Badass Cinderella

By RigelU

166K 6.9K 1.2K

Cindy. Not the abbreviation for "Cinderella", just Cindy Walker . She's not afraid to punch boys, stands up... More

Chapter 1 - "You punch like a wrestler."
Chapter 2 - "I'll punch your nose so hard that it'll go right up your big head"
Chapter 3 - Over dramatic, tantrum-throwing, BISHES!
Chapter 4 - I am going to get a job the very next day.
Chapter 6 - I hate snobby kids.
Chapter 7 - "Damn, Cindy, I didn't know you'd go this far to get me."
Chapter 8 - I have to leave.
Chapter 10 - "I know, I love my baby!"
Chapter 11 - "I'm getting married to Emma Watson tomorrow."
Chapter 12 - "You've got a stalker"
Chapter 13 - "Stop trying to be an angel!"
Chapter 14 - I was in jail.
Chapter 15 - "YOU?!"
Author's Note
Chapter 16 (LUCA'S P.O.V) - What the hell just happened?!
Chapter 17 - "I've been waiting for you for two years now."
Chapter 18 -"See you again soon, gorgeous."
Chapter 19 - "Finally, princess."
Chapter 20 - Gabriel Owen
Chapter 21 - "What do you know about love?"
Chapter 22 - "There wouldn't have been a dead body among us."
Chapter 23 - "You are one strong girl, Walker."
Chapter 24 - "I'm your father!"
Chapter 25 - "Missing your future wife?"
Chapter 26 - "I'll be worried for your process of perception."
Chapter 27 - Nope. Not dramatic at all.
Chapter 28 - "This school never fails to surprise me."
Chapter 29 - I had it coming.
Chapter 30 - There's nothing wrong with missing a friend.
Chapter 31 - We're good, I'll handle him.
Chapter 32 - My Frikin Shoes!

Chapter 5 - "If I fall for him, I will be like all the other desperate bimbos."

7.5K 323 51
By RigelU

A.N: Longer chapter! My first 1,000 reads! :D AWW YEEAAH! This chapter is dedicated to you, you, and you, and all of you wonderful people! Thankyou for the great support, it seriously means a lot to me and is appreciated :)


Cindy's P.O.V:-

I am sitting in my class, waiting anxiously for the school to end for the day. It is only the 3rd period and I am already wishing for it to end so I could go look for a job. I am really determined to get it. I needed it. I wasn't gonna rely on my father's money and be a beggar in front of Sandra.

My leg is bouncing, almost on it's own. It is Spanish class, I decided to take some notes of what Miss.Sophia is teaching.My day is going good, meaning that I haven't have to face Luca yet. I even got an A in last week's Chemistry test.

Speaking of the idiot, he spoke up from his seat. "Miss Sophia, how do you say 'I love you' in Spanish?"

The students stare at him in astonishment. Luca the player, talking about love? Huh, is the zombie apocalypse near?

"Uh, 'Te amo' is Spanish for 'I love you'." The teacher says, frowning slightly at an off-topic question. "You can also say 'Quiero que' which means 'I want you'."

"Oh okay, thankyou Miss.Sophia." He flashes her a smile and she blushed a little.

Yeah, he has that effect on some of the teachers too. Eugh. Its obvious that he is flirting with the teacher. Miss.Sophia is a young teacher, just out of college. Some of the girls are scowling at her.

He winks at a girl who is staring at him. "Just asking for my mom, don't worry." He says with a small chuckle.

Thankfully, the bell rings, which means I am closer to the end of school. Its time for lunch, I put my books in my locker and head towards the cafeteria.

Just as I enter the cafeteria, Luca comes out of nowhere and puts his arm around my .

"Hey babe." He winks at me.

I'm startled, everyone in the cafeteria stares at us. "Oh, get off me, you sorry excuse of a man." I say, pushing his hand away abruptly and glaring at him.

He fake gasps. "Ouch, that hurt." He says and puts a hand on his heart, feigning hurt.

I rolled my eyes and continue to walk. "That was some move in class. Reverse pedophile."

He responds with a laugh. "Jelly?" I sneer in response and start walking away.

"Wait! Aren't you gonna cure me, darling?" He says with a grin, as we walk towards the line. I cock an eyebrow.

"What? I'm hurt." He pouts.

"Good. Do I look like I care?" I say with a bored face.

He lets out a huff. "You're so boring Kane."

"Mmhmm." I say, concentrating on the lunch menu. After getting my lunch, I walk towards my usual table.

"See ya later, babe." Luca smirks.

"Don't call me that." I scowls. He chuckles and walks away to his table.

"You and Luca?!" Sienna screeches excitedly when I reach the table.

"What?" I ask in confusion, sitting down.

