Unbearable Decisions (boyxboy)

By NickJoyce

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What happens when you find out that you have powers in a world that hates and despises super-humans? Do you l... More

Unbearable Decisions (boyxboy)
Chapter 1 (An Unchosen Meeting)
Chapter 2 (Brands and Beatings)
Chapter 3 (Separations and Reunions)
Chapter 4 (My Loved Ones)
Chapter 5 (Awkwardness)
Chapter 6 (Beginnings and Endings)
Chapter 7 (Natural Disasters?)
Chapter 8 (Eye of the Hurricane)
Chapter 9 (Missing Sensations)
Chapter 10 (End of this Life)
Chapter 11 (Acrophobia)
Chapter 12 (The City of New Age)
Chapter 13 (Homecoming)
Chapter 14 (Arrangements)
Chapter 15 (Getting Comfy)
Chapter 16 (Around Town)
Chapter 17 (Admittance)
Chapter 18 (Oath of a New Best Friend)
Chapter 19 (Breaking Walls)
Chapter 20 (Broken Promises)
Chapter 21 (Bedtime Stories)
Chapter 23 (Hidden Pain)
Chapter 24 (Showing Love Through Music)
Chapter 25 (A Very Unhappy Birthday)
Chapter 26 (Repeating the Past)
Chapter 27 (Sins of the Father)
Chapter 28 (What are the Stakes?)
Chapter 29 (Confessions)
Chapter 30 (New Decisions)

Chapter 22 (Remember Me)

61 1 0
By NickJoyce

Jacob's Point of View

"Who am I?" asked Luca! He lost his entire memory, not just the part about me! I know I should feel bad about that, but I'm kind of glad now that his memory loss isn't just about me. Don't get me wrong, it's horrible that he has any memory loss at all, let alone all his memories. I was so shocked by this though that I didn't answer him back, I was at a loss for words! "Who am I?" he asked again.

"Y-you're Luca, my boy-I mean best friend" I said almost admitting my feelings. 'Reality Jacob, reality!' I told myself in my head. "Oh....ok. Where am I?" he said hesitantly. "At a hospital, you got hurt." He closed his eyes and scrunched his face like he was in pain. "HEY ARE YOU OK!?" I said as I ran to his side. He jumped and leaned away from me when I touched his shoulder, "I was trying to remember something...anything, but I only got a head ache." His eyes were filled with sadness and fear, which tore my heart apart. He looked at me like I was going to hurt him.

Finally the doctors walked back in saying "what is it now sir?" He stopped when he saw Luca looking around. "I see Mr. Luca has woken back up!" I nodded yes before I turned my gaze back to Luca. He looked like a lost puppy with his brown eyes wide with confusion. "Mr. Jacob, can you please step outside so we can check some things with him?" asked the doctor. I didn't want to leave Luca now that I had finally gotten him back, sort of, but I complied and walked out.

It didn't take long before the doctor came back out, closing the doors behind him. "So.....how is he?" I asked the doctor nervous of the answer. He looked both relieved and worried as he said "he has recovered physically, just needs a few more days of bed rest, but he has lost his memory completely. We think it may have been a result of the bullet wound and we don't know if it is temporary or permanent." I felt like throwing up then and there after hearing those words. I know I had told myself that it was possible, but hearing it from the doctor made it more real. "C-can I go see him?" I asked. The doctor nodded yes but stopped me before I went in saying, "don't try and force his memories back, it may have bad side effects. Let it came back on its own, but it is your decision as to whether or not you want to take that risk."

That actually made sense to me cause when Luca tried to force his memories back he got a head ache. I want Luca to remember everything, especially me, but I don't think I want to take the chance of him getting hurt. When I went in, Luca had his eyes closed like he was sleeping again. "Thank god you're safe Luca" I whispered as I sat down beside him. "I'm glad I'm ok too" he said suddenly. I jumped in my seat and he just gave me a confused look, "Sorry." I just smiled at him and told him it was fine. "Um.....Jacob right?" he said tilting his head to the side slightly. I won't lie, he looked cute when he did that and I felt very warm with him looking at me like that, "Y-yep!" "What can you tell me about me?" he asked.

