And Then There Were Four.... And Bryan Stars

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After BOTDF's set, my band and my brothers band were on the bus when there was a knock. I got up and opened the door. Jayy was standing there with a huge ass grin on his face.

"Damn, I didnt know you could smile so much." I said hugging him. He came on the bus and sat down on one of our couches like it was his own.

"Blowpop, I would like to introduce you to my band. This is Jason, Kerry, Dan and Brandon. I would also like to introduce you to my brother and his band. Thats my brother, Niall, thats Louis, Harry, Zayn and Liam. " I said.

"Hello everyone. As you most likely know, I'm Jayy Von Monroe, obviously." He said putting on his famous smile. I saw Louis raise his hand a little like he was in a class.

"Ummm, I don't know who you are." Lou said. I saw Jayy's smile fade, then came back.

"Well, I'm in a semi famous band called Blood On The Dance Floor." He said.

"Isnt that a Michael Jackson song?" Louis asked. I face-palmed and shook my head.

"Yes, it is, but we are also a band." Jayy said.

A few Hours later

Jayy and the rest of the people on the band got along really well. Except for Brandon and Jayy. He kept giving my Blowpop dirty looks. Soon, Jayy had to leave because we had to go to the next city.

"BYE BLOWPOP!!!!!" I yelled at him. He waved goodbye and left.

"I AM GOING TO BED, DO NOT BOTHER ME, OR YOU ALL SHALL PERISH. GOODNIGHT!!!!!!" I yelled as I left to my room. I sat in my room, and, on instinct, I wiped my hand across my face, and it was wet.


I took out my wallet and opened it. I took out one of the blades and dug it into my skin, and pulled it across. The blood rushed out of the cut, and started to run down my arm. I grabbed a cloth from my suitcase, and wiped it up. I put pressure on it so it would stop bleeding. I grabbed the blade again, and drug it across my wrist.

I heard the door open and I looked up. Kerry was standing there with a shocked expression.

"AJ NOO!" She yelled. She closed the door and ran to me. She knelt in front of me and took away all of the blades.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WERE YOU THINKING?! DO YOU WANT TO GO BACK TO A THERAPIST?!" She yelled at me. I shook my head and started crying. She hugged me.

"Please dont resort to cutting again. You know its not good for you." Kerry whispered. She grabbed the blades and walked out of my room. I started silently sobbing.

Five days later

For the past five fucking days, Brandon hadnt been showing up for vocal rehersals. We had all had a disscussion, and we agreed, Brandon had to go. Jason could play guitar as well as Brandon. So, of course, they nominated me to do the job. I went into the bunks and got to his. I nocked on the wood on the side, and he opened the curtain.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Well, me and the band have come to an agreement, since you dont do anything besides play at the shows, then you shouldnt be in the band." I said looking him in the eyes.

"So, are you kicking me out?" He asked looking shocked.

"Yes, dont argue, we all voted." I said.

"We're going to Nebraska, how the hell am i supposed to get home?" He asked. I held up two plane tickets.

"The first one is to Alabama. From there you'll go to Florida." I said handing him the tickets.

"Fine, but you guys will be lost without me." He said taking the tickets.

"YOU WEREN'T EVER THERE!!!! WE DIDN'T NEED YOU THEN, WE DONT NEED YOU NOW!!!" I said walking to my room and slamming the door. He was such a fucking prick!!

In Nebraska

As soon as the bus had stopped, Brandon was out of the bus. He looked pissed. He must've been because he forgot his guitars and amps. I was very excited though. I had gotten an email from Bryan Stars saying he wanted to interview me. He said to meet him by our tent before the show. So that was where I was headed. I got there and saw him standing there.

"Hey, I'm Bryan." He said as soon as he saw me.

"I'm AJ." I said.

"Where do you want to do the interview?" He asked looking around.

"We could do it on our bus." I said, and too late realized how it came out.

"Thats what she said. Ok, lead the way." Bryan said. That made me laugh a little. I lead him to the bus. When we got there, Jason was laying on the couch with nothing but boxers on. When he saw us come in, his eyes got wide.

"Why didnt you tell me Bryan was coming?" He whined then left to go get dressed. When he came back, Bryan had just finished setting up.

"In 3, 2,1 . Hey guys! I am here with the band 666. Can I have you guys introduce yourselves and state your role in the band?" He asked.

"Hey, I'm AJ Sixx and I play bass and my vocular chords." I said.

"I, am Jason. I play my vocular chords as well, and rhythm guitar." He said smiling really big.

"Haha, ok. First question. AJ, a fan wanted to know, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" He asked.

"Hehe. Yes it did. I fell on a branch of a tree and hurt my back." I said giggling.

"Haha. So, how did the band start?" Serious question.

"Well, it started back in 2003 when I entered a talent show. Jason and his brother both came up to me with this idea. So, we started looking for a lead guitarist. And, fortunaltly, we found Dan. After Dan, came Kerry. We didnt get her until about 2004 or 2005. We were all spread around in L.A, so we really didnt see eachother often. In 2010, we finally decided to take things seriously. They all moved closer to where I was at. We practiced and recorded everyday. And now we're here." I said putting on a little smile.

"Thats interesting. So, on a scale of one to ten, how hot do you think you are?" He asked.

"I think, personally, I'm a ten. But, it never matters what I think." Jason said starting to fake cry.

"Well, I think your a ten, Jason. But I think I am a nine." I said patting Jasons back.

"Why a nine? You're so fucking beautiful." Bryan said. That made me blush.

"Well, you never know. I could get more beautiful." I said shrugging.

"I don't think thats physically possible. But, what would you rate me?" Me and Jason both looked at eachother.

"OFF OF THE SCALES!!!" We yelled together.

"Aww, thank you guys." He said.

The rest of the interview consisted of us just being random and laughing a lot. He asked like 3 serious questions. We were about to do like, an hour, but our tour manager told us to get ready.

"Ok, Ok Kale, we're moving." I said when he threatend to tackle us. Kale is an awesome guy. We used to date, but we ended on good terms. He has blue fucking hair!

"AJ! Whats our setlist?" Jason asked. Shit.

Picture is Kale. I hope you guys liked it! bye

Situations   (A Dahvie Vanity FanFiction) [Book 1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant