Mind Games>>Ricky Horror AU

By bittersweetlovings

11.4K 473 64

I created him a year ago. He was suppose to be just a friend. Just someone I could talk to. Ricky saw my girl... More

Fücking Perfect
Ricky Burrito
Stop messing with my girlfriend
Make me
That was assault, bïtch!
Don't touch me!
I know you don't forget but I will
No one says no to Ricky Horror
He thinks he's a stud
You need a guitar?
Morning, turtle doves!
I know Ricky can't play Vanessa
Please, don't leave me.
I said I'd never let you go
You used my stage name?
Alice with Josh, Andy with Ashley
I'm thirty-one not seventy-five
Kids are jerks
Time to be serious, A/N
You guys are scared of everything
Could your boyfriend be stalking us?
Are you two like...Married?
And I'll kick his äss if he touches you
It was me!
Everything is going to be okay
If only you could, runt
Q/A comments and PMs
It's a blood letter
I am glad you know how to get laid 1940s style
You're Ricky Olson not James Bond
Incubi and Succubi
Thery're the only family I have left!
...Ricky, I'm scared
They're going savage...
Congratulations, it's a brat
He's a lying snake
I'll see you on the better side
Ms, are you alright?
A Final Note/Disclaimer
Author's Note

I really love you...

177 6 1
By bittersweetlovings

[So before I start, Happy Birthday to Ghost! And I decided to add in other genres of music artist wise because I've read so many where it's literally nothing but one genre of artists and I am one of those authors who flips tables to try and be different, the genre is Hip-Hop/Rap and if any of you disagree you don't have to keep reading, all music is amazing and saves lives it doesn't matter who it is.]

But...He leaves anyway, leaving my heart dropped to the ground and all our memories seem to slowly fade away. All the tears and smiles, all the hugs and kisses, all the future 'I love you's'. I didn't know love could hurt you so bad till now, when I watched my whole future walking away from me. Only leaving little pieces to pick up to create another for my children and myself. Greg came for me moments later, I don't ask how Ricky got back and I don't ask if he loved my mother the way I loved Ricky.

Everyone feels the depression throughout all six buses, not even Vinny makes his stupid yet funny jokes when he sees me playing with JoJo's hand, wondering where her father is now. "No boys for you till I'm dead." I say with a sad grin as she goofily falls onto her back while kicking her limbs happily. I hear the tour bus door open then close loudly, I peer out in hopes of Ricky, but instead Jessica begins jogging towards me. I sigh, not wanting to talk about my ice cream worthy problems.

I go back to tickling and playing with JoJo when Jessica enters the bunk area, pushing back her bands with heavy breath. "You two made a huge mistake, where's he at?" I shrug, knowing she's looking for Ricky. "You guys can't be apart for to long! We need to find him before someone else does, I hope you have a babysitter on tour, I have a feeling he's not going to be easy to find." I raise an eyebrow then grab my daughter and walk with her outside to see Ricky leaning on the stage with a cigarette in hand as he watches Renee and Gabe chase each other on the large stage.

"He must have just came back, I didn't see him when I went to get you." Jessica drags me over to Ricky, his head turns to our group and puts his cigarette out on the gravel. "How stupid are you?! You can not leave her alone for a second unless you're okay with attending her funeral and your daughter's too!" Ricky backs away when Jessica begins her rant, I am thankful for her, I don't think I could ever yell at Ricky after what happened the last time I raised my voice to him. "I don't know what you're talking about, quit shouting orders at me like I'm your slave or something." If looks could kill, Jessica would surely be in a burning inferno.

"Maybe not, but I do know she can." Jessica looks straight at me, she knows the laws and the punishments, but I don't want to talk to him after what just happened. "You bow down to her, so don't act like you are a badäss." I walk towards Ricky and he sighs, but kneels on one knee. Balancing by sitting his forearm on his knee. "You don't actually have to do that..."
"I do when I need to listen better." My heart breaks, this is even worse then my old society, kneeling when they think they've done wrong or need to listen to the females more. "Please, stand up." He does as he's told, but only because I ordered him too...

"Please, listen to Jessica." He sighs, lifting his head up to make eye contact with his ex, something not many do. "Okay, so I should have told you this when I gave you that prophecy, but if you two are the son and daughter you can't be apart for to long. There are higher powers who want you dead and that baby dead, you two are threats, and big ones. Please, stay together. You are not only meant to be, but imagine what it would be like without each other, what it would do to us." Jessica gestures to the whole concert area. I look to see Chris hovering Gabe over his head as he walks to Vinny with a stupid smirk, then Audrey bounds up to the front of the stage doing a cute little dance. Maybe she's right, maybe it would effect more then we think.

"I'll give you guys time to think about it." When she leaves us alone together it takes a lot for me not to crash into his arms and tell him why I didn't want him to leave me. "I really love you...I'm sorry I was an ässhole." He whispers with his hands behind his back like a small child in trouble. "I hope you aren't saying that because I'm a woman and you're a man." He shakes his head, his lips turn to a small frown. "No, of course I love you, if I didn't I would be long gone by now, I assure you." It's a relief to hear that in his own words, but now I have to worry about Jessica's theory. "Do you think she's right?" Ricky sighs and rubs the back of his neck, shrugging. I never have noticed how tired he has been looking lately.

"It's defiantly my life, I solve one of her problems and another comes up. I think it's time you need to see the people you'll be talking to the most besides Chris and Ashley." I follow Ricky up to the stage, Chris is sitting with his legs crisscrossed as he deals cards to Vinny, CC, and Ryan. Immeditly CC flings the cards to the ground and takes off towards the top of the bottom speaker, Chris watches Ryan shove Vinny to the ground and uses him as a step stool to reach the edge of the guitar truck. "That's cheating!"
"It's legal."
"You all fücking hate me!" They take a pen out and toss it to Chris. "Ryan and CC are in the sudden death match!" Chris sets the pen in the middle of the two after getting them twenty feet away from each other.

"Hey, Chris, Vanessa needs to talk to the higher powers today. Think you or Ash could manage to set something up?" Chris starts dealing the cards again as Ricky explains Jessica's theory and the really weird prophecy they got earlier. "I bet Ash could do something—" Ryan dives for the pen in the middle and nearly catches Chris in the battle with CC for the red, Staples pen. "I'll talk to her about it or if you drag her down here I can do it now, I kind of have to keep these two from killing each other though."

Ryan wrestles CC down in a painful position as he pulls on his arm to reach the pen while CC keeps his sneaker on Ryan's chest. "I got it first! Don't be a sore loser!" Chris forces Ryan off through the kicking and protesting before he follows us to the bus to talk to Ashley. "Hey, babe, you know what you could do for me today that will really make me happy?" Chris sits by his spouse, watching her bounce Gabe on her knee while he plays with his Superman action figure Audrey happily donated to him. "I can't file for divorce as much as I'd like, sorry." Chris puts his arm around her shoulders and she glares at him out of the side of her eye, if looks could kill.

"You're funny, and I'm hurt, but Vanessa needs to talk to your trigger-happy cousins." Ash sets Gabe down to look at me with a generous smile. "Sure! When do you want to go? I haven't seen them in a while anyway." I didn't even know who I am suppose to be seeing, but I assume it's urgent. "Right now, if it's possible." Ash stands up, dust off her skirt and flips her hair over her shoulder. "We'll need some help from Greg, he's the only one who can transport us to California. Maybe I'll trade this life for a fallen angel one in reincarnation."

It's like Greg was waiting for us in the back of the bus because as soon as we brought it up, he happily obliged before I could tell the story. "This is always fun, especially when someone pukes!" I get nervous at the sentence, taking his hand as Ash takes his other. "Los Angeles?" She nods and shuts her eyes, I follow her lead. "Just making sure." You know that pressure you feel in your ears when a plane takes off or a bass guitar is playing near you? That's exactly what it feels like transporting plus feeling like you have a plastic bag over your head, choking you.

I nearly did vomit when I open my eyes and stumble, falling to the ground in the dry dirt of California. "Text me when your ready to go back." I groan as I watch him vanish quickly like he had at the falling of Josh. "Okay, get up we have only a short walk." Ash helps me to my feet, how can she be okay after something like that?! I stumble like I'm drunk after her, black splotches blocking my view slightly. "I feel like I'm going to pass out." I mumble as I walk a short distance behind her in case I did pass out. "Just a little side affect." She opens the door for me of what looks like a pub, but I didn't get a look at the sign. Once inside the pop music played loudly from the speakers on the ceiling and the room smells of cigar smoke and perfume. The whole thing made from wood only, almost like a very large cabin.

