Once Again

By crescemoon

764 59 16

¤ My supernatural fanfiction story ¤ (( Destiel )) Even the best days have a way of turning sour ** THIS WAS... More



39 4 0
By crescemoon

The coordinates given were about an hours drive from the hotel.
Dean felt a wave of both sickness and guilt wash over him as he drove baby in the silence. 

How had this even happened? It was his fault right? Had he been too harsh on Sam? He hadn't known this would be a result of his anger, had he? No, he couldn't have right? He thought Sam would just go to his girlfriend's place or something. 

His reassurance mind pep talk wasn't helping in the slightest. He still felt pretty bad. Wasn't Sam trying to tell him something important yesterday before he went and threw him out? Why hadn't I listened Dean regretted sadly.

Cas saw Dean's expression and knew he was probably already blaming himself. He wanted to tell him it was okay, that they would get to Sam in plenty of time, that it definitely wasn't his fault at all but Dean started talking before he could get a chance to; 

"Look I know you don't think it's my fault but-"

"Because it's not Dean! It's not your fault okay?"

"Yeah but Cas listen... before you came for our date Sam.. he uh..he was supposed to be making us dinner so I left him at the motel room to freshen up and tidy things while I got all the stuff he said he needed but when I came back he wasn't doing any of that shit. He was sleeping with Jay man and I mean he knew what last night was, he knew how important it was to me. He promised me a week in advance he'd help but it was like he'd forgotten? Or didn't care less? I don't know.. You know I used to think I could read him like a book but these days? I don't know if it's him or me that changed."

"You're still brothers though" Cas soothed, before asking; "Was it like he got his memory wiped or something? When you came back from shopping?"

"Maybe but I mean I lost my temper and made him go. What kind of brother does that Cas?"

Cas looked at him sadly. Dean was so far from being a bad brother, he was the best person he'd ever had the pleasure to know. He couldn't bare it that Dean thought this was all his fault or that he couldn't see himself the way he did.

"Dean you are not a bad brother nor are you a bad person okay? This wasn't your fault. You didn't kidnap Sam. If anyone is to blame it's that sick person you were talking to that takes people away from their families!" Cas ranted, which was typically unlike him.
"Now we're going to go find this sick fucker and show them who they're messing with right?"

Dean stared at him for a second or two before returning his eyes back to the road. He shook his head.

"What Dean?"

"It's just if anything ever happened to Sam regardless of who's to blame? I'll never ever forgive myself man. Minding him was always my number one priority. Even as a kid, even now. I gotta look out for him, y'know? He's my blood."

Cas nodded, understanding clearly.

"I get it."

"You do?"

"Yeah. But we are going to save Sam so don't you dare give me a "We can't lose him" speech yet okay?"

Dean laughed despite the situation and said alright. He pressed down on the speed pedal and baby went faster, so smoothly along the road, so effortlessly. God did Dean love driving her. 

When they arrived to the coordinates they were surprised to see it was a large warehouse, Dean most of all.

"They're keeping my brother in here? What the -"

"Look Dean, if we're gonna get Sam out of here we have to calm down and work together."

"Yeah yeah I know, you're right. We have to get Sammy out of  there."

Cas nodded and he followed Dean to the back of baby where he kept all his weapons that could kill monsters or anything evil.

"What should we bring?" Cas asked him, not having a clue himself.

Dean appeared to be thinking this through carefully before he got out a gun, a knife and the angel blade. He handed Cas the angel blade, tucked the gun inside his jean's pocket and held the blade to his side.

"These should be enough, now come on Cas, let's go!"

Dean closed the trunk and crouched down incase there was anybody watching. They didn't know what was inside so they had to be prepared. 

There seemed to be only one door to the warehouse so they ran towards it and opened it quietly.
The warehouse was made to have two levels. Right now there seemed to be nobody on the ground floor but it was a big floor so Dean whispered that they should split up in different directions to scout out the place and then meet up at the staircase which was a midway point.

Cas nodded his agreement and went left while Dean went right.

There were large shelves upon shelves containing buckets, blunt weapons and mountain stack of book. Dean ignored these and swiftly moved on forward. 

He kept walking, occasionally turning around to ensure that there was nothing following him. 

As he turned at a corner he could have sworn he heard something. Like a bucket falling or footsteps trailing him. He was made conscious of this and decided to keep listening. He reminded himself that finding Sam came first right now, everything else could wait.. Just until he found him and knew he was okay.

Just then Dean Winchester felt a shoot of pain on the back of his head as Maddie knocked him out cold with a shovel. She laughed uncertainly as she carried him upstairs to Sam where he would be then tied up. 

"One down, one to go" she whispered.

Cas didn't know what was happening. He was at the other end of the warehouse's ground floor but he was closing in on the staircase where Dean and him were due to meet. So far, he hadn't noticed anything. No monster, no evil person, a big fat nothing in sight. He thought this could either be a good sign or a trap. Either way, he was ready to report it to Dean. 

He found himself at the staircase on his own, Dean nowhere in sight.
Cas tried to tell his heart to stop racing so much, that it'd be okay and that Dean was okay. He was probably just making his search very thorough. He knew how Dean was when it came down to his family.. Dean would be alright. 

Cas waited for a minute, then five before he decided what his next move would be. He knew after those six minutes that Dean was most likely not okay (no matter how much he convinced himself otherwise) and by any luck, he had been kidnapped himself instead of killed. Cursing himself for agreeing to split up with him, he went on to look for him. 

He went the exact same way Dean had gone, in the hope of finding him but was disappointed to see no Dean in sight.

Poor Castiel was getting really worried. He had now lost Dean and still hadn't found any sign of Sam yet.

"Well isn't this just great" Cas whispered sarcastically, rubbing his forehead with his hands tiredly as he tried to come up with his next move. 

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