For Your Eyes Only: HS

By Elll1234

42.9K 1.8K 754

Meet Miller. 19 years of age. Born and studying in Australia. Traveling to visit her family in England over... More

1. Fire for a Heart
2. It's a Beautiful Sound, it's a Beautiful Noise
3. I Hear them Calling for You
5. Dreaming Out Loud
6. Let me Touch you where your Heart is
7. The Shining Distraction
8. And I'm In Riddles
9. Don't Look Back
10. It Goes Something Like This
11. I'm Still Wide Awake
12. Packing Up and Taking Off
13. There Will Always Be The Kind That Criticise
14. I'll Be Here For You
15. Never Knowing Where I Was
16. For One More Day
17. One Step Closer
18. In His Arms I Get Weak
19. Tired of Speaking
20. Everybody Wants You
21. Been Away For Ages
22. Impossible To Resist
23. Bringing My Demons Out
24. Eyes Keep Saying Things
25. New Tattoos
26. Does It Make You Feel Alive?
27. Starting Up Trouble
28. You Suddenly Want Me
29. All I Ever Wanted Was The Truth
30. Kiss Me Where I Lay Down

4. Baby I'm Perfect for You

1.7K 67 22
By Elll1234

"You all look great! Please - come in!" Amelie ushers us in, and to say the least, I'm overwhelmed. I really wasn't expecting this many people. I didn't think 'everyone' meant 200+ people.

As we walk in, I'm happy to see that nobody is looking at us. I really don't want to draw too much attention, because although sometimes I like the spotlight on me, most of the time I'm too shy. I look beside me and notice that dad and Sally aren't there anymore. Fair enough, I guess, but I literally don't know a soul here.

"Miller! Cheryl! Over here!" I spin around to see Joseph - thank the lord.

"Hey! Thank god you saw us, I don't know anyone here," I say, once Cheryl and I reach him and Maddie.

"Lucky we met yesterday, then! Hey - so I have a few people you should meet," Joseph pulls over three people. "This is Jess, Scarlett, and Rob! We go to uni together." I awkwardly shake hands with them all. Jess - the one with red hair - comes across as a really rude person, but Scarlett seems really sweet. Rob's cute too, he's got little buck teeth. Oh well, personality is the most important!

"Hey - Miller, we'll be back in a minute, I just have to finalise this project with these guys. Y'know, check if it's all ok. I promise we'll only be a couple of minutes!" Joseph looks guilty, but I'm pretty pissed off. A project? Really? It's the 23rd of December. Surely he doesn't still have a project. 

I mutter something to them to make it look like I'm not fussed, then go to get a drink. I'm not sure if I should get alcohol or not. Like, I'm 19 - so legal - but will these people judge me? I don't know if people my age drink around their parents or not around here. I decide to just grab a glass of the non-alcoholic punch, and stand in a corner. What else can I do? I don't know where Cheryl went, she probably went off with Maddie and her friends. 

As I'm looking around at the crowd around me, I notice a girl nearby who looks really familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. Maybe she's a relative I'm friends with on Facebook? She's standing by herself, so I decide to go over to her. Why not.

"Hey there," I say, as I'm walking over. She smiles at me, which is a good sign, and with that I recognise her even further. I still can't place her, though.

"Hey! I'm Gemma," she tells me, and puts out her hand. Hmm... Gemma... Where have I heard that name before?

"I'm Miller, nice to meet you!" I shake her hand.

"You're Australian!" She says, shocked. Well that's good - obviously she doesn't know who I am. Maybe she's not a relative after all.

"Yeah, I am! This may sound weird, but we're not related are we? I recognise you from somewhere..." 

"No," Gemma laughs. "I don't think so, anyway! My mum's friends with the owners of this house. I don't really know them, I just heard that 'everyone' was coming!"

"Me too! Well, I just got here yesterday - my dad's cousin owns this house, so I'm guessing about half of these people are my relatives. I have no idea, though, I've never been to the UK before. So, that sucks, you just came with your mum and you don't know anyone? I mean, neither do I..." 

