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Divorces make a lot of damage. 

It breaks hearts and families and sometimes, parents forget that a divorce doesn't only affect them, but also their kids. It might not be the same pain as them but, the pain is there. It triggers a lot of changes into people's life. 

These reactions are unpredictable. Some kids will take it well and accept the change, but some won't.

Being angry and highly critical of their parents' decision, withdrawal from one parent as a form of punishment, increased desire to spend more time with friends, decreased academic performance, increased risk at binge drinking,  using illegal drugs or sexual promiscuity are all very common. 

Anxiety and depression are also side effects of divorce on teenagers and, sadly, are the most common. 

When Luke's parents announced they were getting a divorce, he and Ben weren't surprised. The two had been fighting non stop about dumb things for the past year and sometimes, you have to let go. 

Boxes were packed and soon, everyone was moving out of the house and taking separate sides. Luke would be moving in with his mum - and Ben - and he's go to his father's house every other weekend. It was a reasonable decision since Luke doesn't feel like changing school and loosing all of his friends. 

One month after moving into this new appartement, Liz told them she was seeing a new man. She was happy to see her son and Ray were getting along so well. Ray is a funny guy, he likes to tell jokes and is passionate by technology. Hence why he works for a big company that develops new softwares and programs. 

His mother getting a boyfriend was kinda expected. She's young - not even forty! - and has good legs for her age. 

What Luke was not expecting what that his dad would find a new girl and that they would be fiancé after only a few months dating. 

That's when things started going downhill...

A/N Chapter one will be coming very soon (I'm working on it right now!). 

Larmes de Rasoir  - Lashton | ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now