ONE AND ONLY (boyxboy)

By j-king_2000

83.7K 2.6K 156

A story of Jake White the wolf boy. More

$CHAP. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 37


4.7K 115 5
By j-king_2000

As I was reading couldn't stop thinking of what go happen at school today was people go stop billing me. Would they think I'm a new kid. The one last thing I was thinking about Mike and his delightful body. Once I finished I grabbed my backpack and headed out.

The walk to school was peaceful as always. Once I walked in the school people start to whisper and I could hear it really well. I gained super hearing. They was wondering who I was and stuff because really I look notHing like my old self. Once I made I to my locked and opened it people started to know who I was. One person said "are you Jake brother or something" " not I an Jake" they all gap it was silent for a while until a girl said "you so hot now" I said "to bad because I'm gay remember." Then I just left because I did not feel like taking to them anymore. Then I bumped in to someone like height but a little bit taller I recognize the person was Mike. He asked me how did you go from scramy to muscular and over one weekend" "I'll tell you at lunch ok just wait outside the lunchroom" "ok see you then". Then he touched my and more sparks came I know he feared it because he ran off again.

It feeled like hours waiting on lunch. Once I got there I saw Mike just like I told him to be outside the lunchroom. So told him to follow me he did and we was in the middle of the woods. He out of random said "are you going to rap me" I simply said "probably". We laught.

Then we stopped and I started to explain "ummm ok I'm a werewolf"

"Show me"

"Ok" Then I transformed the only thing he said was "WOW". Then he start saying how he fascinated with werewolves then he said "can I touch you" I just nod my big ass would had. He slowly creeped up and b touched me it feeled so good to me wolf. Then he said "transform and then explain" I transformed and started talking.

"Ok I was born to be a werewolf and suppose to be next alpha of th Red Rider Pack ummm my dad did not like the fact I was so small and trained me sends I was younger. Then like two years a go I told them I was gay would not talk to me at all our look a me he thought I was " disgusting and a waste of time" he would of kicked me if I was not his only son. Like a month ago the moon goddess told me I would turn out like this. You already know how I looked like in human for m but my wolf use to be all white with hazel eyes and like 4ft tall any questions."

"What about them sparks I feared did you feel them?"

"Yes I did feel them and the sparks happened because you are my mate"

"Ain't that side to be a werewolf only half that make them complete and they stay in love forever and every but if u rejected Then they will die"

"You really do know about werewolves O and would u like to be my mate"

"Scents I had a crush on you sents freshman year...."

"WHAT then why did you bully me"

"I bullied you to get close to you and I like you the other but now I like you a while lot now and yes I will be your mate. "

I instantly ran up to him and smashed my lips to his they was solf and sweet. Then he finally kissed back and stick his tounge in my mouth we fought for domotic but he won I know who go be fucking who. We made out for like 20 mins out of breath. Then I looked at the time and said "O shit we late get on my back anh hold on." I transformed and he got on my back and I did of to school. By the time we got their we was not that late we walked in I told him he got to meet my parents add them he kissed me in the middle off the hallway.

By the end of the school day we heard to my house in his car. When we got there and I opened the site and we walked in my dad cane and said he smrll human and looked at Mike. I said "dad this it's Michael my mate be we call him Mike and Mike this is my dad" they shook hands my dad called my mom and she ran some the stairs "Trish this is Mike Jake mate" my mom ran up and hugged him he hugged back after some minutes. "Mike this is the alpha and luna I'll introduc you to the other pack members later" then we went to my room played games and made out then I gave him a blow job he was big. Then we played more video games until me mom called us down for dinner then we eat we went back upstairs and played games then I have him my number it was 11:30 " when he said he got to go home" I was sad but I walked him out "he said " bye Mrs. And Mr. White and thank you fir dinner it was excellent" you know my mom had to come to hug him and said "u welcome and come back any time". My dad just walked up and have him a hand shake. They I walked him out the door and kissed him before he said "we got to meet my parents" I said ok and he left. My m moon did "huge so cute and he a keeper and he kind" I just went to my room I was happy because I finally found my mate abs he accepted me and I feel asleep.

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