CaptainSwan in College

By captainswan_princess

194K 9.5K 2.6K

What if Emma and Killian were just regular college students? Emma's been an orphan her whole life and she ju... More

The Party
The Past
The Words
First Time
The Morning After
Date Night
Safe House
Chapter 24
The Crash
Moving Out
Our Place
Wedding Day- the Ceremony
Wedding Day- Reception
Wedding Night
Day One
Killian's Birthday
12 Weeks
20 Weeks
Due date
Back to Normal?
Three Years Later
Ten Years
The River
Back Home
The Trial
The Girls
The Pool
Please Read!
The Accident
Emma's Birthday
Story Time
Emma's Funeral
Mia's Wedding
"If You're Reading This"
Hello, Loves!


1.6K 99 79
By captainswan_princess

*Killian's POV *

I called Emma as often as I could but it was never enough, I needed to see her and hold her. I worked as much as I could trying to get back but it didn't seem to help. I had to hold onto her calls to keep sane, remembering the one time they'd allowed her to call me like it was yesterday.


I was in the middle of scolding some of the privates for, as I called it, bad form when another general came in.

"Commander Jones," he said over me and I looked up, saluting him quickly just to be waved off. "You have a call in the communication office."

"A call?" I asked confused. "But I'm not allowed to receive calls. Do you know who it is?"

"I believe it's your wife," he said with a hint of a smile and I could tell by the snickering beside me that my face lit up. "Privates! That'll be three hours of overtime in the amunition room in addition to what the commander has given you for misbehavior. Now back to your duties!" They scurried away and he looked back at me. "They said it was urgent, so you should go too."

"Thank you, sir," I nodded, jogging to the communications room and they handed me the receiver as I sat down. "Swan? You there, love?"

"Killian!" She said excitedly and I heard her sigh with relief. "Sorry, I know I'm not supposed to call, let alone in the middle of the day for you but-"

"Swan," I cut her off gently, smiling at how much happier she sounded than all the other times I'd talked to her. "It's fine. You know how much I love hearing your voice. What's so urgent?"

"It's the baby," she said, the smile in her voice the only thing keeping me from panicking. "About ten minutes ago, I got the weirdest flutter in my stomach. It was like the butterflies I always get with you had somehow become real, but then I realized it was the baby. She's been kicking like crazy ever since."

"That's amazing, love," I smiled, trying desperately not to let her know how upset I was that I was missing it. "Really wonderful news. It seems we have a little butterfly then."

"Yeah," she giggled and I could tell by her voice that she was looking down at her belly. "Its so incredible. I just really wish you were here to feel it too. I'm here alone and it's the middle of the night."

"I know, baby, me too," I sighed. "Are you still not sleeping?"

"Not really," she said quietly, guilt clear in her voice as I sighed again in disapproval. "I try but I just can't. I've been sleeping in your arms for over six years, I can't sleep here without you."

"Why don't you get one of those body pillows?" I suggested. "You can spray my cologne on it or something and maybe it'll help you sleep. I know it's not the same but it's worth a try. Not sleeping isn't good for the baby."

"I'll try," she agreed, the depressed edge I'd become used to returning to her voice. "You should probably go, right? Get back to work and stuff."

"Yeah, but Emma-"

"It's fine, go," she said, cutting me off and I could hear her starting to cry. "I just wanted to tell you about the baby and stuff. I'll go."

"Emma-" I tried again but she cut me off again.

"I love you," she almost sobbed. "Now go be my Navy man."

"I love you, too," I sighed into the now dead receiver, setting it down and putting my face in my hands.

*end of flashback*

A loud bang brought me back to reality and I felt more than heard the explosion that followed before everything went dark.

*Emma's POV *

I was getting ready for the Christmas party at Killian's office when there was a knock on the front door. I went to let Liam in since he'd insisted on escorting me, trying to get my dress to sit right over my belly.

"Ah, there's my beautiful little sister," he smiled, kissing my cheek as I let him in. "And how's my niece doing?"

"Giving me belly burn like you wouldn't believe," I sighed. "She never stops kicking. Oh, can you help me with my shoes? I can't see my feet anymore."

"Of course," he chuckled, letting me steady myself on his shoulder as he slipped my heels on. "There. You ready?"

"Just a second," I said, lifting the hem of my dress and hurrying to the bedroom. I put on the necklace Killian usually wore but wasn't allowed to have while he was gone, letting it settle in my cleavage before going back out. "Now I'm good. Let's go."

The mood at the party was the last thing I expected. Everyone was somber, Stacy crying in John's arms. It was like hitting a brick wall. I rushed to Stacy, Liam close behind.

"Are you okay?" I asked gently and she sobbed when she saw me. "What's wrong? What did I do?"

"Mrs. Jones?" I heard from behind me, turning around to face Killian's boss George. I'd never seen him without a smile until now. "You're here. We should talk."

"It seems like it," I nodded, my hands resting on my belly. "What's going on?"

"I'm so sorry," he said quietly. "The ship, the one your husband was on, it blew up last night. A malfunction in the engine room. There's no sign that anyone survived."

"What?" I asked in barely a whisper. "What are you saying? Because if you're saying what I think you're saying..."

"I'm sorry," he said again. "We've been forced to declare Killian Jones killed in action."

"No," I said over and over, my whispers turning to screaming sobs as I nearly collapsed until Liam caught me. "No! Killian! No!"

"I'm so sorry for your loss," George said quietly, trying and failing to comfort me as my whole world fell apart around me.

Liam picked me up, letting me cling to him the entire ride back to the house. I could see him trying to hide his own pain and I wanted to be there for him, but I couldn't even breath. He called all my friends over to be with me, but that house had never felt so empty.

No snarky comment from me this time, but please leave any and all of your thoughts.

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