Our Story: A Lux Fanfic (Book...

By major_bookaholic

10.1K 295 50

Ok so if you have not read the first book yet turn around and read the first! This is about the continuum of... More

Not a chapter(sorry)


578 17 4
By major_bookaholic

A/N all rights go to Jennifer L. Armentrout. I do not own any of the characters.


Daemon POV

As I rush into the hospital with Katy's helpless body in my arms I scream for no one in particular and think about how this will end. After all we have been through this can not be the end. Not for her anyway. Not if I can help it.

I hand Katy to a kind-looking nurse who seems to have a worried expression on her slim face. I only notice then that I have been crying. I have been crying all the way over here. I was to wrapped up about Katy that I don't notice the things that are happening to me. That is how much I love my family. I would do the same if my little girl or boy were in the same position. That is what it is to love someone.

I sit in the waiting room for what seem like hours. It has only been 30 min. This whole time I have been face timing Lux. My beautiful daughter who is an exact replica of Katy, claws 'n all.(A/N haha see what I did there) She will not stop asking questions about her mother. She is just like me in that way I guess, or that's what Katy says anyway. When the same nurse who has not left Katy since I brought her here comes out I say good bye to the purple eyes staring right back at me on the screen.

I put my phone in my pocket and follow the nurse to the room she placed Katy in. I nod a thank you and knock on the door when she leaves.

"Come in" a weak voice similar to Kat's says. I walk in to find a women in the hospital bed, dressed in what looks to be a vary uncomfortable hospital gown and has light brown hair tosled everywhere. This women who looks at me with the same heather grey eyes I fell for. Kat. My feet act before my head and before I realize what Im doing I walk over and wrap my arms around Kat in a tight, loving embrace.

I feel warm, fresh tears rushing down my face and onto Kat's cool skin. She takes my face in bother her little hands and kisses me. She pulls back and has a smile stretching to her ears. A smile she wears when she watches and listens to our children.

"We are having another baby." she exclaims happily.

"What?" I ask shocked. I heard what he said, I just want to know if I heard correctly.

"A baby, Daemon. We are having another baby."

Before another thing can escape her mouth I grab her face and kiss her like this is my last day. "thank you, baby" I say, connecting our lips gain.



There is the third chapter.

I want to put something out here, Im not trying to sound like a brat but I have been having serious writers and on top of that I am homeschooled now, so I cant be wrighting all the time or think about what Im going to write cuz I have a baby sister that I watch during the mornings. I have also been trying to get back on track with work. I moved up a grade so I really need some ideas from you guys cuz my brain hurts by the time Im on here. I had one person help me out and I am vary grateful but that is also just one person. I don't want them to feel like they are the only ones Im talking to or are going to listen. We all are different. That also means we have different likings. I need more opinions cuz I want to make all my reader and more be entertained by this. So plz comment your opinions, I really need the extra help right now. don't talk this the wrong way.


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