My Brothers Bestfriend (NARRY...

By Hawkeygirl1988

71.7K 2.5K 160

Harry does his homework, he listens to Beethoven, and has a cat named Bella who he adores and loves. Harry's... More

0.1 | Hello
0.2 | English Class
0.3 | Good for you
0.4 | The Fault in Our Stars
0.5 | Call Me Maybe
0.6 | Neflix and Chill
0.7 | Rearview Mirror
0.8 | Shotgun
0.9 | Supper with the Horan's
1.0 | Ya Flirt
1.1 | sick
1.2 | Both of us
1.3 | Soft
1.4 | Gay
1.5 | waffles
1.6 | Winky Face
1.7 | Weird
1.8 | close one
1.9 | Date.
2.0 | ice ice baby
2.1 | you goof
2.2 | fight me
2.3 | officially yours
2.4 | party for two
2.5 | Home
2.6 | Shower
2.7 | blood is thicker than water
2.9 | Break of Dawn
3.0 | Positive
3.1 | Die a Virgin
3.2 | Breaking Point
3.3 | Rose
3.4 | Cold Park Benches
3.5 | Christmas Day
3.6 | Exam
3.7 | Falling
3.8 | Marked
3.9 | Because your Human too
4.0 | Noisy
4.1 | Beach
4.2 | I'm Sorry
4.3 | Apple Pie
4.4 | Magic in my Veins
4.5 | Accepted
4.6 | Prom
4.7 | Aftermath
4.8 | Graduation

2.8| Proud Mamma

1.1K 40 1
By Hawkeygirl1988

I pulled into my drive way and grab my bag from the passenger side. I needed to do a little talking with Liam. What he said to Niall was totally uncalled for and just plain rude. I don't know why he's getting so snippy and obnoxious. I've never seen him act like this and honestly it was annoying.
I stepped into my house as my mom stood at the stove probably cooking super. I walk into the kitchen smelling potatoes and steak. Yum.
"Harry! Just in time for supper, how was your weekend with Niall?" My mom grinned. I drop my bag on the ground and take a seat in front of her on the bar stool.
"Anyone home? Like Liam or even Geof?" I bit my lip. I wasn't gonna tell her with Liam in the house, didn't mind Geof. My mom will probably tell him this tonight anyways.
"No they went to the store of me to pick up some HP sauce. Can you believe I forgot we didn't have HP sauce?" She chuckles. "Why what's up?"
She walked around the island and sat beside me. She knew this was serious and honestly I couldn't wait to tell her. She's be so proud of me and happy in general.
"You know Niall and I have been hanging out a lot lately?" She nods, and waits for me to carry on. "Like first it started off with just tutoring, and then we started to like hang out instead. Which is pretty bad," I joke. That earned a small chuckle from her.
"But I keep him on track of course, and stuff.." I trail and look up to my mom. She is smiling proudly down at me. "Well like he took me out last Thursday.."
I don't think I've ever seen a smile on her face so big and bright, her teeth were showing and everything.
"Wow Harry! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I knew she was gonna ask me something along those lines.
"We didn't tell anyone," not technically true, but.
"This is so exciting, so where are you guys now?" She gleamed.
"Well on Friday when I picked him up from practice he kinda asked me to be his boyfriend," I was now smiling fondly of the memories. It made my stomach churn.
"Oh my baby," she wraps her arms around my body as she stood on two legs. "Your growing up so fast, you've got your first boyfriend."
I roll my eyes, "mom." I groaned. This is one of the reasons why I didn't want to tell her. She'd make a big deal out of it.
"We should invite Niall and his parents over for supper? Wouldn't that be nice," my face instantly dropped.
I guess she didn't take that as a good sign.
"What's wrong?" My mom sat back down on the stool and grabbed a hold of my hand.
"Well Niall's parents aren't that supportive of his sexuality.." I pause and I could see the huge frown on her face. She didn't like any thought of a parent who doesn't respect and support their children's life choices. Especially when there son is gay. "But we can have him over. Mum you can't tell anyone! Liam doesn't know, and I don't think Geof should know anytime soon for Niall's sake."
My mum simply nodded.
"He'd probably get kicked out, and have to live on the street, he actually quoted that himself."
"Well Niall is always welcomed here, you make sure he knows of that." My mom was actually one of the most people I can trust with anything. I'm a big mamma's boy.
"Of course, I've told him as many times as I can coun-" with that I was interrupted by the door opening from Liam and Geof stepping inside. Geof smiled at me and I didn't dare to even look at Liam.
"Harry! How was your weekend?" Geof came in with not only HP sauce but two bags full of odds and ends.
"It was great, thanks." I smiled and turned back ahead. Liam still stood in the door way and I could tell he's trying to catch my attention. I didn't even want to look at him right now.
I felt my mum's hand brush my shoulder as she stood to grab the bags from Geof. I simply sat there on my phone and minded my own business.
When I could feel a presence sit beside me, I knew it was Liam, but I didn't want to look up to him. He knew what he did and said. When he bumped my elbow. I simply rolled my eyes and ignored him.
"Harry?" I groan lowly so he didn't hear me or even my mum who's standing across from us on the other side of the island.
"Yes Liam." My eyes still on my phone.
"Can we talk up stairs?" I look to him as he's pleading with his eyes and it annoyed me even more. I should probably just agree so my mom doesn't find anything suspicious.
"Fine," I get up and make my way up stairs, as I could hear Liam faintly walk up behind me.
When we both get to my room as I stand in front of him with my arms crossed standing straight up.
"Look Harry, I'm sure Niall told you the story. It's just I'm sorry, it just slips. Your my brother and I shouldn't say anything like that about you with anyone especially my best friend." He rambles.
"Liam you asked Niall if me and him were shaking up? That's a little weird.." I trail.
"Harry forgive me, I believe you now. When you tell me that you and Niall are just good friends,"
"Liam you should have believed me the first time I told you."
"I'm sorry,"
"Okay Liam, I guess I forgive you. But you have to apologize to Niall too!"
"I will Harry, promise." I nodded.
"Okay, now get out." Liam acted somewhat hurt, but laughed it off when my face broke into a smile telling him I was only joking. It was nice to joke with Liam, it's been too long and I miss it.
"Bye Harry," and he closes my door. Fuck that was horrible, I hated lying to him but Niall wasn't ready and I would support him.

I updated again because I have like 15+ chapters written after this chapter and let me tell you this there is shit load of drama.. Ya'll gonna love me I swear 😋

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