City Lights (Ghost X Josh Bal...

By GhostyBooBear

28.7K 1.3K 291


Airports and Coffee
Helping Hand and Home
That New Room Smell
Officer Peppercorn
Unpacking Secrets
The Bunk Beds
Stage Fright
Acting On Impulse
Good Morning
Chicken And Waffles
Why Not Me?
Go Be A Badass
A/N (Thank You Readers)
I Want That
There's Always Hope
Our Own Dark World
Holy Shit!
Give Me The Shirt!
Official Boyfriends
Interview To Change Our Lives
Ignore Them


1.1K 50 11
By GhostyBooBear

2 Years Later

Devin's POV

Over the last two years, a few different things had happened.

We released a new album which recieved a great response from the fans, better than what we could of hoped for. During the tour for that Ryan and Ricky came out as a couple and I have to admit they're adorable, not as cute as me and Balz but they're getting there.

On the topic of Balz and I we had moved out of the shared house to our own place which we now shared with Balz's fluffballs he calls dogs and my cats. It wasn't long until Ryan and Ricky did the same and got a apartment together. This left the house we all had shared to Chris and Angelo to themselves which meant I was free from having to hear the pair going at it in the neighbouring room.

What I did not expect was to currently be at the wedding of Chris and Angelo, the first of the MIW couples to tie the knot. I couldn't possibly be happier for them though as I watched them cutting their red velvet wedding cake, ringed hands holding the knife together. It was like a goth version of a cheesey movie wedding. The grin on Chris' face was massive as he raised the first slice of cake to Angelo's lips who then shyly bit into it, Chris then kissing away the cream at the corner of his mouth. Fuck, I think they may of beat me and Balz at cuteness!

On the topic of Balz, the love of my life was currently sitting next to me at the table in a gorgeous black suit with a crisp white shirt, his arm wrapped around my shoulder which gave the chance to lean against him happily. "They've suddenly become the cutest couple, haven't they?" Balz asked, laughter lining his tone.

"Yeah" I responded and turned, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "They deserve to be the cutest for a while."

Balz smirked "Only for a while?"

I nudged his side with my elbow and smiled sweetly "Hey, we gotta get the crown back at some point." I looked back at the newly wedded couple who were still being cute by Angelo who had taken the cake off Chris and put it down before instead wrapping his arms around Chris' neck and pulling him down into a kiss. "It could take a while to get back at this point." I said with a chuckle.

Across the table sat Ryan and Ricky, both looking great in their suits. Ryan was taking photos of the new husbands on his phone; since the assignment to stalk me and Balz on our first date, Ryan was the photographer of the group. Ricky was watching Ryan but he noticed me looking and his eyes locked with mine over the glass of red wine he was drinking. After a brief but warm shared smile, Ricky turned back to his boyfriend and I turned back to my own.

Leaning forward, Balz pressed our lips together into a sweet kiss, the taste of wine coating my tongue. Moments later he then pulled away but only by a couple of inches so that we were in our own little world. He kept his voice to a whisper, "I have something to ask you, if that's okay."

"Of course it's okay, babe." I smiled reassuringly.

Moments later Balz had pulled out a little black box and was lowering himself down onto one knee. "Devin Sola..." He opened the box revealing a beautiful silver ring with black gemstones set into it. "Will you marry me?"

My lips stretched into possibly the biggest grin I have ever done before launching forward and engulfing him in a hug. "Fuck yes!" Balz quickly kissed me then pulled back to get the ring out the box and slide it onto my finger.

There was cheering and people coming up to congratulate us. We got giant hugs from an excited Chris and Angelo with a wink handed me the boquet of red and black roses, that he didnt throw earlier as he thought the idea was stupid, before he ran off to the dance floor to his waiting husband.

"I'm gonna get us some celebratory drinks, hold on." Balz said before heading over to the bar, leaving me smiling down at the flowers and giggling quietly.

"Hey." Someone said and I looked up to see Ricky smiling softly down at me.

"Hey." I replied. "Wanna sit?" He nodded then took the seat next to me quietly. "Where's Ryan?"

"He's over there." He gestured to the crowd around the dance floor where Chris and Angelo were currently slow dancing. Ricky sat back in his seat, "Chris wanted him to film the first dance." His eyes drifted from Ryan to me, "I'm sure it won't be long until he'll be filming your first dance with Balz."

I felt a blush rising to my cheeks at the thought. "I'd like Ryan to film that. But not just the first, the second dance too."

He looked confused, "Why two? The first dance is the memorable one."

"The second one will be memorable too though for me because I would want it with you, Ricky." I put the flowers down then leant forward and pulled the smaller man into a hug. "You're my best friend, you know. And you're the one who dealt with the poor connection Skype calls in the first place that brought me to this amazing band." I kissed his cheek before pulling back. "That's why I would want two to be filmed. Now, your boyfriend is trying to wave you over so you better head back to him before he starts dancing alone like a weirdo."

Laughing, Ricky stood up and gave me a quick hug mumbling "Thanks" before making his way over to Ryan. I watched as the cute couple wrapped their arms around eachother, Ricky reaching up on his toes to kiss Ryan.

"There's so much cute couple competion around here." Balz joked as he sat back down in his seat and handed me a glass of champagne.

Smirking, I took a small sip of my drink before speaking. "Just wait til our own wedding then there'll be a cuteness overload."

Balz leant forward, his face an inch from mine, "I love you, Gustopher."

Cupping his cheek with my hand, I slowly got closer, "Not as much as I love you..." was my reply before my lips were occupied in kissing my soulmate.

The End

Hello little ghosts!
Guess what? THAT'S IT! FINISHED! The final chapter to a story I never thought would last this long. Thank you so much to those who have been with this story either from the beginning or only recently found it. You guys have made my day with all your votes and comments, it was not the reaction I was expecting from my first story. I am beginning a new story soon that I hope you'll all check out - it will be called Black Damask and will be a Ghorror fic this time. If Ghorror's not your thing then don't worry about it but it'll be great to see familiar people checking it out when i post the first chapter.
Quick questions. 1. would people want a sequel to this story at some point? 2. What would you guys want in the sequel?
Thanks again
-Ghosty xxx

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