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I woke up in the middle of the night to my phone ringing. I groaned and rolled over to see who or what it was. It was my alarm clock. I'm guessing that means it wasn't the middle of the night.


After I turned it off, I got up and started to get ready. Without thinking, I put on a t-shirt with Andy's face on it, and a shit ton of Batman stuff.... And Superman shoes.

Anywho, once I was ready, I walked out of the bus to walk around for a bit. (A/N: Btw, external link is A.J's outfit :3 ) When I was walking around, i heard someone wolf whistle behind me, so I turned around and Ashley Purdy was standing next to Andy. I rolled my eyes and walked over to them.

"DAYUM!!" Ashley yelled while I was walking towards them. I saw Andy give him a look then slap the back of his head. When I got there, Andy smirked while looking at my outfit for the day.

"Nice shirt babe." He said chuckling. I looked down then realized that his face was on my shirt. I face-palmed and shook my head.

"But seriously, what the fuck with the shoes?" He asked in a serious tone.  I pretended to look hurt and looked him in the eyes.

"But, Superman is awesome." I said still looking at him. He sighed and pulled me into a hug.

"Don't look at me, it's too god damn cute." He said bending down to kiss me. Just as his lips were about to touch mine, I turned away quickly and he kissed my cheek. I laughed evily and got out of his grasp and started to run away. He started to run after me and was chasing me for a while. 

I was almost to my bus when I ran into a body. I looked up and it was Matty Mullins. Me and him had become pretty great friends over the past few weeks.

"Help me Matty!! I'm being chased by a crazy man!" I said hiding behind him while pointing to Andy. Matty chuckled and put me on his back and started to run.

"FASTER MATTY! FASTER! HE'S GAINING ON US!!" I yelled as Andy started to get closer. Soon though, Andy had caught up to us and pulled me off of Matty's back.

"NOOOO!!!! HELP ME MATTY!!!!!" I yelled as Andy dragged me away. Matty just chuckled and walked away.

"TRAITOR!!" I yelled after him. Soon enough, Andy pulled me by a random bus and backed me up against a wall. My breathing hitched and he smirked. He leaned forward and kissed my nose. I scrunched up my nose and he 'awed'.

"You look like a cute bunny." he said kissing my jaw line. I shivered involuntarily and looked at him. Then I pulled his face to mine, kissing him. This right here was our first kiss. He pulled away and smiled at me. I smiled at him then heard another wolf whistle. I looked behing Andy and Ashley was standing there grinning.

"YOU GET SOME BIERSACK!!!" He yelled. Andy turned around and flipped him off. While he was turned around, i jumped on his back.

"AH!!!!" He yelled surprised.

"GO HORSIE!! GO!!!!!" I yelled slapping his ass. Amazing how I can ruin a romantic mood huh? Anyway, he ran around until he ran straight into another person. I looked up and it was Austin Carlile. I hadn't met him at all on this tour, so I was a little starstruck. I looked at him for a while grinning really big. 

"It's Austin fucking Carlile!!!!" I thought in my head.

"Why yes I am." Austin said chuckling. I blushed and realized I had said that out loud. i told him to stay there, and I ran to my bus and grabbed an Of Mice & Men poster and a sharpie.

When I got back, Austin and Andy were laughing. Next to Austin, Andy looked kinda short. HAHA!! I walked up to Austin and felt like a midget. I mentally laughed to myself and jumped onto Andy's back again. He stumbled a bit and chuckled.

"Give me a warning next time ok?" He said.

"Nope." I said handing Austin the poster and sharpie. He smiled and signed it and gave it back to me. I smiled and jumped off of Andy's back. I shyly held my arms out for a hug and he grinned and hugged me and spun me around.

"You have a band here on warped right?" He asked still smiling.

"Yes I do. It's 666." i said proudly. he got a shocked look on his face then smiled more.

"Oh my gosh! You guys are so fucking good!" he said, and I blushed.

"Thanks, that means a lot coming from you." I said blushing more. God damn cheeks.

"Well, I have to go, it was nice meeting you!" Austin said walking away. I looked back at Andy and stood on my tip toes to kiss hiss cheek.

"Lets go back to the bus." I said grabbing his hand. He blushed and bent down to kiss me. I smiled and kissed him back.


I'm probably gonna update, or try, everyday. Hope you guys liked it!! Also, I took down one of my stories, oh whale. cx bye now!!

Situations   (A Dahvie Vanity FanFiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now