It's Hard (A Power Rangers Sa...

By AWolff13

211K 2.7K 785

Power Rangers One-Shots where the members of the team get comforted by Ji and the rest of the team because it... More

It's A Hard Day
Author's Note
First Christmas at the Shiba House
Another Author's Note (Sorry)
Jayden doesn't want to celebrate Christmas (Part 1)
A Lost Voice
Asleep in the Car
So Cold (Part 1)
So Cold (Part 2)
So Cold (Part 3)
So Cold (Part 4)
So Cold (Part 5)
Asleep in the Car
I need some help
Don't let Mia know
Author's Note
Age Change - 2
Age Change - 5
Age Change - 14
Age Change - 17
Author's Note
The Return
Christmas Cookie Disaster
Quick Author's Note
Seasonal Depression Disorder
Merry Christmas! (Note the sarcasm)
Author's Note
Another Author's Note
Author's Note
Hey Guys,
Author's Note
A Charitable Easter
Stomach Flu
I Just Want To Sleep
Little Kids
Little Kids (Part 2)
Little Kids (Part 3)
Little Kids (Part 4)
Little Kids (Part 6)
Little Kids (Part 7)
Author's Note
Little Kids (Part 8)
Author's Note
Authors Note 2
Authors Note
A Charitable Fourth Of July
Not An Update
The Boys
Nightmare Night
The Spider (Mini Fic)
Lunch (Mini Fic)
Tired (Mini Fic)
Allergy (Mini Fic)
Ji's Away
Authors Note
Carry On (Mini-Fic)
He's Hurt, In More Ways Than One
Author's Note
The Drive
A Day Out (Mini Fic)
Chicken Pox
Important Authors Note
Authors Note
That Halloween
Sorry, not an update
Happy Thanksgiving! (Not an Update)
Some Help Is Needed (Author's Note)
Hey Guys! Please read!
Snowed In
A Charitable Christmas
Gingerbread House Building Competition (Mini Fic)
Authors Note
It's Starting To Get Festive.... (Author's Note)
The Christmas Babysitter
Sick Christmas
Christmas Community Service
A Samurai Christmas
CHRISTMAS EVE (Not an update)
Kevin's A Christmas Carol
Kind of Important Author's Note
Stomach Virus
Author's Note But If You Dont Care You Dont Have To Read
Idk I just like talking to you guys
Severe Thunderstorm
Winter Storm (Author's Note)
Author's Note
Let Sleeping Rangers Lie (Mini Fic)
Authors Note
Summer Break (Authors Note)
Author's Note
Backstage (Mini-Fic)
Fighting For Attention (Mini-Fic)
Unplanned Decorating (Mini-Fic)
Camping (Mini Fic)
Halloween Party
Halloween Fair (Mini-Fic)
Trick Or Treating
Exciting Author's Note
Author's Note
Christmas Dinner
Really Important Authors Note
The Woman

Little Kids (Part 5)

1.2K 23 24
By AWolff13

As promised, they went to the food court first before doing any shopping. Melanie couldn't help but notice though, Jayden was walking with a limp. Every once in a while Antonio would look over at him apologetically, but Jayden just waved it off. "What do you want?" Ji asked. "Pizza!" Mike replied. Everyone agreed with that, so they went to Pizza Hut. They ordered a pan-dough crust pizza, with premium crushed tomato sauce and mozzarella, wholly covered with bacon and chicken, then half meatballs and half salami. (A/N: Very specific, I know. Don't judge me.) As they ate, Mia and Emily talked about what outfits they were going to get. Mike was constantly throwing pieces of bacon at Kevin, and no one seemed to notice. Except for Kevin of course. After the sixth piece of bacon hit him though, he had had enough. "Stop it!" He exclaimed. Mike threw another piece of bacon, quite hard I might add, and it hit Kevin in the eye. Kevin started to cry, which got Ji's attention. "Mike!" Ji hissed, looking at the boy. "He kept kicking me under the table!" Mike replied. Kevin stopped crying long enough to say, "No I wasn't!" Ji looked sternly at Mike, who didn't say anything. "Mike, apologize to Kevin." Melanie said. "But-" Mike started. Melanie cut him off. "Apologize." She said sternly. Mike opened his mouth but decided against it and turned to Kevin. "Sorry Kev." He said, looking down. Melanie nodded. "Come on," She said, picking up Kevin. "Let's go get your eye fixed up." Tears started to well in Mike's eyes and he pushed his plate away. He curled into a ball in the seat and looked out the window. When Melanie returned with Kevin, the boy had his arms latched around her neck and his face buried in her shoulder. Mike put his head down. When there was no pizza left, the group got up and headed to the first store.

It was about two o clock when the team returned from the mall and to the temple. "Go play over there." Ji said. The kids nodded and headed over to the picnic area. Jayden and Antonio just sat on the table top of a bench. "How's your ankle?" Antonio asked. "I think it's swelling." Jayden replied. "I'm so sorry." Antonio apologized, for about the hundredth time. "It's okay." Jayden told him. "How many times do I have to tell you that?" Antonio shrugged. "Hey," he said, turning around. "What do you think is going on with them?" The "them" he was referring to was Mike and Kevin.
"Back off of Melanie." Mike said with a growl. Kevin looked up at him, confused. "Whaddya mean?" He asked. "Like you don't know." Mike replied. "Just stay away from her." Mike walked away, and Kevin still looked confused, but then he smiled. He mumbled something under his breath that Jayden and Antonio couldn't quite catch, then walked away. "Well that was weird." Jayden said. Antonio could only nod.

