Live For You (brittana) glee

By Writings_Everything

79K 2.3K 831

Santana is never one to help out seeing she likes to keep people out of her life more than in. She has a bad... More

What Do You Live For?
Leave The Past In The Past
Promise Me
It's Just A Nightmare
Try Me
The Dead Don't Talk
Never Catch A Break
I Came After You
We Deserve to Be Happy
How The Tables Have Turned
I Still Love You
Santana Is Fucking Mines
Santana Tell The Truth
Dead Man Walking
He Will Hurt
Ego Over Life
Feeling Loved
Johnny Can't Be Dead
You Can't Kill A Ghost
What Really Happened?
Time To Move On Sanny

You Have A Choice

4.5K 129 26
By Writings_Everything

(Santana's Pov )

It's been a couple weeks later and now I see what they talk about with Brittany. She's in here at least twice a week bruised up and black and blue. It's none of my business and I shouldn't butt into anyone's life, so I just keep to myself. One, I don't want her thinking we could actually be friends and two she's always bruised but never broken.

"Santana you can't keep acting like a damn fool and not watching what you say to people. Your mouth is going to get you in trouble one day" Mike screamed at me while I walk away.

"What did you do" Kurt says frowning in confusion and I bite my tongue.

"None of your business, I'm not in the mood right now" I say nicely hoping he will move on but he doesn't . He gets closer to me and just stare.

"Sorry gay elf but I'm not your grease monkey boyfriend. I'm sure your mother told you that staring isn't nice. Especially when you look like a rapist while doing it" I say and he walks away pissed off.

"Santana you need to get your shit together and stop that mouth of yours" Quinn says coming out of no where as I check the clip board and smile.

"Good morning to you to Lucy. How about you go away and never come back. Do us all a favor and stop playing mom, since your kid don't even know who her real mom is" I say and she gulps before walking off. I sigh, knowing I shouldn't have said that but I just want to be alone right now. Slowly and surely I piss off everyone in the whole gang and I'm ignored by them all day but I just wish they just stop talking to me all together.

I decide to stay focus in helping people and doing what I need to do in order to. I go and lock myself in my office to finish up more work. I watch as puck brings in Brittany in a gurney and she's just looking up. When she first got here, she was very shy and unknowable but even the patients who have been here for weeks know her.

"You cursed out a little boy this morning. Threatened an old women and on top of that, put a teenage boy under because he was complaining. You snapped at all of your friends and made them not want anything to do with you" I hear screamed and smile while looking up.

"Hello to you too, How is California" I say and she glares at me.

"Santana, when are you going to stop this cold and heartless person that I don't know. When are you going to go back to the Santana I know" she says and I hum as I check the time.

"Do you need the keys, I'm probably not coming home" I say as my sister just stares at me in annoyance. I hold out the keys for her, only for her to snatch them away. I smile and suck my teeth as she walks away.

"What's wrong with her" I ask Sebastian and he looks up her in the system.

"We got a call of noise complaint and went to go see. She was passed out on the floor when her boyfriend was leaving the house. We found her black and blue, and she refused to speak about what had happened" he says and I grit my teeth. I walk around the corner quickly and swiftly before I go into an empty room and into the bathroom. I look in the mirror and I punch the mirror as it shatters. I look at now a broken mirror I have to pay for and sigh. It's broken and cracked all up just like me.  I look up to see Brittany watching before she walks away quickly and I sigh.

"What the hell Santana" Quinn says looking at my hand dripping blood and the mirror. I turn so she doesn't see my face and I sigh.

"I'll clean it up, just get out" I barley whisper and it's silent. I wait for her to walk away but she doesn't, she comes over to me and look at my hand instead. I snatch away from her and she sighs.

"I'm fine, just go. I'm sure someone needs you" I say and she frowns as I look at her.

"Why are you crying" she asks curiously and I sigh.

"Hormones" I say and she gives me a face like 'really' and I smile.

"I'm going to get some bandages for you, can I trust you won't break your other hand" she says and I laugh.

"I didn't break it, it's only bruised and yes, I just had a moment" I say as she looks at me one more time before leaving.

She quickly comes back and while she wraps my hand, she decides to make small talk.

"When's the last time you been home" she says and I shrug.

"I don't know, I lose track of time in here" I say and she sighs.

"Come out tonight with us" she says and I smile.

"Maybe another time, I got to get back to work. Thank you for this" I say raising my wrapped hand and she smiles sadly before I walk out. I'm hurting; I know it, the gang knows it and my sister know it but I can't just move on from something so traumatic.

I walk to my office to see the only person I don't expect to see. I walk past her and sit down while she sits down in front of me.

"Baby" she says and I smile at her.

"What's up Demi" I say and she sighs.

"I need your help. I need some money and I know it's not a definite but can you help me out" she says and I smile.

"Let me see your portfolio" I say and she smiles while showing it to me.

"Registered nurse, still in medical school for your doctorates degree and you have a high score sheet. I know you personally...... I'll see what I can do. Get a good word for you with the boss"  I say and she smiles.

"Thank you, that's all I ask for" she says kissing the air and blowing it. I roll my eyes at her as she stands up and walk towards the door.

"Tell your girlfriend I said hello Too" I say and she pops her head in.

"What girlfriend" she says smirking and I sigh.

I stay in my office I don't know how long. I've been pacing back and forth as I have trouble opening up a letter. The last one wasn't so pleasant, making me go on my rampage of hell with everyone. I pace back and forth, right into someone I didn't see and frown.

"I thought you were going home" I say quickly trying to grab the letter but Emily grabs it first.

"Santana what the hell" she says dragging out the letters while holding it up.

"Give me" I say and she pulls it away out of reach.

"Santana don't ready these, this is why your acting the way your acting and that's not you. Those letters are not important" she barley gets out before I slam my sister into the door.

