ONE AND ONLY (boyxboy)

By j-king_2000

83.7K 2.6K 156

A story of Jake White the wolf boy. More

$CHAP. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 37


3.3K 99 9
By j-king_2000

(Mike POV)

I was so happy when I got home I went to my parents and hugged then both they started laughing and said "why you so happy" I replied "cause I met the Most awesome person ever today you see the person tomorrow" they said "ok". Then I left to my room I did not tell them about Jake because they are homophobic and they would of never approved so I'll give them a surprise because their son is gay tomorrow I'd going to be a long day.

I got up did my normal morning route and headed to school in my blue motorcycle astead of my red ferrari no-one know I had a motorcycle not even my closes friends when I got to school I waited for Jake at his locker. When he came in and he saw me he brighten up he was wearing blue vans tgat match hus eyes with a matching blue plan shirt with white pants he was looking got and I was getting horny. We he finally got to his locker I pulled him in for a kid I did not care how many people was looking. He was embarrassed. He got his stuff out his locker and we walked hand and hand to class the some yelled it "FAGS" that made him really angry but I managed to calm him down then the person yelled it again he got mad again but I calmed him. Then I asked him "why did you not get mad when we use to call u a fag" he replied "because back then I did not have a hot mate" I just said "O" Then my lines up to kiss me we made out in the middle of the hall I still love these kisses. By lunch time we just went to the ice cream parlor and got for ice cream for lunch. Then we walking back to the school and into the lunchroom and eat our ice cream and talked until Keith one of the football players walked up to me and said "what are you doing with the fag" I said "you mean my boyfriend talking and kissing"then I kissed Jake and Keith. It was finally time for Jake to met my parents.

We hoped on my motorcycle and headed to my house. When we got there I called out "MOM DAD WE HERE" first my mom came then my dad. "Mom dad this is Jake my boyfriend" both oftheir mouths dropped. Then Jake extended his hand out they just look at it.

Mom and dad is still in they shock. So I decided to take Jake to my room but was spotted by my dad saying "NO SON OF MINE IS GAY!!!" I just looked at him and finished waking I do not care what they think they he grabbed me by my collor and their me on the floor Jake was be my side instandly prospectively.

I looked at my dad and said "why you do that"

"Because I don't want him in my house"


"he's gay and a werewolf"

"How do you know?"

"Because I'm a werewolf hunter"

"No you not your a lawyer"

"I'm both dum ass"

"O but he still coming to my room with me because jhe is my mate bye bye" he muttered bitch
and start walking upstairs his dad yelled "GET THE DUCK BACK DOWN HERE" I yelled "WHY SO YOU CAN HURT HIS FEELINGS OR HURT HIM" Jake crunched up at that. Hagee hate yelling. Jake turned to me and kissed me and said "we should go see that they want". So we went back down and set on the couch.

Jake staryes it off at said "let's start over I'm Jake you already know I'm a werewolf."

Dad-"No u get out"

Me-"no he is staying"
We got into a heated argument well my mom and Jake was talking calmly then they went to the kitchen. Then me a mnemonic d my dad got up in went into the kitchen to see Jake and my mom laughing and cooking then two was getting along note time for me dad. He just ran up to Jake and punched hin inthe jaw Jake did nothing back and it made me mad so I punched my dad for him.

Dad-"wolf boy change NOW!!!"
Me-"he didn't have to"
Dad-"this is house tall do add I say" by that time Jake jaw was heading then he stepped back and transformed into that beautiful wolf of his and my day looked suprise and Jake turned back human.
Dad-"you look like a good boy but I have to kill you if you don't leave"
Me-"no he's staying"
We argued for a while then stopped and went our separate ways. By 9:30 it was time for dinner Jake was still here and my mom asked what's your role and your pack and what is the pack name? " Jake replied "I'm son be alpha out the Red Rider Pack" and my dad said "not of I can help it" Then 5 man came in the house with guns and knivies I ran over to Jake.
Dad-"met my friends Jake"
Me-"dad I hope you die" my mom was laughing and said "Jake I posting your food so you should be die" then Jake fell.

Then his body rose up with rocks, fire, wind, and water with his eyed purple and he transformed into his wolf the wolf grow wings and was flying with also purple eyes then spoke "all you will die ecape my mste and his parents"Then it sniffed around snd his voice boomed through the house say "even the 20 rouge and 13 vampirs and witch that came" and that's when ask the others came in and Then Hagee turned back to human and told them to come on but this time he was hit scramy virson and said "come on bitches" and they all went to back yard me and my parents was the last ones out by their was a force folks blocking use from going to the yard.

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