Larmes de Rasoir - Lashton |...

Oleh FiftyShadesOfStyles

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Larmes de rasoir (L'arme de rasoir) Anxiety, aggressivity, grades drops, delinquency, drug/alcohol add... Lebih Banyak

Before reading
1. Broken up family
2. Boyfriends
3. From heaven to hell
4. The unexpected
5. Unofficial first date
6. Heartbreaking news
7. Pain relief
8. Unwanted help
9. Ghost whispers
10. Euphoria
11. Bloody people
12. Rainstorm of tears
13. I want a movie life
14. Summertime sadness
Chapter 16: Nice to see you again

15. Back to hell

126 5 4
Oleh FiftyShadesOfStyles

**insert song here**

  Just like any typical teenager, Luke wishes summer never ended. 

He wants to sleep in late and go to bed at ass o'clock of the night, hang out with his friends from summer and not have homework to do. That was the good old time, now, he's brought back to this sad reality, aka: school

There is nothing Luke Hemmings hates more than school - oh yeah, there's Marie but that's another thing. 

School means having to see those same, annoying people from last year every single day - save for the weekends. Having common classes with them, being locker neighbors and having lunch together. 

Thinking about it makes Luke grimace. 

It's barely six in the morning and he has to drag his feet out of bed and get ready. It's too damn early to  be awake, he whined to himself. A groan escaped his lips, the bright sunlight striking straight into his crystal eyes. 

Once Luke rubbed his eyes enough so they would stay open, he took out some of his new clothes his dad bought him last weekend during their awkward shopping trip. 

A quick look into the mirror and he was ready. 

No. He's not. He can't go to school like that. He wear a flannel and ripped jeans, people will talk and Luke doesn't want unnecessary attention on him. If he wears his 'punk-rock' clothes, people will say he's a fake or give him weird looks and- ugh, high school is so annoying. 

Luke kept the ripped jeans and put on Ashton's hoodie. It was a little big for the curly haired boy so it fitted perfectly on Luke's broader yet, lanky frame. 

It felt weird to wear someone else's clothing. It was even stranger to wear the hoodie of the boy he shared a kiss at the end of summer. Luke's cheeks warmed up at the memories. 

He was pulled from his thoughts when his mother banged loudly on his door, telling him to get up and hurry or he'll miss the bus although a knock would've suffice. It's not like Luke was still sleeping or in the shower.

Giving his room a quick look, he grabbed his backpack and shoved all of his school supplies in it, zipping it up. 

Luke made himself a cup of coffee and sat at the table with his mum who was on her laptop, reading emails. She was already dressed which means she was meeting with someone before work. Probably Nadia, they always meet up on Tuesdays.

''Nice to see you dressed before ten o'clock,'' she joked, knowing Luke isn't a morning person.

He rolled his eyes and took a long sip of coffee. ''It's not like I had a choice.'' 

Liz gave him a look before going back to her laptop screen. ''It's back to school, try to be a little more excited.'' 

''I hate school, mum.''

''Don't be like that. You haven't seen the twins all summer, you must have a tons of things to tell each other.''


Last year, Luke was super excited to see the twins after a long summer but this year, things changed. 

He made new friends who are much more cooler than Aiden and Ethan - no offence. All they do is talk about sports, school/grades and trips they go on with their rich ass parents. And they're nowhere as fun as Michael, Kellin or Ashton. They aren't interested in acting and don't even like the same genre of music. 

They've chatted on Facebook last night and it was really weird. Luke didn't want to bother them with his acting and new friends so he let the two boys do the talking. 

Sometimes, people change and friendships drift appart. That's life.   

Once he was done drinking his coffee, the blonde left for school in silence. He didn't want to talk to his mum about this. She'd be mad he's loosing such good friends as them. 


  Just like he expected, first and second period were boring. What a surprise, it's school. It's always boring. 

