Memory (Harry Styles)

Galing kay bookwormDS

40.8K 1.3K 335

He was almost at the end of the hill about to turn onto the sidewalk when time stood still. The loud screechi... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 6

879 30 3
Galing kay bookwormDS

"It's already six. Guys we gotta go, our game starts at six-thirty!" Louis jumps up from his seat on the couch and gestures for everyone to do the same. He looks like one of those rabid rabbits on crack that you always see in the cartoons. He really shouldn't have had that extra large chocolate-filled frap.

We all get up lazily and follow him out. Harry's head is still turned toward the counter as we head out of the store. What's gotten into him? He's been staring in the direction of the counter since he came back with my drink. Did something happen between him and Zayn? What would've happened though? I mean, I can't think of anything that those two could possibly fight about? Maybe Harry got mad at him over the Oreos. He probably did, he just seems like the type to hold a grudge when he doesn't get what he wants.

I walk over to the car.

"Uh, where are you going?" I hear Harry question behind me.

"To the car. I thought we were going to your soccer game." I actually really don't want to go but since I'm already with them, I guess I might as well.

"Yeah, the field is right over there." He points across the street to where I see a large park.

"Oh," I breathe.

I walk alongside Harry as we cross the street to the park, since everyone is slightly ahead of us already. Liam and Allie are walking with their arms linked together. Allie laughs at something Liam says and throws her head back in an exaggerated manner. Well at least she's having a good time.

A brisk cold breeze blows around me while we are walking through the park, making my hair fly wildly in my ponytail. Boy, did it get cold! I rub my bare arms to try and create friction to keep me warm. Harry looks at me.

"Here, you can wear my jacket if your cold." He strips off his jean jacket and hands it to me.

"Um, thanks, but won't you be cold?" I ask him looking at his thin white tee. I can see a faint outline of his fit body underneath.

"No. I'm gonna have to change into my uniform anyways, for the game."

"Oh okay," I mumble as I pull the jacket on over my tank top.

His jacket is still really warm from his body heat and instantly removes the goosebumps on my arms. It's quite big on me, but then again most of things I own are anyways. His jacket is so comfortable. If it wasn't his, I would definitely keep it. It's so warm and soft as it's lined with cotton on the inside. It even smells good. Like laundry detergent, but with a faint hint of apples and cinnamon. Is this what Harry smells like? Oh my god Bree, don't even go there!

"The soccer field is in the middle of the park, so we kinda have to walk through it a bit to get there. But we're almost there so don't worry," Harry tells me, taking me away from my thoughts of, well, him. I'm not worried, now that I'm wrapped in the warmth of Harry's jacket.

When we arrive at the soccer field, it is only six-ten so we all sit down on the bleachers. I sit the furthest down while Allie and Liam sit two rows behind me, and Eleanor, Louis and Harry sit the furthest up.

I take out my worn book from my bag and start reading. At least there's good lighting here.

A few minutes later, I hear movement from the benches above me. The sound of footsteps get closer and my book is snatched from my palms. I look up quickly and of course, it's Harry.

"Hey! I was reading that!"

"This is a soccer game, not a library. And besides, how are you gonna see my star player skills on the field if you have a hunk of paper in your face?" He waves my book in the air. Of course he would call it just a hunk of paper. He's probably never even touched a book voluntarily before. Heck, he probably even uses them as kindle for his huge fireplace in his rich-ass mansion. I roll my eyes at the thought.

"Okay, fine I won't read," I lie. I reach over to get my book out of his grasp but he pulls it away further.

"Oh no you don't! I'll keep this with me, just to make sure." He winks at me again and stuffs the book in his duffel bag before walking onto the field to join Louis. Ugh, this guy really likes to push my buttons.

I turn around to face Liam and Allie. Allie is practically sitting on Liam's lap. Wow, that was fast.

"Hey, aren't you gonna go with them? Isn't your game about to start?" I asks Liam.

"What? Oh no, I'm not playing. Yeah, I'm not much of a football player. I'm more into surfing actually." Football? I thought this was a soccer game. I'm about to ask him this when it hits me that he is British. Oh right, they call soccer, football in Europe.

"You're a surfer? I've always wanted to learn how to surf!" Allie jumps in. Liam turns his attention back to her and they launch into a full on conversation about surfing and how he'll teach her sometime and blah blah blah. I really didn't feel like listening to them go on, so I turn back around to face the field.