"You can look later, come on!" I catch up to Ash. She walks past all the tables and into the kitchen, I open my mouth to ask her if this was legal, but she hushes me. She stops when we make a turn into a private room that I would have never noticed. Her fingers scrape across the brick for it to open slowly and I can't help but jump back a little. "This seems so much like a mystery movie, are you going to murder me?" Ash laughs and leans out into the pitch blackness. "Nope, unless you are still human you will stay alive through the whole process." She lets her grip off the sides go, before I can process it all she's mixed into the darkness.

I look down the pit and hear a thump, so there is a bottom eventually. I take a deep breath in and allow myself to fall, the wind catching me, almost as though I fly for a second till I smack sand. Black sand...I watch it fall through my fingers and when it touches the fellow sand grains the entire ground beneath me pulses in bright orange. "Welcome to your new home, it's not much, but for the most part we all like each other a lot." I lift my head up, thousands of black dressed, tattooed, and pierced demons look to us. Their eyes glowing red like a thirsty vampire, I would have been scared if I had still been human.

I move up to my feet, glancing each way. I straighten my posture with anxiety building up the more eyes that are drawn in. "You and Ricky are kind of a popular subject here, JoJo and her sibling are going to be famous when she starts living here." Ash motions for me to begin pushing through the crowd, the sounds of heavy rock or metal plays from speakers that sets by the end of the hallways and I feel bad for those who have rooms next to the speakers. The songs change from heavy to more soul as we continue to walk. "We have three kinds of Incubas here, the Attentions, the Rebels, and the Elite, the Attentions only thrive for their needs, but they are very good fighters and are usually our the Incubas that keep our race going...You know, before that stupid law came up, but that doesn't stop them either."

She runs her fingers across the wall when the music begins to fade into Hip-Hop. "The Rebels are the most of us, black clothing, we don't try to live in Tribes or associate with anyone that is not our kind unless they are siblings or parents. We don't listen to most of the angels except Gabriel and we like to live on Earth and not here, but we've been trying to ride low since Cybrus has been showing signs of reincarnation, but that's another story for another day." She flips her hair over right shoulder and grasps two door handles that belong to a very large set of doors.

"Now, these people are mostly Attentions, but there are Elite too. Watch what you say." She opens the door to reveal five people at a table, eating dinner it appears. The huge difference from Ash to them was their skin color entirely, African Americans. I look around the table and when I see one of the females I knew I nearly have to keep a smile from my face. "Nicki Minaj is part of your family?"
"We aren't really related, she's married to my brother." Ash points to the only white man in the room, his hair is black and strikes out everywhere. His jawline sharp and menacing while his dark green eyes bring out his pale skin. "Ashley? It's wonderful to see you! If you had told us you were visiting I would have fixed you something as well!" Her brother jumps up with a large smile spread across his face.

They embrace and Nicki stands up straight as she picks up three plates from the children at the table. "Ashley." She takes Ash's hand and nods her head with a small grin. "You must be Vanessa, it's amazing to meet you in person. You are just as beautiful as Ricky and Chris described. I would introduce myself, but you seem to know me." I shake her hand, I giggle like a nine year old meeting her idol for the first time. She is the only rapper I really listen too, she's the only one who I can understand.

"That's me. I didn't know you had children." One of the kids opens their mouth to speak, but Nicki hushes her. "Please, leave us." The three get up and waddle to the hallway where I can assume their rooms are. "This isn't your fault because you are new to this, but those are Elites. They take the form of children to enhance their youth, we were having a meeting before you came in." I look at Ash and see her sigh in relief. "I thought the girl was Graceland." Nicki chuckles, putting the dishes in the sink. 
"Grace is with her mother right now, are you staying the night? I can get Braxton to fix you a bed." Ash's brother, Braxton, stands and begins walking to the opposite hallway. "No, no. Vanessa has something to ask since you are the priestess."

I am put on the spot and Ricky never even told me what to ask. "Let me call Ricky, he was the one with the questions." I excuse myself outside, I dial his phone number and press it to my ear after the second ring Chris picks up. "Ricky's practicing and I was jacking with his phone, what do you need?" I clear my throat and push my hair out of my eyes. "Yes, what was I suppose to ask Nicki?"

The line is silent for a second."Hello?"
"You are suppose to be meeting her mother." I raise an eyebrow to myself. "I met her brother."
"Vanessa, you need to run out of there I'll be at the main gate where you probably fell through." I start walking to the entrance, feeling puzzled. "Why?"

"Ashley doesn't have a brother."

...please let me know, if you know this is the end of the world...

[Song: The One by Babymetal]

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