Be the Hero...

By TheWinterWidow77

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After years as being seen as a villain, Regina; the Evil Queen, has a chance to be a hero after a magical tri... More

Chapter I | Son of the Right Hand
Chapter II | Broomhill
Chapter III | Lets Just Be Friends
Chapter IV | Little Ben
Chapter V | Naiad
Chapter VI | Paying a Visit
Chapter VII | Winter
Chapter VIII | King Pharaoh
Chapter IX | Unexpected Visitors
New Benjamin
Chapter XI | Wicked
Chapter XII | Closer
Chapter XIII | The Mills Family
Chapter XIV | Memories
Chapter XV | A Mother's Love
Chapter XVI | A Cold Heart Melts
Chapter XVII | Painful Denial
Chapter XVIII | She Knows
Chapter XIX | Love in a War Zone
Chapter XX | He Got the Girl
Chapter XXI | Smitten
Chapter XXII | Jeopardy
Chapter XXIII | Fulfill the Prophecy
Chapter XXIV | Captain Benjamin Ainsworth
Chapter XXV | There She Goes
Averages & Characters

Chapter X | Envy

301 17 2
By TheWinterWidow77

   "Sis?  Mother?!  What are doing here?"

    "Regina, this is your sister Zelena," Cora explained.

   "Hi sis!" Zelena said with a malicious smile as she twiddled her fingers.  Her gaze tracked over to Ben who pulled Regina into his arms.  "My my now who are you?"

   "Ben," he said and didn't say a word else. 

   "See Regina you've got your own town, you're queen, and you got yourself a man.  Those are things I deserve!  And now...I'm going to make your life a living hell," the red-haired woman threatened. 

   Ben held Regina tighter and glared at his friend's mother and apparent sister. Her and Zelena look nothing alike.  The witch and Cora vanished into a green cloud.  Regina shrugged out of Ben's grasp.

   "You never knew you had a sister?" He asked.

   "No.  My mother always lied to me!  I can never catch a break can I?!  She's a walking sack of lies!" Regina cried out and Ben wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. 

"It's okay. We'll figure this all out. Together," he said, holding her cheek.

Once again she freed herself of his gentle touch and started walking towards the diner. Ben sighed and followed after her. She pulled out her phone and called Emma.

"Hey Swan."

"Yeah Regina?"

"Can you get you and your parents down to the diner. It's important," she said with an exasperated sigh.

"Okay, fine. We'll be there shortly."

She hung up and put her phone back in her pocket. She tugged on Ben's hand but he was out of it.

I could see it on her gorgeous face. Fear, anguish, and fury. The way her nostrils would flare when she got mad, it's adorable. She's so misunderstood and I lo-

"Ben! Ben, c'mon," Regina shouted, snapping him out of his thoughts.


The Diner

   The pair walked in together as Granny was handling an order.  "Always comin' in together aren't 'cha?" She asked Ben and Regina.

"We're having a meeting with the Charmings," Regina answered and sat down next to Henry.

   Ben shook his head at his friend and Granny smiled at him before he went over to sit next to Regina.  "Uh...Ben, my mom and I need to talk so can you excuse us?" Henry asked politely.

   "Of course, Henry," he said with a smile and patted the boy's shoulder. 

   Henry grabbed his mom's wrist and pulled her towards the jukebox.  "Henry what's wrong?"

   "Mom I like Ben," he said.  Regina smiled vividly.

   "Well I do too.  He's a very loyal friend-"

   "But see that's the thing.  I think you like him more than that," he said in a serious tone.


   "No!  Mom seriously.  Don't you want your happy ending?"

   "Henry you're my happy ending," she said with a sad chuckle and grabbed his chin. 

   "No.  I'm a part of it.  Love's always a part of happiness.  Including romantic love, everyone deserves that.  Mom I want you to be happy."

   "Henry I'm happy with the way things are," she lied.  "I love you Henry.  And even if I did like Ben in a...a romantic way--which I don't--I'd want nothing more than your happiness," she said genuinely.

   "My happiness is seeing my family have their happy endings mom.  Everyone deserves love, everyone deserves family and friends, and everyone deserves a second chance."

   "Henry, I am telling you right now that I am NOT in love with Ben, okay? We are friends and that's it.  No more no less," she snapped slightly and took Henry back to the booth. 

   God she's stubborn.  Well my other mom has a built-in human lie detector so....I'll have to ask. 

   "Alright what can I get you guys to hold you over?" Granny asked with a pad and pen in hand. 

   "Coffee for me," Ben said.

   "Tea please," Regina said.

   "Hot chocolate."

   "You already had that, young man and it was on the house.  You're getting grape juice end of story," the older woman said.  "Alright that'll do it."

   "Thank you Granny," Ben said with his charming smile.

  "Sure thing Benjamin," the older woman answered and pinched his dimpled cheek, making him blush. 


   Emma, Snow, and David rushed into the diner, knowing something was important.  For Storybrooke the word important was altered a bit.  It was more like "it's urgent!".  The Charmings pushed a table next to the booth, entrapping Ben, Regina, and Henry.  "Okay, so what's important?" Emma asked.

