The 100-Lydia Kane

By vizenya

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The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot been seen or touched - they must be felt with the hear... More



400 16 3
By vizenya

|lonely wanderer|


All night
"Trade your broken wings for mine
I've seen your scars and kissed your crime"

The man who sold the world
"I thought you died alone a long long time ago."


As I reentered the protection of the trees I looked for the tree where I had hid my backpack. I looked back at camp and only saw the guards.

"I'll be back." I said quietly to myself as I found my backpack. I hanged it awkwardly over my shoulder because of all of the weapons that I had on.

Did I do the right thing by leaving? Maybe leaving wasn't the right thing to do?

I said to myself as I kept walking deeper into the woods. I kept off the main road but walked close by it so I could keep my eyes on it.

Now all I have now is time. Time to think of what I done.

But maybe this is what I need. To come to terms with what I did. To deal with my pain in my own way.


It was late in the evening when I had reached my destination. I looked up at the big metal door and sighed.

"Here I am once again." I said as I walked up to the door and pulled it so it could open. The door was heavy since it was made out of pure metal.

Once inside mount weather I closed the door behind me. Every other light was on. The concrete floors were clean.

I kept walking and avoided the dead bodies that crossed my path. I slid the key card that I kept as the elevator doors opened. I went inside and pressed the last button.

The elevator began to move down as I stared straight ahead.

Where would I live?

I asked myself. I can't go to the drop ship because if anyone, which I doubted, were to go look for me that would be the first place they would look.

I can't stay here in mount weather for obvious reasons. I took a deep breath as the doors opened and I stepped out. I walked down the hall as I stopped before the glass doors.

I opened the door and walked into the office. I put my backpack down on the floor and took off my weapons. I cracked my back having the weight off of me.

I sat down behind the desk and turned the computer on. As I waited for it to turn on I swirled around in the chair as something caught my eye.

I got up and looked over to where papers were spilling out of the bookcase. I took them out and looked at the detailed maps.

I looked through them and saw that they contained the locations of different bunkers of different sizes. I put the maps to the side of the desk and hacked through the computer.

I managed to connect the security cameras from outside the mountain into the computer so I could see if anyone approached, which I highly doubted.

I continued looking through the maps. After hours of debating on which one I should visit I picked one.

"This is it. If I don't like it I'm fucked." I said to myself as I left the papers on the desk and stood up. I grabbed my backpack and my bow and arrows. I never took off my swords because I just felt safer with them on.

Leaving the office I looked up and down the empty halls.

If this was the presidential floor then the presidential rooms must be on this floor as well.

I walked further down the hall and came across a wooden door. I turned the knob but it was locked. I pushed against the door a couple of times until the knob broke allowing me to enter the room.

Inside was a navy rug, two leather brown sofas, a couple of paintings, a desk with a lamp.

It was pretty plain. I walked through the living room and turned right. There was another door. I turned the knob and the door opened.

Opening the door wider I found a simple room with one painting hanging. I walked inside the room and opened another door which revealed the bathroom.

I went inside and closed the door behind me. I looked at myself in the mirror. I stared for who knows how long.

I dropped my backpack on the floor before I took off my swords. I took off my bow and arrows and put them on the floor. Removing all of my knives I placed them neatly on the bathroom counter.

I took off my long leather jacket and hanged it on the towel rack. I took off my shoes and shoved my socks inside of them. I took the rest of my clothes off and grabbed my backpack again.

I sat down on the edge of the tub and unzipped my backpack. I rummaged through the things that I had until I grabbed a bottle from the bottom.

I closed the backpack again and shook the small plastic bottle. I stood up again and opened the bottle and poured it on my head.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I combed out the purple liquid into my hair. My hair was soaked in the purple liquid as it painted my hands purple along with my shoulders and upper back.

Finishing up I washed my hands off and dried them off. I sat back down on the edge of the tub and sighed.

Solitude sucked.

~~8 months later~~

I sat down on the chair looking out the window into the small garden. In the eight months that have past I made a home out of the bunker.

