aid • kylo ren

By sithlarissa

1M 28.1K 15K

→ A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... After the battle on the Starkiller base with resistance suppo... More



30.9K 846 490
By sithlarissa

Part 1

Luna went home early so she'd have enough time to get ready for tonight - she asked one of the other nurses to cover her patients, they happily obliged, amazed that the Kylo Ren has asked one of their own insignificant nurses to an extravagant banquet for all the important people.

Luna was finding it hard to contain her excitement, her hands shaking with pre-banquet jitters as she slid into the beautiful silk sliver dress Kylo had sourced especially for her. She smiled at the thought. She smoothed it after zipping it up and then proceeded to add small silver accessories; a long necklace, studs in her ears and a small silver bangle. She then slipped into her small pumps and waited. She paced the room, too afraid to sit down in the fear that it might crease her dress.

She heard the buzzer on her quarters go off, making her jump. She grabbed her small clutch and then pressed the button that opened the door and there before her stood Kylo Ren, fully dressed in his robes and helmet. She suddenly felt insecure and over dressed.

"Hi, Kylo."



"Um, am I overdressed?"

She looked down at her outfit.


He was blunt. Not his usual self. The self that Luna was used to.

"Oh. Good, good"

Silence engulfed them again.

"Let's go."

Kylo turned and began to walk down the corridor.

Luna was startled. This wasn't how Kylo usually acted towards her. Something must've happened.

"Kylo?" She called out after him.

He stopped and hesitated before turning around to face her.

"Aren't you going to escort me?"

Kylo didn't move for a second before he made his way over to Luna and offered his arm, she smiled and grasped it gently.

"Now, let's go" Her small voice chimed.

As they walked, Kylo was acutely aware of Luna's small hand on his muscular arm. He could feel the small feeling of warmth radiating from her skin through his robes. She looked so beautiful. And he wanted to tell her. But he couldn't.

The walk was a lengthy one and the two did not speak. They were nearly there when Luna spoke up, able to stop herself from uttering;

"Would you like to see me without your helmet on?"

Kylo kept moving. He so desperately wanted to see her without the helmet obscuring her true beauty and without the tinted infra red lens'.


He pulled her into a room, it was unoccupied - if it had been he would've ordered it be. He shut the door.

He moved to take his helmet, but he was stopped by her small voice.

"May I?"

He nodded slowly and bent down slightly. She was making this so difficult.

She moved her fingers to the buttons on the side of the helmet and pressed on them gently and the front moved up and she pulled it off his head slowly and revealed his face. His injury was healing but his face looked different; sad. His eyes; lifeless - not twinkling the way they were this morning.

Kylo knew he could never do what Snoke wanted him to, not with her, standing there in front of him, looking so beautiful and being so kind. He couldn't distance himself. She had found her way into his heart and she wasn't going anywhere. His face softened.

" look so beautiful." He whispered.

She blushed. "Thank you." She whispered back.

He reached a hand tentatively to her face and cupped her cheek, his thumb sliding over the skin. She leant her head into his hand.

"You have no idea what you're doing to me."

Luna looked up at him. He sighed.

"We should get going, we need to be there on time."


He placed his helmet on again and escorted her out of the room and to the banquet. They arrived at the door which was being guarded by stormtroopers. They let him in without question.

The atmosphere was buzzing and Luna took it all in. The room was large, the door they stood in was opposite a large expanse of windows looking out into the black abyss of space. In between the door and windows, stood officers in uniform, sipping drinks and exchanging words and laughter. Stormtroopers, strangely enough, were walking through with trays of food; canapés, as waiters. Luna stifled a giggle.

"Lord Ren" greets Hux.

"General Hux."

Hux looked at Luna.

"You brought a date?" he asked, puzzled but with a slight amusement in his voice.

Luna blushed hard.

"Yes, is that a problem?"

"No, no. Welcome Luna, please help yourself to some food and enjoy your time."

"Thank you" she spoke softly.

Hux proceeded to introduce Luna to everyone and Kylo accompanied her, holding her hand. He ignored the looks he got from other officers. She was introduced as 'Kylo's nurse who took care of him after Starkiller base'. She was met with impressive facial expressions, admiring that a small girl had taken care of a scary man. She even met Phasma, who was even taller than Kylo, it was so intimidating. She looked down at her and Luna recoiled slightly into Kylo, who gave her hand a soft squeeze.

Kylo didn't talk much, but his presence at her side soothed her nerves.

She ate. So much. The canapés were amazing. Each bite was like nothing she'd ever tasted - so much better than crappy unflavoured chicken noodle soup.

She and Kylo were standing near the windows, murmuring small talk when they were interrupted by a Lieutenant.

"Lord Ren, could I speak to you briefly?"

Kylo looked at her, "I'll be back soon ok?"


Kylo walked off with the man and Luna was left all alone. She was beginning to get bored. Other guests were immersed in their own conversations so she turned and looked out into space and got lost in her own thoughts. There were so many places in the galaxy and she knew she would never see them all. She wanted to go to other worlds, experience a culture. And she missed home. She so desperately wanted to see her old childhood friends. She missed seeing their smiling faces and she missed being in a world where she didn't have to worry. She wondered what her old childhood best friend was doing now; if he has succeeded in life. She hadn't seen him in God knows how long, not since he left her. Alone.

"Are you okay?"

She jumped and turned to see Kylo. His mask was covering his face but she imagined it was filled with concern.

"I'm fine."

Kylo stepped forward and next to her, joining her looking out into the stars.

"Are you having a good time?"

"Not really, it's a bit dull, but the food is good."

Kylo laughed. It sounded menacing through the voice changer of the helmet.

"Me neither, these war General's annoy me. So pompous."

It was Luna's turn to laugh. Kylo loved hearing her laugh.

There was a silence between them.

"Do you want to go?"

"Go where?"

"I have this place I want to show you."


Kylo offered his arm and Luna took it and they made their way through the crowd, people called to them but Kylo kept moving and Luna tried to keep up. They reached the door.


Kylo stopped and turned at Hux's voice.

"Yes, General."

"Leaving so soon?"

"Yes, Luna isn't feeling well, she had too many canapés."

Luna caught on and changed her face so she looked like she was having cramps and gave a soft moan.

Hux raised an eyebrow.

"Ok, looking forward to seeing you again Luna. Goodbye Kylo."

He walked away.

Kylo sighed through his helmet and Luna looked up at him and smiled and a cheeky grin. He returned it, before remembering she couldn't see.

"You can't see me, but I'm smiling."

Luna laughed.

"Come on, let's get out of here."

And they left. Together.

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