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The title of this chapter is only a song, chill bro, chill. It's by Bring Me the Horizon, if you didn't know ;-; Anywhores, I'll put a link to the song on the side c: Otay, on to the story!!!! (Oh btw, what should my fans be called? Leave an idea in the comments :3)


A.J's POV.

Andy walked me back to my bus, then went back to the BVB guys. I sighed then walked to my room and got my camera out. I decided I was going to make a video today. But first, I got Dan out of bed and asked her to help me. I asked her if she still knew how to play Deathbeds by Bring Me the Horizon (A/N:   *cough cough*) She said she did, and we got everything ready to make the video. I had a semi popular youtube channel which I posted videos to whenever I could. I cleared my throat, and pressed record.

"Hey guys, A.J here. Today, I'm going to be doing a cover of Bring Me the Horizon's Deathbeds. Hope you guys like it." I said licking my lips.

"Eyes like a car crash

I know I shouldn't look but I can't turn away.

Body like a whiplash,

Salt my wounds but I can't heal the way

I feel about you.

I watch you like a hawk

I watch you like I'm gonna tear you limb from limb

Will the hunger ever stop?

Can we simply starve this sin?

That little kiss you stole

It held my heart and soul

And like a deer in the headlights I meet my fate

Don't try to fight the storm

You'll tumble overboard

Tides will bring me back to you

And on my deathbed, all I'll see is you

The life may leave my lungs

But my heart will stay with you

That little kiss you stole

It held my heart and soul

And like a ghost in the silence I disappear

Don't try to fight the storm

You'll tumble overboard

Tides will bring me back to you

The waves will pull us under

Tides will bring me back to you

The waves will pull us under

Tides will bring me back to you

The waves will pull us under

Tides will bring me back to you

Tides will bring me back to you

That little kiss you stole

It held my heart and soul

And like a ghost in the silence I disappear

Don't try to fight the storm

You'll tumble overboard

Tides will bring me back to you

That little kiss you stole

It held my heart and soul

And like a deer in the headlights I meet my fate

Don't try to fight the storm

You'll tumble overboard

Tides will bring me back to you" I sang then smiled at the camera.

"That is one of my favorite songs ever. What about you Dan?" I said looking at her. She grinned.

"I fucking love this song. Almost as much as you do." She said hugging her guitar closer to her body.

"Anywhores, I love you guys, see you guys whenever I get a chance to make a video, BYEEEEEE!!" I said stopping the video. I sighed and uploaded it on youtube. I  got bored, so I got into my pajamas and walked to Blood On the Dance Floor's bus. When I got there, I knocked on the door and waited.

"NOBODY IS HERE!!!" I heard Dahvie yell, and then a chorus of 'Dahvie's' come from the back.

"Guys, it's just A.J." I said laughing. I heard a lot of thumps and then Dahvie opened the door. I walked inside and Jayy was sprawled on the floor groaning.

"He beat me to the door." He said looking up at me. I started laughing really hard at that.

"Anyjayy, would you like to watch a Nightmare Before Christmas with us?" Dahvie asked excitedly. I nodded and sat on their couch. In the middle of the movie, I started to get really hungry, and my stomach growled. Jayy and Dahvie looked at me and smiled.

"Is someone hungy?" Dahvie asked smiling. I nodded and gave him puppy dog eyes signaling him to get me food. He rolled his eyes and got up. He came back with a piece of cake and I smiled. I ate it all in less than a minute. After I ate my cake, I went back to watching the movie. I was all cuddled up on Jayy, then I fell asleep.


I wake up in the morning felling like P diddy. Haha, just kidding. I woke up, and I was in a bunk. i got out of it, then walked outside, we were on different Warped grounds. I walked to my bus, which wasn't that far away. I walked onto the bus, and was attacked with hugs.


"Sowwy Care Bear. I was at Dahvie and Jayy's, and accidentally fell asleep." I said hanging my head. i looked at her through my eyelashes and she had a softer expression than before. She hugged me and walked away. I smiled and walked into my room. Andy was lying on the bed, and when I walked in, he shot up.

"Where were you? I was so fucking worried about you!" He said hugging me tight. I sighed and hugged him back.

"I was on Blood On the Dance Floor's bus watching a movie, sowwy I fell asleep." I said giving him my famous puppy dog eyes. He sighed and kissed me.

"Ok, just don't scare me like that again." He said pulling away from the kiss. I smiled and kissed him back. 


Hope you guy's liked it! it's long because of the lyrics to Deathbeds. Anywho, the link to the song is on the side. Don't forget to comment what my fans should be called!! Bye now!

Situations   (A Dahvie Vanity FanFiction) [Book 1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें