Once Again

By crescemoon

724 59 16

¤ My supernatural fanfiction story ¤ (( Destiel )) Even the best days have a way of turning sour ** THIS WAS... More



29 3 0
By crescemoon

As Castiel headed up the stairs without Dean, he couldn't help feeling brave, strong and finally... determined.
But not like one would think. You see Cas never quite thought of himself as a hero, to him he didn't seem like much, after all he had done some horrible damage to heaven to which he regretted terribly but he also had two of the greatest friend he's ever had ~ Dean and Sam.
Cas thought (to himself) as he ran up, that there was nothing he wouldn't do to save them and vise versa. Cas felt strong and brave because he knew he was going to save his friends, not because he thought he was hero.

Through the corner of his eye, Cas could see a figure creeping up behind him. He kept on going, waiting for the right and accurate moment.
His fingers curled themselves tighlty around the angel blade and he quickly spun around to try and stab whoever the hell it was. He bluntly just hit plain air.
He shook his head, confused, as he knew he had saw someone.
Cas turned himself to continue up the stairs but as he did so he found his face staring at the person he was sure he had seen. There was no time for Cas to ask questions nor to ponder over how this person was able to do that, heck there was no time for poor Cas to do anything as the person quickly knocked him out stone cold with two hardcore punches to the face.

When Cas finally gained consciousness he found himself on the top floor, facing towards Sam and Dean (yet a wide distance between them) but his arms tied up in chains, above his head and one leg chained to one of the pole's belonging to the room.
Sam seemed to be in full consciousness (he didn't seem to be too bad physically either Cas mentally noted) but Dean kept slipping in and out of alertness.

Zachariah stood in the middle of it all, glaring from left to right, trying to catch their expressions or maybe see what they were trying to somehow tell eachother.
Not that they could anyway, they were all tied up, all weapons they had had taken away from them.

Cas spoke first.

"Don't you 'brother' me Cas! I am NOT your brother, no not anymore, not after all you've done."
"But I-"
"You're sorry right? You're sorry you fell? You're sorry for befriending these two idiots that you're willing to put before me? Where did you go wrong Castiel? Enlighten me to how one becomes this" he requested, clearly disgusted with Cas but gesturing towards him.

Castiel tried not to let Zachariah's words get to him, but it was hard hearing what he done wrong from someone else's point of view, let alone your brother..

"Is this why you've brought us here? To kill us? To kill Cas?" Dean piped up, still a little weakened.
"I'm not that petty dear, no I'm here on God's work. Isn't that right Sam?"
Sam looks over at Dean who in turn looks back at his little brother.
"He's taking Cas back to heaven" Sam told Dean, trying to get him up to speed.
Dean took a moment to process this before looking back up at the angel.
"Is this true? Are you taking him... I mean, Cas.. back to heaven??" his face looked pained.
"Oh don't look so pathetic, Cas knows full well why this is happening. We can't keep warning him to changed his devil work ways you know!"
Dean shrugged, "Look I know Cas isn't exactly angel of the year up there in heaven but he's no devil worker or whatever crap your trying to convict him for! I know him okay? Cas doesn't hurt anyone without a valid reason."
"It's not about that, although that will be brought up in his talk with God. It's about his... relationship practices" Zachariah spits out, putting on another disgusted look on his face.
"What?" Dean smirked, "You mean to tell me that this is all about Cas dating me? Cas liking guys? Isn't that a little childish even for you? I mean come on!!"
"Think what you must Dean Winchester but the truth is there. Cas must be returned to heaven where he will be brought before God and the rest... well only He knows what'll happen next" the angel smiled, a little too knowingly.
"No.. I won't let you do this Zachariah. I refuse to let you do this."

You and I both know Dean that you cannot stop me, not even if you wanted to! So just quit with the pretending and all the big talk and let's get real about this okay??"
"No" was all what Dean replied before he started planning out his scheme in his head.
"Please Dean, don't make this any harder than it needs to be. Just let me go to heaven and I'll be back soon okay?" Cas pleaded from the other side of the room.
"No Cas, you're not going, I mean we don't know what's waiting up there for you ~ I'm not letting you go so easily man. I need you!! Sam tell him!"

Sam forced himself to look at Dean and told him that Cas was right, that they should let him go.
Dean couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"Right, well that settles that. Cas is to come with me to heaven and we'll hopefully all see eachother soon okay?"
The spiteful angel, walked up slowly to where Dean was tied and up and put his face right up to Dean's.
"Sorry kid, 3 to 1, majority fucking rules y'know? Sorry to be a pain in the ass but well as least you celebrated your anniversary in peace right? Thank Sam for that" Zachariah laughed.

Still laughing harshly at Dean, he snapped his fingers and with that, both angels were gone, along with everyone else who was there leaving Sam and Dean alone but yet no longer tied up.

Sam forced himself to look at Dean but painfully regretted it.

He saw Dean's face crash and fall slowly down. He saw Dean push himself off the chair he was tied up on, onto the floor. He saw his brother cry infront of his very own eyes like he had never done before. Sam watched his brother's heart break and seeing that broke his heart into shreds too.
Dean had already thought Castiel was gone for good, and Sam knew then at that point that there were no words of assurement that could really change that..

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