Acting On Impulse

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Balz's POV

The show went amazing considering it was the first show. We all seemed to just fall into place and I couldn't help but enjoy the fact that Devin played as if he had been in the band the whole time. I found myself staring at him many times during the preformance.

Devin's nerves seemed to just leave him. He played flawlessly while jumping, spinning and headbanging. I might of well been honest, I definately had feelings for him but whether I would act on them is unknown.

We headed off stage after waving to the amazing fans we have. As soon as we were off stage, I ran up behind Devin and jumped onto his back in what probably was a really awkward hug. "You were amazing Ghost!"
"T-Thanks." He stuttered in reply. Awww cute! I ruffled his hair before jumping back off him happily.

The others came up and congratulated Ghost and Ricky gave him a hug that seemed to last too long in my opinion and I had to leave at that point.

A hour and a half later, after going back out to see the fans, we were back on the bus. Me and Devin were sat on my bunk. Ricky and Ryan were sitting at the plastic table. And Chris was watching our tv with Angelo asleep on his shoulder, definately something going on with those two.

"I'm gonna head to sleep, I'm next on the driving list for tomorrow." Ryan said quietly. We were all being careful so we didn't wake Angelo.

Chris nodded in agreement, "Good idea, I think we should all head to sleep." He then gently shook Angelo's shoulder to wake him up.

Ryan soon left to the bunks followed by Chris who was guiding our sleepy drummer. Ricky soon stood up and smiled sweetly, "Night guys." His eyes then focused on Ghost who was still sat next to me, "You were amazing tonight, Ghost. Keep it up."

Devin blushed and glanced to the floor shyly "Thanks Ricky."

I felt a shot of jealousy at the encounter and found myself scowling when Ricky walked off to the bunks. Devin then pushed himself from the bed but then noticed my expression, "What's wrong, Balz?"

I looked down at Devin as I was higher due to sitting on the bunk. Suddenly I felt really shy and avoided eye contact awkwardly. "I think Ricky likes you. You know, like like."

Devin frowned and stood in front of me, placing a long pale hand on each of my legs. They felt so warm. "Then why is it bothering you?"

"Because..." I began but not sure how to continue.

"Because?" He questioned.

Without thinking, I cupped his delicate face in my hands, leant forward and pushed my lips against his. Although it was an impulse action I feared I may regret...

Hello little ghosts!
A uncertain kiss from Balz's POV for you but we still have yet to await Devin's opinion. Comment your views on what should happen next!

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