Forbidden Love { A Zalfie Fan...

By zalfie7

326K 4K 608

A sequel to "Skinny Love { A Zalfie Fanfic }" What happens after Zoe and Alfie get together? More

Forbidden Love { A Zalfie Fanfic }


8.9K 106 21
By zalfie7

Zoe was gone, she was already out the door before I could even stop her. I knew that she hated talking about telling our viewers but it really bugged me. I hated keeping secrets. 

I plopped down on the couch and sighed. Caspar walked out of his room and sat next to me. "Girl troubles?" he asked with a grin. 

"Unfortunately yes," I said softly. I hated admitting that mine and Zoe's relationship wasn't going perfectly. It made me feel like I was doing something wrong. Like I was the one to blame. 

"Trust me, I've had enough girl troubles to last me a lifetime," he said grinning wickedly up at me. 

I just started to laugh, of course he had. 


I used a hand to press down on my suitcase, zipping it up with my free one. I was all packed for Playlist, now all that was left was getting a taxi to Heathrow and flying to America. 

I was not in a good mood though. You'd think I would be heading off to America and everything. I was going on holiday to an amazing country, but I was in a terrible, terrible mood. 

Zoe and I hadn't spoken since she stormed off. I felt like I had hurt her feelings quiet a lot. I really hadn't meant to though. I just needed to know when we would tell people. I so needed to know. 

Caspar was flying with me so I would have someone to talk to on the plane. That was the only good thing about today. I didn't even know how Zoe and I would be when we saw each other in person. I really hoped that she would forgive me and that she had just been in a bad mood or something like that. 


The plane journey was dreadful. It was too long and I didn't get any sleep. I can never sleep on aeroplanes though, so I was expecting it. Caspar had fallen asleep though. He stayed asleep for like eight out of the twelve hours that we were on the plane. 

I pulled my bag from under the seat and started to walk towards the terminal. Caspar and I were going to be in Florida for two days before any of the other British youtubers arrived so it would give me some time to cool off and think about how I was going to approach Zoe. 

Whilst in the taxi to our hotel I got a text from Zoe. It put me at ease so much. 

Z- 'I'm really sorry for the way I acted earlier. I was in a terrible mood. Can't wait to see your face soon. xxx'

I smiled down at the phone and typed a quick response before hitting send. 

A- 'That's alright! See you soon Zo. xxxx'

I put four x's instead of three because I loved her so much. 


The first two days of our Florida holiday went really well actually. Caspar and I had just hung out and been crazy together. We really just went swimming 24/7. I had won a moldy old teddy bear in a claw machine though. That was the highlight of our time alone actually. 

Today was the day that all the rest of the Youtuber were coming though. Today was the day I was going to see Zoe. And I was so excited. 

I wasn't going to pick up Louise, Marcus, and Zoe from the airport until quite late at night so I had to do something during the day to occupy myself. As I had done the other two days I just hung out with Caspar. We explored Florida a little bit. 

When it started to get a little bit closer to when everyone's flight was coming in Caspar and I got a cab to the airport. Caspar got off at the hotel though because he had to edit a video. I made it to the airport and went to the terminal where Zoe was supposed to be. 

There were a few viewers there who were waiting for them as well and I had a little chat with them. Then the plane landed. Then people were getting off the plane. I was so excited to see Zoe I could hardly stand it. 

Louise came first, I saw her and the instant we made eye contact she ran towards me. I smiled widely at her and embraced her in a tight hug. I hadn't seen her in ages. Next came Maz, then Marcus and behind them was Zoe. 

She looked so beautiful. It took all of my inner strength to not kiss her right then and there. I don't even think Maz knew we were dating. Once Zoe was close enough though I gave her a tight hug. I could tell that she had missed me just as much as I had missed her. 

"I love you," she whispered into my error. 

"I love you too." 


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