Together forever (Best friend...

By PetwaSan0000

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So...I finally get a chance to make this amazing sequel to the book! As I promised for all of you guys! Also... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
New trilogy voting (pls read)
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Suggestions for Next chapter?
Chapter 41
So what happened to de others? (part 1)
EreMika finale
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
☆JeanMarco finale☆
♪Chapter 45♪
So what happened to the others? (part 2)
About the crossover characters
About the kids

☆〜Chapter 44☆〜

207 10 50
By PetwaSan0000

A/N: hehe this is it guys! I put much effort into this so I hope you like it!

Also, expect the point of views to change a lot

*Connie's POV*

I felt like trembling to the ground. I was at the end of the aisle, nervous as hell. The processional was about to begin. Sweat dripped from my neck, almost reaching to my shiny black suit. I knew this was going to be the highlight of my life, but the thought I have is how hard I'm going to take it when I mess up.

My heart was pounding like a drum, and my soul felt like lifting up to the heavens. But who am I kidding, I can't die now. Its my wedding. I've been in front of the aisle many times but this was my first time as a groom.

This tuxedo felt very comfortable, I felt like I was Sebastian Michealis from Black Butler. But...i mean I'm not THAT attractive because...I mean that guy is in the top of the list of hottest anime characters. At least I know I'll be good enough for Sasha.

I bet she's going to look perfect, and she won't make any mistakes whatsoever. She's been planning this wedding for weeks. Maybe even a month. All I've been doing was paying and signing checks and making calls. I've stayed at home most of the time.

She deserves all the attention more than I do, unless I mess things up and everyone just sends stares at my soul. But maybe I shouldn't think this heavy, it'll just add so much pressure that I'll just break down in the middle of the ceremony. I should just be happy. Sasha's going to be family, my family. That should be my only thought, nothing more, nothing less.

The wedding music began to play. My eyes widened the slightest, its started. One by one, my friends walked down the aisle and joined me here by the altar. First it was Levi and Petra, then Erwin and Hange, then Eren and Mikasa, then Armin and Annie. Marco, Farlan, Mina and Thomas sat by the front seats, where the parents would sit st usual weddings.

And then came Isabel and Jean. An awkward look fell on Isabel's face while Jean's sweat dripped from his head like blood. When he was almost to the aisle, Marco stared at him uncomfortably. I watched the situation with my eyes still widening.

They both went separate ways, going to the opposite sides of the altar. I blinked twice before facing forward again. The doors closed for a moment. That time, I knew who was walking down the aisle next.

I pulled my collar. I stood still, I was trying my best not to flinch or make any unnecessary move. I wanted this to be as perfect as possible. If I did mess things up, I would never forgive myself and it would leave a black hole in my soul for the rest of my life.

And there it happened. The doors of the cathedral blew open, there she was. Sasha Braus, soon to be Sasha Springer. Not only did my eyes widened, but I think it just glistened with sparkles too. Sasha wore a long white dress as pure and white as the snow was in our hometown, countless memories flashed into my head, playing like a record. She had two small white flowers on her head and a bouquet of different varieties of flowers. She walked carefully to the other side of the aisle, some tears were shed during the process...from both of us. And at last, she has made it to the altar. Face-to-face with me. I could see tears falling from those beautiful hazel eyes.

The ceremony began, and warm smiles fell on our faces, as well as some joyful tears.


*Sasha's POV*

I had finished exchanging my vows, Connie was about to as well. I took a deep breath and listened to him wholeheartedly. But...there was something else about to come out of his mouth when he finished his vow.

"Well now it's time to say my own vows then."

I gasped, my eyes widened too. Of all that's happened I wouldn't have expected this.

"This promise I've kept for Sasha has been inside of me even since we were just kids. But I guess its time I tell it to her in person."

