Ignore Them

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Balz's POV

The interview in which Devin and I revealed our relationship was due to be uploaded in five minutes and I was sat with my tablet on my bunk, waiting for the link to appear.

As the countdown continued I ended watching the other's while they all relaxed as the bus was heading to the next venue. For once, everyone seemed to just be happy without anything getting in the way.

Ryan and Ricky were sat, leaning against eachother on the couch as they watched The Office on the tv. A very sleepy looking Ghost was laying across their laps: long legs were dangling over Ryan's while his head was comfy on Ricky's lap. I couldn't help but watch as the smaller man ran his fingers aimlessly through my boyfriend's hair who didn't seem to mind at all.

I didn't see Angelo and Chris at first but it wasn't long until they immerged from the bunk room, Angelo leading the way with Chris following behind with a smirk twisting his pierced lips. Angelo went to our makeshift kitchen area but instead of grabbing any food, he turned and grabbed Chris' shirt, pulling him down into a kiss which lasted longer than I believe necessary in a kitchen so I grabbed a pillow and chucked it at the pair. "No! Not where the food is!"

"We weren't going to do anything!" Chris said in surprise, holding his hands up in an attempt to look innocent. Angelo's face turned red so he attempted to hide it with his long hair.

I couldn't stop laughing as I watched our drummer move over the plastic table and sliding into the chair, all while mumbling something about chicken wings and revenge. Chris soon joined his boyfriend in the next seat with two bottles of naked juice he had grabbed from the fridge.

Finally calming down from laughter, I glanced down at the tablet to see that the video had been uploaded. I stuck my earphones in and pressed play, watching the reveal all over again and in particular watching Devin's facial reactions throughout the video. He has such a beautiful face, it's kind of hard for me not to stare.

I found myself smiling at the end as I watched us kiss, I could still feel the brush of his lips on mine. When it ended I shared the link on instagram, twitter and facebook.

Curiosity washed over me, I just had to look at the comments. A majority were very supportive, wishing us good luck, but the ones that caught my eyes were the comments that said we were digusting and unnatural. I could feel my blood boiling with anger to the point where I chucked my tablet to the end of my bunk and staring at the roof furiously.

Not long after the bus soon stopped to give us the chance to stretch our legs. I was the first off and furiously walking around the gas station but it wasn't long until my pacing was stopped by a hand knotting with mine.

"You okay?" Ghost asked, worry clear on face.

I sighed but looked anywhere but his face, "Yeah, just fine." I went to pull away but his grip on my hand tightened almost painfully.

"Don't fucking lie to me, Balz." Stepping close, he turned my head with his free hand to lock our eyes. "I'll ask again. You okay?"

Unable to look away, I gave up. "I was reading the comments on the interview we did the other day and... some of the comments just really got to me for some reason..." Seconds after speaking, Devin wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into a hug which I happily excepted, wrapping my arms around his slim waist. I let my head fall to his shoulder, nuzzling my face into the warm skin of his neck.

"Don't let them get to you. They're just assholes who know nothing." His hand slid down to rest on my bicep and the other on my neck. "It's the people who support us that you should be thinking about; our fans, family and friends. Ignore the fuckers who just want to pick a fight."

I lifted my head and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "You're right... I'll try for you."

His head turned enough for me to kiss him properly, slow and sweet. One hand remained on his hip but I cupped his cheek with the other to hold him in place, wanting to make the kiss last as long as I could. I mumbled against his lips, "I love you..."

"Love you too, Balz." After briefly kissing me again, he stepped back and grabbed my hand, "Come on, let's get back on the bus before they leave without us." He led me behind him back to the bus, giving me the great chance to have a butt view.


Hello little ghosts!

Another chapter up for you guys here, I hope you like! I'm gonna try my best to start another chapter and maybe some oneshots if anyone wants one. Anyway, I love you all for following this story so long, especially those who take the time to vote and write a comment, it really makes my day a bit brighter xxx


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