"Wow, where do I even begin? Well I guess you should know that your name is Luca, no one has a last name here because that way they can leave behind their old life (you told me that), you are 17, have brown hair and eyes, love to eat, are extremely fit, smart, funny, use to live in New London, and that's all I know" I said smiling the whole time. When I looked back at him, seeing as how I went into my own world as I began talking, he was smiling to. "Wow" he said after a second and I just laughed. "Now you!" he said excitedly. "I'm not that interesting, not like you" I said shyly. "Oh come on, I want to get to know you!" he said pouting! Damn he is hard to deny when he pouts!

"Fine, fine! Ok....my name is Jacob, I used to live in the US, I like to play soccer, I'm 18, work out a little, and met you about a month ago" I said nonchalantly. He was actually smiling even bigger! "You're right, doesn't sound nearly as cool as me!" he said cheekily. "WHAT!!!??? I'M PRETTY AWESOME!!!" I said while laughing. "Eh if you say so" he whispered out. "I do say so because it's true!" I said getting closer to him. "Fine then, tell me something that makes you awesome!" he said challengingly. "Alright......I can control water" I said with a smug look. "No you can't, it's impossible!" he said while laughing, and I'm pretty sure he was laughing at me. "Yes I can, watch!" I said as I lifted the water in the flower vase beside his bed up into the air.

His eyes lit up in pure amazement as he saw the water dance around in the air before returning to the vase. "HA! See, I can control water," I said with my arms crossed. "WOW! How did you do that!?" I just shrugged my shoulders because I honestly didn't know why I can do that. Luca looked like he was trying to come up with an idea before he shouted, "I WANT TO TRY!!" I just laughed before I said, "You can't do it, only I can!" His face fell into a frown, much like when a child is told he can't have his favorite toy, and I felt bad. "Well you can't control water, but you ca--". I was cut off by a gloved hand covering my mouth and an heavy English accent finishing my sentence for me.

"Can really get some sleep, lad. Isn't that right, Jacob" asked Councilman Mathew as he gave me that look that screamed 'go along with it.' I just nodded yes as he dragged me out of the room telling Luca, "We won't be but a minute my dear boy." Right when the door was fully closed I went off on him, "What the hell was that!?" He just stood there obviously thinking very hard about something. "WELL!?" I said impatient with how long this was taking. "You can't let him know he has powers" said the Councilman sternly. "What, why?" "If he finds out he has powers, he could.....well lets just say something bad could happen!" he said looking over his shoulder. "Please sir, I don't understand. What could happen if he discovers his powers?" "HE COULD DESTROY EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE!" he said in a raised whisper.

My eyes shot open as wide as they could go. "W-what do you mean? H-he could dest-" "Yes he could destroy everything if he finds out he has powers" said the Councilman in a defeated voice. "But he's such a good person. He wouldn't do that" I said trying to convince myself. "It's not his personality and whether or not he would do it on purpose that concerns me, it's the fact that he has so much power that he can't control it!" he said as he made sure we were still alone. "But how can he have that much power, he's just like me and everyone else here, right?" The Councilman just shook his head as he said "When I found him ten years ago, I had never seen someone with so much raw power. The amount of power he had back then rivaled at last ten of the Councilman's put together. But just as a person grows with time, so does their powers. By now he could take on the entire council if he wanted to........ all 21 of us." he said quietly.

I just stared at Luca through the glass, who was now asleep, as the story was told, not believing that someone so peaceful could be so dangerous. "When I first brought him to the island I had a device surgically implanted in his brain to suppress at least 70% of his power. When he was shot, the device was destroyed and thus his power unchained." I was beginning to think this was all a big joke until the Councilman turned me to look me in the eye and say, "We have to act and we have act fast." With that he put a ring in my hand. It was a simple silver band, but when I looked on the inside it had all kinds of grooves and marks, "How is a ring going to help Luca?" "This ring will make it so he can not use his powers at all."