He took a deep breath before continuing,

"I knew I wasn't perfect, especially not for Sasha. Someone who can eat so much without getting fat even if she doesn't use her head whatsoever, someone who's brave and kind and beautiful. I'm more than lucky to have her. I just promise that I'll make her happy, I'll do anything to make her dreams come true. I'll make sure her life is as perfect and amazing as herself. I won't let her be hurt, she's suffered enough during the titan crisis. I won't let this woman out of my sight. I'll change my flaws to make her smile, that smile would be something even the heavens would kill to see. I just want to see her happy, I just want to see a bright future for her. I won't be perfect, but at least I'll be good enough as your husband. There's no doubt in that "

My jaw dropped in surprise. Tears were falling from my eyes. I could care less about the people who heard my cries of happiness. He's achieved his goal, he always has. His words hit me like a shotgun. I held my chest as tears kept falling from my eyes.

The boys had their eyes widened, except for Jean, who smirked the whole time. The girls just smiled, Isabel was quietly clapping her hands.


*Connie's POV*

The ceremony was about to conclude. We've exchanged rings and said our I do's. I just waited impatiently for the minister to say those five words,

"You may kiss the bride."

I wasted no time. At that exact moment, I roughly pressed my lips against hers. My eyes were tightly closed, I wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around my neck. I hear cheering and screaming. I laughed a little while still locked in the kiss.

I slowly pulled away. A warm smile was on my face, and the same was with her. I held her hands gently, and swayed them a little bit. She just laughed and stared at me with a perky smile.

We ran to the other side of the aisle. The people threw small white flowers on us. Everything was marvelous, I was happy, and she's happy too. All I've ever dreamed of.


"This cake is really good!" Sasha exclaimed while munching a bite of the sliced cake on her plate.

"Of course, you expect this cake, this very cake that Levi baked for four hours, to taste ordinary? Levi doesn't do anything small, even if he is." I chuckled.

Someone suddenly threw a spoon on my head, "I heard that, idiot." I hear Levi from the other table with Petra, Isabel, Farlan, Erwin and Hange.

"Agh, you don't just throw a spoon at the groom. That's not even legitimate." I cried out while rubbing the red mark on my Forehead.

"You don't call the Strongest of Humanity short, and note that's not legitimate either."

I rolled and my eyes and took a bite of my cake using my fork. It was the reception, the party after the wedding. Everything was going out really well. Fancy music, really good food, and the most mind-blowing bottles of champagne.


"Eren please stop." Marco pulled the end of Eren's tux, trying to stop Eren from yelling while spreading his arms and holding champagne bottles.


"That's it, I give up. Marco, please tell the Death Gods that I officially relinquish ownership of the Yeager." Armin sighed.

"Please don't act like you ever actually owned Eren." Mikasa shot back.

"Oh gosh, I can't believe these guys are our friends!" Sasha laughed.

"Well I certainly don't regret it, they put up quite the light show."

Then I hear someone testing the mike... with the voice of a horse. Of course, its the best man of the wedding...after me.

"Attention everyone, best man speaking. Eren would you get off that table..."

Mikasa began muttering something that sounded like, "This calls for drastic measures..." Mikasa stood from her seat. She wrapped her arms around Eren's waist from below, somehow tackling him. And they both ended up falling down.

"Thank you, Mikasa. That was some move but you finally achieved your a way."

"Well some people need to make get the perfect Springles wedding." Mikasa screeched while slowing plucking out the glass shard which was stabbing her forehead.

"Are you guys okay?" Krista asked from the other table.

"I feel like Sonic the Hedgehog OH MAH GAH" Eren yelled with a bunch of glass shards on his forehead.

"Yeah...i think they're fine." Ymir patted Krista back.

"...Anyways, its time for my speech." Jean tightened his tie with this...****-eating grin on his face.

"Woah, best man speech. This is going to be interesting." I leaned to the small microphone in front of me.

"Alright, I've known these two since kindergarten. I mean, they've been best friends since kindergarten and I happen to be one of the few people who've heard of them. They were my friends in middle school, and they became close friends ever since. This whole time, I thought these two were idiots. What I did know was no matter how stupid these two might be, its no doubt these two were perfect for each other. They never admitted it, of course. They said they were best friends and nothing more. I...or we...thought otherwise. And now that they're sitting here, as a newlywed couple, happily and finally admitting that they've fallen in love with each other..."

