Change of Heart

By zayy2legit

118K 5.3K 268

How much does it take for a person to have a change of heart? Someone new. Betrayal. Lies. Death. The new gi... More

New Story
Character "Jay"
Character - Morgan
Character - "Lonnie"
Character - "Chaz"
3 - The Answer Is No
4 - Truth Behind Closed Doors
5 - What You Don't Know
Author's Note
Author's Note
22 - Lies Lies Lies
23 - Bros Before Hoes
24 - Hit and Run
25 - Unexpected Visitors
26 - Orange hair
28 [Part 1]
31 - Unknown Number
32 - In Some Deep Sh!t
33 - Try To Run Now
34 - Breaking News
35 - Flipped the Script
36 - Get What you Deserve
37 - Confessions Pt. 1
38 - Confessions Pt. 2
49 - Thank You Card
50 - Trying New Things
51 - Insecurities Need Reassurance

29 [Part 2]

1.4K 73 2
By zayy2legit


I'm just sad that I couldn't protect her. And Lonnie sure as hell didn't protect her either. How could she have managed to let this go down without knowing?

"Wait til I see her again"

What you need side pieces for when you have a 5 star meal on your plate? She got me throwed.



I leave the hospital and head out to my car. Both of them were tripping heavy in there.

I check my pockets for my keys. My back pockets were empty.

I wonder where that piece of paper went. I was gonna put it in the trash when I found one, I just didn't want to litter. Oh well...

I finally found my keys in my front left pocket. I crank up and turn on some J Cole to try and calm me down.

I get home and notice there was no car in the driveway. I must be home alone.

I go to my room and start to thinking how I'm gonna find this coward. I mean Morgan made me really mad at the hospital but I still care for my baby. And I'm not gonna stop till I find this coward.

I text my cousin, Hakeem. If you wanna know about the streets he's got the eyes and ears of the streets. He owes me a favor anyways, I helped him graduate high school. He wasn't the smartest person when it came to the books, but I was. I was book smart and he was street smart. I had his back with the books, he had my back in the streets.

Yes, my neighborhood might be pretty "nice" but it's not perfect. It still goes down in the streets even if you don't see or hear it.

Last year, I helped him reach his goal and he was grateful for it. He just wanted to be able to say he actually accomplished something with his education. I mean that's the least anyone can want for themselves.

I shoot him a text asking him if he could do me a favor and find out who was on the streets at the time of the hit and run.

He informed me that he wasn't out that day but still had his eyes on the streets. He said he'll get back to me with that info as soon as possible. I just wait patiently since that's all I can do.

Law and Order it is...

Lonnie POV

I couldn't believe it. These two were seeing each other behind my back. My best friend and my little cousin.

I should've known.

I say don't do something, she always does it. Don't cross the street, she crosses the street. Don't eat my food, she eats my food. I say don't try talking to any of my friends, her ass ends up dating my best friend.

Now that I think about it. Those two were the ones I saw in the bathroom that time. Ew... I caught my best friend and my little cousin in the stall together.

I just don't want nobody getting hurt. I don't want to be in the middle of no drama. And by 'nobody', I mean Jamie. Morgan is family but I know how she is.

She can break a heart in a minute. Right when you least expect it. I don't want my best friend being hurt. The Banks are players. We all are. And I don't want to witness my best friend being played. Again.

I know all the negative outcomes. I know both of them. Jamie is a good guy but Morgan ain't. She look all cute and stuff but that's a cover up. I know her like the back of my hand.

And I know that she has no enemies. She got haters. I mean she's a Banks, we all have haters. But an enemy.. She just got here. How could she already have an enemy?

More importantly how could anyone know that she was now living with me. That's crazy. She just moved in. How could someone know exactly where she is. There's no reason someone would hit and run on Morgan. She couldn't be anyone's target. She has no enemies. And real enemies aren't cowards.

Running is a coward thing. It's a sign of fear. What if they were scared cause it's not Morgan they wanted to hit. They didn't know who the person was so they ran away from the mistake.

So knuckle head opens the door they swing before she notices. She gets KO'd they see who she was then runs when they realize who she wasn't. So then that means.. I'm the target?


So who would put a hit on me? I mean I don't have any enemies either.

I start to go into deep concentration and analyze the situation.

So the person, for one, had to know where I live. Only family knows and my two best friends, Jay and Chaz. Now I know neither of them would do something like this. So who else... I mean Bianca is a snake. What if she forced Chaz to tell her where I live?

But that doesn't explain why she would want to hit me.

I have no clue at this point. I just decide to go to someone else and ask them for help on this because at this point I think they would want to know who did this just as bad as I do.


Follow me and add my story to your library to stay updated for when there is more to come.


- Later beautiful people. ❤

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