Luke quickly found out none of his friends had classes in common with him which really sucks. He always classes in common with one of the twins since he was eleven. Why did it have to change?

He did see Calum Hood from the play in his English class though, but...what is he doing here? He didn't mention moving or going to Luke's school. It was a surprise to see him in the back of Luke's English class. 

Having no friends in your classes means having to listen to other students gossiping and that's pure torture. Luke doesn't care who cheated on who during summer or who got pregnant. High school drama isn't his thing. He doesn't give a fuck about these people. 

All he wants is to be done with his day and go home and chat online with Michael or Ashton. The colorful haired boy said he wanted to show him his new skateboard- longboard and although Luke doesn't know anything about skateboards, he's excited to see it. 

Then, lunch time happened and Luke was dreading it. His mum forgot to give him money and he didn't pack anything to eat so he's stuck having to sit alone the whole hour. How fun?

It's in times like this Luke wishes his mum would give him his phone back already. If he had it, he wouldn't have to deal with the awkwardness of being social. 

''Aren't you hot with that hoodie?'' Aiden asked, sliding on a chair in front of Luke with his food tray. ''I'm melting and I'm just wearing a tee shirt.''

He was hot but didn't want to take it off. The scars on his wrist aren't fully healed, he doesn't want to expose them for everybody to see. Hearing gossips is bad enough, he doesn't want to be one of their target or conversation subject. No thanks.

He shook his head, tugging at the sleeves of his hoodie to cover his hands.  ''No, I'm cold, actually,'' Luke replied. 

Ethan sat beside his brother, giving Luke a kind smile. ''We've been looking for you since the bell, why weren't you at our usual table?'' Ethan asked before taking a bite of his too healthy sandwich. 

Luke swears these two aren't normal teenagers. They're always eating super healthy food and grimacing at fast food. What? Who does that? 

Give the blonde endless supplies of mac'n cheese everyday and he'll be happy for the rest of his life. He might have a slight tummy action going on after eating all this but...whatever.

''I don't know, I wanted to try something new for this year.'' 

Nice save there! He can't tell them he didn't want to sit with them. Even if it's the truth, that's not really nice. 

Ethan nodded and continue eating his food in silence while Luke stared at the huge clock, wishing lunch hour would end already. 

The twins both raised an eyebrow when a shadow casted over their table, making them turn heads. ''Erm, can I help you?'' Ethan asked, being nice to the stranger. 

The boy ignored him and stared at Luke. ''Can we talk?'' 

It took a few seconds for Luke to turn his head and catch that the person was talking to him and not the twins. He was surprised to see Calum standing by their table, asking to talk to him. 

Luke frowned. What does he wants? Calum ignored him all summer, what does he want to talk about? 


Aiden and Ethan shot Luke a look saying 'you know him?' and Luke pretended to not see them. It was a little rude but they didn't know he saw them. What they don't know can't hurt them. 

The tanned skinned boy glanced toward the doors. ''Can we go somewhere else? It's too noisy here.'' 

Sighing, Luke stood and followed Calum out of the lunch room and to the hallway. Some students were chatting and doing what-nots on the floor but it was more quiet than the cafeteria. 

They stopped in front of a row of lockers. 

''If you're here to tell me to stay away from Mike, it's not gonna work.''

This pre-schooler thing has to stop. They're sixteen for fuck's sakes. Telling people to not talk to someone because they're friends is really childish.

Calum chuckled lightly, shaking his head. ''That's not what I wanted to say, Luke,'' he promised, crossing his arms over his head, scratching his neck and moving them out of nervousness. ''I wanted to apologize for being an asshole to you this summer. I had no right to accuse you of stealing my best friend without proofs and it wasn't nice at all. After hearing Michael talk about you, I realized you were kinda cool.'' 

It was a surprise to hear Calum apologize but Luke was doubting him slightly. Why is he apologizing only now? He could've told him via Facebook or something. That's how people talk to each other nowadays. 

