Adopted by the USWNT with a t...

By KHearts107

105K 1.8K 169

You were bitten by a radioactive spider when you were seven, now you can do what ever a spider can (much like... More

Chapter 1 - the beginning
Chapter 2 -saving the day
Chapter 3 - Adoption day
ch 4 - meeting the team
Ch 5 - Practice and lectures
Ch 6 - saving the store
Ch 7 - Car rides and dinner
Ch 8 - New nickname?
Ch 9- Fires and Kraven
Ch 10- New York
Ch. 11- Spidey vs Rhino
Ch.12 - 1989 tour trouble
Ch 13- Day with Julie
Ch 14 - Birthday
Ch. 15 - Meeting the new members
Quick note
Ch. 16 Dancing and O'Solos advice
Ch. 17 -Telling Mal
Ch. 19- Spidey & Daredevil pt.2
Ch. 20- First date
Ch.21- the story
Ch.22 - 1 spidey 2 spidey 3 spidey 4?
Ch.23 - Triple Grounded?!?
Ch.24 - Here goes nothing
Ch.25 - Different dimension and back again
Ch.26 - Spideys new additude?
Ch.27 - Venom is born
New book
Ch.28 - Spidey vs Sandman & venom
Ch.29- The end?
Sequel is out!

Ch. 18- Spidey & Daredevil pt.1

2.8K 48 5
By KHearts107


I'm woken up due to a loud sound I look over at the clock and it reads 2am. I get out of the bed and walk to the living room part of the room and look around and see nothing. "I'm going crazy" I say to myself. My spidey sense goes off signaling that someone is behind me I turn around thinking it was just Mal but as I fully turn around I'm met with a smirk and there's only one person I know with that smirk.

"Shit what are you doing here matt?" I asked "I thought you would be a little more excited than that to see me Y/N" "Yeah maybe during the day not at 2:00 at night I thought I was going to have to beat the shit out of someone" I say he chuckles then his face turns serious "I need your help with something" "Ok 1. how did you know I was here 2. since your here you must know I'm not here alone and 3. what is it you need help with?"

"Well I heard from the T.V that spidey was in New York so I waited for you to come out of hiding and when I sensed movements that I knew only you could do I followed you back here and yes I know your not here alone your with the womens soccer team and I need your help with saving the city" "Saving the city? the city seems like its safe to me"

"There are several bombs around the city the kingpin got some of his henchmen to plant them around the city and he teamed up with my crazy ex Typhoid Mary so we have to watch out for her too" he says "When you say several bombs how many are we talking about?" "Five" he said "So let me get this straight you want me to help you deactivate these bombs and then help you fight kingpin and your crazy ex?" I ask and he nods "Alright when are the bombs set to go off?" "7 this morning I already deactivated one on the way over here" he said "Ok well go get the bombs then come back here to make a plan against your crazy ex and the fat man himself" I said. I suit up and we head out we find 3 of the bombs by 6:30.

"Damn it we're running out of time where the fuck is last bomb?" Daredevil yells. We keep moving till spidey sense goes off "DD this way I found it" I yell we get there with 10 minutes left and with our luck we cant deactivate it so I web it onto my back and say "If we cant disarm it lets drown it". We head to the ocean where I throw it out far into the water seconds later it explodes. "Well the bombs are taken care of lets head back to the hotel and start to plan what were going to do for tonight". We get to hotel and finish plan when Mal comes out.

"Hey Y/N who's this?" she asked confused "Um Mal this is Matt Murdock aka Daredevil, Matt this is Mallory Pugh my girlfriend" I say "Nice to meet you" Matt says "Likewise but um do you want to tell me what happened" Mal says. I told Mal about how me and Matt know each other and that how only she and I know that he's DD and how we came up with a plan to tell the others he's my cousin.

"Ok well lets go get breakfast in the lobby" Mal says. We get there and we see the whole team there already they stop and look at us. "Um girls this is my cousin matt um as you can see he is blind so um yeah" I say. We walk in and grab our food and sit down at an empty table and start to eat. It was pretty quite with only a few conversations and the soft buzz of the T.V.

"And now here's a story that will have the people of New York City thanking Spidey and Daredevil, this story just came in there 5 bombs in the city with 4 being deactivated and 5th having to be thrown into ocean Spidey who carried the bomb on her back who then tossed the bomb into the water just in time as a few seconds after the bomb hit the water it blew up. I'll say it now Spidey and Daredevil saved the lot of us thank you both" the news got turned off and the team started talking.

I got up to leave and Matt was behind me. I hear 5 chairs back up and lots of footsteps we get to my room before the questions start. "What were you thinking carrying the bomb on your back it could have blown up" Lauren asked "Well what was I suppose to do let it blow up and kill all those people I was acting on pure instinct" I said "No but still don't do something stupid like that again and for him is he even your cousin" She asked "No" I say looking at them they all sigh but Mal because this wasn't any new info for her.

"Look kiddo all we're saying is that we want you to be a little more careful because it would crush everyone if something happened to you if only there was a way for us to know you were ok while you are out" Hope said and with that I ran to my room and came back out with these earpieces I made. "I made these that way you guys can talk to me while I'm out" I said as I handed them all one.

The girls all left so it was just me, Matt and Mal. Mal goes into the bathroom to get ready for her game, she comes out 20 minutes later and I kiss her head goodbye and wished her good luck. Me and Matt take this as our chance to go find the crazy lady whos name I think was Typhoid Mary and the fat man himself Kingpin.


Hey guys! theres 2 parts to this chapter so heres part 1. I hope you like it don't forget to vote and comment because whenever I see that someone votes or comments it honestly makes my day.

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