I made windows, added wooden walls which I painted white, took a lot of the wood paneling from the mountain, I added a second wooden layer to the circular metal door, I took everything I needed from the mountain.

I had a closet full of spare lightbulbs, linen, all of my furniture and cutlery came from the mountain. I disassembled a piano and rebuilt here in the bunker.

I went into the storage where they kept the paintings and hanged so many up here. I gathered edible wild flowers, and medicinal herbs and planted them in the garden in front of my window.

I made a very small pond with a watermill so I could keep that seaweed plant that kept Jasper alive in our first days on earth.

I debated on whether or not to go hunting. On one hand I could drink hot chocolate and watch some old Olympic games and on the other I could get all bloody, beat up, and have to drag a dead animal for miles.

I sighed getting up from my spot on the couch and walked over to my room.

~~Bellamy's P.o.V~~

"Are you still moping?" I heard a familiar voice ask me as she sat down in front of me.

"How do you not miss her?" I asked her

"Lydia is a free spirit. And I do miss her I mean jeez that's my sister but....I know she's going to come back. She just needs to heal in her own way." Leo said as she stirred her drink

"So your dad and Abby eh?" I asked her as I looked at Marcus and Abby acting like schoolchildren. I smiled and shook my head

"Yeah its weird. I mean it'll be weirder for Lydia. It would mean that Lydia dated her stepsister." Leo said thoughtfully with a slight laugh as she thought about it.

"Its quite funny actually." She said as she laughed some more.

"Hey Bellamy." I heard a girl say as I turned around.

"Hey Gina." I said as she stood next to me. I turned back to Leo and saw that she stopped laughing.

"I just got back from a supply run from mount weather and I brought you this." She said as she handed me The Iliad

"Thank you Gina." I said as I took it and flipped through the pages.

"Yeah no problem... Um I'll talk to you later." She said walking away backwards as she nodded.

"Humpf." I heard Leo say as I looked up at her to see that she took a sip of her drink.

"What?" I asked

"Nothing." She said as she inspected the tips of her hair

"Nothing?" I questioned as she nodded as she took another sip of her drink before placing it down on the wooden table.

"Nothing is wrong Bellamy." She said sighing

"So any news?" I asked as she made a face that she knew something.

"Well just between you and I." She said as she leans a bit closer

"I overheard my dad saying that Lexa had sent for Lydia to be brought back to Polis." She said as she took a sip of her drink gulping the last of it

"Wha...if...if Lexa is sending for Kane-" I was saying

"Lydia." Leo corrected

"If Lexa was sending for her that means that Kane isn't with Lexa." I said

"Yeah dad told the envoy that Lydia hasn't been home ever since what happened in the mountain." She said shrugging

"So she isn't in mount weather, or the drop ship, or Polis. Where else could she be?" I asked her as she shrugged again. I had hoped that even though Lexa betrayed her she would of gone to her. Because if she would have I would of known that by Lexa's side she couldn't have been anywhere safer.

"I checked caves, some villages...nothing." Leo said

"When she wants to hide no one can find her." She said

"Aren't you worried?" I asked

"No...she's a big girl she knows what she's doing." She said we stayed quiet for a few moments. This is a conversation that we had often.

I would try to figure out where she could possibly be while Leo would tell me that it isn't possible for her to be there.

Its a conversation that I shared often with Clarke and Monty as well as Octavia.

"Back when Kane was with Lexa, when she had to kill Finn...Lexa called her ai houmon do you know what the means?" I asked Leo as she nodded

"Yeah um that means, my wife." She said

"Kane was Lexa's wife." I repeated as she nodded

"Basically yeah." She said as I took it in

"And why does she have black blood?" I asked

"Who? Lexa or Lydia?" She asked


"Lexa is a night blood. And only night bloods can become commander. Lydia....Lydia is a different case. Its like earth did something to her blood that made it go black.

