Don't let Mia know

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry about the 1k reads special taking so long, but I'm going into high school so I have to go shopping and I had to go to orientation and all that crap so I've been busy and not able to write, so here's a draft that I completed quickly a few minutes ago to hold you over, and I'll try to get the special written and published as soon as I can. Thanks!

Jayden, Kevin, Mike, and Emily were filled with dread as they walked to the kitchen after Mia called, "Dinner time!" Mia was grabbing the pan of "lasgana" from the oven. "We've got to tell her." Mike whispered. "We can't, Mike." Jayden whispered back. "It'll break her heart." Mia turned around and brought the "food" to the table, and all the Rangers plastered their faces with fake smiles. "Mia, just out of curiosity," Emily started. "What ingredients did you use in this recipe?" Mia smiled, happy that Emily was taking interest in her culinary skill. "Well, I used the usual pasta and sauce, but I added escargot, onions, and milk, to give it that extra boost of flavor." She explained. Mike slowly took a bite. His mouth still full, he asked, "What's escargot?" Mia replied, "Snails." Mike choked. Kevin whacked him hard on the back a few times. Jayden and Emily gave Mike a look when he could breathe again. "Sorry," the green Ranger excused. "I was just uh... shocked by the um... authenticity of the ingredients you picked." Mia seemed pleased with that and went on eating, while the other Rangers struggled to force down every bite.


Mike woke for what felt like the 100th time. His stomach rumbled uncomfortably, and he felt bile rising in his throat. "Oh no." He thought. He jumped up and ran to the bathroom. When he got there, he found Jayden with his head in the toilet. Mike was running out of time, so he chose to vomit in the sink. When he was finished, Jayden sat down on the floor next to the toilet and wiped his mouth. Mike finished soon after, and he sat down on the floor. Jayden scooted across the bathroom and sat next to him. "I can't take much more of this." Mike said. "I know," Jayden agreed. "This is the fifth time I've been in here." Suddenly Emily burst through the door and started throwing up in the toilet. Both boys, having crushes on Emily they wouldn't admit, rushed over to her. Jayden held her hair while Mike rubbed her back. When she was done, Jayden gave her a cup of water to wash her mouth out with. "We can't keep going on like this." Emily said. "I don't want to hurt her feelings, but we have to tell her." Both boys agreed. Kevin came in the bathroom as well. "Yeah," he said. "But who's going to tell her?" Ji came in, having heard his students have this conversation. "Come on." He ordered. "I'll take you all to the recovery room and give you something for your stomachs, and you can sleep in there." The teens complied and all layed down on a bed in the recovery room. After taking their medicine, the teens all fell into a fitful sleep. Mia was wakened by the noises she heard from the Recovery room and went to go see what was going on. She was shocked to see all of her friends lying in beds, asleep but groaning in pain. Ji walked across the room. He came to an abrupt stop when he saw the pink Ranger. "...Mia..." Ji said in shock. "What's going on?" Mia asked. "What's wrong with them?" "Uh..." Ji started. "I think you should let them tell you." Suddenly Mike jumped up out of bed. He ran out of the recovery room and pushed past Mia into the bathroom, not noticing she was there. Mia looked at Mike in shock, and then ran to her room, slamming the door.
The next morning, the Rangers were sitting at the kitchen table feeling somewhat better, and waiting for breakfast. Mia came in the kitchen. Tears shone in her eyes. "Mia, are you cooking breakfast?" Emily asked, trying to hide the fear in her voice. Mia turned around to face her friends. "No, I don't think I'm ever gonna cook again." She said. In their heads, the Rangers ccheered but in their hearts, they were sad, because Mia sounded upset. "Why?" Kevin asked. "I saw that all of you were sick last night." Mia told them. Jayden stood up. "Look, Mia, we only didn't tell you because we didn't want to hurt your feelings." He said. A tear trailed it's way down Mia's face. "It doesn't even matter. We love you Mia." Emily comforted. "Really?" Mia asked. "Of course." Mike said. The Rangers shared a group hug, and Ji watched from the doorway with a smile in his face.

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