What are ya doin here Mr. Stars?

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A.J's pov


The next day, I woke up at 8 A.M, put Blade in the van, and drove to th airport. I called Niall when I got there.

"Brosef, where the cluck nuggets are you and Bryan?" I said looking around the airport.

"I already told you, the very front entrance." He said and I heard Bryan in the background.

"I already went by the front entrance." I said annoyed.

"Well go by it again." He said sounding annoyed too. I did as he said, and they were standing there. I hung up on him and they all piled in the car.

"D'awww. Niall, your nephew is so goddamn cute!" Louis said from the back. I smiled.

"Yeah, compliment him, cause he's the one who made it." I said sarcastically. Everyone laughed. We had just gotten out of the airport when I got a call.


"Hey A.J. It's Andy. Could you possibly pick me up at the airport?"

"Fucking fuck Andy. Take a cab, I just left the airport. You could've called sooner."

"I did."

"Well I didn't fucking get it."

"Can't you just turn around? Pleaaaaasssse?"

"Fiiiiiiine." I stopped at the light and made a U-Turn.

"You owe me for this Biersack." I grumbled then hung up. I heard Niall clear his throat. I looked at him ad he was confused.

"We have to go get Andy from the airport." I grumbled. when we got to the airport, I saw Andy and drove up to him. I turned around to face Bryan.

"You are in for a real treat Mr. stars." I said smirking. He grinned. Andy loaded hos stuff and sat in the passenger seat.

"Andrew, I believe you know Mr.Stars." I said and he looked back and grinned.

"Awe fuck." He said. I shook my head and kept driving. I got another call and I answered it.

"Hey A.J, it's Dan. Could you pick me from the gas sta-"

"I'M NOT A FUCKING CHAUFFER!!!" I yelled cutting her off and hanging up.

***At 666's House***

We walked into the house, me holding Blade and Andy carrying everyones luggage as his punishment. He was only half way done.

"Pleease. Anything but this!" Andy groaned. I smirked.

"You're the one who wouldn't take a cab." I said as I set Blade down in his playpen. He set down the luggage and wentto get the rest.

"KERRY!!! YOU'RE ASSHOLE- I MEAN BROTHER IS HERE!!!" I yelled to Kerry. She ran down the stairs and he first saw Harry. She grinned and ran into his arms. At that moment, Dan walked in, and saw Niall. she held out her arms and he ran int her arms and spinned her around.

I sighed. I walked over to Louis and tapped his shoulder. He turned and I held my arms out. He hugged me super tight and I hugged him back. We let go and everyone was staring at us.

"What? I can't hug my best friend?" I asked. They all shook their heads and I rolled my eyes. I waked into the kitchen texting Fronzilla.

A: Fronz. Fronz. Fronz. Guesswhat???? ~ A <3

F: What what what??

A: We start the tour next week >:3 ~A <3

F: Shit, I forgot about that. Time to start packin

A: ;-; How the fuck did you forget?? ~A <3

F: Idk, It just happened. And quit putting that fuckin face, it's creepy

A: Well ok then. You're flight to Florida leaves tomorrow xD Just sayin ~A <3

F: And no one evr told poor Fronzie.

A: I thouht you knew ~A <3

F: well, I gtg pack now bye.

A: Byeeeee ~A <3

I felt a presence behing me, and I saw Niall looking over my shoulder.

"How may I help you dear brotherof mine?" i asked poking his cheek.

"Whose Fronzilla?" He said poking my arm. I shook my head and walked away. He just followed me.

"Whose Fronzilla?" He repeated. I ignored him. He did this another ten times until he stopped. I sighed happily.

"A.J IS GOING OUT WITH FRONZILLA!!!!!!" He yelled running around the house. I shot up and glared at him. Andy came into the living room looking at me with caution.

"Fronz? Really A.J?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Niall is just being annoying." I said. He kept screaming and running around.

"NIALL, IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE AN INTERVIEW TONIGHT, I WOULD FUCK UP THAT PRETTY LITTLE FACE OF YOURS!!!!!" I yelled. I soon heard him stop running. I smiled satisfied and got out Blade's stroller. I set it all up and put Blade in it.

"BRYAN!! TAKE A WALK WITH ME!!" I screamed and he came running downstairs. We walked outside and he recorded some of our walk.

"What's his full name?" He asked. I smile.

"Blade Victor Biersack." He grinned.

"BVB?" He asked.

"That's his nickname." I said. Soon, we arrived at Botdf's house. I knocked and Dahvie answered.

"A.J!!!!! Oh. Bryan!!!!" He screamed once he saw us. I smiled and hugged him.

"And I brought BVB with me!" I said walking into the house with Bryan following.

"YO MONROE!!!" I yelled and Jayy immediatly came downstairs.

"BVB!!!" He yelled once he saw Blade.

"Hello to you too Jayy." i aid frowning. He smiled then saw Bryan.

"Hey! what are you doing in Florida Mr. Stars?" he asked laughing. I smiled and got Blade out of his stroller.

"Lets go say hi to Uncle Jayy Jayy." I said. Jayy frowned when used that name. Blade saw Jayy and got excited. He held out his arms for Jayy to take him. Jayy grinned and scooped BVB into his arms.

"BVB! I haven't seen you in forever! Is mommy keeping you away frm me?" He said to Blade. I rolled my eyes and turned to Dahvie who was talking to Bryan. I smiled satisfied until I got a call. i looked and it was Fronz.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey A.J. Turns out our flight left today, and we just got to the airport, could you come get us?" He asked.

"Suuuure. I'll be right there." I said hanging up.

"FUCKING FUCK FUCK!! I AM NOT A GOD DAMN CHAUFFER!!!" I yelled getting the car keys and telling the guys to watch Blade.


>:3 Hope you guys liked it! Oh, and Fronzilla is the lead singer from Atilla if you didn't know. And he plays a VERY important part in this story, just to let you knoe c; Anywhoooooorrrreees, I love you Space Tacos. I almost called you guys Baby Fronzillas xD I like that name, what do you guys think?

Am I talking too much?

Will Any of you even read this? o.O

Is Lukeisnotsexy ever going to reply to me on twitter?

These questions will NEVER be answered.

I should let myself out now xD

But before do, I have the next 5 chapters already done, and if my Austin Carlile Fan Fic doesn't get AT LEAST 3 votes by tomorrow, I will not post them until Christmas. ;-;

c: Just a warning. Love you byeeeeeee

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