I remember she used to have red blood but I guess now she's a night blood as well." She said

"So she can become commander if she wanted to?" I asked

"If Lexa dies and Lydia wants to, yes. Lydia may participate in the conclave." She answered

"Why are you smiling?" Leo asked as I wiped the smile off my face


"Why are you smiling?" She asked again

"Its just that..the first couple of days we were on earth she was telling me what she did on the ark. And that it was my fault that she was on the drop ship. So I had apologized to her for her stalled plan of world domination." I said smiling on the memory

"I guess she's back on track again."I said with a large smile as I drank from my cup as the drink felt warm as it went down my throat.

We stayed silent as the sky darkened and the stars came out.

"Are you going out with Amir tonight?" I asked her as she smiled

"Yeah he asked his mom if he could have patrol in the morning instead of the afternoon. " she said

"I'm happy for you." I said as I put some of my drink in to hers before raising my cup

"To your happiness." I said as she raised her cup as well and clanked it against mine as we both drank.

** Lydia's P.o.V**

"Again?" Niylah asked as she saw me approach her trading post for the third time this week.

"Do you want the meat or not?"I asked as I looked back at the boar that I was dragging.

"I want." She said as I nodded and dragged the boar inside her small shop. I left it on the floor as she inspected the boar

"You always manage to make a clean kill." She commented as I shrugged

"I'm good at it I guess." I said as I leaned against the wall.

"Alright pick out what you want." She said as I shook my head.

"Not today. I'll come back some other time and take my payment." I said to her

"You don't want food?" She asked

"Just not today." I said smiling as she raised an eyebrow

"Are you ill? Do you need me to call the healer?" She asked as I shook my head.

"No, no healer." I said

"I'll see you later Niylah." I said to her as I exited her shop.

"I'll see you soon my friend." She said as she looked after me as I walked down the road. I looked back at her as she waved. I waved back and continued down the road.

I left the small village as horses grazed out in the fields. Crows crowed high up in the trees as the sound of their wings flapped against the wind as they flew over my head.

I got off the road and entered the woods. The dry leaves crunched beneath my boots, as birds sang in the trees. The crickets chirped all around me as the leaves rustled against the branches as a soft breeze flew through.

The sky grew darker by the minute as the sun left for the day and the moon and stars came out for the night.

The night animals came out to play. You could hear distant howling. The hoots of a nearby owl. The sound of cicadas was what was loudest of them all.

The village by now was far gone. Not one sound of the village people could be heard. Its light could not reach me now.

No one knew where I lived. Niylah had asked before but I've always dodged the question.

The only noise now was nature and my breathing. After walking an hour in the dark I could see the small outline of the hill that was my bunker. My home.

I went around the hill and opened the small gate as the lamps gave off a soft glow.

I walked up the stone steps and unlocked the circular door. I opened it and walked inside. I closed it behind be and locked it shut.

I took off my coat and hanged it on the coat hanger by the door. I took off my shoes because I didn't want to track mud through out the house.

I walked left down the hallway at the end of the hallway led me to the dining room. I turned a right as it led me into the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and filled it halfway with water.

Drinking the water slowly I leaned against the counter and thought about my life and about how much it had changed over the last couple of years.

I went from being a doctor and engineer on the ark to being on earth. I went from leading a group of delinquent teenagers, to being kidnapped and loving my kidnapper, to living in solidarity.

I finished my water and put it in its place in the cupboard.

I walked back down the hall and passed the front door. I kept going down the hallway passing by the linen closet, the supply closet, and the alcohol closet. I went to the last door and opened it.

I saw my bed neatly done as I closed the door behind me and locked it. I uncovered the keypad that was inlaid in the wall next to the door. I punched in the code to lock the house.

I could hear the metal windows coming down behind the glass windows sort of like a second defense system. The lights outside the house turned off as the security cameras went into night vision.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower rinsing off the days hunt. I washed my hair asking myself when I should dye my hair again.

Stepping out of the shower I wrapped myself in a towel and dried myself off before getting my pajamas and putting them in.

I combed out my hair as I saw bits of light brown sneaking its way through the blonde hair.

Drying my hair off some more I left the bathroom and pulled the covers back from my bed.

I laid there for sometime staring at the ceiling and before I knew it I was fast asleep.