   "Do not blame me for this, because I didn't even know about it until now.  I have...a sister," Regina explained.

   "Okay so lots of people have siblings.  Why, who are you related to?  Cruella de Vil or someone like that?" Emma asked and it offended Regina.

   "Oh so you assume since I'm the Evil Queen that my blood-relations must all be evil?  Thanks," Regina snapped and Ben shot a glare at Emma.

   "Regina I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way.  Who knows maybe you're related to uh...."

   "The Wicked Witch of the West."

   "What?  Uh...I don't know maybe Jasmine?"

   Henry snorted from laughing.  "How do you know Zelena's the Wicked Witch?"  Ben asked.

   "I don't.  But her being mean and having a pointy hat I let my assumptions take over."

   "Wait so you're related to the Wicked Witch?  You know where she tries to kill Dorothy?" Emma asked.

   "Apparently.  And the reason why is this important--and as you could guess--she wants to make my life a living you-know-what," Regina responded, knowing Henry shouldn't be hearing that word yet. 

   "Hm.  That's great so we have the weird creatures, the Wicked Witch, and the Evil Queen-" Ben instantly wanted to deck David.

   "David!  Apologize," Snow shouted, gathering the attention of the diner.

   "No, don't make him.  It's true I'm the Evil Queen.  It's who I am-"

   "Regina you're not-"

   "Ben," she stopped him. 

   "Oh and to top it all off my mother's in town as well.  I don't know what she has planned for Zelena, or this town, or even me."

   "That's just a wee bit concerning," David said, his voice was sandpaper on Ben's eardrums. 

   "David, I'm serious apologize," Snow said.

   "Snow if he doesn't mean it what's the point in apologizing?"

   Ben's blood was boiling like a witch's brew.  His breathing was sharp and heavy.  He's never felt this mad before: only when he lost his father and Cassius.  That anger was his hamartia.  He was loyal to those he loved and if they were ever hurt he was the like The Incredible Hulk, unstoppable, fueled by anger and fury.  If life was a cartoon, steam would billow out of his ears.

   Henry saw that Ben looked distressed and his jaw clenched in hopes of calming himself.  His fists were tightening and his fingers and knuckles turned white from the loss of blood.  The boy could see that he was clearly angry and he assumed by his grandpa's comments.  He didn't like it either, but what could a kid do?


   Ben wanted to speak to David alone.  Snow didn't really realize that he was in love with her stepmother, so him talking to her husband didn't even phase her.  David could see the coldness in Ben's amber eyes.

"Dave, here's the thing," he began and pulled David towards him. "If you ever talk about Regina like that again I will break you," he threatened.

"I don't like your threats. I knew it. Never should of trusted a man from another land. You're going behind our backs aren't you? Teaming up with the Evil Queen aren't we?" David taunted.

Ben shot the coldest of glares at the prince and swung his fist into Sheriff Chiseled Chin's nose. David went to the ground, grabbing his bleeding honker. "Ben!" Snow yelled. "David are you alright?"

"Ben? Why did you hit him?" Regina asked softly.

"It doesn't matter," he insisted as Snow and Emma helped David up.

Ben walked away from the diner and sped-up. "Ben! Zelena's on the loose!" Regina warned.

He threw his arms up in the air. He was so filled with anger and he needed to let off steam that built inside his pretty head.


Later that night...

   The handsome-yet fiery Ben walked along with quiet streets of Storybrooke.  He thought of those he loved and all those he lost.  But Regina was different.  He never loved someone this way, with this much passion and his love for her was built up from the moment he laid eyes on her beautiful self.  This was the first person he ever truly fell in love with. 

   It was knew it him, falling in love.  It was an odd feeling for him.  The increase of his heart rate as he sAa her let alone think about her!  His stomach felt weird and he felt tingly all over.  A tightness in his chest.  Was this what falling love felt like?

   He was taken out if his thoughts when in the corner of his eye he saw a figure appear.  It was Zelena.  She was in different clothes, they looked modern.  Perhaps she stole them?  He had to admit she was attractive.  She had brilliant blue eyes and gorgeous hair paired with a nice face.  But that's not what mattered.  Regina was be beautiful to him and not just with her good looks, but her mothering skills and her overall personality. 

   "Like what you see?" She asked seductively. 

   She was in a tight black dress hemmed at mid-thigh.  It revealed her curves and hugged her perfectly.  The neck line was dangerously low and revealing.  Her stilettos were the same color as her dress.  She strutted towards him and pulled at his collar.

   She used her magic to tie him up at his hands and feet.  She smiled devilishly.  His golden orbs pierced into her blue orbs.  Her eyes fell onto his soft lips.  He was far too attractive for his own good.  Liking what she saw, the witch yanked him into a forced kiss.  He cringed as he felt her lips pressed tightly against his. 

   She parted from him.  "You're mine now," she said with an evil laugh.

   Using her magic once more she had poofed herself and Ben into an old abandoned house out in the forest. 

To be continued...

   Honestly who else just adores Granny?  Like she's awesome and hilarious. 

Teaser for Chapter 11: Regina has feelings for who?

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