USWNT Oneshots+WOSO Pairings

By soccerbasketball03

101K 1.1K 341

I have no idea what I'm doing More

Stomach Bug: reverse MoexCheney
Stomach Bug MoexCheney part 2
Sick- Harli
Sorry Guys...
I'll Love You When No One Else Will: Preath (and Mal)
Homework (Part 2 to Preath and Mal)
Prompts? Pwease?
The Princess is Sick: Preath and Mal
Sooooooo plz dont hate me
The Princess is Sick: Preath and Mal (Part 2)
The Princess is Sick: Preath and Mal (part 3)
The Princess is Sick (Alternate ending) (Penguin don't read this)
Bully - O'Solo
Hey guys!
Author Note
Angel With A Shotgun (Preath)
Camp Sickness (TobinxMoexCheney) (MAJOR FLUFF)
Camp Sickness (part 2) (PreathxMal)
Her Love Is My Religion - Krashlyn
Authors Note
STORY TIME (aka another A/N)
Death in Your Eyes (part 1)
Death in Your Eyes (part 2)
Flower Crowns - O'Solo (Half Shot)
Missing You - Krashlyn
Don't Cry - PreathxMal
Sick Days - HarlixJJ
Tag #2
My Story
I'm Here (Krashlyn)
Leaving Her With You (its a surprise!)
What's Happening
Christmas Fever (Krashlyn)
Parent Problems - PreathxMal
Parent Problems (part 2) - PreathxMal
Parent Problems (part 3) - PreathxMal
April Fools - Preath

Endlessly - Preath

3K 32 21
By soccerbasketball03

Before I begin, sorry about all the Preath fics! It's just kinda my OTP at the moment soooooo

Anyways! Please enjoy!

There's a shop down the street
Where they sell plastic rings
For a quarter a piece
I swear it

Yeah I know that it's cheap
Not like gold in your dreams
But I hope that you'll still wear it

Yeah the ink may stain my skin
And my jeans may all be ripped
I'm not perfect
But I know I'm perfect for you

Press and Tobin were holding hands as they walked down the street. They were in Chicago, because the Thorns were playing them later that night.

"You're going down," Tobin whispered, kissing Press' cheek.

"In your dreams," Press replied, smirking.

Tobin rolled her eyes. They came across a restaurant and decided to get lunch. As they were finishing, they saw a quarter machine with plastic rings in it. Press laughed as Tobin got two from the machine, handing one to her. "These are our promise rings," Tobin said. "For now at least."

Press chuckled and kissed Tobin. "I love you," she said when they finished.

"I love you too CP."

There's no guarantee
That this will be easy
It's not a miracle you need
Believe me
And I'm no angel
I'm just me
But I will love you endlessly
Wings aren't what you need
You need me

It was halftime of the game. Chicago was winning 1-0. Their coach met Press as she entered the locker room. "You ready?" she asked her.

"As I'll ever be," she sighed.

JJ came and put a hand on her shoulder. "There's nothing to be worried about," she told her. "It's all gonna be okay."

She hugged her for support before sending her back on the field, with everyone in the crowd very confused. "Excuse me," the announcer said. "Could we please see Tobin Heath?"

Tobin came out onto the field, confused. She walked towards the center circle, where Press was standing. "CP, what's going on?"

Press took Tobin's hand. "Tobin, you mean the world to me. And I can't imagine my life without you. Please make me the happiest person in the world," she got down on one knee. "And marry me?"

Tobin gasped. "Press, I, I, I..."

Press looked up at her with fearful eyes. "Of course!" Tobin said finally.

Press jumped up and hugged her tightly. "She said yes!" she yelled.

The crowd went wild. Tobin and Press kissed passionately. When they broke apart, Allie Long and JJ came up. "Hate to break you two," JJ started.

"But we've gotta warm up," Allie finished.

Tobin pecked Press' lips one more time. "See you after the game, I love you."

"Love you too."


"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," Tobin said, pacing back and forth.

"Tobin, please calm down," Alex said. "You're gonna make your sick."

"I'm terrified," she said, running her fingers through her hair.

"Don't be," Alex said, putting her hands on her best friend's shoulders. "Press loves you. You love Press. Everything is gonna be okay. Now sit down and let me do your hair."

Tobin sighed and sat down. Alex stood above her and with careful fingers fixed her hair. "Finished," she said, hanging Tobin a mirror.

"Oh my gosh," Tobin breathed. "Alex it's beautiful."

"I try," she said, hugging her best friend. "Now get out there and kiss that girl!"

Tobin giggled. Alex got her flowers and handed them to her. "Thanks Lex," she said.

"Always Toby."

Tobin met her father at the door of the church. "You look beautiful Tobin," he said. (In this one they didn't disown her, k?)

"Thanks Daddy," she whispered.

She looked up as the music began to play. She saw Press, dressed in her suit. They locked eyes and smiled at each other. As her father gave her away, she met Press at the altar.

"You look amazing," Press mouthed as the preacher spoke.

"So do you."

They said their vows as they put the rings on each other's fingers. "Better than my plastic ones?" Tobin asked.

Press had to stop herself from laughing. "I now pronounce you married. You may kids your bride."

Press dipped Tobin. "Well hello there," Tobin said.

And they kissed.

There's a house on the hill
With a view of the town
And I know how you adore it
So I'll work everyday
Through the sun and the rain
Until I can afford it

Yeah your friends all think I'm crazy
Cause they can only see
I'm not perfect
But I swear I'm perfect for you

And there's no guarantee
That this will be easy
It's not a miracle you need
Believe me
And I'm no angel
I'm just me
But I will love you endlessly
Wings aren't what you need
You need me

There's a shop down the street,
where they sell plastic rings,
for a quarter a piece, I swear it.
Yeah, I know that it's cheap,
not like gold in your dreams,
but I hope that you'll still wear it.

"Toby come here please!"

Tobin came running into the living room, a boy and a girl hanging onto each one of her legs. "Sorry, the twins had be occupied, what's up?"

"Can you please change the baby? I've gotta go pick up Mal from the airport and I'm already late."

"Alright, Ben, Beverly, you gotta get down so I can change your sister."

The two five year olds' groaned and got off. The twin brown haired kids ran upstairs to find something else to do.

Tobin picked up her youngest child. "Hey there Dani," she said, nuzzling the baby's nose.

She brought her to her room and changed her, then decided to feed her. Press got back a little while later. "Hey Mal," Tobin said from where she was sitting on the couch.

"Where are the two troublemakers?" she asked.

"Upstairs," Tobin replied, and Mal was running up the stairs. "Try not to make too much of a mess!"

Press chuckled and sat next to her on the couch. "Aw, Dani loves her Mommy, doesn't she?"

Dani smiled at her moms. Press leaned her head on Tobin's shoulder. "I love you Press," Tobin said.

"I love you too, endlessly."

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