Furry Love (A Jacob Black Lov...

Από sammy1671

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It’s a love story about Jacob Black and Samantha Uley. A story of love found lost and found again. They go th... Περισσότερα

Chapter 1 The Past
A New House
The Reunion
Friends comes at bad timings
Things Changed
Heart Breaks are Only the Beginning
The Healing Process
Christmas shopping
Moving out
christmas party
Back to School
Schools out
The Planning
Vamp hunt
Meeting Time
Taking Notes
It's On
going home
The Wedding
She's Here!
Listen Up!
Go Away
She's Back
Not a new chapter


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Από sammy1671

Over the course of weeks Rachel and I have been able to get closer and closer then we have ever done before. Jake and I have been working on our relationship and been on much more dates, to which I am happy about. Paul and Jake were able to become even more brother like, seeing as how they are going to be brothers-in-law pretty soon. Things have never looked better since Rachel had come and for this I was greatful

So you can feel my pain when my dad gave me a call one morning out of the blue.

"Ugh, the phones ringing," I replied and got up from the kitchen table to go and answer it. Jake and I were eating our breakfast and I was a bit peeved at whoever would call at a time like this.

"If it's your sister I'm going to go and kill her," I mumbled and Jake's laugh rumbled out.

"I'll hold Paul back for you," he joked and I smiled grimly.

"Hello?" I asked once I picked up the phone.

"Sammy? Is this my little girl?" I heard a deep males weak voice ask and I immediately growled.

"Who's this?" I asked rudely.

"Your father of course," he said with forced lightness yet it sounded weak and tired.

"As far as I'm concerned my father is dead to me," my voice was void of any and all emotions.

"Don't be like that. I was teaching you a lesson."

I  snorted once I heard this and Jake immediately came beside  me. "What's wrong?" He asked and the person whom I'm supposed to call my father asked.

"Is that a guy in the background? Where are you?"

"Relax, it's my boyfriend, he's over my house. Not that you would care anyways, now what could you possibly want to talk about right now?" I asked.

"Where you living now?" He asked avoiding my question.

"Home, why?"

"Where's home, for you?"

"What do you want?"

"Answer my question," his voice was getting louder yet still sounding weak as was mine was just getting loud. He is not going to play games with me. Last time I gave him my address because he wanted to "talk" I got a shipment full of some weird things and had to call the guy who helped bring me into this world to come and get them.

"No you answer my question, Joshua," I said using his name. "When you talk to me you'll call me as your father, you'll respect me as your father," he said instantly. "You were no father of mine, never had cared and never will. I don't want anything to do with you so tell me what is it that you want?" I asked. "If you don't answer my question I will hang up, I have had no problem not talking to you since I was a child and even after I had come to you help me. Even if you didn't help me," I said in and afterthought.

After a while he answered. "I'm dieing and I want to reconnect with my kids." My eyes opened wide as my mouth dropped low. "Sam! What is it?" Jake asked taking my shoulders and shaking them hard. My head just rattled in silence and my grip on the phone slackened.

Is it me, or is the walls litterally spinning on their own accord? "Sam?" I heard Jake again but his voice sounded distant like he was trying to call me through an empty tunnel. His voice was echoed around me. I closed my eyes but what was just said was running through my mind. I'm dying. I'm dying. I'm dying. Like a broken record it kept saying it again and again. Suddenly the phone fell to the floor out of my grip and I slumped to the floor shaking my head back and forth while repeating, "No," over and over again.

"She'll call you back," I heard Jake say into the receiver and hung up on Joshua, my father the person whom I hate more than anything in the world. Funny thing is, if I hate him so much then why am I so upset at the prospect of him dying? Because as much as you hate him, you still love him. A voice whispered through my mind and it was right.

As much as I hated the man for turning his back on his family and kicking me out of his house when I needed him most I still loved him. Because of him I was able to find my true love, my other half. Because of him I was able to be strong willed and not take no for an answer. Because of him I found a family that loves me for me. Even if I did wish my childhood to be otherwise, I still love him.

"Samantha? Why are you crying?" Jake's voice broke through my thoughts and I looked up at him blankly. Just blinking my eyes at him because the word dam wasn't broken down.

"Sam? Are you alright?" He asked me and I shook my head no. I pointed at the phone and he looked at me skeptically. I pointed again and he gave it to me.

