Our Own Dark World

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Ghost's POV

Balz and I were in our little dark world, which basically just involved us in Balz's bunk with the curtains closed. Only the light from outside the bunk slipping through gaps in the curtain provided the light to allow me to see my boyfriend's peaceful face.

His arm was draped around my waist as I was pressed against him with my hand on his chest, playing with his black craft tshirt. For hours we had been in this position having quiet conversations.

There was a creak as I heard the bus door open followed by foot steps and soft laughter which soon faded as the steps entered the bunk room. "Do you think that was Angelo and Chris?" I whispered.

"About time." Balz mumbled, pulling me closer and nuzzling my cheek, I could feel his warm breath as he spoke, "They've been gone for ages..."

"Probably got caught up with the fans or went to get something to eat." I turned my head so we were face to face. "Do you think Angelo has a thing for Chris?" I made sure my voice was only audible for Balz to hear even though no one was around.

Balz leant up on his elbow to look down at me with wide eyes, "You think so too? I thought it was only me who thought that." He whispered excitedly.

"I hope he tells Chris. He deserves someone." I whispered back, grinning at the idea of a possible other couple in the band.

Balz's hand brushed my hair from my face and returned my grin. "Well let's hope they naturally get together like we did." His hand slid from my face and up my arm to lace his fingers with mine. "Devin, can I tell you something?"

Confused, I watched his expression carefully, "Go ahead."

He took a deep breath. "Devin, I know we haven't been together long but... I really love you."

He loved me? My heart felt as if it would explode if it beat any faster. "Really?" I had no way of controlling my stammer.

"More than you would ever believe." The words were quiet but were louder than anything to me. Balz's face was so close to mine.

"I love you too." I replied as I leant up to kiss him softly.

Lips moving in sync, neither of us ever wanted to break this kiss. Balz lifted himself up and crawled on top of me, pressing our intertwined hands to the pillow, and resting between my legs.

I parted my lips enough that Balz's tongue slipped in and the kiss imediately deepened. Nothing could be more perfect than this. He pulled back slightly but I leaned up and tugged on his lip teasingly.

Smirking he straightened up, kneeling over me and untangling our hands. "You're gorgeous."

I sat up, running my hands down his chest to his hips, "You're pretty hot too." I teased, making him laugh and kiss me again.

"I want you.." He gasped between kisses, gripping my thighs to lift me up.

Gripping my tshirt, I pulled it over my head before wrapping my arms around his neck. "I'm all yours."

Hello little ghosts!
Another chapter for you all. What do you guys think? Your opinions are much appreciated. Like, what do you want to happen next? I might write a second chapter today but im not sure yet

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