* Two days later. Late night.*

I had my hands in the air as I broke through the tree line. Even though I did this I still seemed like a threat. I had multiple weapons on me. I could kill anyone that got near me.

The gates opened as a man with a gun approached me. He had the gun pointing at me as I still had my hands raised. I stopped walking as he got closer.

I flicked my ponytail over my shoulder and sighed.

"What clan are you from?" He asked

"Skaikru." I answered as he faltered

"My names Lydia Kane." I said as he lowered his gun down a bit.

"Please don't tell anyone I'm here. I just want to see my sister." I said to him.

"I thought Lydia Kane died." He said as I shook my head.

"I'm alive. Now can I put my hands down or..?" I asked as he nodded as I put my hands down.

"Let me get the rest of my stuff." I said to him as I turned around and went into the treeline and grabbed four bags and threw them over my shoulders.

"Come on." He said as he put his gun all the way down and accompanied me all the way inside the camp.

There were very few people awake. The only ones awake were the guards on duty which wasn't much.

About five, all spread out pretty far. The only one that had actually seen me was the man I was walking with.

"I won't tell anyone you're here." He said as I nodded in thanks as he closed the gate and I walked inside of the ark.

I walked down the long hall and turned a couple of corners until I stood outside of my house door. I looked inside of my jacket pocket and digged out key that Leo had given me the first day I got here months ago.

I put the key in the lock and twisted it as the door unlocked and I was able to open the door.

I walked inside and closed the door behind me. Everything was quiet as I walked through the house. I walked down the hall that led to my room and opened the door once I was at the end of the hall.

I peeked inside and saw Leo dead asleep snoring. I smiled as I walked inside and closed the door.

The moonlight streamed in from the windows as Leo's snores filled the room.

I put my bags on the floor before I took off my bow and arrows and placed them on the floor. I took off my belt that held my swords and laid them carefully on the floor.

I took my gun from my waistband and put it on top of the nightstand. Removing all of my extra knives, poisons, and small mini arrows from my person.

I put them in nice straight neat rows on the nightstand before I began to undress.

I took off my jacket, boots, socks, jeans, and shirt. I opened the closet and grabbed some pj's. I put them on before I took out my toothbrush.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and left my toothbrush there and closed the door behind me.

I walked into the room with Leo still snoring very deeply as I went over to my bed. It seemed as if nobody had touched it since I left over half a year ago.

I pulled the covers back before I crawled into bed. I stared at the wall and looked at the new painting that was there. Next to the painting that was Clarke and me was a painting of frozen flowers.

I stared at it smiling as I thought that it described me perfectly. I'm a flower frozen in time. I stared at the detail of the painting as it drew me to a sleep.

"Wake up!" I heard suddenly as I felt someone jumping on the bed.

"Wake up! Wake up!" I heard Leo say excitedly. I smiled sleepily as I turned over and rubbed my eyes as she stood over me before she dropped her knees.

"You're back." She said almost crying as she took my face into her hands as she stared at me as I smiled

"I'm back." I said grabbing one of her hands and rubbed it comforting.

"I knew you would." She said as I smiled

"I have to go tell dad. Oh god....I have to tell Bellamy. He's has misse-" she was saying but I shook my head

"No wait. I just.... I just want to be unknown for a bit. I don't want anyone to know I'm here." I said as her smiled faltered

"Why?" She asked

"Because I don't want people to know I'm here just yet that's why." I said as I fixed the pillow behind my head.

"I'll tell them I'm here when I'm ready." I said to her as she nodded

"Okay." She said getting off the bed.

"I'm going to take a shower." She said as she looked in the closet and picked out some clothes.

"Where's dad?" I asked as she thought for a second.

"I don't know. He wasn't here when I woke up." She said as she picked out a tshirt and jeans.

"All right I'll see you in a bit." She said as she opened the door to the bathroom and closed it behind her.

I sighed as I relaxed into the bed. I looked at my hair and ran my hands through it. I sat up quickly and got off the bed.