"They are very important and if you don't give me the letter, I will personally shove my foot so far up your ass that you will tas........"

"ENOUGH" she screams and I let go of her while I run my hands through my hair.

"Why are you torturing yourself with these" she whisper while tears run down my face. I look at her and sigh.

"Mom and dad are dead. They're dead and the letters are the only thing I have from them so I open one everyday" I say crying and she sighs while pulling me into a hug.

"Santana, mom and dad left us a whole will. You just won't go and claim it. I don't know what your afraid of" she says as I push her away while gritting my teeth and glaring at her.

"I'm not afraid of anything"  I growl at her and she laughs.

"You know what Santana, I'm not in the mood for one of your little episodes. Read the damn letter and get upset again. I don't care anymore. You know where to find me" Emily says and walks out. I hold it together and I go to the children's section of the hospital and spot a girl  no older than 15 and smile as she's screaming at the other kids.

"Hey that's not nice, they may be your best friends one day" I say and she scoffs.

"Listen how about you go and walk away because you don't know shit. You don't know what it's like to be me. You know nothing about why I'm here or who I and who I don't need in my life" she snaps and I laugh. I laugh really hard. I laugh so hard that I get majority of everyone's attention before I stop and look at her with a serious face. I wait until everyone is back to their own conversation to speak.

"You think I don't know what your going through. Your 15 and you have one best friend. One very sick best friend that as far as I see is going to make it. She will barley but still be able to walk, talk, sleep, eat and breath......." I say slowly approaching her and she starts to slowly back up and look scared.

"I mean sure your a dumbass for driving and drinking and almost making her paralyzed from the waist down. On top of that, she's a cancer patient but I have problems just like you......." I growl as tears water in my eyes.

"You lost your mom when you were 12 to a breaking and entering. Your dad is here but always working to provide for you and on top of that, you are the smartest and brightest kid I have seen in a long long time. I on the other hand watched my best friend slowly kill herself. I watched and I did absolutely fucking nothing. My parents both good people, died also but at my own hands and I couldn't do anything to stop it......" I say as her back hit the door and everyone stares at me.

"So if you complain one more FUCKING TIME, I swear I will.........." I instantly get pulled away and thrown into another room by Sam.

"Dude" he says and I sigh.

"I know, I know" I say and he just sigh.

"Do you like your job because I sure as hell do. Keep doing stuff like that and your going to be sorry" he says and I laugh.

"Today have just been a very emotional day for me and I haven't been doing the best to control my anger" i say quietly.

"What's wrong" he asks and I laugh.

"What's not" I say and he sighs.

"Listen, I have to get back to the ER, I'll talk to you later but thank you again"  I say and get back to the best place in the hospital.

I check in on all of my patients before deciding to call it a night and get a head start on the paperwork tomorrow, when puck runs into me. He frowns at my hand but doesn't say anything.

"Are you done for the night" he asks and I nod my head.

"Can you do me a favor and check my last patient for the day. It takes like 10 minutes to get her talking and I have a date with Quinn in an hour and all of this sexiness is not just here, I have to make it" he says thrusting the air and I smile.

"Yeah, you guys go have fun" I say and take the clip board from him. I watch as Sam blabbers to Quinn about earlier and watch her start walking quickly to me. I quickly walk away and into Brittany's room locking the door.

"SANTANA OPEN UP" she screams and I stay dead silent. Brittany was sleep and now is wide eye and curious as to what I'm doing in her room. I shuffle my clothes before walk closer to her but still keeping my distance. I remember puck told me she will be mute for the first ten minutes so I take that into consideration.

"Puck ran out so I'm........"

"What happen to your hand" she says frowning like in thought and I look at her choosing weather to get riled up or just tell her and i choose neither.

"What happen to your body" I say and watch as she stays quiet.

"Why are we asking questions we both know the answer to" I say getting pissed off but I keep it under control.

"How are you feeling" I ask and she looks me up and down and bite her lip. I feel my lip wanting to twitch into a smile but keep it under control.

"Okay" she says and I write down a false diagnosis saying 'the patient is too out of it to keep track of how okay feel and how bad feels'

"Are you in pain" I ask and she gulps and shakes her head no. She looks down and closes her eyes and now it's my turn to bite my lip.

"Brittany tell me the truth please, I'm just trying to help" I say and watch as she look up with clouded eyes and a tear stained face.

"My body is on fire Ms. Lopez. My neck and back hurt and my legs feel numb" she says and I break my pencil and I'm praying she doesn't catch onto it but she does. I walk over to her and up her morphine. I can feel her eyes on me like a snake watching its prey and it's uncomfortable. No body makes me feel uncomfortable.

"I'll be checking in on you in the morning" I say and she frowns.

"I can leave by morning, can't I" she asks and I laugh.

"No, your body needs rest and time to actually heal before whoever give it another go" I mumble low enough that she doesn't hear.

"I can't, I have to be home in the morning" she says and starts to panic and I frown.

"Brittany you can't or you won't heal properly" I say and she gulps.

"Healing properly is the last thing I'll have to worry about if I don't get home by noon tomorrow" she whispers but I hear her and I frown.

"Why are you with him" I ask and she frowns.

"Me being off the clock and all as a friend. Why are you with a jackass like that" I say and she frowns.

"I have no choice" she says so quiet I think she thought I didn't hear her.

"Brittany you need to make a decision right here and now. You can either walk out that door in the morning and go back to him or, leave in a couple of days and stay the hell away from him, for good" I say and watch her smile sadly before looking up at me

"I wish it could be that simple but it never is, is it"

Hey guys so I hope your enjoying the story this is little Brittana but the next chapter should be a good one. Comment and vote and tell me what you think. I hope you all are enjoying spring break and have a good night.

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