The 100-Lydia Kane

Oleh vizenya

23.9K 605 116

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot been seen or touched - they must be felt with the hear... Lebih Banyak



501 12 0
Oleh vizenya

|and so I miss|

Playlist ~


" I found my life in between shots and getting high
The cage I was in fell away when she asked me to dance again"


"Can't believe you just did that." Leo said amazed as we headed back into the ark.

"I can't believe I just did that " I said

"You know I never knew you were really smart." Leo said as I opened the door to the house

"Why do you say that?" I asked as I walked in. I turned around to see where I was going and was amazed to see color. The walls were painted a eggshell color, there was flowers on the table, a painting hanging on the wall.

I guess when I came in earlier I only stuck my head in and yelled. But now that I'm actually seeing everything.

"Woah." I said amazed as I walked around the living room.

"Is that a window? Where did you get the glass from?" I asked as Leo closed the door behind her.

"From you." She said as the book case was as neat as the day I left it a year and half ago. All the books were in the same order just like how I left it.

The piano was placed in the corner shining in its place.

"How did none of this get damaged during the landing?" I asked

"Dad told me that he had everything tied down. He did say there was a huge mess when he came in here but he cleaned it up." She said

"And this glass?" I asked as I looked outside the window.

"From your book. Bellamy gave us your book." She said as she went over to our room. I followed her and was surprised to see a completely different room.

Instead of the two beds being side by side they were now separated by a wall. There was a window by each bed and a couple of paintings.

Instead of seeing metal walls I saw walls made out of wood painted white.

I looked up and still saw the air vents. I could see other places of the ark.

"This book." Leo said giving me an unknown journal. I opened it and was met with familiar handwriting.

It wasn't my handwriting but it was still very familiar. It was my ideas. They were the ideas I told Bellamy that one night. About how to improve camp and to make it more permanent.

My sketches of the glass, paint, cement buildings, houses, water turbines, everything was in here. All of the instructions and where to find the materials.

"He gave this to you?" I asked

"No he gave it to dad." Leo said. I had showed Bellamy where I kept the book in case anything ever happened to me, the camp would still be able to use the ideas.

"It took us a few tries to make the glass but when we finally did it ....I just really never thought you were that smart." Leo said again.

"Bellamy was confident that they would work." Leo said as I put the book on the bed that was more secluded.

"He would be gone days at a time looking for you." She said as I leaned against the wall.

"He would come back from his trips and he would bring little things- "I brought this flower cause she might like it" "I went inside this old building and found some tools she might like"- he just never gave up on you." She said as I smiled

"Well we'll see each other soon." I said as I pointed at a set of doors

"Closet, right?" I asked as she nodded

"Can I borrow some clothes?" I asked as she snorted

"Why are you asking? You're home. You don't have to ask." She said as I opened the wooden door and saw the rows of clothes neatly stacked.

I grabbed some of my old pajamas and started to undress

"They gave you a tattoo?" Leo asked as I turned around as she pointed to my back

"Yeah about two months after I was there." I said as Leo took a better look at it

"What does it mean?" She asked

"Lexa says its a story but I'm not sure. She has the same one on her back." I said as she moved my hair from the back of my neck to see another tattoo.

"Woah." She said as I put the shirt on

"You have one on your forearm too?" She asked as I showed it to her.

"Its so pretty." She said as she looked at it.

"Thanks." I said as I put some pajama pants on.

"You're not gonna eat?" She asked

"Can you just bring me something?" I asked

"Yeah I'll be right back." She said leaving as I picked up my dirty clothes and put them in the dirty basket.

I could hear a very muffled voices outside the window as I went to my bed. I stood up on it and opened the window so I could have some fresh air. As soon as I did that the breeze drifted inside moving the papers softly.

I looked up at the wall that separated Leo and I and saw a painting.

It was signed Clarke at the very bottom. I smiled as I looked at the watercolor painting. I got off of the bed and opened the light green record player.

I went to Leos bed and lifted the covers revealing the neatly stored records.

I skimmed through the records seeing which one I should pick. I pulled one out. It came out in the year 2016 over a hundred years ago. I took the record out of its cover and put it on the player. I placed the needle on the record and waited for it to play.

I listened to the song as I went to go lay down. I grabbed the journal and sat up in bed as I could hear some chatter from outside my window.

"Chicken noodles soup and water." Leo said opening the door

"Thanks." I said as she handed me the warm bowl and cup of water.

"Oh god I love this song." Leo said

"Tio by Zayn" Leo said smiling at the song.

It was late at night as I stared up at the ceiling. Leo was snoring softly on the other side of the wall. My window was closed as I listened to the Honeymoon album by Lana very softly.

I grabbed the journal once again and flipped through the pages. Where was the original journal at? I saw the sketches of cement and how the mixture needed to be.

