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A/N: So, there's gonna be a lot of time skips in this chapter.


1 Week Later


Today, we started our very first headlining tour! My dad was watching BVB for the majority of the tour. MDE was also sharing a bus with us, which was quite difficult considering One Direction AND Bryan Stars were already staying with us, but oh well. I was sharing my room with Louis because everyon had called their bunks before he even got a chance.

Poor Lou, and next week was his birthday.

Anywhores, tonight was our very first show of the tour. Modern Day Escape would play first, then Attila,then Black Veil Brides, Of Mice & Men, then finally, 666. Before we played, we would be meeting fans and such. Tonight, we would be playing in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

[A/N: Will someone hold me? It's thundering outside, and I don't like thunder xc]

I was sitting in my bed texting Fronz, when someone jumped on me. I looked up and it was Louis. He grinned at me.

"A.J, is it ok if El comes on the bus tonight? She's in the states and is willing to fly out to New Mexico." Louis asked hopefully.

"I don't mind. But is it alright if I meet her?" I asked smiling back at him. He nodded vigorously.

"She's been wanting to meet you for a while now." He said. I smiled.

[A/N: Seriously though, someone hold me ;-;]



We arrived at the venue and I stepped off of the bus. It was surprisingly hot considering it was winter ad all, but I was used to it from living in Florida for almost a year. I went inside and looked around. We were playing at this place called Sunshine Theater, and it wasn't as big as the stages at Warped, but it was pretty big still. [A/N: It's an actual place, I've been there a few times, Google it.]

"Haven't been here in a while." I heard Andy say. He stood next to me and looked around.

[A/N: Seriously, it's been 3 years Andy ;-;]

"I've only been to New Mexico once." I said quietly. He sighed. I turned and walked outside. I went inside my bus and walked to the room. Louis was sitting on the bed looking through his clothes.

"I don't know what to wear." He said frustrated. I smiled and sat across from him. I looked through his clothes and chose red pants and a black shirt with the superman logo on it.

"Thanks." He said walking out of the room to the bathroom.

"Anytime Lou-Bear." I said closing the door. Then I walked over to my suitcase. I chose blue ripped skinny jeans, a black Asking Alexandria shirt, and green converse. I changed in my room, then put my hair up in a ponytail.

-----2 HOURS LATER!!!!!-----

We were meeting fans while Attila played. I smiled as fans brought me gifts and asked for hugs. I gladly signed al of their stuff, and gave them hugs. I love hugs. Many, and I mean many, kids came up to us telling us how our music saved their lives, or how they stopped self harming. It made me feel a lot better about myself. A lot of people had been wondering about Brandon, so I kindly explained what had happened.

"H-hi. I-I'm Avery." A pink haired girl said when she came up to me.

"Hi Avery. This is our merch girl. Her name is Niall." I said pointing to my brother who was glaring. She laughed and handed her he poster she wanted signed.

Situations   (A Dahvie Vanity FanFiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now