''That's nice of you to apologize but, you don't have to. I get it if you don't like me or-''

''No, no. I genuinely want to be your friend! From what the guys said about you, you seem like a cool dude. And, I could always use a friend in my new school.'' 

That's the reason. He doesn't have friends and needs someone to hang out with at school. 

''Why me? You could be friend with anyone here, I don't think you'd have a problem making friends.'' 

''I know a few people here but I don't feel like hanging out with them. They're old friends from primary school,'' Calum added, grimacing a little. 

Still hesitating, Luke chewed on his bottom lip. They didn't start on a good note but Calum seems willing to give him a chance. Luke never hated the guy, it was all a misunderstanding. 

And, if their friendship works, maybe Luke won't have to hang out with the twins anymore. 

''Let's start over,'' he agreed.


  For the first time in ages, everyone was sitting around the table for dinner tonight. Luke's mum cooked lasagna - one of Luke's favorite - with a side of garlic bread - Ben's favorite. It was weird to be sitting and eating together. 

It was almost like old time except, Andrew was replaced by Ray, his mum's boyfriend, and that, made all the difference.

Ray passed the pot of lasagna to Luke to fill his plate, careful to not make a mess like the last time. 

A loud sigh was heard from Ben as he dropped his phone on the table. ''Can you be quick? I need to meet up with someone in twenty minutes.''

Liz glared at her oldest who shrugged and filled his plate with the cheesy pastas after taking the pot from his little brother's hands in a rude manner. Luke wanted to protest but it wasn't worth it. Ben was already done and handing the food back to him like nothing happened. 

Can you not?

''How was your first day at school, Luke? Did you make new friends? When I was your age, I would always-''

Mid way trough Ray's sentence, Luke rolled his eyes, putting a forkful of lasagna into his mouth and hoping no one saw that. His mum would scold him if she saw.

Just like most teenagers, the boy didn't want to hear his parents's - or in Luke's case, his step-dad's - old memories from when he was his age. No one wants to heard that. They're not that interesting to be honest. 

Back in the days, teenagers weren't what they are today. They were still rude and liked to be reckless but they were nowhere near today's level. A handful of drugs is on the market now and easy to get your hands on, most people smoke and drink, and there's sex and social media. 

This generation has no limit. 

''Luke, you listening? Ray asked you a question,'' his mum said.

He opened his mouth to speak but Ben beat him to it. ''Luke hangs out with these two losers since two years, don't be surprised he never makes new friends.'' 

''That's not true. I made tons of new friends this summer,'' he retorted with a frown. 

Why is Ben always so mean to him? It's a big brother thing but Ben is always a little extra with Luke. 

''Friends?'' Ben laughed humorlessly. ''Friends don't use you or force you to drink. You've changed so much over the summer, Luke. I can't recognize my little brother anymore.''

How can you know me if we never spend time together? He wanted to say but went with something else instead. ''I'm a teenager, it's normal to change. You changed too when you were my age.'' 

''Yeah, but I never came home drunk when I was fifteen or got a fucking piercing. Nor changed my whole closet to please some older guy.'' 

Of course Ben never did that. He was always the perfect child- he was not, but to his mum's eyes, he was. He still is. He's her favorite after all. 

Luke frowned, a little insulted. ''I didn't change the way I dress to please someone, I'd never do that.'' 

That's partially true. He didn't only do it to please Kellin but because he truly liked these clothes Michael and the other boys were wearing. Liz had always been the one to choose his clothes and, like every little brother, he got some of Ben's old clothes too. 

He's sixteen now, he can choose what he wants to wear. 

''Ben has a point'' Liz butted in, taking her favorite son's side. What's new? ''You've changed a lot since meeting these new friends. I've met Michael and Ashton and they seemed really nice but I've been a teenager too, I know how parent's first impression works. You act all nice and polite when there's a parent around, it's a classic.'' 

''Are you calling them fake?'' 

''That's not what your mother said, don't accuse her-''

Luke turned to Ray, not liking his interruption. ''This is a family conflict, you're not family. Stay out of this, Ray.''

His mum glared at him. ''Hey, be polite! He's only trying to help.'' 

''How is him putting his nose in everything gonna help?'' he asked, looking up at him mum while Ben stuffed his face and ignored them. 

Ray opened his mouth but closed it, letting his girlfriend speak. ''Don't be rude to him. You better apologize to him, Luke,'' she demanded but the blonde boy shook his head.

''You once told me to not say thing that aren't sincere so, no, I won't apologize. I'm not sorry. All I've said is true.'' 

She sent another glare his way - a classic of Liz Hemmings. ''Go to your room, immediately.'' 

He did. 

That was a Hemmings family classic . This is another reason why dinners or get-togethers can't happen in this family. It's always a fiasco. It's like they're damned or something. 

While Luke was off in his bedroom, Liz, Ben and Ray finished eating in silence, not feeling like saying anything after this. 

Well, that lasted till Ben left to meet up with his friends. 

After that, the two adults were freely talking about Luke as if he wasn't only a few rooms away. It was really hypocrite of them but totally expected. They were whispering in the living room, thinking Luke couldn't hear them. 

Right now, his mum reminded him of Marie, his dad's fiancé, and it wasn't a compliment. 


  His second day of school was a little less boring. Just a little

Luke invited Calum to sit with them at lunch and found himself talking more to the darker skinned boy than the twins. They just had more in common. 

They talked about something dumb Michael said last night on Facebook and made fun of him for a few minutes. 

The colorful haired idiot wrote on a girl's wall something he was convinced he wrote in private and it was really, really funny. Michael was super embarrassed when he saw his mistake but before he could delete his message, a lot of people saw it and Ashton may or may not have screened it as future blackmail. 

''I can't wait for this week to be over,'' Calum complained, his eyes fixed on the clock. 

''Same, school sucks,'' the blonde agreed. 

Calum chuckled. ''That too but I'm seeing this girl this weekend and...she's fucking hot.''

Luke raised an eyebrow at his friend. 

''A hot girl? I might know her,'' Aiden said, inviting himself into the conversation. 

His twin brother and Luke both rolled their eyes at Aiden. It was so typical of him. He always wants to be a part of the conversation whenever we're talking about hot girls. 

''You don't know her,'' Calum replied.

Aiden laughed. ''That's impossible, I know everyone here.'' 

''She's not from here, she's my best friend Mike's neighbor who lives in another town, you don't know her.'' Calum turned to Luke. ''Don't tell Mike though. He called shotgun but we chatted the otehr day and we just clicked. I want to see if it's gonna work out before telling him, you know.''

This sounds like friendship suicide. Michael told Luke about this girl and although he likes other girls, he's really into Hailie. Like, really, really into her. It seems like Calum doesn't know that though.

''I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship because of girl and then the relationship not working out. It would be a waste.'' 


The boy went back to his food, finishing his half eaten sandwich. ''Hey, I think you and Ash have the same hoodie.''

Red almost rushed to Luke's cheeks because it is Ashton's hoodie. 

He didn't think someone would notice since Ashton doesn't attend the same high school as him. He was in the local play but he didn't have too many lines or big characters to play and, not everyone sees this play during summer. It doesn't make you instantly famous and known. 

For some reasons, Luke kinda wants to keep it secret that it's Ashton's hoodie. They kissed before he left and texts a lot since and Luke doesn't quite know where they stand. They haven't talked about that kiss yet and Ashton keeps sending him mixed signals. It's confusing. 

Like, one day he sends him plenty heart emojis and says cute things and the next, it's only funny ones and he acts like their just friends. 

Luke can't say he's any better. He still doesn't know if he feels something for the curly haired boy or not. 

