Destined || Luke Hemmings

By taylorms4

777K 13.1K 4K

Summer has finally arrived and Taylor can't wait to leave her boring town and go to her beach house. She's be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
The Party (Part 2)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
*Another Author's Note*
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

The Party (Part 1)

22.5K 374 153
By taylorms4

(Luke’s POV)

This week has been crazy busy with two birthdays and all the party prep. Wednesday was Amanda’s birthday; we went to the beach and then went to this really nice restaurant for dinner. We tried our best to be well behaved and it was going really went until Calum spilt his water and Michael tripped a waiter who was, thankfully, only carrying an order pad.

Friday was my birthday and it was really laid back. We all woke up pretty late, went to the beach, ordered in pizza and watched movies. It was awesome. Amanda and I haven’t gotten our gifts from Mike, Ash, Taylor or Cal yet because they decided to give them to us Sunday after the party. I find this incredibly annoying but whatever. Apparently I have no say.


“Are you excited for tonight?” Amanda asks me as we walk to the bakery to pick out cakes

“Yeah, I’m pumped” I reply

We walk into the bakery and look at the shop’s inventory. All the cakes look delicious I can’t pick out just one.

“I want to buy them all” I gape hungrily at the cake display case

“Me too. Let’s get this one! Or this one. Maybe this one” Amanda points at a bunch of cakes and I laugh.

After 15 minutes of deep contemplation we decide on a cheesecake, a red velvet cake and a vanilla cake. We pay for the desserts and exit the bakery.

“So, how are you and Ashton?” I wink at Amanda

“Good. Really good” She blushes

“Good” I reply

“How’s the single life treating you?” She teases

“It’s uh nice I guess” I shrug

“ Any girls here catch your eye?” I don’t know how to answer. Should I tell her? Would she tell Taylor?

“Oh uh, nope” I lie

“Liar” She smirks. Shit, am I really that bad of a liar? “Tell me! Maybe I know her!”

“You know her.” I admit. Oh god, what am I doing?

“Really? Tell me!”

“Yes. But you have to promise to not say anything. Please” I beg

“I promise. Now spill” Amanda grabs my hand and links our pinkies into my pink promise. I roll my eyes at her and take a deep breath

“I like Taylor” I mumble

“Taylor?” Amanda stares

“Yeah” I sigh

“OH MY GOD!” She screams and I glare at her. “Ok ok sorry. I won’t say anything. Mum’s the word” Amanda pretends to zip her lips and I laugh.


(Taylor’s POV)

Calum and I are own our way to the liquor store to get the drinks. My heart is pounding thinking about buying the alcohol. Are we gonna get away with this? What happens if we get caught? My mom is going to kill me if we do.

“Taylor. Chill out” Calum laughs


“You have panic in your eyes. We won’t get caught. I’ve done this before” Calum comforts me and I feel slightly less nervous.

The bell chimes as we walk into the liquor store and I stop walking. This is really happening.

“Play it cool, Tay” Calum says and I nod

“Hello” Calum smiles at the man behind the counter

“Hello” he replies

“Can I have 2 kegs of beer and 15 bottles of vodka.” Calum orders. I stay silent by his side.

“Brand?” The man looks at me for an answer. I quickly think of brands I’ve seen.

“Uh Heineken for the beer and any flavor Svedka in your inventory, please” I hold my breath, hoping I sound believable.

The man doesn’t say anything. He simply turns around to collect our order.

I turn my head to Calum and he gives me a thumbs up. The man turns back to face us and starts ringing up the alcohol.

“ID please?” The man looks at me. I don’t have a fake ID but I pretend to search for it in my bag.

“I got this, babe. Don’t worry.” Calum winks at me and takes his fake ID out of his wallet. “Here you go” he hands it to the man and the man stares at the ID. I hold my breath as he interrogates it. He hands it back to Calum and I breath again.

“That’ll be $273.65” the man states and Calum hands him the money. We grab the bags and I book it for the exit as Calum thanks him.

“Nice job in there!” Calum pats me on the back

“That was horrifying. But awesome” I laugh. Calum and I walk to another drug store to buy the sodas and then make our way back to the house to set up.


Amanda and I went back to my house after setting up to get ready for the party. Michael went all out for this party and invited everyone within the 16-25 year old age range in the LBI area. The house is going to be packed with barely familiar faces and strangers. And with all the alcohol that’s going to be present at the party it’s safe to say I’m nervous.

“This party is so unlike me. How did I let Michael talk me into this?” Amanda sighs

“I don’t know” I laugh “But we have each other and the boys. We should be fine”

I hop in the shower and the hot water calms my nerves a little.  After I get out I wrap a towel around my hair and body and do my makeup. I apply foundation, concealer, mascara and eyeshadow. I unwrap my hair from the towel, brush it, dry it and straighten it. I rarely straighten my hair but tonight is already going to be different so why not mix it up.

We get dressed and head out the door.

When we get to the party the house is already packed.

“Holy shit” I gasp

“Happy birthday to me” Amanda laughs

We walk into the house and my mouth falls open. The music is blasting and there are plastic cups everywhere.

“Hey it’s the birthday girl and Taylor!” a drunk Calum slurs from the kitchen “GUYS. AMANDA IS HERE. SHE’S THE OTHER HALF OF THE BIRTHDAY PAIR. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA!”

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA!” the party yells. We laugh at the drunken crowd and make our way to the kitchen.

“Amanda! Taylor! You guys finally made it!” Michael engulfs us in a hug and hands us each a red cup. I stare at it for a moment before bringing it to my lips. The liquid burns my throat when I swallow and it’s a surprisingly pleasant feeling.

“Hey Michael” I greet him and take another sip.

Calum stumbles over and hugs me tightly. “Hey drunk I’m Taylor” he says

“Steady yourself, Cal. The night is still young” I laugh

“Calum is a lightweight. He’ll be puking at the end of the night. Hey guys” Ashton teases. He kisses Amanda on the cheek and grabs a cup from the counter.

“Where’s Luke?” I ask Ashton

“I don’t know. Oh wait. He’s other there” Ashton points behind me and I turn around. I see Luke standing by the stairs talking to two girls in scantily clad outfits. Sluts. I realize I’m staring for too long and begin to turn around when Luke’s eyes meet mine. He smiles at me and excuses himself from the girls and makes his way to me.

“Hey” Luke smiles

“Hello” I smile back

“Your hair is straight. I like it” Luke winks

“Thank you” I blush

Luke opens his mouth to speak but he shuts it and his eyes widen, focusing on something behind me. I turn around and immediately see what he is talking about.

“Taylor!” Uh oh.

“Uh. Hi Brian” I stutter

“Haven’t seen you around lately. You haven’t answered any of my calls or texts. I really need to talk to you” Brian says. Well there’s a reason for that you asshole.

“I’ve been busy.” I reply with no emotion

“Taylor, I’m really sorry about what happened. I didn’t mean to come off so cruel. I was a jerk, please forgive me” Brian begs.

“I need a refill” I down the rest of my drink and grab Luke’s hand, pulling him towards the kitchen and away from Brian.

“Ugh” I groan and grab a cup. I chug the whole thing in one gulp and set the cup down roughly, causing it to crumple.

“Are you okay?” Luke rests his hand on my back and the skin under his touch heats. He beings to rub circles on my back and I feel the butterflies flutter in my stomach.

“Yeah, I’m fine” I chug another cup and the burning sensation of the vodka comforts me.

I turn to throw my cup out and trip over my own feet.

“I think you’ve had one too many” Luke giggles and I roll my eyes. He’s right, though, I need to slow down.

“But I haven’t” Luke says and grabs a cup for himself and takes a sip. I roll my eyes at him again. I decide to substitute snacks for alcohol and take a handful of chips.

