Hello My Fake Fiancé (Book 1)

By redladiebug

1.3M 34.4K 1.5K

Dr. Dawson Conn is your average Man's Man. You know the type, single and always ready to mingle. The thought... More

HMFF1-The First Encounter
HMFF2-Dream? You Mean Nightmare
HMFF3-Bed Wars
HMFF4-Goodbye Boys' Night
HMFF5-Zero Privacy
HMFF6-Meeting His Mother
HMFF7-I Really Loathe You
HMFF8-Freaking Friction
HMFF9-Doctor's Visit
HMFF11-Good Morning
HMFF12-Dresses Doctors and Diapers
HMFF13-Oh Boy!
HMFF14-Introducing The Conn Family
HMFF15-Daddy and Hudson
HMFF17-Meeting Her Father
Author's Note
HMFF19-The Storm
HMFF21-Preparing for the Babies
HMFF22-The Delivery
HMFF24-Hide and Seek
HMFF25-Hudson Mommy's Coming
HMFF26-The Steak-Out
Hello Again
Last Author's Note I Promise
You Had Me At Hello

HMFF20-Drunken Birthdays

37.5K 1K 28
By redladiebug

Chapter 20...Drunken Birthdays

Dawson stayed true to his promise, for the next two months he was home anywhere before 6 to 6:00 on the dot. We had finished the nursery and it looked absolutely stunning. Of course I had some interior decoration advice from Olivia. I had decided to take my maternity leave in March that way I would have time to prepare for the twins. Abby teased me and told me I was in nesting mode. Maybe I was but I just wanted everything to be perfect! I couldn't wait until I had my babies in my arms.

Today Dawson and I were preparing for Hudson's birthday party. It was batman themed. So our little tot had been running around in his batman costume all day long. I'm pretty sure he even slept in it last night.

"Mama, Mama!" Hudson shouted pulling on the hem of my dress. I was handing Dawson some banners to hang up.

"What is it Hudson?" I laughed at his excitement.

"When is everybody going to get here?" he pleaded.

"In an hour," I replied. Hudson was impatient just like his father. It was adorable on Hudson, not so much on Dawson.

"When's that?" Hudson pouted.

"That's in two Scooby Doo cartoons," I stated. "Hun I'm going to put in his movie so he'll stop being so antsy."

"Sounds good," Dawson replied tacking up the banner.

Hudson and I watched two Scooby Doo cartoons before his guest began filing in. The first to arrive were Olivia and David.

"Gwandpa!" Hudson yelled jumping off the couch, and running into David's arms.

"Hey Batman, I heard someone's having a birthday today. Do you happen to know who it is?" David teased.

"Me!" Hudson shouted.

"Oh, I forgot," David teased. Hudson looked worried. His little brow crossed.

"You forgot my present?" Hudson shouted. I was shocked and embarrassed at Hudson's response.

"Hudson, that was not nice!" I corrected.

"Danielle it's fine, he's adorable," David laughed.

Abby and Bryson soon made their appearance, followed by Rebecca and her troop. But last but not least Damien made his appearance. Tension was flowing in the air. Damien had never seen Hudson before. The more I looked at the two the more they looked identical. Something told me to be on alert.

Two hours late Dawson's brother made his appearance. This would be the first time Damien met Hudson, and I didn't know how he would handle it. Damien was aloof the whole party taking it in from a far. Observing him was like watching a scared dog wanting attention, but too afraid to approach you.

"So how did you take it, finding out Dawson had a son?" Damien asked. I bit my tongue, so I wouldn't say anything bad.

"My response was normal I suppose," I stated. "I mean we were both very shocked. I couldn't believe Victoria had kept him a secret from Dawson all these years."

"Well duh, she's a lying bitch what do you expect. I mean she even tried to pin her pregnancy on me," Damien laughed, and I noticed he was buzzed. I could smell the alcohol on his breath where he stood.

"Damien are you drunk?" I asked.

"Nah," he slurred. "Okay maybe just a little."

"You knew about Victoria's pregnancy?" I asked confused.

"Yep," he said popping the "p".

"Mommy!" Hudson shouted running up to me. I him picked up.

"What is it buddy?" I asked smiling at him.

"Aren't you and Uncle Damien going to have some cake?" Hudson asked.

"We sure will, we'll be there in just a minute," I stated and Hudson ran off happy. I looked over at Damien who looked confused. "What's the matter Damien?"

"He has my eyes," he stuttered. It was true. Damien and Dawson both had blue eyes, but Damien's were more grey and Dawson's were more sapphire.

"Hmm, well you know the Conn men are known for their blues eyes," I simply replied not making a big deal about it.