How the temperature of the glass needed to be. Everything was in here. But one thing.

The sketches of the house I wanted to build in the summer.
That was the only thing that was missing from the whole journal. Everything even the doodles were included in the double journal except the house.

And it wasn't like it was just written on one page but it was on several back to back pages.

"Lydia wake up." I heard someone shaking me awake.

"What?"I asked rubbing my eyes as light streamed in from the windows.

"Its late." Leo said as I saw that the journal laid open on my stomach. I closed it and put it on the book case.

"Fine I'm up. I'll take a quick shower." I said getting up drowsy I fixed my bed quickly and went over to the closet as Leo left.

I picked my clothes out before heading over to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I closed the door behind me and quickly undressed. I turned the water on and took a hot shower. I shampood my hair before rinsing it off. I put some hair conditioner while I scrubbed the dirt off of me.

As I washed everything off I turned the water off and wrapped a towel around me. I dried myself off and put lotion all around my body.

As I put clean clothes on I combed my wet hair and tried drying it off a bit.

Unlocking the door I checked the time and saw it was actually still early. It was just the sun streaming into the window and Leo waking me up that made me think it was late.

I went back inside my room and grabbed a backpack. I put several clothes in there. And a pair of extra shoes. I put my hair dye bottles in the bag before putting some extra stuff.
I needed to be ready to leave at a moments notice. I zipped up the bag and left in the closet.

I put my long jacket on with the red cape and strapped my bow and arrows to my back before tying my sword around my waist. I had multiple knives strapped to my thighs as I looked at my hair.

I ran my fingers thought it one more time before I started to braid it.

I braided it again in its milk maid way before I opened the door and left the room finding Leo sitting on the piano bench.

"Engineer, doctor, architectural genius, leader, piano player....Christ." Leo said with a mocking smile

"Blake hasn't checked in by the way." Leo said

"What?" I asked

"Yeah while you were in the shower I went over to Ravens and she said he hasn't checked in." She said

"I'm going over." I said as I walked out of the house and down the maze of halls.

I went inside the room and found Raven staring a board with a dam on it.

"Has he checked in yet?" I asked walking in

"No. You worried someone's gonna try and take a shot at you inside the Ark?" Raven asked looking at the grounder guard behind me

"Wait outside, Ryder." I said as Ryder stepped outside

"Lexa's orders." I explained as she rolled her eyes

"Whatever, Lydia." She said

"He's late. What if something's happened to him?" I asked returning my attention to Bellamy

"He'll be fine." Raven said distracted

"You've been busy. Why are you focusing on the dam? I told you acid fog was our priority." I said crossing my arms as I looked at the board and saw the dam was drawn and ideas were placed next to them

"Until Bellamy gets eyes on their dispersal system, there's only so much I can do." Raven sighed

" Fine. Tell me about the dam. Can we cut off their power?" I asked

"Maybe. I'm still playing with a few things." Raven said thinking

"How many of these have you made?" I asked grabbing one of the tone generators

"Only two so far, but..." Raven said as I cut her off

"Two? That's not enough. There will be Reapers everywhere." I said as I looked at the generator in my hand

" High-frequency tone generators don't grow on trees, Lydia you should know that. Wick is scrounging for parts." Raven defended

"Raven, I am about to leave for Tondc, where Lexa and the heads of all 12 Grounder clans are waiting for me to tell them we're a go, only we're not a go because they still have acid fog, and we only have two tone generators." I panicked as I imagined Lexa's face when I tell her the only thing we have is two tone generators

"Hey. We'll be ready. We will." Raven said trying to calm me down

"Ark Station, do you read me? Anybody there?" Bellamy's voice sounded through the radio

"Blake, you're late. Every 3 hours means every 3 hours." I told him worried

"Are you through?" He asked after a couple of seconds of silence as I sighed

"Have you found the source of the acid fog?" I asked more calmed down

"No. That's gonna have to wait." He said as I raised an eyebrow

" What? No. Nothing is more important than that." I said to him

"Our friends are. They're starting to take them from the dorm one at a time every few hours." He said as I thought

"Taking them where?" I asked

"I don't know. We tried to follow them, but they went to a classified level. Maya borrowed the schematics of the vent system from her boss, and I'm still trying to find a way in." He said as I looked at Raven

"Anything?" I asked as she looked at the map

"I think I found a path, but it's gonna be tight." She said into the radio

"Here's the walkie Raven asked for and the earbud." I heard another voice say to Bellamy

"We're going to make him mobile so he can talk to us from anywhere." Raven said to me

"Blake, you have to find them. That's the plan. If you don't, all of this is for nothing." I told him as I put the walkie down

" Yeah. I'll be right back." I said running out of the room.