I turned a circle in the room and turned back to the bed. I made the bed neatly before I put my bags on the bed. I unzipped them and started taking the clothes out and laid them neatly on the bed.

I went over to the closet and made some space. There was a lot of free hangers so I took them and put my clothes on them.

I had brought some from my place as well because I didn't know if Leo had any extras. Finally hanging all of my shirts pairing them with jeans I put my shoes all at the bottom of the closet next to Leos.

I went over to the nightstand and pulled the empty drawers out and neatly put the rest of my stuff in there. I heard the water shut off and I turned to the bathroom door and waited for a couple of seconds before returning to my task.

Closing the drawers I stood up and dusted myself off before I heard someone knocking on the outside door. I froze as the kept knocking.

"Leo." I whispered

"What?" She said in a normal voice

"There's someone at the door." I whispered at through the door as she unlocked the door and pocked her head out as her hair dripped water

"There's someone at the door? She asked as I nodded

"Well then go get it." She said in a very "duh" manner

"No one is supposed to know I'm here." I said back as she nodded

"Oh yeah." She said as she grabbed her robe and put it on as they kept knocking

"I'm coming!" Leo shouted as she tied the robe around herself.

"I'll be right back." Leo said to me as she closed the door after herself as I grabbed the gun on my nightstand and stood close to the door in case anything happened.

I couldn't hear anything as I waited.

"It was Clarke." Leo said as she walked through the door

"Where is she?" I asked

"She left. She asked me if I wanted to have breakfast with her." She said as she opened the bathroom door and closed it behind her

"And?" I asked through the door

"I told her I'll go in ten minutes." She said

"And put that gun away." She added as I looked at the gun in my hands.

I left the room and walked down the hallways as it opened towards the living room. I went over to the TV and crouched down to the bookcases.

I skimmed through the titles on the spines of the books in search of the right book.

"Hey I'll be back later." Leonora said as she tied up her still damp hair.

"Okay." I said not really looking up.

"I'll bring back some food." She said as she walked across the room and left the house.

I sighed not really liking any book so I stood up and walked back down the hall towards my room.

I opened the door and closed it behind me as I got some clothes to change into since I was still in my PJs. I opened the door to the bathroom and turned the water on to take a shower.

As I waited for the water to get warn I brushed my teeth and got undressed. Finishing that I got into the shower and rinsed off my travels from the past couple of days.

Standing under the water for a couple of minutes after I had finished I turned the water off.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped myself in it and got out the shower. Drying myself off I wringed out the water from my hair to stop the water from dripping down my back.

I put lotion all over my body before I put my clothes on. It was simple. Black jeans, black long sleeved shirt, black combat boots, and black leather jacket.

I combed my hair out and dried it some more as I saw more brown peeking through the blonde strands. I put my dirty clothes in the basket and left the bathroom.

I sighed as I stood in the middle of the room not knowing what to do. I stood there for a good while because when I realized that I was still standing my hair had dried.

I shook myself out of the daze and walked towards my bed at the same moment that I heard heavy footsteps approach my room door. It wasn't Leo because she was a hunter and she had light feet.

I grabbed a gun that I had on my nightstand and whipped around towards the door when the door opened.

"Hey hey! Calm down!" The guy said with his hands up

"Who are you?" I asked with the gun pointed towards him.


"Don't move." I said to him as he took a step closer

"My names Lucas." He said with his hands up seeming quite bored as he stared at me

"Wait...are you Lydia?" He asked with a smile as I faltered

"Why?" I asked

"Oh my god. Its you!" He seemed happy as he put his hands down

"Wha- why are you happy?" I demanded as he smiled as if I was a long lost friend

"Jeez its so good to finally meet you." He said

"Im Lucas Kane." He said as my jaw dropped

"Who?" I asked in disbelief

"I'm your brother..well half brother." He corrected himself

"How?" I asked as I put the gun down slightly

"Well we share the same dad. But he had me before he met your mom but when he met your mom he got married and them had you and Leo and I was that awkward older kid." He said

"I have a brother." I said in disbelief as I looked down to the floor and back at him.

