Blade Biersack

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I woke up and Andy was staring up a the ceiling.

"Morning." I said yawning. He smiled and we both sat up.

"One more week until we become parents." He said smiling. I smiled then, my water broke. I sat there, then finally spoke.

"The baby doesn't like that idea." I said hurridly. He looked at me with wide eyes, and we both jumped out of the bed and I put my TOMS on while Andy ran around the house waking up everyone. I walked out of the room and everyone was rushing around. Niall ran over to me and scooped me up. He ran downstairs with everyone following.

"I can walk Niall." I said looking at the floor.

"WE HAVE NO TIME FOR THAT!" he said running to the van. I sighed while he sat me in the back while the rest piled in. Andy got in the drivers seat. Ten minutes later, we arrived in the hospital where we all ran inside, and I was situated in a private room. I sat there with Andy while we waited.

"This baby got us a fucking speeding ticket. I love him already." Andy said laughing. I smiled and rubbed my stomach. I layed my head down and closed my eyes. Andy then snapped his fingers in my face.

"Hey, no sleeping. I'll get bored, and I'm pretty sure no one in that waiting room likes me too much." He said. I rolled my eyes and sat up.

"But I'm tired. And I'll probably gonna be up for the next twenty- four hours. I deserve some sleep." I said crossing my arms. He sighed.

"Could you bring Dan and Niall in here please." I said giving him my puppy eyes. He nodded and walked out. Soon, they both came in.

"Hey. You doing ok?" Dan asked. I giggled because she rhymed.

"Yes, I'm doing fine. Just tired, and nervous." I said. She nodded. I smiled and opened my arms for a hug. Immediatly, Niall ran into my arms. I laughed and hugged him. He let go and Dan hugged me. I smiled and she let go. I closed my eyes and somene snapped their fingers in my face. Andy stood there with a frown on his face.

"You were asleep for an hour!" He said crossing his arms.

"Sorry, I'm just tired. Has the doctor come by?" I asked. He nodded.

"She said that you are at five centimeters." I nodded and grabbed his hand. He knealt down and kissed me. I kissed him back and squeezed his hand. He pulled away and smiled. all of a sudden, I felt a pain in my lower region. I bit my lip and tasted blood.

"Hey, are you ok?" Andy said squeezing my hand. The pain went awayand I nodded.

"Contraction." I breathed out. He nodded and sat on the floor.

**Four Hours later**

"YOU FUCKING ASS HOLE!!! LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO ME!!! I HATE YOU!!!" i yelled as pain washed over me.

"A.J., push one more time for me." I did as she said, and all of the pain went away. The nurse took him away to wash him. She came back and he was wrapped in a blanket. They put him in my arms. I smiled. andy was above me staring at Blade.

"You wanna hold him?" I asked. He grinned and grabbed him gently. He walked around the room speaking to Blade. I was about to close my eyes wen someone yelled, "J.J!!!" I opened my eyes and Jayy was standing there. Behind him was everyone else, and Dahvie. I sat up.

"Hey guys, can i talk to Dahvie alone?" They all nodded, and Andy put Blade in the crib next to my bed. Thy all walked out and Dahvie sat on my bed.

"So, you and Biersack huh?" Dahvie finally said.

"Well yeah, he is the father. And the person I love hasn't spoken to me since Warped."

I don't know much of the conversation after that, but I do know he said to go with my heart. and my heart said to kiss him. So, I did. All I remember after that is Andy yelling and blood, and then Blade crying.

And all I thought was: What was I doing with my life?


So, I had written this before, but it didn't save ;-; And I was too lazy to try to remember what happened and rewrite it, so yah xD Hope you liked it

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