Forever Unfinished // Carl Gr...

By anonfaerie

75.9K 2.8K 1.7K

|Book Two of the 'Forever' trilogy| Sequel to 'Forever Alone // Carl Grimes.' "Your journey will be hard. It... More

~Forever Unfinished~
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Part 2: The Survivors
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Christmas Special: Have A Merry Bloody Christmas
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Part 3: Forever Unfinished
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
~ Book 3 ~

Chapter 37

1.1K 40 35
By anonfaerie

"I'm a hurricane."


The door creaked as it was pulled open, a loud deep metallic sound vibrating through their very bones. They could hear eachother breathe, the smell of fresh night air invaded their nostrils and a feeling of fearful nostalgia swept over them.

In and out.

The guard stepped inside, his flashlight pointed at the floor beneath him while he stepped inside. Lauren was crouched behind Michonne and Carol, the duffle bag of weapons concealed behind Sasha, Rachel and Maggie.

"Line up," He grumbled, his voice like corse sandpaper to their ears. He shone his flashlight up, waiting for them to move.


There would be no hope in escape if he found the weapons and yelled for help.

"Move," Lauren whispered to Michonne, "Trust me, and go to the left side, cover the bag for as long as you can."

Michonne moved, guiding the others along with her. Just as Carol was about to move, Lauren soundlessly rolled right, her machete in hand. The guard kept his flashlight on the others, on the other side of the narrow containter, the light just failing to illuminate her hiding spot.

"I said line up!" He gruffed, frustrated.

Lauren placed her hands on the wooden flooring, pushing herself up onto her knees. Quietly, she stood onto her feet, her back pressed against the metal panelling. She inched closer and closer to the door of the containter, also getting closer to the heavily-muscled guard. She breathed out when she reached the furthest she could go, while the others shuffled around, buying her time.

"What's that?" The guard questioned, his flashlight landing on half of the duffle bag that peeked out from behind Rachel's leg.

Sparing no more time, Lauren launched herself forward. The guard turned around, the sound of Lauren's footsteps alarming him. Before he could lift his gun, Lauren brought her blade across his neck. His eyes widened and he gagged, pressing his hands to his neck. A bloodied hand reached towards Lauren before he fell to the ground.

"Just leave him here," She said, looking back up at her group, "If he turns it'll be a distraction."

Taking lives was something Lauren didn't enjoy, dispite the lack of hesistation she had while comitting the act. She did what was necessary to ensure the safety of the people she cared for.

"You know what you're doing, take the weapons and free the others," Lauren said, sheathing her machete as she reached onto her back, taking the bow into her hands, "Kill anyone that you can and don't use a gun unless you have to. I'm going to bring Judith back. Be careful."

With a hesistant nod towards Lauren, they departed, taking different directions entirely.

"Well here goes nothing," She breathed, slotting an arrow into her bow as she melted into the darkness.


The guards had scattered themselves around the entire camp, a large majority of them being outside the fences which gave the group a large chance of getting their weapons before being spotted.

Lauren had made it from one corner of the camp to the other without being disurbed or spotted. Her fingers curled tighter around the string of her bow, the arrow between her index and third finger. She breathed evenly, her pulse only slightly elevated. Her back pressed against the wooden wall of the main building in the camp. She shielded herself behind a green wheeley bin as she thought of her next move.

Voices filled the silent air and the front door of the building opened.

"Jonah, you and Kirsty stay here while I go see what's happening," The voice ordered, Lauren recognised it as the voice of the leader who had questioned Carl. "If you hear gunshots, then you can come out."

The leader walked on, disappearing into the night. Once he was far enough away, Lauren moved. She crouched down, sneaking around the corner and to the front door. She pulled the handle and pushed the door open slightly, her jaw set in tension. She breathed out when noone immediately came to the door and she slipped inside, coming to face a staircase. She ducked away, slipping into the small broomcloset under the staircase when she heard movement in the room to her left.

"Kirsty!" The voice Lauren reconed belonged to Jonah yelled, opening the door, his voice aimed up the staircase, "You stay upstairs with the kid and watch out the windows."


The door then closed again and Lauren breathed yet another sigh of relief. She stepped out of the small room and back into the hall. She stopped outside the door to the room Jonah was currently inside and tightened her fingers around her bowstring.

I need to do this quickly.

She suddenly hopped up and pulled the door handle, as the door flew open she readied her bow. Jonah, a middle aged, bearded man, had his back to the far wall, a cigarette in his mouth as he reloaded his handgun. A box of opened bullets sat on the wooden kitchen table.

Before he could even slot the ammunition back into his gun Lauren had released her arrow, the deadly weapon imbedding itself in the dead centre Jonah's neck. His hands curled around the arrow which was stuck into the wooden wall behind him, pinning him as he died. He gagged, blood dripping over his lips and onto his grey beard. The handgun slipped from his hands and clattered to the ground loudly. Footsteps echoed from above Lauren and she cursed.

"Jonah!" Kirsty called from above them, her footsteps getting slighly quieter as she moved into the landing, "What happened!?"

Her footsteps became louder as she began to walk down the stairs. Lauren desperatly looked around, deciding to hide herself behind the open door. She sucked in, trying to make herself smaller, her head turned to the side and she stood on her tippy-toes. Kirsty reached the bottom of the stairs, stepping into the kitchen, a loud gasp escaped her mouth at the sight of the dead man pinned against the wall.

"Oh god," She turned her head away as she gagged.

Kirsty held her gun in a shaky hand as she tore her eyes away from Jonah with the intent on leaving. Before she could turn, Lauren stepped out from behind the door, machete in hand. She pressed the blade against Kirsty's jugular. Sucking in a sharp breath, she dropped the gun in her hand in surrender.