The first half of the summer - and a little before too -, Luke's eyes were set on Kellin Quinn only. He had eyes for no one else. After things got messy between he and Kellin, the blonde started to notice Ashton more and get closer. Ashton's always so nice to him and always there for him.

He also has an addicting smile and wide, interesting colored eyes. They're not green or brown, they have a lot of flects of different colors which make them really unique and Luke love it. 

Instead, Luke went with the innocent card. ''Really?'' 

''Yeah, I remember him wearing that at Mike's before summer break.'' 

Not knowing what to say, Luke just nodded and hoped for the best. Not that this conversation could go wrong...

''You doing anything this weekend, Luke?'' Ethan asked, trying to engage a conversation with the blonde. 

Luke felt a little bad for ignoring the twins almost all lunch but it's not his fault if he has more to talk about with Calum than them. Like he said, he changed

The blonde shrugged. ''I don't know,'' Luke replied. 

''My dad got Aiden and I really nice spots to see a game this weekend, we have one ticket left,'' the twin explained, a sparkle of hope in his eyes. 

Sports. They dad always get them tickets for games. The perks of being rich.

Luke doesn't wants to say no because he's leaving the twins behind enough already, what if they tell their parents and they call his mum? But, sports doesn't really interest him anymore, he doesn't want to go. 

He bit his lip, eyes  blinking at the two awaiting twins. ''Erm...I-''

Sensing the hesitation in Luke's voice, Calum spoke up. That's what friends are for, right? ''You should come to Mike's party on Friday. My dad's driving me there after school, you could come along.'' 

''Oh my god, that'd be so cool! I haven't seen Mike since the play ended- but wait. Ethan just  invited me...'' 

Luke turned to the twins, faking his emotions like the young actor he is. He wasn't that sad, honestly. Seeing Michael sounded a lot more fun than sitting and watching a sports game. Too bad Calum was only playing along.

Ethan felt guilty almost forcing Luke to accept his invitation. It wasn't his idea to trick his friend like that but Aiden's. He's always been the meaner twin. He saw the look on his friend's face when Calum invited him; he really wants to see Michael. 

''Go see your other friend,'' Ethan said, being the nice boy he is. Too nice sometimes. ''It's fine,'' he assured. 

''Next time?'' Luke said, looking at the twins. 

Ethan gave him a small smile while Aiden shook his head. ''Looks like you got a better offer...see you later.'' He waved and left with his brother. 

When they were gone, Luke turned to Calum before letting out a relieved sigh. ''Thanks for saving me, I owe you one, Cal.'' 

The latter lifted an eyebrow. ''Oh, I wasn't only saying that to help you out of a sticky situation, my dad is really driving there on Friday. I was inviting you for real, Luke,'' Calum chuckled. 


Does this mean he'll see Ashton this weekend? Maybe the can work things out and not be so confused about everything and their status. Luke won't admit is but, he missed him a lot. 

And Michael too, of course. How can he not miss the colorful haired boy? It's impossible not to. They talk everyday and even facetime sometimes. 

It'd be so cool to go to Michael's 

Wait, he can't

''I'd love to but...I'm still grounded. And it's my dad's weekend.'' 

''Oh.'' Calum looked disappointed and Luke found it weird because they've been friends for less than forty-eight hours. ''Next weekend?''

''It's a plan!''

''It's gonna be a sick weekend,'' Calum promised. He grinned and high-fived the blonde, officialising their plan. 

He hasn't been friends with Luke for long but he really wanted to make plans with him and get to know him more. They sees each other at school but it's not the best place to really get to know someone. People aren't always the same at school. A lot of students put on an act.

A/N I'm a little disappointed with this chapter - mostly the last scene - but I don't feel like re-writing it all. This chapter is kind of a filler so it's whatever. Some exciting scenes are coming soon!!

Thoughts on Luke wanting to ditch his old friends? Calum apologizing and them being friends now? The 'family' dinner?

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