"Danielle, don't lie to me, is Hudson my son?" Damien stated. He looked like the world had swallowed him, chewed him up, and spit him out.

Should I tell him the truth?

"Damien how could he be your son?" I asked laughing. "You never slept with Victoria."

"Yeah you're right," Damien laughed a little forced. He had forgotten that I didn't know about him and Victoria.

"Come on let's go eat some cake,"I stated smiling.

The rest of the night went by pretty slowly. I kept catching Damien look at Hudson. I knew he was trying to line up the similarities, but he wouldn't remember it in the morning. He was too buzzed. I hoped Damien got his act together soon. I really want him to be apart of his own son's life.

I was brushing my teeth when Dawson got out of the shower. I forgot how beautiful he was. He towel dried his hair, and I got ready for bed.

"You know I saw you perving on me in there," Dawson laughed.

"Did you now?" I asked playing coy. Honestly I just wanted to jump his bones right there were he stood. He crossed the room to the bed, so he could get closer to me.

"Yep, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you want me, Mrs. Conn," Dawson stated seductively moving in for the kill.

"Hmm, maybe I do," I teased. He started to kiss me neck. He made it really hard to concentrate.

"Hudson's in bed, and he's been asleep for awhile now," Dawson stated emphasizing on the opportunity presented to us. I kissed him back urgently.

"Then what are you waiting for?" I asked seductively, and that's all it took.

The next morning, I woke up very rested. I saw a note on my side of the bed that told me Dawson, took Hudson to work with him this morning. I decided I would, go have Lunch with my boys and then bring Hudson home so Dawson would be disturbed. It also gave me an opportunity to meet his
new assistant.

When I arrived at the hospital it took me a minute to find Dawson's office. By the time I made it Dawson's office I was very winded.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Conn," the young man at the front desk stated. That must be Derek. Dawson's new assistant. I held up one finger, motioning that I was catching my breath.

"Hello, is Dawson in his office?" I asked. "I wanted to surprise my boys with a Lunch date."

"Mrs. Conn, Dr. Dawson is in a meeting and can not be disturbed," Derek stated nervously pushing his glasses up on his face. Something was up. Derek seem nervous. I didn't like the vibe I was getting from him. What was Derek hiding?

"Well if he's in a meeting I will just wait in his office with Hudson until he returns. He shouldn't be in there by himself anyways," I replied smirking.

"Mrs. Conn the meeting is in his office," Derek said stepping in front of the door.

"Derek you seem like a very smart young man. Do you want to make a pregnant woman cry today? How do you think that would look to your new boss to find his pregnant wife out here crying," I replied glaring at him.

"Ma'am are you black mailing me?" Derek gulped.

"Are you standing in the way of me getting to my child?" I retaliated. Derek stepped a side and I quietly opened the door. I was shocked when I saw Damien inside the office. Hudson was napping on the couch. I sat down beside Hudson.

"Damien it's nice to see you sober," I whispered trying not to wake Hudson.

"Yeah, about that, so how long have you two known about me and Victoria?" Damien asked. I was shocked he remembered our conversation.

"I thought you were drunk," I stated.

"I was tipsy not drunk," Damien stated. "But stop avoiding my question." Dawson just looked at him and sighed.

"We've known since the day we found out about Hudson," Dawson replied. There was a long pause after Dawson admitted that knew about their affair. I didn't do well with awkward silences.

"Thanks," Damien replied.

"For what?" I asked. Now it was my turn to be confused.

"I found the paternity results in dad's office. I know Hudson's my son," Damien stated on the brink of crying. "I'm glad that he has two people that love him, and a man like you, Dawson to show him the real example of a father."

"Damien, Danielle and I are not trying to replace you we can work something out," Dawson started, but Damien cut him off.

"No, he's better off with you two. Just promise you'll let me help out with somethings, and let me have some part in my son's life," Damien choked.

"Deal man," Dawson replied and a tear fell down my face. I broke my heart to see Damien in so much pain, but I was so proud of him to realize that Hudson needed a more stable environment than Damien could provide.

"You're going to be an awesome dad to those twins, Hudson's proof of that," Damien replied. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to go back go to class."

"Hey Damien," Dawson stated, and Damien turned around before he left the door. "One day you'll be a great dad too." Damien just smiled, and walked out the door.

I started squalling as Damien left the office. These hormones were really something. I cried so much it woke up Hudson.

"Mommy why are you crying?" Hudson questioned his eyes starting to tear up as well.

"Baby they are happy tears, I'm sorry Mommy woke you," I stated quickly wiping my tears away. "Now that I got that out, how about lunch?"

Dawson picked up Hudson, grabbed my hand and we walked down to the cafeteria. What an afternoon.

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