Situations (A Dahvie Vanity...

By Asht0nNotirwin

15.7K 258 36

Aj is the daughter of Nikki Sixx and loves it. But when she moves to Orlando to start her music career and fi... More

Situations (A Dahvie Vanity FanFiction)
How do you know her?
Oh to the Em to the Em to the G
Warped tour...
First Show
And Then There Were Four.... And Bryan Stars
Date........... WITH ANDY?!
Date with Niall :3
Nom Noms on Botdf's bus
Dying All of the hairs!
Batman? Fuck Batman.
Your Forever is All That I Need
Finding Out
Four More Months...
Two More Weeks
Blade Biersack
What are ya doin here Mr. Stars?
Fronzie Baby!!!
C.J. Frixx?
You're Giving Me A Heart Attack
Chicken? CHICKEN?!
Jayy Rain Vanity
Years And Years
Not Good Enough For The Truth In Cliché

Happy [Not] End

141 6 0
By Asht0nNotirwin

~~~4 Years Later~~~ 

"MOMMY!!! BLADE TOOK MY YOGURT!!!" Jayy yelled as she ran around chasing Blade for her yogurt.

"BLADE! GIVE YOUR SISTER HER YOGURT BACK!!" I yelled carefully going downstairs.

"Ok Mommy." Blade said stopping and handing Jayy her yogurt. They both ran up to me when I sat down on the couch.

"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?" Jayy asked climbing onto my lap. I smiled and put Blade on my lap.

"Daddy will be home in a few hours. He's on a plane right now coming home." I said sighing. Dahvie had been in California visting his parents. He and Andy were flying out and would be here soon.

I heard the stairs creak and I looked back to see Kale coming towards us. He sat on he couch and Jayy crawled over to him.

"Uncle Kale, what's that?" She asked poking a purple, redish mark on his neck.

"Heh. Well Jayy, Uncle Jayy bit my neck." He said nervously. I facepalmed.

"Like a vampire?" Blade asked.

"Yeah, like a vampire." Kale said nodding.

"So, Uncle Jayy is vampire?" Jayy asked playing with Kale's now red hair.

"Sorta. He just doesn't suck your blood out." he said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. I coughed in my hand to hide a laugh. He glared at me and I coughed again. He shook his head as my phone rang.

"Hello?" Blade said answering it. He grinned and shoved the phone at me. I took it and kissed Blade's cheek.

"Yees?" I answered.

"Heyo! Andy and I caught an early flight, so we're gonna be home soon. And by soon I mean in thirty minutes." Dahvie aid cheerily.

"Really?! The kids have been missing you." I said grinning.

"Really? I miss them a lot too! Oh, and we'll be taking a cab, so you don't have to pick us up." He said.

"Thank God. I was getting tired of having to pick everyone up from the airport." I said and he laughed.

"Well, we're about to land, I have to go. Love you!"

"Love you too." I said and we hung up. I looked and Blade and Jayy were poking at Kale's neck, seeing all of his other marks from Big Jayy. I smirked and put my thumbs up. He glared at me and lifted the children off of him. He kissed their heads and headed upstairs.

**20 Minutes Later** 

I heard the door open and the kids looked at each other, and raced to he door.

"DADDY!!" They yelled in unison. I smiled and got up. I walked to the door and Dahvie was holding Jayy, and Andy was holding Blade. Dahvie looked at me and smiled. He and Andy set the kids down ad Andy went to go play with them. I walked up to Dahvie and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you." I mumbled into his chest.

"I know, I missed you too." He said bending down and kissing me. He pulled out a long box and handed it to me.

"Happy anniversary, I love you soo much." Dahvie whispered against my lips. I smiled and pecked his lips.

"I love you too Dahvie. Always have, always will." I whispered back grabbing the box from him. He smiled and opened the box revealing a Batman necklace and it was beautiful. I smiled and kissed him. I pulled awa and pulled the necklace out. I turned it over and it was engraved.

The necklace said: So In Love With You. and on the other side, it said: And all the things you do.

I smiled at him and he helped me put it on.

Maybe Happy Endings DO exist.


So yup! The end of THIS book. Oh, and the next book will be out shortly after I post this. So yeah. I luff you guys lots and I hope to see you guys in:

Not Good Enough For the Truth In Clichè


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