I leaned forward, my curiosity wanted me to know what he says next...

"...I say...our mission is finally complete."

Me, Sasha, and all of the other guests had nothing to say about that. Only two of the tables had a reaction. Levi and his fellow "superiors" (aka Petra, Erwin, Hange, Isabel, Farlan) clapped. While Armin, Annie, Mikasa, Eren and Marco were cheering.

" it weird that I do not get any of this logic AT ALL." Sasha chuckled.

"Oh yeah...we forgot to mention..." Jean replied with that...grin.

"Let's just say...we set a few things up to make this relationship a reality. For example, when Reiner was still our friend, we got him to recruit "his friend" to become Sasha's first boyfriend. So that Connie would get jealous."

My eyes widened. That crappy boyfriend scenario...they planned it this whole time!?

"And a while after that, we got Armin to... put a little coding into Connie's social media. So all of the suggested followers, would include Felicia in it. We also got Petra to talk to Felicia, telling her to be "romantically nice" to Connie, so that she would draw his interest. Same procedure goes with Florentyna. All this to return the favor to Sasha."

Them too!? Man, they're getting really clever at these stuff.

"And a little extra to that sticky situation. Feliciano wasn't part of this mission, he wasn't supposed to barge in. But I really don't regret it, he added a little tension to the Springles story."

I actually guess he had something to do with it too but I guess wrong.

"There it is. After all those hackings, and setups, we've accomplished this mission. We got them jealous, which made them admit their love for each other."

Those two tables clapped once again. But stopped after Jean began speaking again,

"But...even though we've cut a few corners
to get things the way they are now, we've never set up this relationship. No, this bond has been living since forever. Ever since they met, they knew they were going to do amazing things together. So we weren't doing anything wrong. We just thought...this relationship isn't going any further, so...we pushed the boundaries a bit. I admit, no matter how small Connie's brain is going to be, or no matter how much food Sasha consumes for the rest of her life, just combine them together...and they make the perfect Pringles."

Jean bowed before leaving the stage. Everyone was applauding and cheering for him. And yes, that included Sasha and I. Gotta admit, those moves were impressive. I absolutely don't regret making him my best man in this wedding.

Then a familiar song began to play, {insert love song here} by {insert favorite artist here}. I smiled, it was time to dance with my wife, Sasha.

I stood from my seat. I looked at Sasha, who was still sitting on her chair in patience. She stared at me with puppy eyes, and asked with this cute voice, "Do I hab to shtand (stand) up?"

I reached my right hand out to her, laughing a little bit, "Come on, Sasha."

She rolled her eyes, "Fiiiiine." she took my hand and...tried to stand up. She succeeded, but the process was that she'd look like an old lady while she tried standing so it made it awkward for everyone.

We began to dance slowly. The music continued to play, I looked at Sasha's hazel eyes, which looked a bit...doozy. "Connie...I feel a little dazed off after all that champagne." she began closing her eyes a little, and rested her head on my shoulder.

I laughed, "Hah, well you're gonna go through a lot more hell on the plane trip."

I can hear Sasha gasping, she slowly take her head off my shoulder and gives me this blank stare, "What do you mean by...plane trip?"

"Well...i wanted the best honeymoon so I was thinking....Hawaii? With the whole gang? The trip is on me by the way. We leave at..." I checked my watch before continuing, "12:00am, which is three hours from now."

There it was. Sasha's lips parted, and there formed that smile. Her eyes were filled with sparkles. She pulled my to a hug, laughing.

"You may not be the smartest guy, or the nicest one. But you sure do know how to make a girl happy."

"Its weird, I only know how to do that with you." I chuckled.

"Yeah because you're stinking rich and I'm your wife!" she laughed in response.

"its the good life, isn't it?"

"Even better when you're spending it with the right person."

A/N: there you have it. The Springles wedding. After this will be the JeanMarco chapter, then the last chapter. So sorry it ends so fast, but as I said before I will be making a sequel. But it'll be about Rivetra and JeanMarco. Thanks

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