Harry and Louis are on the other side of the field and are already changed into their soccer uniforms. I think the game is about to start, since their team is huddled together. Probably talking about a game plan strategy.

The first few minutes of the game consist of Harry's team mostly having the ball and Louis scoring a goal. Eleanor goes crazy when he does. She is honestly one of the loudest people here. She should just be the team's cheerleader, at least she wouldn't look like some crazy screaming idiot in the stands and would actually have a purpose. I can't believe I am actually watching the game. Not that I really have much of a choice, Harry took my book and I can't talk to Allie because she's too busy going at it with Liam. Good thing I turned around when I did, because shortly after their conversation about surfing, Liam leaned in and they've been making out ever since.

Harry is a pretty decent player, but not the best as he made himself out to be, earlier. Louis actually looks like the team's star player as everyone seems to always be passing him the ball. Harry's kind of the one that's always stealing the ball from the other team. It's probably because he's so aggressive. The way he charges at the other team when they have the ball scares even me, and I'm just sitting here watching from the stands.

After an hour passes, they are still playing. How long is it going to take before this game finally finishes? At first I actually tried watching, but after awhile it just got so repetitive. A team has the ball, the other team steals it and score. Like, how can anyone find this enjoyable to watch? My butt is starting to hurt from sitting on these hard metal benches. I get up. I'm just going to walk around a bit until their game finishes. As I turn at the corner of the bleachers, the crowd gasps. I turn around.

There, across the field is Harry, planked on the ground. He gets to his feet, seconds later and runs towards one of the players of the other team who has the ball. His face looks hard and his eyes are dark and set on the the person he is running towards. Once he reaches his target, he wastes no time and rams him, tackling the poor guy to the ground in a fury. Oh my god! I hurry back to my previous spot on the bleachers.

"What happened?!" I ask in a surprised panic.

"I don't know, Harry had the ball, one of the guy's from the other team tried to steal it from behind and he just wiped out," Eleanor explains with a worried look on her face.

"I've never seen that before. It's usually pretty hard to take Harry down," Liam adds.

A loud whistle is blown and the fight is immediately broken up by the referees and coaches. There is a lot of yelling at shouting on coaches' part and Harry is seated on the bench for the rest of the game. He looks pretty much okay, just a few grass stains on his yellow uniform.

During the last few minutes, I see Harry take something out of his bag. He flips it open. Is that my book?

He ruffles through the pages slowly. Is he actually reading it? A small smile forms on his face as he turns the pages. He better not do anything to wreck my book.

The final whistle is blown and the boys head back over to where we are. Finally! Now I can go home.

"So, how did you guys like the game?" Louis asks us as we hop off the benches. It was torture.

"It was great! You guys are really good!" Allie beams. How would she know? She was too busy macking on Liam to watch even two seconds of it.

"Did you like it?" Harry comes up behind me and asks as we walk through the park.

"Yeah, it was good," I say with a hint of sarcasm.

"I told you I was a great player."

"Yeah, cuz falling on your face is the whole objective of the game. You know you should really take up a different sport, like boxing or something. It'll really help you deal with your rage issues better." He looks hurt and offended by my harsh comment.

"Yeah mate, what was that about? I've never seen you wipe out that hard," Liam states.

"I didn't wipe out!" Harry snaps. "That asshole tripped me."

"I'm hungry! Anyone else up for some burgers?" Louis interrupts. Oh no, when will this day ever end?!

"I'm in!" Liam, Eleanor and Allie say in unison.

"To the diner then!" Louis says in a medieval voice. I see his sugar rush still hasn't worn off.

We pull up in front of a 50s style diner. I get out of front passenger seat this time as Liam wanted to sit beside Allie. I didn't turn around once in the car, for fear of witnessing some pretty gross tongue action that I surely will never be able to erase from my mind afterwards.

The diner actually looks pretty cool. I've always loved the style of the fifties. Oxford shoes, poodle skirts, colorful arrays of scarves and hairdos. Though I would never be bold enough to actually wear any of those, it still seems like a pretty fun and carefree era. The outside of the diner is painted baby blue with hot pink neon signs reading, "Drive-In Diner' and 'world famous fries and burgers'. When we step inside, the floor is covered in black and white tiles, the waiters are dressed in fifties attire and a large antique jukebox sits near the entrance.

"Um, I'm gonna head to the washroom," I state. No one seems to acknowledge me, but I leave anyways.