"Aren't you going to Tondc?!" Raven yelled after me

I walked down the halls quickly as I entered the conference room as I saw my dad sitting down at a chair with papers spread out before him. He looked up when he saw me walk in

" I thought you were going to Tondc. " he said surprised as he got up to hug me

"Plans have changed. I'm staying here." I told him as he held me at arms length

"The commander's expecting you." He said to me before he crossed his arms

"Our people inside Mount Weather are in trouble. I'm not going anywhere until I know they're ok." I said to him

"And what can you do for them from here?" He asked

"You'll go to Tondc in my place. Lexa respects you. I'll get there soon as I can." I told him as I turned around to leave but he grabbed my arm. In doing this Ryder started to take out his sword.

"Put it away." I said to him as I turned around

"Lydia, being a good leader means knowing which battles to fight." My dad said to me

"And which to delegate. I know. Please I need you to go to Tondc." I told him

"Fine. I'll go." He said after a moment of thinking

"Thank you." I said with a smile

"What is it?" Abby asked as I was about to leave

"My dad will explain." I told her

"Perhaps Abby Should go. She is still the chancellor after all." My dad said

"Which is why she's needed here" I said leaving.

I went back to my room and grabbed the bag from my closet. I swung it over my shoulder and walked out of the ark.

"Open the gate." I said as the guard opened the small gate

"It'll just be a minute." I said to the guard as he nodded. I ran towards the treeline and didn't go that deep into the woods before I dropped the bag behind a tree and covered it with some leaves before I heard some horses leave camp.

I ran back inside and went inside the ark as I crashed into Leo.

"Hey have you ate?" She asked as I shook my head

"No I've been a bit busy." I said

"Oh okay come on then" she said dragging me back outside and taking me to where the food was served.

We stood in line before I was able to grab my food. I dug in. I looked around and saw that there wasn't a fire in the middle.

"Did Bellamy check in?" Leo asked as I nodded

"Yeah they're um....testing on them already." I said as I continued to eat as Leo raised her eyebrows

"Fucking mountain men. Who knows?" She asked as I looked around

"Raven, Clarke, dad, Abby, you and me." I said

"So this is classified?" She asked as I nodded

"Yeah I guess." I answered eating some more soup.

"My soups were better." I mumbled as I kept eating.

"I have to hurry up and see what's going on." I said finishing up my soup before drinking all of my water.

"Aren't you going to Tondc?" She asked as I shook my head

"I sent dad but as soon as I'm able to I'll join them" I said getting up from the seat and taking my trash and throwing it away.

"I'll see you later." I said to her as I walked inside the ark once more.

I passed guards with guns and a couple flirting. As I looked around I saw that there was no children.

I wouldn't blame anyone for not having children as soon as they were able to. I mean they were on strange land with strange dangers.

But I admit that I would like to have some children of my own one day. I just have to find the right person.

As I thought this I entered Ravens room. She looked up surprised as I walked in.

"What's up?" I asked

"Why aren't you in Tondc?" She asked standing up

"I sent my dad..." I said not really understanding the agitation

"There's a missile heading to Tondc." She said as my heart dropped

"What?" I asked not believing

"Didn't Clarke tell you?" She asked as I shook my head.

"No...she knows? Where is she?" I asked

"Yeah she knows, she was here when Bellamy overheard. She left for Tondc about half an hour ago. Didn't she tell you?" She asked

"No she didn't." I said a bit angry.

"She told Bellamy that Octavia was safe but Octavia's in Tondc as well." Raven said

"I guess I'm heading to Tondc as well." I decided as I started to leave but I felt arms around me

"Be safe." Raven said squeezing me as I hugged her back

"I will." I said rushing out of there.

"To Tondc we go Ryder." I said as I rushed past him as he followed me. I ran outside to where the horses was kept.

I hopped onto my horse as Ryder settled into his own, I made the horse I've as we reached the gate.

"Open the gate." I said as the power was shut off so we were able to leave.

We galloped away quickly into the woods. I ducked so I would be hit by low branches as the horse and I jumped over fallen tree trunks.

We got on the dirt road that led to Tondc as greenery zoomed past me in a blur. The horse beneath me galloped fastly bringing me closer to my destination with a step.

By the time we reached Tondc I saw Clarke's horse grazing. I jumped off my horse and handed it to one of the man standing by the gate. I ran down the small road that led to the center of the village as I saw my dad holding a gun across his chest as he spoke with Indra.

"Where Clarke and Lexa?" I asked hurriedly

"They're in talking inside." Indra answered

"Nice of you to catch up." My dad

"Let's go. We have to go." I said as I dragged them inside the building.

"What are you talking about?" My dad asked a Indra was held up at the door.

"There's a missile heading here." I said as I didn't see Clarke or Lexa anywhere. I headed over to the other side of the door and opening it

"A mi-" my dad was saying before the building exploded. Everything started to collapse on top of us. I was thrown down at the explosion

"DAD!" I screamed as I saw him disappear. The floor he stood on caved in. My vision started to grow heavy as I heard a very strong ringing noise in my ears.

