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Andy's POV


I was certainly one of the happiest men on Earth. My son had just been born, and he was the most perfect thing in the world. I could alread tell he would have women falling at his feet. He was just so.... I don't even have words to describe him.

Anyway, when I had Blade in my arms, I walked around the room humming Carolyn. After a while, everyone came in and Blade was already asleep. Then, A.J. sent everyone out to talk to Dahvie. I sat in the aiting room with everyone else. That's when Kerry walked up t me.

"If you are going to kill me, do it while I'm not so happy." I said while she sat down.

"I'm not going to kill you, we need to talk."

"Ok, lets talk." She sat down and looked at me.

"My parents just told me that I'm adopted. So I asked them who my real parents are, and they said some people named Chris and Amy Biersack." She said looking into my eyes.


"So that means you're my sister?" I finally asked after some silence. She nodded. I got up out of my chair and walked away. I didn't notice, but I was walking straight towards A.J's room.

I opened the door to find her kissing Vanity. I walked over to them and pulled him away by his collar. A.J whimpered and opened her eyes. She looked shocked, yet she had a faraway look in her eyes. I shook my head and turned around. Then I did something I had been waiting to do since Warped.

I punched Dahvie straight in the face. Blood poured out from his nose and he just looked at me. That's when I heard Blade crying. I wiped the blood from my knuckles onto my pants, and picked up Blade. I rocked him and sang Carolyn. soon, he went back to sleep. I put his back in his crib.

"Thanks asshole. I almost got a broken nose because of you." Dahvie said. I turned around and all of the blood was gone.

"Get away from him." A.J finally said. I looked at her.

"What?" I said.

"Get. The. Fuck. Away. From. My. Son." She said through gritted teeth.

"Why should I? He's my son too. And at least I'm not a band whore." I said mumbling that last part. I'm guessing she heard because she looked like she was about ready to get up from her bed and kill me.

"That was the first time I have ever cheated on someone in my life. And you cheated on me first, for I'm not even sure how long! You have some fucking nerve to be calling me a band whore." She finally said.

"Oh, and if it makes you happy, I don't even remember kissing him, nor do I remember the kiss itself." She continued. I was speechless. I had just called her a whore, and I didn't even realize it. I walked out of her room and into the waiting room. I sat down and put my head in my hands. I heard someone walk over to me and they tapped my shoulder. I looked up and it was kerry.

"Hey, I also forgot to mention that we're twins." She said sitting next to me.

"For fucks sake Kerry, did you have to tell me that today? That ruined my entire day. I ruined my ENTIRE relationship ith A.J because of that." I said putting my head back in my hands. She sighed and hugged me. I as called back into A.J's room for the birth certificate and such. Blade's whole name was Blade Victor Biersack. Yup, his initials are BVB. [A/N: Sorry, I just HAD to do that xD] His date of birth: June 12th 2013. The time he was born: 3:23 P.M.

***Sixx Months later*** xD



After that day in the hospital, me and Andy broke up. I spoke to Dahvie constantly, and he became my best friend again. Blade was growing up, he had icy blue eyes, and black hair. Andy went on Warped, and only visited us for Blade and Kerry. After all that time I had spent with Dahvie, I had completly fallen out of love with him. I don't know how or why, it just happened.

But now, 666 was almost finished with our new album, which, by requests from fans, was just a bunch of covers. Everyone was excited as fudge! We were also ready to go on tour with Of Mice & Men, Modern Day Escape, Attila, and Black Veil Brides. This was our very first headlining tour, and we were fucking pumped!! My brother and his band had gone back to England. They would be back tomorrow, along with a very special guest we were flying out.

Anywhores, I walked downstairs with Blade in my hands to the kitchen. I saw Dan and walked up to her.

"Hey, can you watch BVB for me? I wanna go for a walk." I said. She nodded and took Blade from me. I kissed his cheek and walked out of the house. I walked down the street and I was at Botdf's house. I smiled and knocked. Hayley opened the door and we both went inside. I walked up to Dahvie's room. I knocked and I heard some shuffling. I saw Dahvie peek his head out and put a sock on the door knob. He looked around and saw me.

"Oh, hey A.J. Let me put some clothes on real quick." He said. i laughed my famous 'Horan Laugh' as people call it. He put his finger to his lips signaling me to be quite. I nodded and went downstairs where Jayy was sitting eating a sandwich.

"Who made that for you?" I said sitting next to him.

"Purple haired bitch." He said smirking. I held in a laugh as Dahvie came downstairs with a girl trailing behind him. I smiled kindly and waved. She also smiled and waved. He walked her outside and she left. He came back in and sat next to me. Then he looked at Jayy's sandwich.

"Who made you that?" He asked.

"Purple haired bitch." Jayy repeated taking a bite of his sandwich. I stared t it wanting a bite.

"PURPLE HAIRED BITCH!!!!" Me and Dahv yelled at the same time. She walked into the room and looked at us.


"Make me a sandwich." Me and him said pointing towards the kitchen. She laughed and walked into the kitchen.

"Why didn't you bring BVB?" Dahvie asked.

"I was too lazy to get the stroller out." I said putting my feet in Jayy's lap. He looked at them, then at me. Then he pushed me off of the couch. I looked at him, and then I bit his leg. He screamed and pulled his legs up. I smiled and got back onto the couch and patted his head.

"Good Jayy."


Guys, you all probably hate me right now, but, a very good writer once told me, 'Just because it's a fan fic about a certain person, doesn't mean they have to end up together.' So yeah c: Oh! Could you pleeeeeeaaaaasssssseeee go check out my fan fic about Austin Carlile? It would mean the world to me! If you do, tell me and I'll fan you c; anyway, bye!!!

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