodded

"Front gate opening." He said into his walkie as he pulled the lever down as the electrical current stopped running through the front gate doors as they were pushed open.

I walked through first and walked out of camp. I smiled as I turned around and saw Leo talking to Octavia and Lincoln.

Lucas and Bellamy were chatting away like a pair of love birds. Clarke and Murphy were being sarcastic with each other like the frenemies that they are. And Monty and Miller were having a blast.

I walked across the big field that separated the camp from the woods. I took out that list once again and quickly tried to figure out where everything could be found

"So what are we looking for boss?" Lucas asked as we entered the treeline.

"We are looking for enough meat to sustain the camp for a week." I said as I tried to make the calculations in my head quickly.

"We are also gathering feverfew, chamomile, basil , lavender..." I listed off

"Seriously Clarke how do you guys not have any of this?" I asked her

"We do." She said as she walked faster to be next to me

"No you don't. Says right here. Bring more than usual since we have none left." I said pointing out the writing.

"A lot of these plants and herbs are used for sunburns, for easing pain, antiseptic, inflammation and irritations, eases colds." I listed as she shrugged

"So where do we find this?" She asked as I raised an eyebrow.

"Most of these are found deeper into the woods." I said as I folded the note and put it in my pocket. I took out an arrow from my quiver and held it.

"What's that for?" She asked

"Need to be ready at a moments notice." I said to her.

"Your brother and Bellamy are getting along." She said as I turned around and saw them joking around.

"Huh. I should go ruin their fun." I said

"No. Don't be mean." She said as the camp the camp was far behind us and nowhere to be seen. I smiled at her but I stopped walking.

"Everyone be quiet." I said as the chatter stopped.

"What is it?" Lincoln asked as he raised his gun. I listened closely as I grabbed another arrow and took my bow off of my back.

"Get down on the ground." I said to then as I crouched down.

"What is it?" Clarke asked me as I stared off into the distance and I felt the ground.

"Food." I said simply as the earth vibrated just slightly as the sound of hooves got louder and louder.

"They're being chased by a larger animal. That's good." I said as I readied my bow and arrow. I poked my head from behind a tree and saw the deer's in the distance as they got closer and closer.

I raised my bow up and pulled the string back and let it release as the two arrows sliced through the air and they lodged themselves into their heads as they fell to the ground.

I grabbed another two arrows quickly and notched them and released them as they lodged themselves into another two deer's.

I decided that I needed to go for the predator. I grabbed another arrow and left the safety of the tree as I focused the huge boar at the back of the pack.

I released the arrow as it lodged itself in its shoulder.

"Shit." I said as I grabbed another arrow before it left. I let it go as this time it fell to the ground.

"There's our food for the next couple of days." I said as I stood up and dusted my pants off before I put my bow and arrows on my back. I started to walk towards the carcasses.

"Kane" Bellamy said as he was the first one up and following closely behind. I took a knife from my garter and twisted it, bending it over and under my fingers. Twirling it every so dangerously but with an air of grace.

I kneeled down to the dead animals and checked if they had any diseases or infections straight off.

"You seemed pretty surprised at the fact that medical bay didn't have any supplies anymore." Bellamy said as I got up and moved onto the next animal.

"I was." I said kneeling down again and stuck my knife in its hind leg.

"So how's work at the med bay?" He asked as I snorted

"I don't know." I said as I cleared the animal and stood up once again and walked the couple of feet over to the next animal that laid on the floor.

"What?" He asked

"I don't work at med bay." I said as I crouched down and could immediately see that the meat was no good.

"This one is bad. It was already rotting from the inside." I said as I got up quickly to get away from the smell of rotting insides.

"But you're a doctor. Don't tell me you've already forgotten your plan for world domination?" He asked with a smile as I couldn't help but smiling as well and shook my head.

"I did report for work at med bay. The first day I was there any patients that I had would complain and asked to be treated under doctor Griffin even though she was overwhelmed.

The second day people would just outright refuse me. Wouldn't even want to look me in the face. As if I was some inconvenience. Like mud being tracked into the room.

They would talk about me as if I wasn't even in the room. Anyways, the third day when I reported for work Dr.Griffin told me that Clarke would be taking over my position.

Clarke would continue her medical training while I was to report to the engineering room to work with Sinclair.

Apparently it was my dad's idea to take me off as a doctor and have me working as an engineer." I said to him as he looked down sadly at me.

"But again some people were complaining about my presence being an engineer on the ark so my dad won't allow me to work as an engineer either.

He told me he would find something for me to work as. I guess as a hunter and gatherer. Anything to keep me out of camp and away from the main population was what he had in mind.

Good thing I'm good at killing." I said with sigh as I stood up and walked away leaving Bellamy standing there by himself as I checked on the last animal.

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