I lifted my head from the ground as dust and smoke was all around me as I choked on the dust that filled my lungs.

I clawed at the white and gray ash trying to get the cement block off of my back. I could hear distant screaming and yells of agony, knowing that my screams wouldn't help the cause, I kept clawing at the floor inching my way out from beneath the block that had me trapped.

Little by little I was getting free. I inched closer towards the open door. Half in, half out. I clawed at the dirt now as I managed to grab a piece of steel that was sticking out of the cement. I pulled on it as I manger to pull myself from beneath the cement block.

As I was now free I rolled over on the dirt as I breathed hard. I rolled over and got on my knees as I heard a gunshot go off. I ducked down again as I heard another gunshot.

They were killing off the survivors. I got up slowly hurting from the explosion before I ran into the woods.

I ran towards where I thought the shooting was coming from. The moon was high in the sky as I all I heard was my ragged breathing and a gun shot going off every couple of minutes.

I stopped to catch my breath after running for an hour. My whole body hurt terribly. I had black blood on my hands. I felt something warm drip down the corner of my face near my hair line as I whiped it away with the back of my hand.

Looking at the back of my hand I saw fresh black blood. Wiping the blood on my pants I continued to run.

The moon was fading away as the sky started to lighten. Inside of the dark blue sky it began to turn into an ombre. Beginning with navy blue as it turned into a medium purple.

I could still heard the gunshots going off. The sky was changing quickly as I could see the first of the sun rays break over the horizon.

The gunshot were a lot closer now. I ducked down and tried to use the high grass for cover. I guess it didn't work because a bullet missed me by a couple of inches.

The good thing was that there was a very huge boulder that I could hide behind as I ran to it I was shocked to find Lexa, Clarke, and Lincoln all hiding behind the boulder as well.

"Lydia?" Clarke said as I threw her a glare

"I'll draw out the fire." Lincoln said as he bolted from behind the boulder

"Lydia what are you doing here? You're supposed to be at camp Jaha." Lexa said worried

"You left those people to die." I said as I left the safety of the boulder and towards the shooter.

I saw as Lincoln was about to kill him but the mountain man took out a tone generator making Lincoln drop the sword.

The man quickly got up and brought his knife to Lincoln's neck.

"Come any closer and I kill him." The man said as I took my gun out of my waist band. I held it up

"Do it Lydia. Its okay kill me. Save your people." Lincoln said as I looked at him.

"You are my people." I said before steading the gun and pulling the trigger as it went through Lincoln's shoulder and through the mans heart.

Lincoln moved away from the man as he fell to his knees then falling on his face. He wasn't wearing a hazmat suit.

"Good shot." Lincoln said as he clutched his shoulder.

"Thanks." I said as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to see who it was and saw Lexa looking at me sadly.

"You left my father to die." I said to her as I moved away from her and towards the dead man and ripped a piece of his clothing before going over to Lincoln and patching up his shoulder.

"We need to go." I said as I helped him up. Lincoln took out a horn and blew it as I grabbed the dead mans gun and the rest of his ammo.

I slung the gun over my back as we began to walk towards the missile hit Tondc.

By the time we got to Tondc it was dark again. A light drizzle had started as I saw a group of sky people from camp helping out. It made me smile seeing my two people united.

"Dad." I breathed as I saw him being carried out in a stretcher

"Dad." I said louder as I ran to him.

"Lydia." He said as he grabbed my hand

"You're alive." He said as I nodded

"These deaths will be avenged!" Lexa yelled as they chanted Heda over and over again.

"Enough! There's still people buried under the rubble!" Abby interrupted Lexa's speech as the grounders began to work again.

I walked with my dad who was being carried on a stretcher over to Jackson who held out a blood bag with a needle ready to transfer the blood into my dad.

"You're bleeding." Jackson said to me

"Um....I hope you don't need blood too because we don't have that blood type." Jackson said as he saw the black blood still dripping down my face.

"I'm fine." I said to him

"Take good care of my dad will ya?" I asked him as he nodded as I leaned down to my dad whose face was filled with ash and dust

"I'll be back okay?" I said to him as he moved his head painfully to look at me as Jackson put the needle into his arm

"Where are you going?" He asked as I squeezed his hand

"To avenge the deaths." I said

"No Lydia....just come home. You've done enough fighting." My dad said

"No....the fight isn't over until the war is won." I said to him.

"I'll come back okay?" I said

"What about your mother?" He said as I faltered

"Bury her." I said

"Tell Leo I love her and that I'll be home soon." I said as I gave him a kiss on his forehead.

"Love you." I said as I started to walk away

"I'll be home soon." I said over my shoulder as I walked over to Lexa

"Let's go win a war." I said as she smiled at me.

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