"Oh my god." I heard behind Lucas as I looked at who it was

"I was going to tell you about Lucas " Leo said as she smacked Lucas in the arm

"Lucas." She complained as he smiled

"Whoops." He said mockingly

"Come on she was going to find out that she had an older brother anyway." He defended himself

"I brought you food." Leo said as she held up a small bowl of what I was assuming was soup.

"Thanks" I said taking it in my hand as I used the other to put the gun in he back of my waistband.

"Come on I'll tell you more about me." Lucas said as he walked out of the room and into the living room as he plopped down on the couch.

I sat down in the middle as Leo sat on my right. I grabbed the small spoon and began to eat the soup as I took sips of water every once in a while as Lucas told me about himself

Lucas was a pretty cool guy. He made you feel really comfortable. He was funny as well.

** 3 months later **

I spent the next three months in hiding. I rarely left the house and my source of entertainment came from the books or TV.

Leo usually left during the day to spend time with Amir, her boyfriend. Who also happened to be Indra's son.

Dad usually left as well too.

The one who would keep me company was Lucas. Seeing as he's living with us since we had an extra room. He would stay everyday and bring me food and then he would stay with me until it was time for him to go to work or get more food.

But as soon as that was done he would come right back. Over the last 3 months we had gotten pretty close. I had come to see him as a brother.

And today was no different. I was waiting in the living room as the door opened from his room.

"Hey." He said as I nodded over to him.

"Ima go bring the food." He said

"Cool I'll go too." I said as he looked back at me surprised

"Really?" He asked as I nodded

"Yeah." I said nodding again as he shrugged.

"Are you sure you're up for the task?" He asked me as I rolled my eyes

"Pretty sure." I said as he opened the door and waited for me to walked out first before he closed the door behind himself.

"Dobby is free." I said with a smile as he laughed

"Master has given Dobby a sock" he said

"That really was a dirty ass sock though." I said as he nodded

"Right! It was like dragged through mud." He said laughing as we walked down the halls.

Lucas bumped into my arm as I reached down and fixed the knife that I had in my boot.

"Damn anything else?" He asked. I took out two guns from my waistband and showed it to him.

"I was kidding." He said in mock shock as I put them away.

"So you're telling me you're not strapped?" I asked looking up at him.

"I am." He said

"I'm wearing a bullet proof vest aren't I?" He asked as he took a gun from his waistband as well. He showed it to me before he put it away as well.

"I'm always prepared little sis." He said as he ruffled my hair

"Shut up." I said pushing his hand off of my head to keep it from messing up. We walked out of the door that led to the outside as Lucas led me to the eating area.

"Just sit down I'll bring the food." He said as he led me to a table as I sat down as he walked away.

I saw him make line as he turned back around to see if I was okay. I smiled at him and waved as he gave me a thumbs up. I turned towards the table and sat quietly and still as the sun shined down on me for the first time in months.

I could smell nature and not the air inside the ark. My skin was paler than usual. The warm sun, the smell of dirt, the smell of pine cones, and burning wood.

The sound of birds singing and the laughter of people walking by. I rapped my fingers on the wooden table. I looked up as I saw someone approaching the table. I looked up thinking it was Lucas but met an angry Jasper.

"You." He said seething in anger and before I could do anything he punched me in the face.

"What the hell?!" I yelled as I got up from the bench as he pushed me to the ground. He stared to choke me as I tried to get the upper hand.

"Hey!" I heard someone say as Jasper was thrown off of me and he flew.

"Get the hell off of my sister." Lucas said as I laid on the floor with a bleeding nose.

"Hey what's going on?" Another voice joined. A voice I recognized

"She killed her!" Jasper yelled as I rolled my eyes.

"Are we still with that?" I asked as Lucas helped me stand up.

"Here." Lucas said handing me a napkin as I wiped the blood away and held it to my nose.

As I stood there I could feel eyes on me. I looked up to see Jasper looking at me with hatred as he lunged for me again but Lucas grabbed him by the neck and stared at him straight in the eye

"Don't go near my sister you hear me?" He said as he threw him back.