"Don't play the fool, everyone saw you and Luca entering the cafeteria together with his arm around your waist." She said with a slight smirk appearing on her face.

"Oh." I roll my eyes. "There's nothing going between us. He just appeared from somewhere and put his arm around my waist. You know how annoying he is. Everyone didn't happen to see the part where I pushed him away?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Hmm." She says, thinking. "You and Luca would make a pretty good couple, though."

"Agreed." Grace chimes in, who has just arrived at the table.

I snort. "In my nightmares. Exactly. If I fall for him, I will be like all the other desperate bimbos. Don't forget his greatest quality of being a massive player." I remind them, digging into my fruit salad.


After break, I sit in History class. Luca isn't here, even though we share this class. Ah, peace.

Two minutes later, I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I get out of the class and turn to the direction of the girls' room. I regret the decision though.

Outside the girls' room, beside the door, Luca and the same girl he was assuring in Spanish class were standing there, with Luca's back to me. Thankfully. Luca has his arms around the girl. I don't think I need to define more detail of his beautiful activity.

I shriek, slapping my hands over my eyes. "My eyes! Oh My God! My poor eyes! I'm scarred! Ewwwwww!!!"

Luca and the girl jump away from each other.

"Cindy?!" Luca asks, surprised. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't in class?"

The brunette glares at me. "Yeah, I should've been in class. Yuuuuck." I gag.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are?" The girl asks angrily.

"Scarred." I reply.

"Err...well.." Luca starts with an awkward look on his face but can't find anything to say.

"Get out of my way." I push him away and enter the girls' room. "Ew. ew. ew. ew."

Entering the bathroom, I quickly go over to the sink and wash my face. After I'm done, I get out of the bathroom and thankfully, the girl and Luca aren't there anymore.


Finally, school ends and I go out the school door. I met Sienna and Grace in the parking lot at Sienna's car.

"Hey Cindy, we're planning to go to the mall. Come on." Grace invites me.

"Thanks guys, but I've gotta do something important." I say and give them an apologetic smile.

'Hmm.. Does it involve Luca's?" Sienna wiggles her eyebrows.

"Ewwwwww seriously guys! Stop it." I wrinkle my nose. "Besides, I don't think I can face that jerk anyway without gagging, I saw him and a brunette girl engrossed in unholiness beside the girls' room. I'm mentally scarred." I scrunch up my nose in disgust at the memory.

Giggling, we say our goodbyes and part ways.

Job, here I come.


I'd read in the newspaper that there is a job available at a cafe near to my house.

When I get there, I go straight to the counter and greet the girl standing there, tying her apron.

"Hello, where can I see the manager?"

She looks at me up and down. "Come with me." And she takes me to the manager's room.

"Thankyou." I say politely and she goes back to the counter, giving me a smile and a nod.

I knocked on the door. "Come in." Comes a man's voice.

I enter the room. The man sitting behind the desk looks up at me questioningly.

"Hi. I'm here for the job mentioned in the newspaper." I say, holding up the newspaper.

"Oh." Understanding covers his features. "I'm sorry young lady, but this job just got taken a few hours ago." He said in a business-like manner.

Disappointment hits me. "Oh." I frown. "It's okay."

He smiles apologetically at me. I nod and leave the room.

Leaving the cafe, I rub my face and sigh. Its okay, I didn't expect to succeed in the first try anyway. People don't get jobs just like that. I'm disappointed, but I don't give up. I check some other cafes and garages but unfortunately there isn't any job available there.

Now I'm really disappointed. I sit on a bench in a park. I have read the whole newspaper but couldn't find any job. Closing my eyes, I put my head back.

"Hey, are you alright?" A feminine voice catches my attention.

I open my eyes and see a girl about 2 or 3 years older than me, standing in front of me in simple dressing.

"May I sit here?" She asks, gesturing to the place beside me.

"Sure." I moved a little to the side to give her space.

"Thanks. So, you okay?" She asks again, sitting down beside me.

"Er...yeah." I say, not knowing if I could share my disappointment with a complete stranger.

She smiles. "You look upset. You can tell me. Maybe I can help you out." She offers politely.

I sigh Its not like I'm gonna meet her, I could just share a bit with her to lighten up. Its nothing big anyway. "Well...I was...err...looking for a job. There was one available at a cafe, but when I reached there, it was already taken. I checked other cafes and garages but no luck." I have no reason to tell the girl all that but I still tell her anyway.

"So you need a job?" She asks. More like says.

"Yeah." I nod.

"I'm sorry." She says.

"No, you don't have to be." I smile.

She sits there for a moment. "Oh wait!" She suddenly exclaims. Her face lights up as if she remembers something good. "I work as a cook in this really big mansion-like house. The family's gone somewhere today so I got a day off. I totally forgot that they are looking for another worker. Why didn't I think of this before?! Do you want it? I could recommend you." She offers excitedly. 