"Oh! Well, my brother, Harry is around here somewhere. He's more confident than me, though. He finds it easier to talk to strangers than I do," Gemma looks around the room. Suddenly it clicks.

Gemma. Harry. Brother and sister. 


Surely not. 

What am I thinking? 

I study Gemma's entire face while she continues to scan the room. Her eyes...her nose... it's her.

It's Gemma Styles. 

Which means...

Harry Styles is here too.


"You've figured it out now, haven't you?" Gemma asks, a smirk playing on her lips. I don't think my mouth has closed for about three minutes.

"Uhm-I- what?" I stutter uncontrollably. I can't get a full sentence out.

"You're right, I'm Gemma Styles, and my brother is Harry Styles. The man, the myth, the legend." It's like she read my mind. I have to control this. I can't fangirl right now. I need to keep it together.

"That's crazy! There are so many people here - is he getting mobbed right now?" I can't say his name. I think I'll faint. 

"I think he's keeping a low know, hanging out with mum, talking to parents who have no idea who he is...? Besides, there aren't many younger girls here," Gemma's acting completely calm. But that's expected, though, I mean, it's her brother. "I need to go to the loo, can you come with me? We can try and find it together?"

"Sure...I was here yesterday, I think I know where it is." Gemma and I begin to leave the empty corner, and my legs can barely function. Luckily I didn't wear any fancy heels, or I'd be on the floor by now, for sure.

It takes us about five minutes of solid searching for the bathroom until we get there. Unluckily for Gemma, who is now busting for the toilet, someone is occupying it.

Soon enough, the door opens. I'm speechless. My jaw is on the floor. It''s Harry. He looks over at me briefly - I die - and then over at Gemma with a puzzled look on his face. "Hey Gem-" he begins, but Gemma bolts into the bathroom and slams the door. Leaving me. And Harry. Standing here. Completely clueless.

"Hey..." Harry smiles at me kindly. I hope that he doesn't notice that I'm completely and utterly in love with him.

"Hey..." I reply, somewhat coyly. He leans against the nearby wall as casually as possible. I can't breathe.

"How do you know Gemma?" He asks me, ruffling his long, curly hair a little. Stunning. 

"Oh, I actually just met her before, we just started chatting." Oh my god. How did I just get that sentence out? I am applauding myself in my head right now. 

"Oh yeah?" Harry looks curious. "What about?"

"Just the fact that neither of us knows anyone here!" I giggle.

"So, why are you here, then? And what's your name? I'm Harry." He looks genuinely interested, which really boosts my confidence. I just need to breathe in...and out.

"I'm Miller. My dad's cousin lives here, we're just staying in the UK for Christmas."

"So you're from Australia?"

"You got it," I laugh.

"I love Australia," he begins. "Barely got to see it on - tour..." He coughs awkwardly. Does he think I don't know who he is? Come on.

"Well you should come down now that you're on your hiatus thing," I suggest.

"So you do know who I am?" He smirks at me. Duh!

"Of course I know who you are! Never got to-" Just as I'm about to continue our free flowing conversation, Gemma comes out of the bathroom and looks back and forth between us. 

"We've got a problem," Gemma begins slowly. "People know you're here. There's a whole crowd outside the window, and the word is spreading throughout this little shindig. We better get out of here. Wanna come, Miller?" Did Gemma Styles just invite me to come out with her and Harry Styles? I think she did. And I think I'm definitely in. I'll have to text my dad. And definitely NOT tell Cheryl.

"Sure, where are we going?" I ask them, the smile reaching my ears.

"We'll figure it out...but right now, let's get out of here. Do you think they have a back exit?" Harry looks at me, expectantly. 

"I think they do. Let's go." We rush through the crowd until we get into the backyard, and I see a back door at the end of the garden. Harry and Gemma follow me through it, and then we're free. This definitely hasn't sunk in yet.


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