"Kick it away," Lauren demanded, and Kirsty complied. The gun skidded across the linoleum floor almost soundlessly, "Now sit down and shut up."

Lauren led Kirsty across the room pushed her down onto one of the small dining chairs. She moved over to the window, pulling one of the curtains down. She took the fabric in her hand and turned back to Kirsty, finally turning to face her.

"So you're alive then," The redhead said, chewing on her black lip ring.

"Of course I am," Lauren replied, cutting the curtain fabric with her machete until she had three long strips.

"And Carl?"

Lauren paused, looking Kirsty dead in the eye.
"Alive too. I thought you would have known, they caught him an hour ago."

"That's a shame," Kirsty clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, "I thought he'd die out on that suicide mission."

"Is Judith upstairs?" Lauren gritted her teeth, ignoring Kirsty's comment. Her hand gripped the machete tighter as she resisted the urge to kill the betrayer infront of her.

"You aren't going to leave this place alive," Kirsty deadpanned, rolling her eyes. "You always think you are much stronger than you are. You can't win every fight. You're weak, running away from everything. One day you'll lose, one day you won't get back up."

"I know that," Lauren retorted, "It's just not going to be today."

"We'll see about that," Kirsty jumped forward, a breadknife in her hand. She crashed into Lauren, knocking her onto the ground, her machete skidding across the floor.

She scrambled towards her lost weapon, only to be pulled back by the red-haired woman. Kirsty punched, and Lauren blocked, catching her wrist. She kicked her back, regaining her footing. Kirsty lunged forward, pinning Lauren down against the floor and they wrestled, laying punch after punch at eachother.

Kirsty scrambled towards the gun on the floor, throwing her arms towards the weapon. Just as her fingers curled around the weapon, Lauren jumped forward, grabbing and twisting back her arm as she pinned the redhead against the linoleum floor. She pried the gun from her fingers and threw it over to the corner of the kitchen.

"At least I don't run away from those who help me."

Kirsty grunted angrily as Lauren grabbed the three strips of curtain and used one to tie her hands together.

"I'm not going to kill you. I considered you a friend once, and maybe that was a mistake on my behalf but I don't want your death on my conscience."

She used the second strip to tie her feet together.

"There has to be a shread of humanity in you to offer yourself up for Daryl in Mortis and that is the only thing that stands between you and a bullet."

Lauren stood up, walking around to face Kirsty. She bent down, putting one knee on the floor as she looked at her once-friend in the eye. She put the last piece of curtain in her mouth, tying the shread around her head.

"I don't ever want to see you again."

Lauren picked up her machete and dusted off her jeans, she didn't look back as she left the kitchen, closing the door behind her. She jogged up the stairs, opening the first door she saw. Judith sat on the floor, chewing innocently on her fingers.

Lauren bent down infront of the small child, smiling.

"Hey Judith," She cooed, kissing the baby girls forehead, "It's time to get out of here."

Lauren grabbed a baby bottle, jars of baby food and powdered milk, stuffing the contents into her bag. She threw the baby carrier over her shoulder and picked Judith up, bouncing the child on her hip. Her machete sat on her hip and her bow on her back. She pulled out her gun, the only weapon she could operate with Judith left the room.

"Where Col?" Judith mumbelled, a squeal of delight leaving her mouth, "Mama and Col."

"Carl is here," Lauren laughed, kissing Judith's head, "We'll see him soon."

Lauren had just reached the door when the gunshots began. She cursed, pushing open the front door. She ran into the night, noticing the undead that were beating down the fences all around the camp. She shook her head, turning back around and walking into the room where she had found Judith. Lauren gently placed her down on the floor and left her food on a small bed.

"I can't risk bringing you out there," Lauren mumbelled, "I'll be back soon."

Lauren shut the door behind her, dragging a desk from one of the other rooms and pushing it against the door incase any undead heard her. She ran out the door, sprinting into the darkness with her machete in hand. She just caught sight of the group fighting when a loud fiery explosion lit up the night. A car had exploded, breaking down a large portion of the gate on the side furthest away from the cabin. Undead that had been attracted by the noise flooded into the camp.

"Carl!" Lauren yelled, spotting the sherriff's hat out from the crowd of both her group and Walkers.

She fought her way through the undead that growled and stumbled around, their teeth clanging off eachother as they neared closer. Screams filled the night as the Camp's own were tore down by the relentless Walkers.

"Move back! There's too many!" Rick yelled, retreating from the wave of undead that stumbled towards him and the rest of the group. Jo pulled Rachel away from the fight, moving towards the cabin in the corner of the camp, but stopping dead in his tracks.

Kirsty stood, a gun in her hand. She pointed the deadly end at Lauren, a sadistic smile crossed her face. The group stopped dead in their tracks, scattered around the large open area of the camp. She spotted Michonne moving around the back of Kirsty.

"You should have just killed me!"

Lauren held up her hands, her machete in one. She shook her head slowly, fear and dread creeping in and overcoming her senses. She wasn't ready to die.

"Kirsty.. don't-"

Michonne stepped up from behind the redhead. She brought her katana back, a determined scowl on her face as she thrust the blade through Kirsty's back, the blood coated metal coming out the other side.

Relief flooded Lauren's body until a dead clear shot rang out into the crisp night air. She felt as if her legs weighed a tonne and dread set into her system.

One shot. One to fall. One to lose.


Mmmm cliffhanger...

I honesly have no idea where that last line came from XD I'm not even sure I understand it all that well XD

VOTE AND COMMENT and perhaps I'll have another chap up tomorrow
Just to let you guys know... the feels will be intense af !

This chapter is dedicated to gina_14 XD It's you and me bae <3

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