My eyes narrow slightly in uncertainty. "Umm...are you sure? This only happens in stories. You know, help suddenly descending from the sky."

Laughing cheerily, she shrugs. "Maybe its happening in real life, just for you."

"I guess. I'll take it then. What do they need the worker for?" I inquire.

"As their daughter's nanny, the owner was saying. Take my number. I'll tell you the details." She says.

I take out my phone. "My name is Krista, by the way." She introduces herself and I nod. "I'm Cindy."

After exchanging numbers, I thank her and walk home. Did I just meet my helping fairy ,like in the stories? That was one cheerful fairy.


Krista texts me the address and time at which they are holding the auditions for the workers. The next day at around 4 pm, I get dressed and go to the given address. Sandra wouldn't let me get a car yet, because she says I wasn't old enough and too 'arrogant' and 'misbehaving'. We had quite a fight about it, which added to the 'I didn't deserve the car' list. In reality, she doesn't want any of the money that my father earned, to be spent on me. And I didn't have the money to buy my own car. Bah, I can walk on my two good and working legs.

When I reach the house, I gape at it. It is not a mansion-like house, as Krista said. It really is a mansion. It is really pretty and modern looking with beige walls, contrasted by dark brown in the right places, and casement windows. I press the bell button and hear a melodic ring going off in the background. The door opens and there I see Krista.

"Hey." I smile.

"Hey, come in. You're here for the job, right? Come on, I'll take you to the owner." She gestures for me to come in.

"Okay." I follow her inside.

"About two or three girls have already come here for the job and been rejected." She informs me on the way. "This must be your lucky day. But madam is very strict and every little point is important to her, so its hard to impress her. I really hope that you get the job though."

"Me too." I reply nervously.

She takes me to the living room, which is quite well-decorated and beautiful. The walls are a cream color and so the carpet is a darker shade of cream. The white sofas look soft. There is a woman and a little girl about 8-10 years of age sitting there.

"Excuse me ma'am." Krista says.

The woman turns around. She looks like she's in her late thirties, and is quite beautiful. She looks delicate, yet strong and kind of business-like. She has dark brown hair that just pass her shoulders. She looks at me with slightly raised eyebrows, obviously not knowing me. "This is Cindy. The girl I recommended?" Krista reminds her.

"Oh yes." The woman says, her eyebrows relaxing. "So you're here for the job?"

"Yes ma'am." I nods.

"Okay. So there are 2 jobs available." She says, her tone business-like. "One is a maid, to clean around the house and do other chores. And second is as a nanny for my daughter." She says, gesturing to the little girl.

I know Krista mentioned the nanny post earlier but I'm not sure if I'm good with handling kids.' I thought.

"For the nanny job, you have to be her coach, help her with her homework, make her exercise to stay fit, take care of her meals, etc." She continues. "So which job can you take, young lady?"

I think for a moment. This option doesn't sound too bad. I hope the girl isn't too snobby and all.

"I...I'll take the second one." I decide and tell her.

"Are you sure you can do it? She'll be your responsibility then." She warns me, her expression looking she's mentally evaluating me.

I can do this.  "Yes, I can do it." I say with a confident smile.

"Very well then. Krista will show you around and tell you the details and Stacey's schedule." She says. "Stacey is my daughter." She tells me, gesturing to the little girl again. The little girl's face vaguely reminds me of somebody. Except for her mother, of course, but I can't exactly point out who.

"Okay. Thankyou very much." I said in a down-to-earth manner.

She nods. "But your first week will be a trial. Then I'll finalize if you are fit for the job. Then we can discuss the pay amount. I hope you can take care of my daughter." She says. Why can I sense a bit of threat in her voice?

"Alright. I'm sure I can prove myself." I said with a determined expression.

She simply looks at me for a moment, maybe judging me, or deciding something. Then she tells Krista to show me around and give me the details.

Krista takes me to the kitchen first. When we are out of earshot, she squeals. "You've got the job!" She says excitedly.

I grin, unable to help myself. "I haven't completely got it yet. My first week's a trial, remember?" I remind her.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll prove yourself." She waves her hand.

"I hope so." I grin along with her.

"Come on. I'll show you around first." She suggests and I follow her.

I am still unable believe I got the job so easily. Well, almost. I'll prove myself fit for the job and the job will be completely mine. Oh, Thankyou God!


A.N: Yay, longer chapter! Hopefully :p As a thankyou or celebration!!

Vote....Comment....Fan...Share! Your comments make me smile like and idiot and make me go "awww they commented" haha

Love you all so much! :>

Find me on Facebook: RigelU - Wattpad , Instagram: rigel97u , Twitter: Rigel97U , Goodreads: Urooba.R

Peace! <3


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