I excuse myself to go to the bathroom and when I come out Luke is gone from our spot by the kitchen counter. I scan the crowd of strangers for a familiar face but I can’t find anyone.

“Hi! You’re Taylor right?” a girl in a tight dress says to me.

“Uh yeah” I reply. I have no idea who she is

“I’m Emily, I’m friends with Brian. I’m so sorry about what he did” She smiles sympathetically.

“It’s ok” I reply. She seems really nice and we start talking.

“Oh my God, He’s so hot.” Emily gawks

“Who?” I ask and she turns me around and points. I follow her gaze and see who she is talking about.

 “Oh, that’s Luke” I laugh

“You know him?” She asks

“Yeah, he’s my friend” I answer

“He’s coming over here! How do I look?” Emily asks and ruffles her hair

“You look fine” I say and feel a hand on my shoulder

“Here you are! You never came back to the kitchen. I thought you fell in.” Luke teases

“You thought I fell in the toilet?” I ask

“It’s possible. You’re small and I’m sure it’s happened to someone.” Luke laughs and I hear Emily cough

“Oh uh, this is Emily. Luke. Emily. Emily. Luke” I introduce

Emily steps in front of me and shakes Luke’s hand.

“Wow, you have a firm grip. You must work out.” Emily flirts and lightly squeezes Luke’s biceps. I see him blush and I feel a pit in my stomach. Am I jealous?

I walk away from Luke and Emily and enter the kitchen. I grab a cup from the counter and chug it. This party is turning out to be really stressful. First Brian and now this. I sulk over to the keg and drown my sorrows in a cup of beer.

“I thought I told you to slow down” I turn around from the keg and see Luke smirking behind me.

“I thought you were with Emily” I moan and set my cup down

“Not my type” Luke shrugs and I feel as if a weight was lifted off of my shoulder.

“Darn” I frown but inside I really want to smile.

“HEY GUYS. IT’S TIME TO SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LUKE AND AMANDA!” Michael yells and sets the cakes on the counter. He lights the candles on one of the cakes and counts down the guests

“Happy Birthday” is slurred throughout the party and it’s really entertaining to watch.

Luke and Amanda blow out the candles and the guests clap.

I get an idea and smirk to myself.

“Mmm. This cake smells so good” I say and Luke looks at me

“Really?” He smiles and I nod. Luke bends down to smell the cake. I put my hand on the back of Luke’s head and I push it down into the cake. I hear a couple gasps and laughs from the crowd and Calum takes a picture of Luke’s face in the cake. Luke removes his face from the cake and stares at me in complete shock. I cover my mouth with my hand to suppress my laughter.

“I’m so sorry, Luke. It was really tempting” I giggle and turn around to get him a napkin. I turn back around to hand Luke a napkin when Luke’s smashes the cake into my face. I hear more gasps and laughs and Luke removes the cake from my face.

“I’m so sorry, Taylor. It was really tempting” Luke mocks me with a smirk

“Go clean yourselves up before you start a food fight” Amanda demands and shoots a glare at Ashton who has a handful of chips. He mutters an apology and puts the chips back into the bowl.

Luke and I run up the stairs and into his bedroom. I look into his mirror and gasp. My entire face is covered in cake; I look hilarious.

“Oh my God, Luke. We look ridiculous. We need to take a picture” I say

“Way ahead of you” Luke says and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He opens the camera app and we take a couple pictures making different faces.

“I can’t believe you shoved a cake in my face” Luke laughs

“I can’t believe you retaliated. My entire face is covered in cake” I say and turn to face him. We’re standing inches apart and I have to tilt my head up to look at him. The moment we make eye contact I feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach again.

“Well, actually, I missed a spot” Luke says


((i'm breaking the chapter into two parts im sorry to leave a slight cliffhanger the second part is already posted don't hate me hahah)) 

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