It was an hour's drive from the temple to the hotel the rangers were staying at. On the way back to the hotel, Kevin fell asleep. When they arrived Melanie carried him in, and it made Mike mad. "I have to get her attention." He thought. Then he got an idea. In the room, Jayden and Antonio were watching a show about a guy who traveled around in a blue phone booth. Kevin was sleeping on the bed in the first room, and Emily and Mia were playing in the connected one. Ji was in the first room with Jayden, Antonio, Kevin, and Melanie, and Mike was in the connected one. He had waited for a good amount of time so his plan would be more believable, and then he put it into action. "Jiiii..." Mike said dragging out the "I". He walked into the other room. "I don't feel good." He said when Ji looked at him. Ji placed his hand on the boy's forehead. "You don't feel warm." He declared. "My head hurts." Mike whined. He thought of something sad to make his eyes well with tears. "Lie down." Ji said. "Over there, next to Kevin." "I don't wanna." Mike replied. Then Mike got what he was waiting for. "C'mere." Melanie said, opening her arms. Mike did, and Melanie picked him up. She sat down in the chair on the other side of the room and ran her fingers through Mike's hair. Mike had his eyes closed, but he smiled. "He knows what he's doing." Antonio whispered to Jayden. "Let's see how long it lasts." Jayden whispered back with a grin.

When Kevin woke, he was angered to see Melanie holding Mike, who had his eyes closed and was cuddling up to her. "I'm hungry." Jayden said. It was nearing six, and starting to get dark. "Why do you eat so much?" Ji asked playfully. "I'm growing." Jayden said with a grin. He was leaning against the headboard of the bed with his arms folded behind his head. "What do you want?" Ji asked. Jayden shrugged. "Mac and cheese!" Emily chimed in. She was sitting on the floor, playing with a doll Melanie had given her. Ji chuckled. "You can't just go to a restaurant and get mac and cheese." He said. "Actually..." Melanie started, standing up. "We have a restaurant that is only for mac and cheese. It's called Mix and Mac and you can put whatever you want in your food." "Let's go there!" Antonio added.

The Mix and Mac adventure was a quick one, as soon as their orders came out they went back to the hotel deciding it'd be easier to eat there. The night was quiet, the kids had actually agreed on just watching a movie. They were on the floor in front of the bed in the first room. The group fell asleep all in a heap, and Ji and Melanie just left them that way. However, at about 2 am, the fire alarm went off. At first the older kids thought it was the gap sensor, and they immediately jumped up and reached for their Samuraizers, which were no longer there. "Fire alarm!" Ji exclaimed, running in from the other room. "Everyone outside!" He ordered. "Jayden, take Emily! Antonio, you take Kevin." Jayden looked down at the still sleeping five year olds. He sighed, then picked up Emily and made his way down the stairs and outside with everyone else.
After about 20 minutes, they let everyone back inside the hotel. It turns out there were some muffins burning in the cafeteria because someone forgot to turn them off. When they got back in the room, Jayden collapsed on the bed, the pain in his ankle almost blinding. Antonio sat next to him, unsure of what to do. Jayden didn't care though, he was near crying at this point. "Jayden, are you okay?" Ji asked, concerned. Jayden shook his head, eyes closed. Ji shot a look at Antonio, and he broke down. "He flipped off a tree in the park and hurt his ankle." He explained quickly. "We didn't tell you because we thought it would get better but it didn't." Ji sighed, but didn't punish Antonio or Jayden. "Let me see it." He said. Jayden bit his lip as Ji rolled up the leg of his jeans. Ji was taken back. Jayden's ankle looked like a tomato, it was swollen and bright red. "Go to the ice machine down the hall and get some ice." Ji ordered Antonio. The teen did and came back a few minutes later with the ice. Ji put it in a sandwich bag and placed it on Jayden's ankle. "Ji..." Mike said from the doorway. "Go back to bed, Mike." The man told him. "But-" Mike started. "I'll be there in a few minutes. Go." Mike turned around and walked back into the room he slept in. Ji turned back to Jayden. "You are not to put any pressure on this foot." He said. Jayden nodded.

The next day, Ji had woken up with a plan. "You," he told Jayden and Antonio, "are going to watch the kids. Melanie and I have some errands to run." "What?" The teens asked in shock. "However, since Jayden can't walk, you won't be taking care of all of them." Ji explained. He then pulled out a six sided die. "Each of the kids have a number." Ji said, pulling out a piece of paper. "You roll twice. Whatever numbers you land on decides the kids you get." Jayden nodded and rolled the die. The first time he got a six. The second time, a four. "Six is Mike," Ji said, "and four is Emily." "Great." Antonio said sarcastically. "Have fun!" Ji said. With that, he, Melanie, Kevin, and Mia left, leaving the room in charge of Jayden and Antonio.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you're loving this story as much as I am! So, I want your feedback. Please comment! I love reading your comments and if you want, leave an idea of what should happen while Antonio and Jayden are babysitting. It might be included in the story! See you next time! Bye!

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