Once the homephone was in my reach I lifted my other hand up and punched in the numbers that would lead me to Sam's house. I needed my big brother right now. I needed Jake and Sam, right now.

I put the phone up to my ear and look at Jake, he looked upset. He was probably upset at the fact that I'm not speaking to him, at the fact that he's not being able to help me.

"Samantha please," he started and I held my hand out awkwardly for him. He picked me up and set me on the couch the whole time I was waiting for Sam or at least Emily to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I heard Sam ask in a sleepy manner. Suddenly the word dam in my throat broke words were able to come out.

"Sam?" My voice wailed and Jake tensed hearing me sound so broken.

"What's wrong? What happened? Who hurt you?" Sam asked at once his voice going hard.

"It's dad," I said and tears started fall even faster down my face. I couldn't stop crying and it seemed like I can't stop.

"What about Josh," I heard his voice take on a distant manner, whenever dad is mention in a topic he starts to build a wall to the topic.

"He's dying," I uttered and my voice squeaked at the end.

"Is that all?" He asked in a bored manner and I became angry at my brother.

"What do you mean that's all?" I roared and Jake jumped underneath me. I stood up and paced around the room my tears stopping suddenly. "Well it's not like he was ever around. I don't know why you are getting so broken up about it?" He asked in an uninterested manner.

"He. Gave. You. Life. Samuel." I said with each breath and teeth clenched.

"And that's all he ever did for us. He left mom and he left you!" He shouted back. "He's dying and you need to talk to him!" I roared and hanged up on him. I then fell to my knees again tears pouring out with renewed energy.

"Sam, talk to me. What's the matter?" Jake asked me, pleading with me. "My dad is dying," I choked out and he hugged me close to him.

After an hour of crying into Jake I was able to bring it to a hiccup. "I gotta call him," I said and Jake looked at me wearily. Like I might cry again and I gave him a weak smile. "I'm fine, I promise." He nodded and left me alone to call my father. I knew he was still listening in from the kitchen. So I sighed and grabbed the phone off the floor and dialed back the number that my father called me at.

"Hello?" He said sounding healthy and I got whiplashed. Didn't he just sound so sick when he called.

"Dad?" I asked hesitantly did I call the right number?

"Oh, Sammy." His voice instantly was weak and I shrugged it off.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I am."

"Where are you?" I asked hesitantly.

"In a hotel in the Olympic Penisula," he said simply.

"You're here in Washington?" I asked confused.

"I was coming to visit your brother and find out from him where you're living nowadays," he chuckled and coughed at the end.

"Well I'm living here in La Push," I said.

"That's good you're home," he said and it sounded sincere.

"Yeah, you should come down and meet us at First Beach, say in two hours?" I asked and he was quiet for a moment.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, Sam and I will be there around one. See you soon," I then hanged up.

"I'm coming too. I want to meet the guy who helped create the perfect girl in the world." Jake said coming out of the kitchen and walking towards me. I laughed weakly and walked into the bedroom getting ready to change.

I pulled on a longsleeved shirt with capris since it looked like it was going to rain, I wouldn't look off with a tanktop on during the summer. Once I was done brushing my teeth and other stuff I grabbed a light jacket threw it over my shoulders and walked out into the living room.

"Ready, Sam?" Jake asked and I nodded. He grabbed the car keys and we walked down to the car.

"Jake, we're going to Sam's house." I said and he nodded.

Ten minutes later we were pulling up to their house.

"Sam?" My brother asked coming out of the house.

"Yeah, get dress and jump in the car." I ordered as I was climbing out of the car.

"What? Why?"

"Don't ask just do," I commanded.

"Don't you dare boss me around, little sister."

"Don't you dare get a tone with me mister," I mimicked his voice and Jake muffled a laugh. Sam just narrowed his eyes down at me and stalked into the house.

"Come on," I said to Jake and walked into the quaint little house.

I smelt muffins sitting on the table and Emily came out of nowhere engulffing me into a hug.

"Hey, sweetie, are you okay?" She asked and I nodded. "Have a muffin, the both of you." She said and gave us a muffin each.

"You know, Em. I gotta say it's hard picking who cooks the best you or my Sammy. But I do know this. Sam, your fiance? He can't cook to save his life," Jake chortled and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'd better watch what you say or I'll make you do double shifts," Sam threatened and I narrowed my eyes at him. "You do and watch what'll happen," I threatened back and Sam just smiled.