"This your guy?" Lucas asked Bellamy as Bellamy stared at me.

"What?" Bellamy asked as he was distracted

"Keep this kid away from Lydia or the next time he does some stupid shit like this it won't be pretty." Lucas said as Bellamy was shaken out of his thoughts

"You punched Kane?" He said angrily

"Yeah and?" Jasper answered back

"And that next time you try something like that you'll deal with me." Bellamy said

"Whatever man." Jasper said shaking his head and walking away as I wiped the last of the blood away.

"I'm sorry man" Bellamy to Lucas as Lucas shook his head

"Don't be sorry be careful." Lucas said as I laughed

"I'll get the food." Lucas said

"Its a paraphrased quote from a movie , Friday After Next." I explained to Bellamy awkwardly as he nodded

We stood there not speaking. Even though we had so much to say I didn't know how to start.

"Lydia." Lucas called my name but I didn't turn or move.

"Well I should go." I said after a couple of moments of silence as he nodded. I turned around and walked slowly towards the table that Lucas had sat down on.

I turned back around to see Bellamy still standing there before turning around and leaving.

"What the hell was that?" Lucas asked as I sat down

"What was what?" I asked as I started eating. Lucas smiled but shook his head.

"Nothing. Never mind." He said as he ate. We ate in silence as a smile had crept its way onto my face. I ate hurriedly as I waited for Lucas as I stared at his beard

"Are you competing with dad?" I asked

"There's no competition first of all." He said as I laughed

"Ohh no competition eh?" I asked

"None at all." He said as he finished the last of his food as he patted his beard

"What are you going to do right now?" I asked him as he leaned on his elbows

"I'm going to get on the roof and be on lookout for a bit. Best shooter this place has." He said bragging as he rolled his head.

"Please." I said

"Oh do you think you're a better shooter than me?" He asked

"I know it. I mean first of all there's no competition." I said with a huge smile

"No competition?" He asked

"None at all." Said repeating what was said a bit ago. He smiles before checking his watch.

"Shit I have to go. Are you going back home?" He Asked as he got my plate

"No I think I'm going to walk around a bit first." I said as he nodded

"Okay. Just remember I see everything." He said as he pointed to the roof before he left taking the dishes with him. I smiled at the table before I got up as well.

I left the eating area and walked slowly not knowing where to go. I saw people washing clothes, and a man making cement.

I walked towards the back of the camp in hopes that I would see people that I knew. I saw more structures built. People going in and out the structures carrying what they needed.

I heard a whistle from on top as I looked up and squinted. I saw Lucas standing on the roof with a gun across his chest. He had his sunglasses down as he nodded towards me as he made a motion that he sees everything. I waved him off as he walked away.

I continued to walk as I finally saw someone I knew. I smiled as I was about to walk over but someone stepped in front of me.

"Lydia!" Clarke said with a huge smile as she took me into her arms and gave me a tight hug.

"Clarke." I said hugging her back.

"Wow its been what? About a year since we last saw you?" She asked as she held me at arms length.

"Yeah a little over a year." I said nodding as she looked me up and down.

"You look good." She said with a praising smile. But she raised an eyebrow

"You're...bruising." She said as she touched the area around my nose gingerly. She touched the corner of my eye as it was a bit bruised too.

"Yeah I got it from the welcoming committee." I said as I backed away from her hands as she kept touching my face

"Welcoming committee?" She asked

"Jasper." I said simply as she nodded

"Well come on let's tell everyone you're here." She said as she led me to a nearby structure

"We've missed you so much" Clarke said as she squeezed my shoulders as I saw Monty and Harper leaning over a table.

"Hey guys." I said not letting Clarke talk first
Their heads snapped up as they turned to me.

"Lydia!" Monty said as he rushed over to hug me.

"Its been so long since I've seen you." He said as I nodded

"Too long." I said as I turned to hug Harper as I noticed that they both had guard uniforms.

"Glad to have you back." She said

"Now I know that's not Lydia." I heard another voice say as I smiled

"Miller." I said smiling as I turned around towards the door as I saw him walk in

"Glad to have you back." He said hugging me.