I was reluctant to take away something that Luca valued and obviously loved, and the Councilman could see it in my eyes. "This will not only help everyone else, Jacob, but most of all Luca himself!" said the Councilman as he held my shoulders and looked into my eyes. I nodded yes before we made our way back into Luca's room. He must have heard us because he jolted up like he was in danger. I ran over and put my hands on his shoulder, "Calm down Luca it's me, it's Jacob! Don't you remember me?" By now he was staring straight into my eyes and I held his face in my hands as I reassured him that everything was ok. When I finally got him to stop breathing like he was running a marathon I introduced him to Councilman Mathew. "I feel like I know you, but I also have a bad feeling about you" said Luca as he gave the Councilman a lookover. "As you well should!" laughed the Councilman. "But please, call me Mathew, none of that Councilman mess."

We settled in and talked for a couple of hours before Mathew got a call for him to go back to his office. "Well I have to go. Here you go Jacob" he said as he got up and moved towards the door. I opened the piece of paper he gave me and read: 200 one-handed pushups (each hand), 300 sit-ups, 3 5-mile runs, and 2 hours of fighting practice. "What the hell!" I yelled at Mathew. "That is what Luca is suppose to do every day for the next month and then push the difficulty of each one up every month in one way or another" he said smiling. This is why he looks so great under his clothes......no, no, no bad Jacob! "How does he not die?" I asked honestly. "He's a tough little bastard, what can I say?" he said as he disappeared.

"What's wrong Jacob?" asked Luca. "Oh nothing, just surprised by what you do everyday when I'm not around." "Which is...?" he said raising an eyebrow. "Working out till you drop!" I said chuckling. He just shrugged his shoulders and leaned back into the bed. "So I'm guessing you want me to go so you can sleep?" I asked a little disappointed that the day came to an end so quickly. He shook his head, "no, I just want you to stay here and make sure I don't get scared again." I couldn't hide my happiness when he said that. I smiled as big as my face would let me and grabbed his hand as I sat down next to him. Before Luca fully fell asleep my phone/wrist went off, telling me that Mary was calling.

"Hey, why are you calling so late?" I asked somewhat angry at her for waking up my Luca.......wait did I just think Luca was mine! "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME HE WOKE UP!!!" she yelled through the hologram. "Sorry it was kind of sudden and the Councilman came for a visit so I forgot-" I stammered out. "EXACTLY, YOU FORGOT ABOUT LITTLE O' ME.....oh AND ADAM!!!" she yelled again, "WELL WE ARE COMING OVER NOW WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!" With that the call ended and I rubbed my eyes out of exhaustion.

When I looked back up at Luca, his eyes were the size of saucers! "Um...hehe...yeah we kind of have two friends, one you just saw and another boy who is much quieter." He just laughed and said, "she sounds like a lot of fun!" WOW even with your memory gone you like her. I then felt like my heart was being squeezed because I remember, he likes Mary not me. "Jacob, what's wrong?" asked Luca. "Nothing, nothing" I said as I leaned back and took my hand from his.

His smile fell when it did and he asked, "Is it something I did? If it is I'm sorry, really I am! Just don't get mad at me!" The last part had so much desperation in his voice that when I looked into his tear-filled eyes I jumped out of my seat and pulled him into my chest as I gave him one of the biggest hugs I've ever given. "Shh Luca, I'm not mad at you. I just...I want....I don't know" I said as I rubbed circles into his back. I could feel all the scars on his back, some worse than others, and thought 'What happened to you to make you this scarred?' He calmed down and pulled back to look me in the eye, "Now you're sounding like me!" We laughed together before we got interrupted by a cough coming from the doorway.