"You best be glad you're my sister and I let you get away with certain things," Sam told me. "I know," I smiled up at him and turned to Emily.

"I'm going to take Sam to go meet our dad at First Beach, if you want you can come. Jake's coming," I said and pointed with my thumb in Jake's general direction while making a disgusted face.

"Hey!" He shouted out and swatted my hand away. "I thought you wanted me to meet your dad?" He asked and I smiled at him. "Of course I want you to meet him." I lied smoothly. Actually as much as I want to see my dad I don't want to. He has after all been a big butt head to me in my younger years.

"Nah, that's fine, I'm going to go and talk to Sue," Emily said and we nodded.

"Bye Emily! Love you!" Sam called out behind his shoulder and I called out louder. "But I love you more!"

Sam then narrowed his eyes at me and I smiled innocently while Jake just smiled adoringly at me. "No, she doesn't I do!"

"No I do!" I retorted

"No I do!" He rebuttled.

"NO! I DO!" Jake shouted and Emily laughed.

"I gotta say I love Jake the most," Emily joked and Sam and I narrowed our eyes at Jake who was beaming at us.

"Get in the car," I muttered and went to the passenger seat while Jake bounced happily over to the drivers seat, Sam just slid in the back. On the way in he knocked his hand into mine, simultaneously.

"You'll regret that later, big brother," I replied with a low growl.

"Enough you two," Jake reprimanded and we quieted down.

"Off to First Beach!" I said a little to much forced joyness.

"You sure?" Jake asked and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Of course I am," I replied and he shook his head at me with a soft chuckle. I faintly heard the words, "Too cute," but it was too low for my super hearing ears to hear.

We drove to First Beach and sat down waiting for my father to show up.

"Kids?" I heard a deep voice say. I turned around on the log I was sitting at and turned my attention from watching Sam and Jake wrestle on the ground to the familiar voice behind me.

My eyes widened, there standing before me was a man who looked to be in his mid 50's with greying hair that was slowly receeding. Wrinkles were lining his face and he had deep brown eyes.

"Dad?" I uttered but thanks to our super sonic hearing Jake and Sam heard me.

"Dad?" I asked louder and stood up.

The guy looked at me and smiled warmly.

"Stand here, Samantha," Sam said standing beside me instantly while Jake stood in front of me protectively.

"Samuel, m'boy," our dad said and held his hands out. I looked at him and saw that he didn't look sick yet his voice said otherwise. What type of sickness does he have?

Sam stiffened visbly by my side and his face took on a frown. "What do you want?" Sam said stiffly.

"To reconnect with my kids," he tried and Sam narrowed his eyes. "You lost your chance a long time ago, old man." Sam said and crossed his arms. "Samantha?" Dad said turning to me. I pushed aside Sam and walked slowly out to him. I didn't know him well enough to be over joyed at the idea of seeing my father after a long time. After all he did walk out on me and Sam when we were kids.

"Sammy get back here," Sam ordered in his Alpha voice and I falter a bit. Stupid Alpha tone, I thought viciously and walked back to him. "I'm sorry," I whispered and stood beside Sam.

"What don't I get a welcome?" Dad asked looking hurt.

"Sam, he's sick. We are supposed to take care of him." I murmured low enough for his and Jake's ears to hear only.

"Doesn't matter."

"Who's this?" Dad asked looking at Jake and how he was standing in front of me protectively.

"My fiance," I murmured and he strained to hear.

"What?" He asked.

"My fiance," I said louder and the look on dad's face grew to one of shock.

"Aren't you 16?" He roared and I was again intrigued at how a man that supposedly dying is able to yell at me like this.

"I'm not 16 anymore I'm 17, years old. Legally an adult in a couple of months." I said getting angry at him.

"Doesn't matter your still a child and as long as your living under my roof-"

"I'm not living under your roof, I have my own roof instead that I bought with my own money," I retorted hotly.

He just swelled like a balloon and I immediately got worried.


Here you go! Sorry for the wait! Hope you enjoy and I wonder what you guys will think of Sam and Sam's dad. haha they both got the same name. LOL! Anyways please leave a comment down below and I would gladly appreciate it. =) I'll cry if you don't =(..... Just kidding... but seriously. Also don't forget to fan because not this last chapter but the one before that I uploaded for fans only so if you want to read up on their little date I suggest you go and fan and read read read!

Okay talk to you guys later!

XOXO Sammy

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