"This lot is crazy." He said to me as I laughed a bit

"Come on let's go see Raven." Clarke said

"I'll see you guys later." I said to them as I was led out.

"I missed them." I said

"And they missed you." Clarke said as we walked into another small building.

"What do you want Clarke?" I heard Raven say a bit annoyed as she was crouching over her workspace as she looked through a microscope as a couple of sparks flew in the air.

"And how do you know its Clarke?" I asked as she stopped moving as her shoulders dropped a bit

"Oh no not another blonde." Raven said as she turned towards me with a cocky smile.

"Just another engineer that doesn't know how to do shit." She said as she got up from her bench and limped over to me.

"I created this shit." I said as I referred to the building that we were in.

"Only after I made the corrections." She said

"Yes only after you corrected a misspelled word." I said

"Come here." She said as she hugged me

"I'm surrounded by idiots Lydia." She said into my shoulder

"That's exactly how I feel right now." I said as she punched my arm as I laughed

"So have you seen Bellamy yet?" Clarke asked as she sat down on the bench as I went to go sit on the bench Raven had been sitting on as I continued her work.

"I've seen him." I answered simply

"And?" Raven asked wanting a better answer

"And I saw him after Jasper punched me and Lucas got him off of me. We just stared at each other for a couple of minutes before Lucas called me away." I said as I electrocuted myself and I retracted my hand sharply in pain.

"Fuck." I said

"I can't believe you have a brother." Clarke said

"I know. Its crazy right?" I asked as I sucked on my thumb a bit before I got back to work

"Okay back to Bellamy." Raven said bringing us back into the original story

"He didn't say anything? He didn't say you look nice? Or how have you been?" Raven asked a bit disappointed

"Nothing. We just stared at each other." I said shaking my head as I fixed the last wire

"Hey Raven my walkie isn't-" a new voice entered the small building as I turned around to see who it was.

Bellamy stood still as he stared at me as I stood up

"I can fix it." I said to him

"Yeah let Lydia fix it. Clarke and I have to go eat." Raven said as she rushed up as they both left leaving Bellamy and I by ourselves.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked as I stepped towards him as he still had the walkie raised in his hand.

"Um its just dead. Sometimes it makes a little white noise then it dies again." He said clearing his throat as I took the walkie from his hand and nodded

"Okay." I said as I stood there

"Listen I'm sorry I left." I said to him as I looked up at him

"I didn't stop to think how you might feel. It was pretty selfish of me to have just..disappeared." I said to him As he shook his head

"I was mad when you first left." He said as I nodded

"I was angry. I was angry at myself. I was angry at Dante, and Cage, at Lexa. At you." He said

"But then my anger faded when I realized that you would be by yourself." He said as his mood changed

"I worried for you day and night. I just wanted you to be safe. I wanted you to find peace. And if you needed to leave to find that peace then I was okay." He said as I looked up at him and smiled

"I wanted to take you with me." I said truthfully

"I wanted to bring you along so we could deal with it together but...I didn't think it would be a good idea in the end." I said to him

"If you would've asked I would've said yes in a heartbeat." He said as I smiled

"So you're not mad at me?" I asked as he shook his head

"I'm not mad." He said as I smiled even more widely as I ran the couple of paces left between us and jumped as he caught me and spun me in a circle as I laughed in happiness.

My feet touched the ground but we didn't let go of each other. I had my arms wrapped around his neck as he had his arms wrapped around my waist tightly.

"I'm sorry I left." I said muffled into his shoulder as he rested his chin on top of my head.

"What matters is that you're back." He said as he rubbed circles in my back as I relaxed into his embrace.

"You're back." He whispered quietly as I rested my head on him. He kissed the top of my head gingerly almost as if I was a hologram that could disappear.

"I should get your walkie fixed." I said after a while of us just standing there hugging each other. He cleared his throat and let go of me.

"Yeah, yeah um..the walkie." He said as he had totally forgotten about the radio in my hand. I smiled at him as I turned around and walked over to the bench and sat down.

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