"If that isn't the cute then I don't know what is!" said Mary. I jumped back into my seat hoping she wouldn't think to much about what she just saw. She has been hounding me for the past month about how she knows I have feelings for Luca and that we would make a cute couple. "What's cute?" asked Luca as he looked between me and Mary. Before either me or Mary could answer, Adam stepped into the room saying, "Oh nothing, she's just being weird as always."

I laughed as Mary gave Adam a death glare, resulting in me getting one too. "So how is our little sleeping beauty doing?" asked Mary. "He woke up earlier today...after almost dying, and sort of lost his memories" I said as calmly as I could. Both their eyes shot open and their mouths fell to the floor. "So...like...he doesn't remember yesterday, last week, what?" asked Adam. "I don't remember anything, not even my name until Jacob told me" said Luca as my gaze fell to the tiled floor.

"Well then, we'll just have to help you get your memories back as soon as-" started Mary. "NO!! We can't do that!" I yelled franticly. "Why not" the all asked in unison. "Because....*sigh* because you could get hurt if we try to force the memories back." Luca looked sad by the answer for a split second before he looked at me and said, "Well then, all I have to do is stay with you. You'll take care of me until I'm better, right Jacob?" My face broke into a grin before saying, "Of course, I'll always be here for you!" Luca and I were having, what I thought was, a moment before it was interrupted by a high-pitched squeal coming from the side of the room. "OH MY GOOD FAN-GIRL MOMENT RIGHT THERE!!!!!" yelled Mary. "And on that note we will be leaving. Come on Mary before you hurt yourself!" said Adam as he got up and dragged Mary out of the room, literally. The yelled a goodbye in unison as they disappeared from view.

"I like them, they seem nice" said Luca. I smiled at him as I said, "Yeah they are definitely entertaining!" I sat back down in my chair to go sleep when Luca said, "Hey Jacob....d-do you want to sleep in the bed with me? I mean I-if you want to cause...cause it might be more comfortable than sleeping like that" in a very soft and shy voice. My face turned red, I knew because I could feel the heat, and began an inner war with myself. 'He literally just asked you to get in bed with him!' yelled one side of my brain. 'I shouldn't because it will be weird what with liking him and all' argued the other side. 'But he looks so adorable when he is shy!' 'No I might freak him out if I start sleeping with him' 'It's not like it's first time you've slept in the same bed together'

I just now remembered that I've slept in the same bed as Luca on multiple occasions! 'But he lost his memory and doesn't remember those times so it would be wrong now!' ''Not since he asked you, and since he asked you even though he has no memory means that he feels comfortable with you!'

I must have been zoned out for a long time because I was pulled back to the outside world when Luca said, "Jacob? If you don't want to I understand. Sorry" he said as he turned away from me. "No I want to! I just...are you sure it's ok?" I asked shyly. "Why wouldn't it be, I asked you to right?" he said completely oblivious to my true feelings. "O-ok if you're sure" I said hesitantly. He moved over to give me room, but it wasn't enough. "How about we lay on our sides?" asked Luca. I nodded yes and just as I had moved to face him, he rolled over to face me.

Our faces were so close that if I even tried to stretch to get comfy, our lips would have touched. As much as I wanted that, I couldn't let that happen, ever! "Oh before I forget, I have something for you" I said. "Really?" he said as I felt his breath, both warm and chilling, on my lips. "Yep" I said as I handed him the ring. He turned it in his hand before putting it on his middle finger saying, "I love it, thank you!" I just smiled at him. "Night Jacob!" whispered Luca as his breath hot my face and sent shivers down my spine. "Night.......My little snowflake" I whispered back, the last so low that I doubt he heard it.

Hey guys sorry this chapter took so long to come. I've been getting accustomed to college life, YEAH! I will start writing again, if my English teacher isn't a bitch and give us three papers to write, and upload as soon as possible. Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors, trying to fix at least that with my English class! Please vote and comment so I can know how the story is going!

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