When I get back, I see that they are all already seated at a booth. Of course, the only space left available for me to sit is at the end, next to Harry. I slide in and see that Liam's arm is draped over Allie and Louis' over Eleanor. Well this is awkward. I shuffle uncomfortably in my seat.

"So what do you want to order?" Harry asks as he places his arm at the back of my seat. My gaze shifts between his arm and his emerald eyes. I decide not to say anything unless he touches me, then I definitely wouldn't hesitate to shove his arm off of me.

"Um, probably the fries," I answer him.

"That's it? Are you like one of those girls who do those crazy-ass diets and hardly eat anything?"

"Hell no! I once ate five jumbo hotdogs in 10 minutes. I'm just not hungry."

"Wow, impressive!" His eyebrows raise and his arm closes and closer to my body, making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Hi y'all what can I getcha for today?" A dark strawberry blonde waitress wearing a black poodle skirt, jazz shoes and a pink blouse asks us. Her hair is tied up in a small scarf.

"Hi Harry." She looks at him and flutters her long lashes. Oh god.

"Oh um, hi Carol," he mumbles quietly and looks away. I look back at her. Ew, she's like in her thirties and wears way too much eyeshadow and red lipstick. Why do I get the feeling that her and Harry's relationship is somehow deeper than just taking his orders? Louis looks at the waitress and smiles.

"I'll get a burger and fries combo with a chocolate shake," Louis says.

"I'll have the same," Liam states.

"Can I please get a burger with a cesar salad and mineral water?" Eleanor asks politely.

"Oh I'll have the same!" Allie says. Why are they always ordering the exact same thing?

Harry's eyes are still focused intently on the menu in front of him. I guess I'll just order then.

"I'll have a plate of fries and a water."

"And I'll have a double-size burger with large fries and a coke," Harry says after me. His eyes still on the menu.

"Okay, you're order will be coming right up." She has a slight southern accent, making her perfect for the job.

Once we get our food, we all dig in. I finish my fries almost immediately. I guess I was hungrier than I thought. I'm the first one finished as everyone else is still munching on their burgers. I should've gotten one, I'm still pretty hungry. I look over to Harry's mountain of fries. I slickly reach over to take a couple from his plate when he's not looking. He doesn't notice. I go in a second time and he turns to me.

"Hey!" He exclaims and then smirks.

"You owe me," I tell him as I stuff another handful in my mouth. He shrugs and continues eating.

"So Eleanor, how did you and Louis meet?" Allie asks when she finishes her burger.

"We met through Harry actually. Harry's been my friend since we were kids and they both needed a place to stay when they came out to visit last spring break. That's when Louis and I started I guess," she tells Allie and gives Louis a smile. He smiles back, his mouth full of food.

"Aw, that's cute. Where did you live?" She questions again.

"Oh, I've lived in San Francisco my whole life until I moved here. They drove up there to see some festival," she states. I choke on a mouthful of Harry's fries.

San Francisco?

The thought of that city sends shivers down my spine as I cough repeatedly. I wash the fries down with water and thankfully, my fit of coughing disappears.

"Uh, are you okay?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, I'm uh, fine," I mumble. Is it getting hot in here? It feels like there is less air than there was a moment ago. I don't know why I'm so shocked to hear this news. I mean Berkeley is really near there, which is probably why she decided to attend that college. It's not like she could've known me or anything, I mean it's a pretty big city right? She probably even lived on like the other side of the city from me.

"Oh wow, I've always wanted to go to San Francisco. Do you live near the Golden Gate Bridge?" Allie's eyes sparkle as she talks.

"Yeah kind of, actually. I live just a couple blocks from Golden Gate Park." Oh My God.

It feels like all the air in the diner has been sucked out. I can't breathe. I don't remember how. All I remember are the bright sunny days of biking through that park with Benji before dinner and after school. Oh God Bree stop, just stop thinking about it. I get up promptly from my seat.

"I-I'm um, feeling uh, sick. I-I have to go." I rush quickly out through the diner entrance.

Everything is numb. My head is spinning. I take a deep inhale as I step outside in the cool brisk air and rest the back of my head on the wall of the diner. At least I can breathe again.


Oooh, things are starting to get intense!! Lol. So guys I really just wanna thank you for all the reads, votes and comments! I've really gotten dedicated to writing this story and I will continue and try my best to make it really good for you guys :) Thank you all so much ily! Keep reading! Your votes and comments really mean a lot to me <3 xx

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