Why Not Me?

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Ricky's POV

"Chris, stop cuddling Angelo! You've got to see this!" Ryan yelled as he burst into the tour bus. I looked up just in time to see Chris practically leap from Angelo and then resulting in falling to the floor. I laughed, he's such an idiot sometimes.

Angelo shyly helped Chris up before retreating to his couch position. I was still smirking so Chris gave me a look before turning his attention to Ryan.

"What is it? Did you follow them?" Our singer asked him.

"Even better!" Ryan grinned while handing his phone to Chris proudly.

I don't know why Chris was so determind to find out what Ghost and Balz were doing. They were just friends. I mean, they were very close but that's it. Sometimes I wished I was in Balz's position. I wished I was the one to be close to Devin..

In truth, I wanted more than friendship with him. He was beautiful, kind, smart and talented. I knew I felt something from the first time I had skyped him about the bass spot. But we were only friends.

"Ricky, you have to see this!" Chris laughed, handing Ryan's phone to me.

I was curious to see what had him so I looked down at the screen. I wished I hadn't. On the screen there were two people with there arms lovingly wrapped around eachother as they kissed. Normal couple, right? Wrong. Zooming in on the faces I felt my heart fall. Balz and Ghost.

Chris, not noticing my sudden change of mood, grabbed the phone from my slightly shaking hand to show the photo to Angelo.

Just at that moment the happy couple of the photo entered the bus smiling like idiots.

"Wassup?" Balz said, immediately jumping up to sit on his bunk, Ghost following of course. My chest ached.

Chris chucked the phone to Balz who then noticed the screen and his mouth dropped open. Ghost looked over at the phone with his eyes widening.

Ryan crossed his arms, "Got something to admit?"

"We're dating..." Ghost spoke the words I feared.

I felt my eyes sting as tears formed. I couldn't cry in front of them all so I walked to the bunk room although I felt his eyes on my back.

After curling up under the bed covers when I got to my bunk, I let the flood gates open. This broke me. Devin was with someone and that someone was Balz, not me.

I just hope the show tonight will clear my thoughts.

Hello little ghosts!
Yeah, kinda a sad chapter. Poor little Ricky, right? But hey, new POV! I'm curious, what do you want to happen next?

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